Kikyo has experienced more than Nippori Kagome, and from Raiden Shogun's description, she also knows why the forces on the ground have so little description of the power of the moon.

"Let's hurry to the next floor, where there are more than a hundred years of my research."

Raiden Shogun's footsteps were a little urgent, and they didn't seem to notice it, and Kikyo and Kagome Nippori both looked at each other with complicated eyes, and then followed Raiden General to continue his advance.

After more than ten minutes of travel, they re-entered a brand new passage, experienced what happened just now, and they all had a certain resistance to the next thing.

What comes into view is a huge mechanical head, with smooth and perfect curves, full of purple paint, emitting a faint light, if you feel it carefully, you can also feel the huge energy contained in it.

"Is this Gundam?"

Kagome Nippori once again spat out a term that Kikyo had never heard of, which made her lose her mind for a while, after all, as a guardian witch who was running around, she had actually seen another novel object again.

"Well, according to your words, it should be called so, but I prefer to call it the God of Punishment, which should belong to the gods who created life."

The Raiden General led the two out of the teleportation channel, and they saw the god of punishment who could only show half of his body and was tens of meters high, and they couldn't help but feel the sense of smallness brought by their size.

At the same time, they also felt that the god of punishment in front of them seemed to have life, constantly swallowing energy, and countless electric rays constantly exuded terrifying power on it.

"Okay, this is the place to connect your bodies."

Kikyo looked into the room and found countless materials, the most striking of which were a dozen huge glass jars containing dark green liquid.

"How can this solve the problem between us, is it to re-transform my body from the body of the graveyard into a human body by these liquids?"

Kikyo asked puzzled, she could feel the strong vitality contained in the liquid in the glass jar, but she was still a little unsure.

General Raiden shook his head and turned his gaze to Kagome at Nippori, making her scalp tingle, no matter how you look at this room, you have the sense of déjà vu of a science laboratory.

"Naturally not, if it is so simple, your soul will always disappear within a few years, which is already the realm involving the soul and consciousness."

"The relationship between you is similar to that of the true spirit and reincarnation in the previous life, originally under normal circumstances, Kirito could not be separated from you no matter what, but the mistake was formed in the time of reincarnation!"


General Raiden said her observations, sorted according to the timeline, the current Kikyo should be entangled with the Jade of the Four Souls in hell, and it will be hundreds of years before she can be reincarnated and reborn.

However, because of the situation of the Age Tree, Kagome came to five hundred years ago through the Well of Bone Erosion, and was summoned back by Granny Rito with a special technique and her soul as a guide, to summon the true spirit of Kirito, who was still sinking in hell.

This is why Kagome Nippori does not know that he has four soul jade on his body, and his soul energy is almost a big youkai.

Because the true spirit belonging to Kikyo was summoned by the ghost girl Ritao fifty years later, Kikyo became pure and flawless in her spirit body in hell itself, and then experienced the baptism of the jade of the four souls, and reincarnated after the influence of the rules, all of which allowed the era tree to inspire a space-time channel connected to five hundred years ago.

Although Kagome was confused, she also roughly understood that this is a closed loop of time, and that her ability to give the era tree the power to travel through time is not an accident, but a historical inevitability.

"So what do we do about it?"

Kikyo asked, she also knew that she was now in a state where a little true spirit controlled the false soul body, and the real soul body was still entangled with the jade of the four souls in hell.

"Nature is to use the method of incarnation and reincarnation."

"That Lord Barr, can you elaborate a little more?"

"In short, it is to use your body to re-conceive a living embryo, and then transfer the embryo to the culture tank to re-conceive, grow, and let it develop and grow."

"Let the two of you reunite into one, form a state of one body and two souls, wait until Kikyo's true spirit is restored, and then let her be re-separated from your soul and fit with the re-cultivated body."

Raiden General told Nippori Kagome and Kikyo about this method, which seemed simple, but the technique contained in it could be said to make people's scalps numb, and if she hadn't gotten the root cause of the importance of Reiki from Yakumo Zi, she wouldn't have dared to do so.

The answer to why Mio Chonggong was so sure that she would be able to re-cultivate Maori Chonggong also had the answer precisely because of the spirituality contained in her ontological spiritual power.

Kagome was silent, countless thoughts flashed in her heart, Raiden General's method was obviously in line with the techniques of embryo cultivation in modern medicine, but it was a little strange to conceive a child by himself.

"You can't tell others about this, otherwise I don't know how to face other people."

Kagome Nippori finally made a decision, she had also had enough of Inuyasha's half-hearted emotions, and wanted to really let him make a choice, it seems that Kikyo has obviously let go of that relationship, and the situation is powerful for herself!

"Kikyo, are you ready?"

"Lord Barr, as your witch, everything I have belongs to you."

Kikyo said lightly, she could also feel a burst of relaxation in her heart, after all, she still had a certain sense of guilt after collecting the dead souls of pure girls to fill her body.

"Since you all have enlightenment, let's take off all your clothes first!"

Kagome Nippori was in disbelief, she didn't expect that the first move was to be naked, but Kikyo did not hesitate to untie the witch costume on her body, revealing her white and flawless body, except for a slight crack in her shoulder.

"I can't always stare at anyone, who is pregnant, naturally I need to use some special means, otherwise how to ensure the success rate."



A month later, there was still an endless stream of pilgrims on the Narujin Shrine, and Yuangui, Garden, and Maitreya were sitting and practicing in the guest room, and at this time, their aura was more than ten times stronger than a month ago, and their cultivation had obviously improved greatly.

"You still have to rely on a big force, and the growth of strength is so easy, one month's practice is comparable to more than ten years of hard practice."

"Exactly! Brother. The

two senior brothers sighed inexplicably, so that Maitreya next to him also nodded, after all, under the large supply of resources of Naruto Shrine, he also broke through from the cultivation of medium monsters to the cultivation realm corresponding to high monsters.

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