Orcs Build a Well-off Society

: ☆ Chapter good things to share with everyone

After a big yawn, Wenming stretched his waist, rubbed his somewhat sore eyes, and made a secret decision in his heart-anyway, we must make up the mat today! Soap goddess, let's think about it when the mat is ready!

Civilization lived in the countryside when he was a child, and it was not until the fourth grade of elementary school that his best-of-breed mother quit his job and took him to the provincial capital to study.

When I was young, the civilization lived at my grandparents’ house, and lunch was eaten at my grandparents’ house (because my grandparents’ house was close to the school). The two old people’s craftsmanship were both good. In fact, the old people in the countryside all have unique skills. When I was a child, I was fascinated by my eyes and ears, but I knew how to do some basic things. Although the memory is a little fuzzy now, it does not prevent the key steps from being remembered.

Civilization remembers that there are three types of summer mats in the countryside (Civilization has never thought about mahjong mats and other machine-made mats): straw mats, bamboo mats and rattan mats.

Personally, civilization is biased towards straw mats and rattan mats. Although bamboo mats are cool and more common, it is not possible to split bamboo into thin and soft bamboo strips without a knife, and the bamboo strips are very sharp. If you are not careful, you will cut your fingers. Civilization admits that you have to pay if you want to enjoy it. But since there are straw mats and rattan mats, why do you have to bruise your fingers? What's more, it is much more convenient and faster to use grass stems and rattans directly than to cut bamboo strips.

Civilization intends to weave rattan mats. Of course, this is not only because the rattan mats are the best in the summer mats, but also because the straw mats are not cool enough. In any case, the grass stems are not much shorter than the rattan. durable. Although the straw mat only needs to dry the water in the stem and remove the leaves.

Make up your mind and ask Palos to help bring back some rattans when he goes out. After all, civilization is not familiar with the surrounding environment and does not understand which rattans are non-toxic, and many rattans are needed to make a summer mat. Wenming admits that his body like a white chicken can't carry so many and so heavy things.

But since there is something to ask for, civilization will not treat Palos badly. So after Palos went out, he was going to make a pot of heat-relief soup.

Although civilization has many recipes in his mind, he chose bitter gourd soup, which is the simplest and easiest to find ingredients, in view of the fact that "smart women can't cook without rice." After all, bitter gourd, although it looks a little ugly, is indeed a treasure, especially in summer, as long as it is cooked well, no one can eat it.

Although Civilization was still complaining about the inferiority of the stone pot at the beginning, but after cooking a few times, I gradually became able to use it, but although the inner wall of the stone pot is smooth, Civilization is still worried about being afraid of boiling the gravel and the like. I really have to think about how to do things like clay pots.

The civilization washed the bitter gourd collected yesterday, cut it open with a stone knife, cut off the head and tail, and cut it into evenly-sized pieces on Palos' new cutting board (a thick and smooth piece of wood) and placed it in a wooden bowl. Next is the meat. Wash the meat, cut it into thin slices, and boil the water-although it takes a little effort to set it on fire. The last step is to boil the bitter gourd and the meat slices in boiling water, and add a little salt to season them when they are cooked.

Although it is simple, the effects of clearing heat and relieving heat, improving eyesight and detoxification are real, and there is meat. I am not afraid that Palos, a carnivorous animal, does not like it. When Wenming just poured the pieces of meat and bitter gourd into the pot, he heard someone calling his name outside the house. After washing his hands in the basin of water, Wenming shook it and ran out the door. He saw that the one with fiery red hair was not Parson? !

"What are you doing?" When Parson saw Civilization running out of the kitchen, he smiled and raised what was in his hand. "I think Palos used to live alone. It's rare to have an Orc Together, he probably can't take care of you. After all, the Asian animal talent knows the Asian orc best, right?" Parson squeezed his eyes as he walked in, the bright and bright face made civilization dizzy for a while-God horse Li X Ji are weak. That's it! This is the real gorgeous beauty! "Later I thought that when you came to our tribe for the first time, something must be unfamiliar. No, I brought you some things. You must know that although the orcs take care of all aspects of the orcs, our orcs are not that kind. Isn't it the one who stretched out his hand to open his mouth?"

Although the tradition of this continent is that the Orcs want to pet them with their hands, Parson doesn’t quite agree with it. After all, as an Orcs, if you can’t do anything but have children, it’s not equivalent to raising a professional. Is it used to raise animals? No matter what other Orcs think, Parson thinks that way anyway. And looking at the performance of civilization yesterday, although it looks weaker and more cute than other demi-orcs, it is very independent and not as hard to bear as some demi-orcs. More importantly, he can cook and know The usefulness of a lot of weird things. I have to say that Parson admires civilization very much, so I thought about it and said his own views.

"Thank you! Parson!" Just after Wenming finished speaking, he heard a crisp voice: "Xiaoming, look at what good things I brought you!"

Neil with golden hair was as bright as the sun, happily holding a handful of green leaves and ran over: "Yeah! Parson is there too!" After saying hello, Neil took a handful of green leaves in his arms. Go out, "Hey! Xiao Ming! Look, this leaf can make people comfortable if you smell it!" Yesterday, Neil saw the dizziness of Civilization at noon and remembered it. Today, I brought this specifically for Civilization, anyway in his own home. There are many, but when they are gone, call Sigmund to help. In other words, I discovered this by accident. Although some sub-orcs found the smell to be pungent, they thought it was good.

"This smell... it's mint!" Looking at the small pointy diamond-shaped thing, Civilization couldn't help picking up one and sniffing it all at once.

"Mint?" Does this thing have a name?

"It's mint! It's so useful!" Cooking refreshing and delicious, making tea to clear the heart, eyesight, heat and heat, and medicine for sweating, antipyretic and rash, etc., are all good hands! Wenming was happy to find another familiar thing, and quickly invited Parson and Neal to the house, "Don’t stand outside, the sun is so big outside... You sit down and wait, I’ll give you some soup to explain. Relieve the heat." Seeing Parson and Neal, Wenming thought about waiting for Palos to bring the cane back to everyone to make it together. Anyway, this thing must be easy to use, let's share the good things together!

The author has something to say: As for this update speed, I want to kill myself... But there is no way... Thank you for your understanding... After my mid-term exam, after Mother's Day, please leave a message, ask for collection and ask for feeding, otherwise I will keep rolling. Can't get up...

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