Role Details Thoma's official position in the Kamisato family is "Housekeeping Officer", responsible for cleaning, cooking, and other matters. Whenever he appeared in the Shrine Mansion, Thoma was almost always busy with this kind of work. He can do everything in place, and even Furuta, the housekeeper of the Kamisato family, is full of praise for his housekeeping skills. Most of the time, though, Thoma doesn't stay in the Shrine House, but goes elsewhere to deal with special matters. For example, solving the troubles encountered by the company's commissioner, asking for information for the head of the family, fulfilling the wishes of the eldest lady, and so on. In those unknown corners, Thoma has always continued the influence of the society in his own way. Character Story 1 (Starts after Opinion Level 2) Thoma seems to have a natural temperament. Whether it's a dignitary or a street vendor, Thoma can easily find the opportunity to join the conversation and have a great time with them. Thoma, who is good at socializing, has a wide network in Inazuma. When he first came to Inazuma, he relied on his insight and communication skills to make friends with people in various industries, and later, many people took the initiative to get to know Thoma. The more people you know, the more resources you get. Thoma will learn a lot of first-hand information from them, or quietly complete some "deals" that are beneficial to the Society. However, although Thoma has a vast network of personal relationships, he has never used it for personal gain, nor has he ever forced others to do things in the name of the society. Broad communication, accurate judgment, just the right means. Perhaps, this is the reason why Thoma was able to mix well in Inazuma. Character Story 2 (Available after Opinion Level 3) Surprisingly, the handsome and cheerful Thoma has no resistance to cute animals. When he goes out on weekdays, he always carries some small snacks that can be eaten by animals, and he will feed stray cats and dogs when he sees them. Watching them purr and gulp gulp, Thoma smiles. In Thoma's view, these animals are just as much a part of the world as he is. Even if they look inconspicuous, they are trying to live. As long as you live, good things will always happen... Thoma has always thought so. Even if they hadn't met them before, he hoped that at least his presence would be a good thing for them to celebrate. Character Story 3 (Starts after Opinion Level 4) As the housekeeper of the Kamisato family, Thoma can be called "all-rounder" in the field of housekeeping. Whether it's cleaning, cooking, sewing, gardening, nursing, or socializing, he can handle it with ease. For Toma, housekeeping is not just a job and a duty, it's also a hobby. He would clean the house as clean as new, so that there was not a speck of dust left on the railing. In the face of the neat and tidy social office, his mood will also be very happy. Maybe it's the sense of accomplishment that comes from enjoying the cleaning. Whenever he had the opportunity, Thoma would pick up a broom or duster and sweep away any obtrusive stains. In addition, he also takes special care of the daily life of his colleagues. One winter, Inazuma suddenly cooled down, and the guards of the Shinjo Prefecture accidentally caught a cold while out on patrol. A few days later, he unexpectedly received a sweater that Thoma had knitted by hand. The sweater was just the right size, and the guard couldn't help but think back to the clothes he received from his mother every winter. Now his mother is very old and has not sent clothes in many years. With this in mind, the guard took a long leave to return to his hometown to visit relatives. On the day he returned, he brought a hometown specialty to Thoma, and the two became friends. Character Story 4 (Available after Opinion Level 5) Thoma's father is from Inazuma and his mother is from Mondstadt. Growing up in Mondstadt, Thoma has been accustomed to the free and happy atmosphere of Mondstadt since he was a child. As a result, he was able to mingle easily with anyone. However, he was also taught by his father from an early age that he attached great importance to the word "loyalty". When Thoma's father returned to Inazuma, he feared that he wouldn't be able to drink Mondstadt's wine there, so he sailed to Inazuma alone in a boat with dandelion wine. On the way, a huge wave capsized the boat, and Thoma also fell into the water. Luckily, he drifted down the river unconscious until he reached Inazuma's beach. At that time, Thoma had nothing and no relatives, but he still started his life in Inazuma with optimism. However, despite his best efforts, he was unable to find his father, who was supposed to be in Inazuma. However, at the most embarrassing moment, Thoma met someone in Inazuma who was worthy of his "loyalty" to the end. Character Story 5 (Opens after Opinion Level 6) Due to his exotic blood, Thoma is often regarded as an "outsider" by the local residents of Inazuma. There was a strange look in front of him, and gossip behind him, but even so, Thoma never showed any dissatisfaction, always laughing at all doubts. Thoma is recognized as the most temperamental person in the government, but in the eyes of outsiders, he is a different look. "Don't offend Thoma, or things won't be easy." I don't know when this word began to circulate in the market, and many people heard it in their ears and believed it. As for those who have suffered under Thoma, they are even more apprehensive when they mention him: "Don't be deceived by that kid! I usually smile kindly, but I just cheated a small amount of money from the shrine, and he actually..." Yes, if anyone dares to harm the interests of the shrine, or if they are disrespectful to the brothers and sisters of the gods, Thoma will definitely make the other party pay the corresponding price. He sees this as his duty and does it with all his heart, but he does not like to boast about his merits. Even if he is criticized for this, he will not defend himself too much. "Gee, who cares about such a trivial matter? It doesn't matter what kind of person I am, as long as those who should know know. Old Duster (Available after Opinion Level 4) Thoma's favorite duster, who has traveled with him to many places. It should have been used for too long, and now no matter how it is cleaned and maintained, it is an old and gray appearance. Still, Thoma was reluctant to discard it. This duster was first received by Thoma when he was cleaning at the Shrine House. As soon as he saw it, he would recall that hard but happy time. At that time, Thoma had not yet been able to comprehend the various sweeping techniques. Lacking experience, he is often busy until late, and is still doing various cleaning and tidying tasks until late at night. He was accompanied by the moonlight overhead, the chirping of insects on a summer night, and the sound of dusters lapping on beams. There are many kinds of cleaning. From simple cleaning to a wasteland-like cleaning, Thoma has been there. At first, he found the work boring, but after getting used to it, he found that people were more able to calm down and think when cleaning. So until now, Thoma often uses this duster to perform his work. While brushing away the dust in front of him, he also brushed away the fog in his brain in a quiet and stable state of mind. Vision (Available after Opinion Level 6) During his early years in Mondstadt, Thoma did not have particularly strong desires of his own. Every day he is awakened by the morning sun and the fresh scent of flowers. After breakfast, he can choose to take a relaxing stroll around the city or explore the wilderness freely. At that time, in Thoma's view, people should have the happiness of a leisurely life. Perhaps, it doesn't hurt to live your life so peacefully. This kind of stable mood is in his "Vision of God" as he drifts across the sea in a small boat. Voice Occasion Folding Lines First Meeting... First meeting, in a foreign land

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