Orcs Build a Well-off Society

: Subsequent x rainy season

Probably because he rarely uses a knife, Palos cuts very slowly. But even so, his movements were very patient and careful, removing the scales and stings of a whole big fish. After not letting go of the small burrs, Palos finally exhaled in relief. Because the kitchen utensils here are tailor-made according to the requirements of civilization, so for Palos, it is indeed a bit small...

However, when I think of the civilization that is still sleeping sweetly in bed, Palos only feels that he is extremely happy, and even these little things (?) feel like he is going to fly to the sky...

Palos knew that he must be tired of Xiao Ming, but he couldn't blame himself at all, who made Xiao Ming feel so good. Although I have imagined how it would feel to really get Xiao Ming before, I didn't realize that all the things I imagined before were all **** until I finally got my wish last night.

I was so impulsive last night, asking for Xiaoming time and time again, and finally both of them fell asleep with exhaustion. As a result, I saw this morning, uh, his big guy is still in Xiao Ming's body. If it weren’t for remembering what Chelsea had said for the first time to be gentle and pay attention to cleansing afterwards, Palos couldn’t guarantee that he would “fight for another three hundred rounds” with the sleeping Xiao Ming...

Well, no, no, just like Xiao Ming said-leaving the green mountains without worrying about firewood, Palos worked hard to build himself up, and still reluctantly kissed civilized forehead and lips several times. Down. Covering the other party's mottled body that tempts him, and striding out to boil hot water refreshingly.

After the civilization is cleaned up, the civilization still sleeps soundly like a little humming beast. Palos felt satisfied and a little distressed. Thinking of what Crusch taught, he quickly prepared to do something while Xiao Ming hadn’t awakened (Cruch: People who came here are all very experienced~o (>V< )O~, so that I can grab the lover’s heart and roar! Isn’t it my dear? Parson: Get out of the pervert!) Eat.

Palos didn't care about eating. After thinking for a long time, he finally remembered the soup that civilization had made before. So he immediately grabbed a fish (Since knowing that the fish can be eaten, the civilization has specially found a large pottery urn and transferred most of the river water, and put a few big fish in it. Although it can't live long, it can still live for five or six days. of).

When the fish was finally processed, Palos quickly raised the fire (I used to eat barbecue meat, but this is a familiar one), ready to boil water. Washing up some vegetables that civilization likes to eat, Palos once again picked up the "small" knife to cut the vegetables into shreds, and chopped the fish into sauce-if it wasn't for fear of disturbing his sweetheart, Palos would be sincere. I beat the fish into fish sauce with just a few fists.

Although Palos thinks his barbecue skills are good, he can't guarantee his porridge cooking skills... So basically every once in a while he uses a small wooden spoon to scoop up a little fish and vegetable soup, not just try it. Taste, also taste it to see if it is cooked. Thanks to Palos's powerful digestive system, it's okay to mix raw, cooked and half-baked.

After Palos finally felt that he had cooked it well, the original pot of fish and vegetable soup had disappeared for a little and a half, and Palos already had some stock in his stomach... Feeling a little embarrassed, touched his nose. Palos quickly put out the fire and scooped the gushing fish and vegetable soup into a bowl to let cool.

Wenming slept until noon, if it hadn't been for the smell of the scent that made his stomach growl gurgling, he probably wouldn't wake up. Opening a somewhat sour eyes, the civilization that caught the eye was Palos's magnified handsome face, and he stepped back subconsciously, but it got involved somewhere behind him: "Oh! Hiss——"

"What's the matter? Xiaoming, what's wrong with you?" Palos was originally very drunk looking at the sleeping face of Civilization, but he didn't expect him to wake up like this. Seeing civilization grinning a bit, Palos felt that it would be better if he hurts-but this is just "feeling", it is "thinking", after all, Xiao Ming who is so "delicious", of course, wants to eat by himself instead of eating himself. It's the best...

Although Palos thinks that the orcs in this world should have been brewing and making sauce for the sub-orcs, and there is no such thing as the sub-orcs to the orcs, but I don’t know why, Palos feels that if he doesn’t appease civilization, he will Maybe he will become the first orc in history to be brewed and stuffed by a sub-orc. Although he knows that the power of civilization is not enough, he may be taken down when his "sex and word take the lead"?

Palos was not afraid of being forced to bow by the overlord of civilization, but worried that he would make some promise to civilization if he dangled in time-if it came to the orcs, it would be very heavy.

It was a while after the civilization began to eat. Well, after being tossed over and over by Palos all night, Civilization now has only one sentence in his mind-I am so hungry that I can eat a cow... Of course, just think about it, according to the small body of civilization, even if it is hungry. For three days and three nights, he couldn't finish the big pot of fish and vegetable soup Palos cooked for him.

The fish and vegetables are boiled to a pulpy, and the sticky green and white match is very beautiful. The fish and vegetable soup in the entrance is a bit salty, but it doesn’t hinder the speed of civilization’s mouthfuls. Besides, Palos cooked it for himself. Even if it’s unpalatable, civilization feels like it’s added to it under this circumstance. It's as sweet as sugar.

After eating a bowl, Wenming hiccups and signaled not to eat. Facing Palos’s worried eyes, Civilization had to admit that he was very useful, but he touched his stomach: "I really can’t eat it anymore." You use a big bowl to pretend it. I’ve worked very hard now after eating. ,"Have you got a meal yet?"

"Uh, not yet..." Although I did eat some because of "trying the taste" before, but that bit of minced meat and vegetables is enough for the intestines and stomach of Palos who eats meat! Seeing civilization caring about him so (?), Palos felt that his heart was about to melt into honey, "I'll talk about it later. Should I take a break?"

"Hurry up and eat something! I'm fine—well, I don’t want to sleep either." In such a rainy day, although there seems to be no time to pass the time except for sleeping, it is also possible to sleep in this always gloomy weather. Will feel a headache. And civilization is sure that he is definitely not an illusion-since he came to live in this world, he seems to have grown up again? !

Of course, there is a saying that men will continue to develop when they reach the age of 20, but it seems that his height of 176 has not moved since his sophomore year... But by chance not long ago, civilization found out that he looked like How many centimeters did it jump again? ! At that time, he was so happy...

In addition to rising heights again, Civilization found that its strength also seems to be on the rise. The specific manifestation is that the things it can take now are getting more and more heavier. Of course, during this period of time, he did not forget to exercise. After all, he had practiced karate. It’s just that civilization practiced basic moves in the morning. These seem to have no offensive power in Palos’ eyes, so Palos also It is only regarded as civilized and ordinary activities of the muscles and bones.

I don’t know if it’s because of this kind of growth in another world that I have to improve my physical fitness. I was held in my arms by Palos last night and loved it all night. Later, he fell asleep just because of lack of physical strength. And after waking up, apart from feeling that my lower body was sore and limp that it didn't look like my own at first, it seemed that after a period of time, there were no other sequelae? !

The civilized grandfather was lying on the bed, and the conductor looked worriedly at Palos, who refused to go to dinner: "Hurry up and eat, I won't get up now. After you have finished eating, I will give me a massage..." , I let Palos cool all night, this is a matter of course! Uh, although I am also very comfortable...

I didn't dare to admit it even if I was beaten to death. At first, he was a domineering "offensive", but later he was eager to die and was at the mercy of others. In the end, the person who cried and begged for mercy with teary eyes was he-definitely not himself.

Palos filled his stomach quickly and simply, and then ran to the side of the bed and climbed onto the bed, holding the soft little man in his arms, pressing his big hands on the places that the other party said and rubbing slowly.

"Um... ah... comfortable... um... at the next point... ah ah ah right there... lighter, lighter... uh... yes..." Civilization closed its eyes, leaning on Palos's firmness, For him, he hummed like a small animal on his chest, which was very comfortable. He didn't know how hard his syllables were very similar to the hum of some kind of sports.

Hearing Wenming's voice humming softly (?) because of last night's screaming, Palos only felt sweet and tormented, and he didn't know what to do. I had to stiffen my body, and follow the civilized command to massage those places, but my mind unconsciously recalled the amazing fascination of my sweetheart under me last night.

Wenming's body suddenly stiffened because of Palos' weighty and suitable massage. There is no other reason, but that certain stiff thing that reached his back waist! Well, the body of that thing is too familiar, and the civilization is sure that it may have only separated from its place an hour or two ago (=V=I have to tell the truth about you)! Oh, oh, I can’t bear it!

Civilization hadn't had time to express anything, so Palos rubbed it into his arms, and the damp and hot breath blew behind his ears: "Don't, don't move...Xiao Ming...I don't want to tire you..."

(#‵′) Should I thank you for your tenderness and consideration? !

For a long time, after little Palos passed the excitement behind him, Wenming relaxed his stiff body and exhaled a big breath of air held in his chest. That's the case. Civilization has not left Palos' embrace. I have to say that under this kind of heavy rain outside, it feels good to snuggle up with someone you like quietly.

After a few days, Civilization felt a bit boring about this kind of day-after all, he had never experienced such a long rainy day. Although he likes to stay at home, he is also a person who is easily affected by the weather. In this gray weather, even if Tian Tian and Palos roll the sheets, he will feel a little depressed. what!

Of course, this is purely a boring complaint from the innermost part of civilization. For Palos, who is "satisfied and drunk", the little temper of his lover (Palos: soon will be!) makes him even more lovely. Finally, after Wenming finished lunch, he looked at the raindrops that were almost in line outside, and said, "When is this rain head?"

"It's estimated that it will take dozens of days... I'm sorry Xiao Ming, you must feel bored... But I'm really sorry, the rain outside is so heavy, there is nothing fun to go out, and the ground is slippery and not safe..." Palos After washing the bowl, wiped his hands and took Wenci into his arms, gently stroking the other's soft black hair.

"I... I don't actually feel very bored, but it's been a long time since I saw Parsonier and the others... I thought I could drop by..." Now civilization's grievances (?) on Palos's expressions are getting worse and worse. . Originally, he thought that even if it was raining, if someone came to chat, it would make time pass quickly, but he didn't expect that there was no contact as if it had been agreed.

He was a little bit aggrieved. When he was a child, when his grandparents' house encountered a rainy day in a village, they all had to walk around the parents. The kind of drinking hot tea and chatting, eating peanuts or simmered sweet potatoes, etc. The feeling is very warm.

"But... if you go out in this kind of weather, your whole body will get wet very quickly. It is not only inconvenient but also easy to get sick." Palos said patiently, gently stroking his big hand on the head of civilization, and then knew it. Feeling sliding towards the back of civilization...

"Isn't there an umbrella and a raincoat!" Civilization was very comfortable being held by Palos, and he said without opening his eyes.

The falling hand paused: "'Umbrella and raincoat'? What is that?"

The author has something to say: I don’t know if the meat is still satisfied. Shasha This is the third stew of meat. It turned out that it was not so violent. …… Most people give me a suggestion. When the rainy season is over, Xiao Ming and the others should prepare some magic horses╮(╯﹏╰)╭? In addition to storing food for the winter, most people also want to see the story of the horse, and they can speak freely ~ \ (≧▽≦) / ~ It is said that fleshy flesh is the source of human power (mouse your mouth, smile and go away...)

Leather Ace: I had a big chat with others today, and I found this orc article about someone begging for sand elsewhere on the Internet...Sand felt so angry and funny...

The return of the mummy (rebirth through)

Although the sister papers’ love for Shaza Wen makes Shao very happy, but she still feels a bit...Uh, uncomfortable...

In general, after all, it takes sand more than two hours a day to think about it and work hard to code it out. As a result, because I want to read a sentence from the pirated sister’s paper, the fruits of sand’s labor change hands in a few seconds. NS……

o(>﹏<)o, the inner feeling is really beyond words...

Okay, let’s not say anything else. Sand is here. Thank you everyone who bought V. Thank you for your support——

In Leather Ace: Thank you for the overlord ticket of thinking & loving the little cute things, ╭(╯3╰)╮

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