Orcs Build a Well-off Society

: ☆Chapter Golden Finger to open the pottery

Because Palos brought back two prey, and the long-eared beast was only injured in its leg and could not run, so civilization decided to take care of the bleating beast and raise the long-eared beast. This long-eared beast looks like a rabbit, with long ears, three petals, red eyes, and short tail. It is a little bigger.

Civilization casually asked curiously if there were any orcs like the long-eared beast, and got a very positive answer—no. Seeing civilization a little puzzled, Palos explained it again. At this time, civilization knows: In fact, the so-called orcs do not refer to all animals. In the mind of civilization, there is finally an outline. Orcs have only ferocious carnivores such as ligers, tigers, leopards, bears, and wolves. For example, the leopard of Palos, the tiger of Sigmund, the wolf of Crushy, the lynx of twins and so on.

The long-eared beasts, the bleating beasts, and the humming beasts are all orcs without such beasts. On the contrary, they are pure beasts such as ligers, tigers and leopards, but they are all mutated, either with an extra horn or two tails.

The same reason can be inferred, the wingmen of the Yi tribe are mostly large birds such as eagles and swans as prototypes, sparrows and hummingbirds...Haha; the aquarium tribes are also dolphins and sharks, what kind of grass carp, carp, sardine... The civilization that I have summed up came to a weird conclusion-well, there is no need to worry about eating the wrong food in the future.

Since Palos has found delicious peppers, it is of course important to eat peppers! Wenming asked Palos in advance, and learned that the other party was okay when he ate raw chili peppers. On the one hand, he was relieved that everyone could eat spicy peppers happily. On the other hand, he was moved by the other party to “take the risk” for himself-after all, here. When this kind of manpower is far less than the power of nature, people who have the courage to try unknown foods are brave, let alone Palos just for themselves.

Well, civilization admits that at that moment, he almost had the idea of ​​"throwing his arms and hugs", uh, although this idea was strangled in the cradle by civilization in time. However, civilization knows that in his heart, Palos's weight is getting heavier and heavier.

Use long-eared beasts with wooden fences (that is, let Palos choose thinner wood to insert on the ground, and then civilization uses rattans to form a grid outside—in fact, civilization wants to use strips, in this case, strips Because the edge is sharper, it is not as easy to be bitten off as the rattan, but the bamboo has not been found, so it can only be raised in captivity.

Civilization has seen that this is a rabbit. The reproductive ability of the rabbit is very fast. However, although this is a rabbit, it is a male rabbit. It seems that next time Palos will have to catch a female rabbit for breeding. …Uh, or a female long-eared beast. The idea of ​​raising things has long been a civilization. He has already cultivated a piece of land in the backyard of the house—although only mint is planted on the edge for the time being—prepared to grow vegetables. And if you raise small animals, you can eat fresh meat in winter.

Palos brought back not many peppers, and the bright red head was very spicy at first glance, so civilization didn't use much. In fact, chili is really delicious for cooking, but when dealing with chili...well, it's too painful. After touching the chili with my fingers, not only my hands are hot, but if I accidentally touch my nose or rub my eyes... well, it will be troublesome.

In the past, civilization used tap water to boil a small amount of water while washing, so as to reduce the residual hotness on the hands, but now civilization does not worry, because he does not need to wash peppers at all-thanks Palos Selfless pay! In fact, civilization is a person who is easily satisfied. This is not because Palos saw that civilization was difficult to wash peppers. After peeling the bleating beasts, he volunteered to take the peppers and dealt with it. The moving eyes of civilization were sent to Palos without any money, which hurt Palos. I thought I had a wrong memory of the steps that civilization gave him to wash the peppers.

After lunch, the two dealt with animal skins tacitly. Generally speaking, animal skins must be processed in time, otherwise no matter how good the animal skins are, they will be rotten by blood. Generally speaking, orcs and sub-orcs will deal with animal skins. Civilization is not an aboriginal, but it does not prevent him from having a heart that loves learning (?).

The animal skin of the bleating beast is the sheepskin in the cognition of civilization. In his impression, sheepskin should be connected with waistcoats and the like... Well, it seems that the treasure map of the **** horse is also made of sheepskin? Wenming shook his head to prevent his unconstrained contact. He looked at the sheepskin in his hand, um, he still had to think about what to do. There seems to be a lot of animal skins accumulated in the house, but they have not been dealt with...Uh, think about it...

There are a lot of steps to cook animal skins. To treat the animal skins here, first remove the blood stains and some muscles and flesh membranes, wash the animal skins, and soak them in a special mixture of grass juice; soak them for a day and a night and then rub them the next day. Then soak the liquid with clean water; then let the animal skin dry slightly until no water drips, and simmer. In this step, the test of the sub-orcs is not the technique but the strength. Palos can't bear to let Civilization do this step-well, it's the main reason to feel sorry for him, and the other reason is that Civilization's physique looks too thin and weak. Although living together these days knows that civilization is not a sub-orc as weak as his appearance, but he still can't bear to let civilization get tired for the step of mixing animal skins.

Of course Palos doesn't need to worry at this time, because today can only do the first one or two steps. Civilization sees Palos easily moving the stone nest with animal skins (Xiao Ming: T^T’s strength!) aside to prevent exposure, so he simply ran to the pottery place to check the effect.

Civilization’s luck is neither good nor bad. He made a total of three pots, two bowls and four plates... Uh, let’s count as plates. Now one can is intact and the other is cracked. The last one is missing. One mouthful, but it can be used, and the rest... barely able to use two plates and one bowl, plates... well, there are quite a lot of nicks and cracks. However, civilization tried to install water, but fortunately, there was no sign of leakage.

Seeing that I was the finished product of the "first victory", the civilization was a little o (╯□╰) o—Is this the one, is the golden finger shining?

However, Palos looked at these light brown and blue-gray (due to the temperature and flame, most of the fired things are this color, and the darker ones may be orange-red and iron gray), and he is a little confused: "This Is the thing... very strong?"

Civilization couldn't help but roll his eyes. Not to mention pottery, even if steel bars are in your hands, they don't necessarily deserve the word "sturdy", right? ! Because of the fact that it was just taken out, Civilization felt that it was still a bit hot. Palos just felt a little hot. So Wenming asked him to pick up an intact clay-colored, slightly white bowl and flick it lightly-muffled, but it was also loud anyway.

"Of course this thing is not the best. Because it is a test product, it is relatively small, so it is easy to burn. If we have a kiln, we can make bigger and stronger ones. The finished product will not be said how strong it is. At least if the Orcs use their fists to hit them, they are generally not easily broken."

Civilization recognizes that the sub-orcs are strong, but their attack power may not be as strong as that of their own who have learned karate. Civilization remembers the kimchi jars in his hometown, dark and strong.

Of course, Palos unconditionally agrees with civilization. The reason for the doubt is that when he saw the finished product, he found that the size was almost as small as he had never seen before, uh, it was almost a newborn baby. Use a bowl of that size (Xiao Ming: (#‵絲')). So he thought this kind of thing was so small... But after listening to civilization, Palos couldn't help but aroused the idea of ​​"must build a kiln."

Civilization lets Parson, Neal, and the twins do it and continue firing (two of those four people are a fire, or a small kiln of the cottage version, and they make a lot of bends on the pottery for "beauty" Of course, you will need to burn for a while to complete the pattern around. The simple (that is, no pattern) pottery that you burnt is carefully laid out and allowed to cool.

Palos originally wanted to invite his father, who was the patriarch, to come, but civilization said that he was a junior, of course, he could not be rude, so after the pottery was no longer hot, Palos set off with a bowl, a pot, a plate, and civilization. NS.

Hines and Kelly were very happy about the arrival of Palos and civilization. Kelly, in particular, looked around and laughed while holding Civilization—he knew how many things had happened during the period when Civilization came. It seems that this kid is not only good-looking, but also has good abilities. His own Palos really has the foresight, and the beast **** favors him. It's really nice to have such a sub-orc companion.

The thing in Palos's hand caught Hines's attention. The two fathers and sons didn't feel like a father and son at all. Instead, they looked like peers, but Palos still respected his father. Palos directly told Hines about the pottery, and as expected, a light called interest appeared in Hines' eyes. He touched the bowl cautiously, which was different from the bulkiness of stone tools, the roughness of wooden tools, and the softness of soil was completely invisible.

Navan Kelly also took a can and poured water. Although the color of the water had changed because of the color of the can, the clear water was still poured in his hand after a while, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's amazing." Yubi picked up the plate and looked at it over and over again, and he could see that he liked the pottery very much.

The benefits of pottery are obvious. The materials are easy to find, easy to make, can be mass-produced (after having a kiln), and because it is made of clay, it is easy to knead out the required shape and it is much stronger than clay, even harder than some stones. In addition, with the pottery, everyone has more ways to eat. In addition to barbecue, there are steaming, cooking, frying, stewing and the like, as well as various other uses in life.

So when Palos and Civilization came out of Palos’s father and Ada’s home, Hines had decided to summon the people of the tribe tomorrow to discuss the kiln making and pottery, and the pottery they brought over was naturally left behind. . Originally, Hines and Kelly wanted to stay with Palos and Civilization for dinner, but Civilization thought that then Parson and the others would go to get pottery. The pottery at home was still being fired, and Parson and Neil didn't know how to make it out, so they had to refuse their invitation to go back.

Since this is the case, Kelly is not good at staying civilized, but while leaning on Hines's shoulder and looking at the back of civilized, Kelly is already wondering whether to let Palos visit Chelsea and improve the civilization "weakness" "The physique.

He believed that Palos, who inherited his father, must be very brave, no matter in that respect, hehe.

The author has something to say: By the way, Shazai wants to say something. I heard that the two words left for comment will be deleted by the system, so in the future, it will be troublesome to leave at least three words, such as "Sahuahua". I don’t want everyone’s serious comments to be eaten by the system

Next, let’s take a spoiler. Libby is about to come out. Don’t leave a message carelessly. Go and check it out. The two words and a little bit will really be eaten by the system~~o(>_ <) O~~

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