The Note of Remembrance is a universal damage increase with a four-piece set, which is very suitable for Walnut. For the witch set, because the walnut can only eat 1 layer of effect, the 22.5% damage increase it provides is less, and in the case of elemental mastery has reached a certain value, the reaction coefficient provided by the witch also has a certain dilution, regardless of whether it reacts or not, the memory set has a stronger normal attack and heavy attack damage increase than the witch set. However, the effect of the Remembrance Set cannot enhance the Elemental Burst and Blood Plum Fragrance, and the forced post-Elemental Burst lacks actual combat flexibility, and at the same time, you have to worry about whether the next round can make up the 15 energy required to activate the Remembrance effect, and the environment with few drops often has to give up the Elemental Burst, so it is only suitable for surviving in low-pressure environments. Another advantage of the Reminiscence Relic Set is that the Relic Dungeon "The Court of Tainted Soil", another Relic Set "Insulated Banner", is extremely versatile among the Ultimate Sub-C characters.

When paired with shield characters such as Zhongli, the Meteor set can not only improve Hu Tao's survival environment, but also provide a lot of damage bonuses, but there is a certain gap between the output ability and the above three sets, and it is only suitable for surviving in high-pressure environments. Starting with version 3.0, players can combine any three five-star quality relics into a random "Meteor Flying Backwards" relic through the "Restoration of the Mystery" function of the "Alchemy Terrace" in the main cities (Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, etc.).

The Battle Frenzy set is perfect for newbies with adventure level 45 and below. It is easy to obtain, and has a chance to open a chest and kill a boss. The Warmania Two-Piece Effect provides Critical Strike Chance, and its four-piece Effect perfectly matches Hu Tao's Elemental Skill, providing a large amount of Critical Strike Chance. The Warrior set can be obtained through quests in the Adventure Manual, and can also be used for transitions if you get a good entry in the new period.

In addition, any five-star two-piece set that provides burn, mastery, and health bonuses can be used in the transition phase.

Character Details The seventy-seventh generation hall master of the Afterlife Hall.,A girl in charge of the affairs of the hall.。 is in the position of the head of the hall, but there is no half of the shelf. She has more ghost ideas than the sea sand on Yaoguang Beach. She had a lot of whimsical ideas in her head, and she surprised others. On weekdays, Hu Tao is like a playful child, wandering around whenever he has free time, and is regarded by the neighborhood as a hands-off shopkeeper. Only when she personally led the ceremonial procession through the streets where the lights were full of lights at the funeral ceremony did she show a dignified and solemn side. Character Story 1 (Available after Opinion Level 2) Funeral affairs are the last decency of mortals. Liyue's "Hall of the Dead" is the final picture of life. There are many traditional funeral rites - stopping the soul and keeping the spirit, the method of burial, tablet utensils... All of the above links have strict rules. Regardless of the deceased's origins and wealth, they must be given a funeral that is worthy of their status. This is the hospitality of the Afterlife Hall. Such an important institution should be run by those who are knowledgeable and prudent. However, the responsibility of the seventy-seventh generation hall master fell on the shoulders of Hu Tao, a little girl. Hu Tao is quite famous in Liyue. When it comes to her, the neighborhood is always hard to say. People praise her for being smart and clever, but they are also afraid of her whimsy. Her ghost ideas have reached the point of whimsy. At the age of three, he memorized the book upside down, read through the famous texts of the volume, skipped school at the age of six, sneaked into the coffin and fell asleep, and stayed in the hall at the age of eight to study the number of funerals... No matter how you look at it, Hu Tao has nothing to do with the word "steady". When he was a teenager, Hu Tao took charge of the ceremony for the first time and organized the funeral. The hearts of all the ceremonies and guests in the hall were all hanging on the cliff between the clouds. Character Story 2 (Opens after Opinion Level 3) Fortunately, Hu Tao attaches great importance to business and never takes it lightly. "We, the people of the Hall of the Dead, take the money of the living and send the dead on the road, and shoulder double the responsibility, and we must satisfy the people of the Yin and Yang worlds. When it comes to the rules of the church, Hu Tao always has the first word. Every day when the business is closed, Hu Tao invites doctors from all walks of life to give lectures to the young ceremonies. "Funeral tradition is a discipline that cannot be relied upon by impressions and habits. Among the lecturers, Mr. Zhongli is the most admired. His lectures were very effective, and greatly improved the quality of the ceremonies of the deceased hall. Even though Hu Tao often ridiculed Zhongli's old-fashioned style, he was still the most trusted person by Hu Tao. In addition, Hu Tao also asked the ceremonies to pay attention to the needs of customers, and should not be confined to a fixed form of funeral. "The guests have their own requirements, some want the deceased to go clean, some pursue lively and happy funerals, and some are rich and noble, and the burial is only a pomp. What we do and how we do it should depend on what they want. After Hu Tao took charge of affairs, the Afterlife Hall was stable and properly groomed, which even made many Liyue residents who were taboo about white affairs change their minds about funerals. Having said that, when the ceremonies were training, Hu Tao had another place to go, and ran away without a trace. The hobbies of this hall master are very personal, and it is difficult to say whether they are too leisurely. Under the wharf under the moon, the dangerous building in the mountains, the figure standing with his back hand and singing poetry at the top must be Hu Tao. She loves to hang out at night, and whenever the mood comes, no matter where she is, she can't help but write a poem. And the merchants who pass through the Huaguang Forest Mountain Rest Pavilion may be lucky enough to meet a mysterious girl sitting alone at the table and entertaining herself. A game of cards composed of four people, Hu Tao and himself can play without stopping. As for the fun... Only she knows. Character Story 3 (Available after Opinion Level 4) At the entrance of the General Affairs Department stand two lifelike stone lions, a symbol of majesty. Hu Tao, who was passing by, didn't think so. She scrutinized the stone lions for a moment, first thoughtfully, then laughing, and slapping their front paws vigorously. After that, Hu Tao came from time to time, touching the head of the stone lion and chanting words. She not only chatted with them, but also named them, the one on the left is called Da Mi, and the one on the right is called Ermi. He even carried a bucket of warm water in his left hand and a large brush in his right hand and ran to bathe the stone lion. The movements are meticulous, the attitude is serious, and the stone lion is completely regarded as a pet. There is a three-flowered cat in front of the Crescent Moon Xuan, and it eats a hundred family meals. On this day, there happened to be nearby residents to tease the cat, and the walnuts not far away correspondingly became interesting. Facing the confused eyes of others, Hu Tao was confident: "Your flower cat is cute, why is my big cat not cute? Although the hair of the big cat and the second cat is harder, isn't it also fluffy! When it comes to majesty, no cat is the opponent of Big Mi and Ermi!" The explanation became more and more puzzling. The guards of the General Affairs Division were even more frightened by Hu Tao many times. At midnight, there is always the sound of soft footsteps in front of the door. I thought it was a thief who stole from the official's house, but it turned out to be a young girl playing with a stone lion. And everyone finally got used to this strange thing, but Hu Tao lost his shadow. The guards were a little distressed - without the walnuts, it would be their turn to sweep the stone lions. For this reason, they squatted for many days, and finally waited until Hu Tao passed by. When asked why he didn't come back again, the answer he got was even more incredible: "Big Mi and Er Mi have grown up independent and no longer need my care! Character Story 4 (Opens after Opinion Level 5) Soon after they met, Hu Tao unilaterally regarded Qiqi as a close friend and wanted to bury Qiqi with his own hands. Hu Tao committed crimes many times, calculated that Qiqi would be taken away at the right moment, and tried to cremate her according to the process and stuff her into a pre-set tomb on the outskirts of the city. If it weren't for Bu Bu Lu's Baizhu interception in time, she would really be able to succeed. Every time Baizhu arrived, Qiqi was already in a bag, leaving only a small head exposed, watching in confusion as Hu Tao struggled to dig the pit for incineration. Afterwards, Hu Tao wrote a letter of apology to Qiqi, in which he repeatedly lamented that he was too slow to start and failed to let Qiqi enter the ground, for which he apologized. In Hu Tao's view, Qiqi has long since passed away, and he is imprisoned in the floating world and cannot be freed, and he is the most bitter sufferer. And after Baizhu got acquainted with Qiqi, the idea of pursuing immortality became stronger and stronger. Hu Tao really disagrees with this concept of disobedience to the precepts of life and death. Sending Qiqi into the ground is not only for her personal sake, but also to balance the order of yin and yang. But Qiqi would never agree. Qiqi is afraid of death and hates Hu Tao. The process of circumambulation was really long, and Qiqi could even have a flash of inspiration, recalling when he should hide himself so as not to be caught by Hu Tao. Perhaps it was this attempt to survive that touched Hu Tao, and she went against the norm and carefully investigated Qiqi's past. Accidents, the mystery of the fairy family... All kinds of coincidences made Hu Tao undecided. Qiqi wants to live so much, naturally he can't bury it. In this case, she can only be regarded as a once-in-a-lifetime exception. Since then, Hu Tao's attitude towards Qiqi has changed dramatically. From picking it up and leaving, it was changed to shh It's a pity that Hu Tao has already become a big plague god in Qiqi's heart. If you want to ask Qiqi not to blame for the past, I'm afraid it will take many years. Character Story 5 (Available after Opinion Level 6) Hu Tao is best known not for her status as a hall master, but for her other great achievement: poetry. She calls herself the "dark poet of the alleyway", and whenever she wanders on the street, she blurts out limerick poems, which cannot be stopped. "The Ballad of Qiuqiu" is Hu Tao's most famous work, which is not only loved by port residents, but also sung by children as far away as Qingce Village. Shocked by the simplicity and depth of the Ballad of Qiuqiu, lovers and storytellers alike went to Wanwen Anthology in search of the great poet's work, but unfortunately, Hu Tao's poetry collections Liyue Gossip and Firewood, Rice, Oil and Salt had not yet been released. Xingqiu, who is soaking in the bookstore every day, also wants to see the dignity of strange people, and deliberately chooses a good day and an auspicious day to visit with gifts. The two hit it off and went to the atrium of the Hall of the Dead to improvise poems and learn skills. For the traditional poems of the upward autumn battle, Hu Tao can always use ingenuity and strange words to return color. Hu Laizhong has its own deep meaning, hey, there is also a rhyme in the weird, easy to understand and easy to read, and it is more catchy than ordinary poetry. It can really be said that he punched the master to death, and he made Xingqiu cry and laugh. In the end, the festival ended in a friendly atmosphere. Since then, the two have become poetry friends, and they meet to chant poetry whenever they have time. There were many times, and even Chongyun was pulled to serve as a judge. The laughter of the three of them was like autumn leaves, sprinkled all over the streets and alleys. These verses were also recorded by the observers. If you hear the last sentence on the street, the next sentence is playful and weird, eighty percent of it is a strange poem by Hu Tao and Xingqiu. Qiankun Hexagram Hat (Opens after Friendship Level 4) The material of the hat is on the hard side, and the emblem of the Hall of the Dead is decorated on the front. It is said that this hat was passed down to Hu Tao by the 75th generation of the hall owner. But the parity man was stout, and his head was more than two laps larger than Hu Tao's. In the end, it was Hu Tao who spent a day and a night, dismantled and mended it by hand, changed the old hat to his own size, and said to people: This hat has mana, Zhengyang overcomes evil, and keeps peace! The ceremonies laughed when they heard this. However, the 77th generation of hall owners cherished the hat for all to see. Even if it is windy and rainy at night, and the walnut that returns late is dirty, it will try to keep the hat spotless. The plum blossoms on the side of the hat are taken from the plum trees planted by Hu Tao himself. The preparation method is as follows: take the flowers to dry, brush the color, oil, and dry them for three days after outlining them with a skillful pen, which can become exquisite ornaments. The tentacles are like soft mist, and there is a faint fragrance in it. Vision (Opens after Opinion Level 6) It all starts with Grandpa Walnut's funeral. Ten days before the funeral, Hu Lao died of illness at home. The Hall of the Dead held a high-level funeral for the seventy-fifth generation of the hall master, and the whole process was arranged according to the old man's will, and Hu Tao was in charge. Hu Tao, who is only thirteen years old and has not yet become the head of the hall, takes care of all the affairs by himself, but he can do everything exquisitely, to the satisfaction of the ceremonies. After the funeral, the thirteen-year-old Walnut packed his bags and sneaked out of the house at night. She was alone, with only dry food, water and lighting in her bag. But what she wants to go to is a mysterious place that is rare in the world. If you go all the way from the slope of Wurui, you will reach the "border". This is the dividing line between life and death, a secret place managed by the Afterlife Hall for generations. Legend has it that people can meet deceased relatives and souls of the deceased whose wishes have not been fulfilled there. Hu Tao rushed here to see his grandfather again before he was completely gone. After two days of non-stop, Hu Tao, who successfully came to the border, failed to find his grandfather. There are countless ghosts coming and going, or hurrying, or resentful, and none of them resembles grandpa. She waited all day, and fell asleep. When she woke up, the night was dark, and there were only a few lonely souls clapping their palms and laughing at her: "Silly girl, how can the old bearded man be here? Hu Tao, who does not believe in evil, waited and waited. Day after day... The dry food was decreasing day by day, the drinking water was almost at the bottom, and the grandfather never appeared. In the end, it was an old woman who had never met. When the little woman saw that Hu Tao was sleepy, she smiled and said, "You look like an old beard with such stubbornness. It's a pity that the successive generations of hall masters of the Dead Hall will never linger here. Your ancestors have lived frankly and walked frankly for generations. So go back – back to where you came from. The mysterious old woman said goodbye to the walnut and walked across the border into the depths. Hu Tao looked at the thin back and disappeared in the distance, and there was a sense of relief in addition to doubt. She finally believed that her grandfather had not shown up for a long time, and that he had already crossed the border and gone to where he should be. Grandpa has been upright all his life, and he has no regrets behind him, so why should he regard his departure as a regret? He laughed it off and set out on his way home. When I came, the moon was far away, and when I returned, it was already morninglight. As Hu Tao walked along the road, he recalled what his grandfather used to say, "Born in life, die in the moment of death." Follow your heart and do what you do. When I got home, it was noon, and Hu Tao climbed over the wall into the backyard and went into the bedroom to pack his bags. In the empty backpack that ran out of water and food, I don't know when, there was a shining "Vision of God". As one of the very few living who dared to linger on the "border", Hu Tao may have impressed an unspeakable god. She was rewarded with a gift from above... A testament to the ultimate in power. Voice Occasion Folding Lines First Meeting... Isn't it true that the seventy-seventh generation of the hall master of the Afterlife Hall is Hu Tao? Presumably came to me for something other than work, right? Chatting and Passing Away Why don't you go to my place for a cup of tea? Hey~ Small Talk, Customer One customer, two customers, three customers... Chatter, laziness, cough cough... When the sun comes out, I bask in the sun, and when the moon comes out, I bask in the moon~ When it rains... Ah... Trouble. When thunder strikes... Thunder, get up. When it snows... Wow, it's snow! When the wind blows... Well, it's comfortable. It's windy... ?... Alas, the hat is going to blow off. Good morning... Hmm~ Get up early and be in good health, and people will float when they sleep late. Good afternoon... Good afternoon, have you eaten? Good evening... Hee-hee, the moon is out~ Let's go out too. Good night... Oh, sleepy, then you have a good rest, I'll walk around alone. About Hu Tao himself... Hu Tao's Hu is Hu eating and drinking, but Hu Tao's Tao is not naughty! No, isn't it funny? About Hu Tao himself... I'll show you a trick, and we'll see... Fire!and... Whew, fly, haha. About Us·Curiosity You travel everywhere and must be well-informed. Tell me your own story when you have time. About Us: Night You can run around during the day, but you have to be careful at night. Always act cautiously in my absence. About Us·Helper Need a helper?Need a helper? I'm here! If you need help, I will do my best. About Us: Fighting Fighting is a nuisance, and for me, it's not an end but a means. Use means to achieve ends, and use combat to defend what is unwilling to concede. I'm the same as you in that regard. About the "Vision" "Vision"..."Vision"? Well, this thing, just let it be. What would you like to share... Entrusted by people, loyal to people. We have a special nature and double responsibility, so we must satisfy the people of both worlds. Interested in what you see... Some flowers and plants only grow in places where there is a lot of yin and moonlight, have you ever seen it? No? About Zhongli... Zhongli looks so young, his personality is like an old antique, he knows everything, but he doesn't care about anything, shouldn't he... Alas, forget it, let him go. About Qiqi... Tell me where she is, I'm going to hide her, hey! About Atractylodes... Atractylodes? Hmph, troublesome guy. About Ningguang... Heavenly power condenses the light, the rich armor party, the eyes are good, the peach is ashamed and the apricots let, the eyes are up to the ears, and there are thousands of times! About Beidou... Sister Beidou is a celebrity in Liyue, so it doesn't matter if she doesn't know me, I just need to know her. Ah~ I really want to make friends with her. About Xingqiu... I heard that Young Master Xingqiu is writing a book? I really want to tell him about the miscellaneous things I encounter on weekdays, and it must be very beautiful to write a book. About Chongyun... Pure Yang and Righteousness, Yin and Yang are one? I didn't expect that there really were people with this kind of physique in the world. About Xiao... How do I know about the affairs of the immortal family? Oh, the secret of heaven cannot be revealed, so don't ask me. About Keqing... "Yuheng" Keqing, hiss... He's a hard person to deal with. Hehe, look at that serious look, I really want to tease her. Oh, she's not going to hit me on the head with a sword, is she? About Xiangling... Xiangling is fun, jumping when you touch it, and it is especially easy to be bluffed. I like this kind of person the most. But you have to pay attention to proportion, after all, Guoba will stand out for Xiangling. About Yun Jin... Yun Jin is very elegant in formal occasions, but she is very easy to get close to in private! Last time I made a bet with her, the loser would sing the words filled in by the other party in his accustomed singing style. Oops, the dramatic version of the hill ballad, you really should listen to it once! About Shenhe... She's such an interesting person, unlike anyone else. You say, if I eat fairy grass and drink mountain dew every day from now on, will I become as unstained as she is? hehe... If you want to understand Hu Tao, one of the big hills is sick, the second hills are sick, the second hills are boiling, the third is the hills to collect medicine, the four hills are boiling, the five hills are dead, and the six hills are lifted~Huh... Call. If you want to know Hu Tao II The dark oil poet of the alley school is myself! Want to know Hu Tao III If I had to say, the work of the Afterlife Hall is neither difficult nor terrible, just troublesome. It's a pity that others can't understand it, and they are always a little afraid to see us working at night. Alas, they don't understand. I am the 77th generation master of the "Death Hall", and my grandfather is the 75th generation. One of my first jobs was to do my grandfather's funeral. Isn't it surprising? Hey, I've been in this business for years before I know it, and time flies so fast. If you want to understand Hu Tao, its five yin and yang are orderly, and fate is impermanent. Death is unpredictable, but it has its rules. Remember, no matter when, where, or for whatever reason, one should not easily provoke death. Only by knowing and respecting it can we understand the value of living. Walnut's hobby... The sky is clear and the sea is wide, and the moon is in the sky, which is suitable for writing a poem. Walnut's troubles... Alas... I really want to have some new fun, doing nothing is much more terrible than dying. Favorite food... ♪ Lala~Eat boiled fish with shrimp dumplings~ Nasty food... Stir-fried slime condensate... Vomit... Is this Xiangling's revenge on me? Receiving a Gift: Part 1 Very good, very good. The master of the parish will come to inscribe a poem for this dish now- Receiving a Gift: Part 2 Don't you really need me to help? Receiving a Gift: Part 3 Whew... What is this? Birthday Tonight is a good day with bright stars and magnificent moon phases. Hey, wait for me... Uh-huh~ I know, I know, it's your birthday! The feeling of the breakthrough Oh yes? Feeling of Breakthrough Um~ That's good, thanks. The feeling of breakthrough I didn't expect it, Hu Tao is now like a spring, my heart is like an eagle, and I am very confident. If the strength of breakthrough reaches the limit, the next test is the human heart. Thanks to you, I have been able to come to this uncharted territory. Here, the heart and soul are like a cloud... Birth, old age, sickness and death, all things in heaven and earth, all in our generation.

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