Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 86: Wenshu Monastery, the abbot’s direct disciple

   Early the next morning, as Xuanxin expected, the number of pilgrims who came to the mountain decreased a lot.

   Most of the pilgrims are busy with their livelihoods.

   does not go to Shaoshishan every day to burn incense and worship the Buddha and listen to the Dharma.

   After eating breakfast, after preaching Mahayana Buddhism, all the pilgrims were greeted away.

   Shaolin Temple has returned to tranquility.

   Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan, Wu Tian Wu Yan, devoted himself to painstaking practice with all his strength, under the blessing of martial arts advancement at ten times the speed of practice in the Buddhist monk monastery’s Tianzi Chan room.

  Budo's strength is in rapid development.

   Everything in the temple is now handed over to the successor disciple, Wuzhen, who is busy.

   The old man who is over sixty years old and enlightened, at his age and this cultivation level, he is definitely not eligible to participate in the competition of the rookie contest of the Tianbei city sect disciple.

   Wu Neng, an innate Dzogchen master, basically returns to the monastery after hitting the clock every day.

   fully recovered his inner energy.

   Apart from hitting the clock, Wu Neng can basically do nothing a day.

   Shaomiyama’s spiritual energy regained, and it didn’t take long to fully satisfy the cultivation of the innate realm.

   As for Wu Ming, the ceiling-level sweeping monk of the God Transformation Realm.

   has been sweeping the ground in obscurity in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

   Xuan Xin has never been to see it either.

   What he is thinking about now is the competition of the rookie disciples of the Tianbei City sect.

   "I should too, hurry up and break through the innate realm as soon as possible."

   Standing in the yard, looking at the beautiful scenery of the mountains in the distance, Xuanxin frowned and muttered to herself from time to time.

   was about to turn around and went back to the Abbot’s Monastery to practice hard.

   I could only see the distance, amidst the clouds and mist in the sky, a large eagle flew over from a distance.

   waved his wings and came straight to the Shaolin Temple in Shaoshi Mountain.

   From a small black spot, it is getting closer and closer to Shaolin Temple, and the big eagle looks more and more clear.


   Xuan Xin couldn't help but let out a surprise, and she only discovered the giant eagle when she got close.

   is not an exaggeration.

On the back of   , an adult can even lie horizontally.

   And the goal of this big eagle seems to be the Xuanxin standing in the courtyard, when the big eagle's huge wings blow the wind.

   rushed towards his face, Xuan Xin was shocked, and then he could see that there was a furry snow-white little guy on the big eagle's back.

   This is a holy and spiritual little ferret with snow white fur. The little one is lying lazily on the back of the big eagle.

   "Small wine."

   This little ferret Xuanxin not only remembers, but can even be said to be deeply impressed. It is the little pet next to the girl in white, Aqi, the other day.

   This little ferret's name is Xiaojiu...

   I saw the big eagle flapping its huge wings and blowing a gust of wind directly into the yard.

   The huge figure, the fierce beast breath rushing towards his face.

   Xuan Xin couldn't help being shocked.

  I have never seen such a strange beast, Xuan Xin felt that he was standing on the back of the big eagle.

   can also fly him to the sky.

   This giant eagle can definitely be used as a mount.

   I saw the big eagle on the back, and the little ferret and the wine lying on it lazily.

   Holding a hip flask in one paw, and constantly pouring wine into his small mouth, it was already a drunk and hazy attitude.


   proclaimed the Buddha's name, Xuan Xin couldn't help calling out his sins.

   It is forbidden to drink alcohol in the temple.


   The little ferret, who was in a daze, half drunk and half awake, glanced at Xuan Xin jumping off the back of the big eagle.

   waved his paw and made gestures to Xuanxin.

   Then he gestured to the big eagle again.

   I saw a big eagle. After the little ferret finished his gestures, he flapped his wings and flew away in the yard with a strong wind.

   Little ferret, little wine, walked in front of Xuanxin in the yard, swaying.

   exudes a pungent odor of alcohol.


   All the wine in the gourd was poured into my mouth, and I drank it cleanly.


   With a wave of his little paw, he didn't know where to take out a letter.

   kept making gestures at Xuanxin, drunk eyes and full of spirituality.

   stood in front of Xuanxin, swaying as if he was drunk, raised his paw and handed the letter to Xuanxin.

   Xuan Xin took the letter, the little ferret and the wine, walking drunk step by step in the yard three times.

   ended up drunk and fell into the yard.


   was panting constantly, already drunk drunk.

   "Guilty, sin."

   took the letter, Xuan Xin couldn't help but shook his head, this little thing was too presumptuous.

   I actually drank in the clean place of my Buddhism.

   picked up the letter.

   See the words written on the cover.

   [Shaolin Abbot, Xuan Xin's personal enlightenment]

   Seeing that it was a letter to myself, Xuan Xin opened it immediately.

   After reading the letter, Xuan Xin understood.

   This letter was written by the girl named Ah Qi, saying that she arranged for a little ferret and wine to come and stay in Shaolin for a while.

   Listen to Shaolin's wonderful Dharma, and hope that Xuanxin can take good care of it.


   After reading the letter, Xuan Xin shook her head and picked up the drunk little ferret.

   The smell of alcohol all over this little guy.

   hairy, very light.

   brought it to the abbot's monastery and threw it aside to sober up, and then Xuanxin didn't care about it anymore.

   In the abbot's monastery, with the blessing of a hundred times the speed of martial arts advancement.

   I started practicing meditation.

  Xuanxin’s main task now is to make every effort to break through the innate realm.



   At the foot of the Shaoshi Mountain, in front of the stone stele at the gate, there is an old man who is over sixty years old and realizes the truth.

   is cleaning the fallen leaves.

   On the official road, a horse-drawn carriage galloped up, a horse with a tall head and an extraordinary horse. This is a tamed horse with a strange beast.

   The man driving the carriage is a young monk.

   is a magnificent instrument, with a tall nose, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and there is a sense of arrogance between the eyebrows.

   parked the carriage in front of the mountain gate stone stele.

   The feet are strong, and the qi is windy, a few steps lightly in a The feet are spotlessly walked in front of Wuzhen.

   shows that this young monk is extraordinary in martial arts.

   is the foundation-building innate, and it is already in the innate realm at a young age.


   announced the Buddha's name, and the young monk who stepped forward immediately met Wuzhen and said: "I have seen the great monk, the little monk is the great disciple under the abbot of Wenshu Yuan Guangliang."

   "The little monk was ordered to come here to see Master Xuanxin, the Abbot of Shaolin."

   Wuzhen saw this, and immediately did not dare to neglect, and replied: "Amitabha Buddha."

"You are Welcome."

   "The poor monk is the abbot of Shaolin Xuanxin, and he is the great disciple Wuzhen."

  The age-old Wuzhen also learned the empty views of the Wenshu Monastery. He introduced himself without delay, and finally raised his hand and said: "Please follow me."

   immediately invited to see Shang Shaomi Shan.

   Seeing Wuzhen with thick eyebrows and big eyes immediately, he looked at Wuzhen in an incredible way.

   He thought that Wuzhen was just an ordinary monk.

   Low status, specially guarding the gate.

   Out of courtesy and respect, he politely called him a great monk.

   But he didn't want to say that such an old monk who was over sixty years old and dying, even claimed to be a major disciple of Master Xuanxin, the abbot of Shaolin.

  He is the abbot of Wenshu Monastery, and Wuzhen is a major disciple of the abbot of Wenshu Monastery.

   The identities of the two are actually the same.

   But Gozen is not only old, but the martial arts strength is only acquired.

That's it?

   Shaolin abbot's abbot's protégé major disciple is this?

   At such an old age, did this live on a dog?

   Following Wuzhen's step by step up the space of the mountain, Kong Jian looked at Wuzhen's back and immediately gave birth to contempt and disdain.


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