Orcs Build a Well-off Society

: ☆Zhang Youpeng comes from afar, the end

The next few days were time for exchanges between the tribes. Civilization felt that his biggest gain was the clam knife exchanged from the aquarium. The name "Clam Knife" was given to civilization. In fact, this thing is harder and sharper than a clam shell by many times. Civilization only knows that this is a hunting tool used by the aquarium.

Probably because of the ferocity of the living environment, the shell of that kind of clam is particularly hard, right? But because of this, it has the hardness and sharpness that civilization wants. Civilization can't put it down for this thing, but since there are no clams of that type here, all the clam knives in the hands of the sub-orcs of the aquarium have been exchanged by civilization.

Civilization is exchanged for fishing nets. Afterwards, the sub-orcs of the aquarium are very fond of this fishing net (Civilization guesses that he has a sweetheart and wants to give this to the other party), so he simply talked about the method of weaving fishing nets. —Anyway, compared to the people of the Aqua, the Orcs don’t really need this technique.

What civilization makes is a fishing gear like basket cage. Not only is this done quickly and effortlessly, but this trap is more suitable for rivers and intertidal zones. However, the civilization is not very large, because it is made of twine and twigs, so after it is erected, it will be almost one person tall-of course, this is calculated by the height of civilization.

The exchanges between the tribes lasted for three to five days, and it didn't last long. But because they have been fully prepared in advance, basically everyone returns with satisfaction. On the day before leaving, the Orc tribe, as the host, naturally asked people from other tribes to have a good meal.

At this time, the Orcs began to show their talents. Although they didn’t do much, they were still highly sought after with fresh ingredients and novel cooking methods, not to mention the taste of the food because of the various seasonings. It's pretty good. Not only those who are busy receiving the enthusiastic gaze of the orcs from their own tribe and other tribes are proud, but even those who find these who can cook (er, at least have this willingness and a little craft) do it. ·The orcs of the lovers feel that they have a weird "superior" feeling, and they just think that they really have made a profit!

Of course, not to mention that the orcs of other tribes who look at the people of the orc tribe in these days, only think that taking such a lover back, they will definitely receive the envy of everyone-man, who No vanity?

Not only meat, but also vegetables and soup. In addition to digging stoves on the ground and using soil and stones to build stoves, they also used earthen pots with ears to cook soup.

Wenming has worked hard, using existing materials to combine the memory of twice-cooked pork, braised pork ribs, braised pork, roasted eggplant, stewed chicken... and also fried fish, boiled fish, boiled fish head, and sweet and sour fish that the aquarium likes. …The hot and sour potato shreds, cold dishes, meatball soup, spinach and egg soup that the Orcs like to eat are reproduced as much as possible. And in order to take care of the little orcs and the little Asian orcs, Civilization also specially steamed a lot of egg custard in a small bowl, sprinkled with chopped green onion-yellow and green bright, tender and delicious, and let the children headed by Bell eat it. Several bowls.

If at first it was because they saw the Orcs prepare food for them, and felt that they wanted to join in anyway, after smelling the various aromas that intertwined in the air, everyone could not help swallowing. When I finally got out of the pot, I couldn't wait for myself to pounce on it and have a good time.

The only time I find it troublesome is to use chopsticks. Fortunately, everyone's learning ability is pretty good. After dropping the chopsticks a few times, although the posture is still a bit unsightly, I can firmly clamp the food I want to eat. Palos noticed that some people used chopsticks to eat slowly, and then cut some soup spoons on the spot with wood. Anyway, I did it for civilization before, and now it’s easy to do it. After having spoons, everyone’s eating movements are obvious. Many of them are on the way, and they all scoop up what they like into a bowl and eat with a spoon.

Of course, while eating, everyone still didn't forget to express their compliments, so that the Orcs were proud and shy, their cheeks flushed and looked particularly moving. And the Orcs from other tribes were not far behind, pulling their newly met partners these days and asking enthusiastically about the methods of those delicious things.

Obviously, boiled fish is the most popular dish. Think about it. Orcs like to eat meat and vegetables, Orcs and Wings like this spicy and refreshing taste, while Aquariums like to eat fish. Although everyone is not used to eating chili at the beginning, some people have hot tears running through their noses and sweat, but the more they eat, the more energy they eat. However, it is impossible to eat spicy food. Civilization also specially prepares boiling water, which is a big deal. Shabu a shabu, although it lacks a bit of spiciness, it tastes pretty good. So, until a few pots of boiled fish quickly saw the bottom, everyone still had some ideas.

Wenming and Palos looked at everyone like this, moved the pottery pot with red oil to the stove on the stone base, added meat and vegetables to it, and burned the fire below and cooked while eating.

Bell seems to be sticky to civilization. After eating two bowls of steamed custard, he ate fried fish close to civilization. Although the little guy looks small, he has a way of eating fish. His fish bones are almost intact-uh, it's really Xiaobai "bear".

Although Palos was very upset with this fat white hair dumpling and grabbing the attention of his sweetheart, he thought that an untransformed little orc was indeed not a threat, and whether civilization’s attitude towards Bell would be different. On the one hand, does it mean that Xiao Ming actually likes little cubs?

So Palos took a look at the civilized flat belly again. Well, I don't know when Xiao Ming and I will have the baby? Civilization felt inexplicably like a cold wind in the back, and looked around, everyone did nothing else, so they didn’t care, and put a piece of braised pork in a Palos bowl, and a piece of crispy ribs and put it on Bell’s. After filling the small wooden bowl (according to the experience of civilization, children should use these unbreakable ones), I took a chopsticks and fried vegetables and ate it with relish.

After eating, drink the refreshing soup that relieves the oil, the orcs and sub-orcs are full of stomachs. Everyone looked at Civilization and Palos—everyone knew that this petite and cute Orc came up with so many things. These days they exchanged baskets, mats, sandals, and pottery bowls. There are so many kinds of delicious food that come out, and there is also a faint feeling in my heart that civilization is the "messenger of the beast god" that has been praised by everyone.

And toward Palos, more orcs looked enviously—this kid was lucky too, right? ! You can pick up such a sub-orc who makes you unable to let go.

Of course, in addition to the civilization that everyone looked at with admiration, even the Orcs who helped this time were also touched. Although the orcs are indeed very tired to see the sub-orcs survive such a busy schedule, they still feel distressed in their hearts, but even if they don’t know anything, with the heart of helping them, it is enough to make them and those sub-orcs who only rely on the orcs. The orcs are distinguished, so that the orcs feel that they have really taken advantage of it.

Generally speaking, this kind of farewell party is where everyone comes back, so civilization saw Chelsea early, but what made him feel strange was that Samuelson was sitting next to Chelsea. As if perceiving that Civilization is looking there, Palos held Civilization’s waist and lifted Civilization’s chin to kiss the opponent’s lips, which were softer after eating. This is not over, this The guy knocked open the jaws of civilization, his tongue quickly "mopped" around: "Xiao Ming, don't go see that guy!"

Civilization blushed like a tomato, hearing the sound of orcs and sub-orcs clapping and applauding next to him, he couldn't wait to bury himself in Palos's arms and stop seeing people-Palos, who looks at Samuelson? ! I obviously see Chelsea! It’s the most annoying to eat jealous horses>>//<~

Fortunately, Palos knew that although civilization didn't mind the kiss and hug of the two in public, it was not very accustomed to the behavior of being too intimate, so it was just a kiss at the cheek gang of civilization again.

After eating, everyone talked and laughed for a while and then broke up, and they had to prepare to pack up and set off. Of course, apart from the things they exchanged, they are not without other gains, such as the dishes learned by the orcs, some weaving skills, and the exchanges between the orcs (there may be "fights" ⊙) ﹏⊙)...Of course, the most important thing is that some orcs and some sub-orcs have exchanged their minds, and what's more, the newly released sweetheart is ready to meet the tribe with the envy, jealousy and hatred eyes of everyone...

This is not surprising at first, although it does take a lot of effort for an orc to chase an orc, but if the real orc and the orc see it right, it won't take that much time at all. What's more, there is a need for "speed" between different tribes. To a certain extent, this can be regarded as a "flash marriage". However, it is gratifying that in this world, even if it is a "flash marriage", the couple will be responsible for each other, so the so-called "unhappy marriage" is basically rare.

When this matter finally came to an end, Civilization was surprised to find that Samuelson, who should have been with the Northern Clan, was still with the tribe. Since Samuelson hadn't left, of course Bell hadn't left either.

Bell's father and Daddy did not belong to the northern tribe, they were a pair of wandering lovers. But in this world, the wanderers are already facing many dangers, so when Samuelson picked up Bell's little cub, he was an orphan. So Samuelson can be regarded as a father, dad and brother. It's nice to have a good young man in charge.

If it turns out that civilization is still a bit strange, Samuelson staying in the orc tribe, what else is there, but after a day or two, this reason will completely surface-if there is no injury for a day, you will have to run to the big witch. If the act of wishing to stay still can't make people understand his mind, civilization will feel sorry for his EQ. But they...or when did Samuelson like Chelsea?

Civilization is here. Guess, guess, guess, I don’t understand, but I don’t know that it was because of the duel between Palos and Samuelson that Samuelson was injured some time ago. Later, he happened to meet Chelsea. "He was treated for a while-of course, habitually wearing a "father" smile during treatment-so Samuelson was treated for his wounds but left the "wounds" on his heart.

Even if Chelsea later bullied Samuelson, who looked shrewd and fox-looking, Samuelson seemed to be willing. Wenming shook his head. It is estimated that these two are "Zhou Yu's fight against Huang Gai-one is willing to fight, the other is willing to suffer." If Samuelson really likes Chelsea and want to become a lover with him, it is estimated that he will stay in the Orc tribe, because Chelsea was originally the great witch of the tribe, and the current successor simply can't make a move. Since Samuelson is here, of course Bell will stay here.

Civilization likes the fat and fleshy little white bear very much, although Palos doesn’t have a lot of affection for this little guy who has taken away some of his attention from Xiao Ming—but this so-called man’s exclusivity is heroic and invincible. Little Bell will be scared! Hey, he will sue Xiao Ming!

So, in the behavior of Sigmund’s brother Samuelson running to Chelsea’s house every day in the "heart of Sima Zhao-everyone knows"; in the rapid warming of the feelings between Sigmund and Neil; Parson's recent loss of appetite has made Crusch anxious; in civilization, it is becoming more and more unable to resist Palos's hugs, kisses, and caress.

The rainy season has finally arrived.

The author has something to say: Do you think Sa has swollen with Chelsea? Erhuo loyal dog attack X warm oil belly black suffer? My dear boys (cat washing her face...), do something loving if you have nothing to do on a rainy day... cover your face...

A wordy sentence-a new pit in the sand, hit Nai's cute spot and step on it-rebirth, violent pharaoh attack X, general Jianqi, by "The Return of the Mummy (Rebirth The Return of the Mummy (Rebirth)

Do you want double change? Think or think? Do you want meat? Do you want meat? Should I pull the light or continue to write? Twist...

If you want, let me see the enthusiasm of Naimen╭(╯V╰)╮

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