16 Primula's Love

"Gorgeous Smart Slam Dog Mart Joint New Product Presentation Meeting".

This event is dedicated to the hegemony of the Evanteille countries in both stores.

The new product on the side of the slam dogmart was Primra's mark on the "Love Way."

And yet... it turns up...

Gordo-kun's raw head...!

In such a miserable visual, the moderator was stunned and accidentally dropped the loudspeaker.

...... Got it! and the disturbing sound echoed through the venue.

As if it had become a gunshot, the audience seat turned into a snorting bowl.

”No... noooo...!? Nooooooooooooooo!!”

"What is it, what is it?!?" Ahhh!? "

"Is that the image character of a slam dogmart!?"

"Oh... why is it so bloody!?"

Because Killyland is a country of saints, the audience was mostly saints.

Because they are in a position to heal, the blood should be familiar.

However, Gordo-kun, who was bloody, was in great panic.

But it will not be compelled to speak.

For example, there is a veteran nurse working in an emergency hospital, and she has naturally seen many injuries so far.

Some of them would have been so miserable that they could not be seen directly by ordinary people. But she took care of it without turning away.

Her only hobby is walking around the amusement park.

An arrow tip that I thought I'd play with today in the land of dreams I visited on an occasional holiday...

If the mascot character who greeted me is bloody, she must be depressed.

Yes, no matter how accustomed the jet coaster is, it becomes a screaming machine when the gap drops.

Clear Primra + Gordo x Blood = Free fall...!

To deal with this, even Fontine, who hadn't even pulled a single step back from any opponent, would be dealt with.

"Pu...... Primra-san... oh... what the hell is that...?"

Huh? This is a new product from Slam Dog Mart, isn't it?

Primra was wondering about the reaction around her, but she was surprised to see Gordo-kun's bloody eyes too late.

”Uu... uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!”

Shortly thereafter, a glass spine pops out of the stage sleeve.

She was on her way to Primra, but she fell on the way and cried.

"I touched what was behind the scenes, and I dropped it!!" I'm so sorry ~ ~! "

The faces of the Knights of Puppies jumped out of the stage sleeves and dragged the glass spine back.

"Idiot! You wouldn't have known if you'd shut up!"

If you want to confess, do it on the cliff.

"Wow! Are you going to the cliff now!?"

The chicks retreated in a fuss.

Primra's head bowed toward the audience, guessing the approximate situation.

"I'm sorry, it seems that what is in here has cracked and the contents have come out. I'll get you a replacement soon.

Lan had already taken out Gordo's new head from behind the scenes.

I switched back to the stage with the bloody Gordo.

Of course, there was no blood on Gordo's head, which was newly placed on the table.

This is what a mascot character should look like, and a sigh of relief leaked from the audience.

The moderator finally returned to me and picked up the loudspeaker.

"Hey... there seems to have been a little trouble, but it didn't seem to be a big problem!" Well then, Primra-sama, please continue with your presentation! ”

Primra nodded, "Yes," and held up Gordo's head on the table like a lover he hadn't seen yet.

This is the "Gold-kun Pouch" that we created as a bonus with the launch of this new product. You can put all kinds of things in your mouth. "

And all that were present shall know the meaning of the word.

The key new product is inside the pouch.

And the fact that the new product can break.

Fontine, who saw it through first, pointed to Primra's defeat.

"I've already seen what's inside you!" It's a potion, isn't it?! But no matter what kind of high-end potion it is, it doesn't sound like a saintly lady! She didn't know she didn't drink potions. "

The Holy Maiden doesn't drink potions... that's right.

Not because it was forbidden by the teachings, but because it did not require the power of potions to fight monsters.

"As expected, this is Primra-san, the boxed saintess!" You did the last thing you did! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! "

The incited Primra smiles back.

"That's right, Fontine. This pouch contains potions. But it's not a luxury potion. Besides... it's not a potion for you to drink on your own.”

"Isn't this a potion to drink yourself...?"

Primra nodded, "Yes," and opened the mouth of Gordo's head, and took out the potions that were inside.

The moment the whole thing appeared, there was a big scream as if all the stars of the night sky had poured down.

"Ehh... ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!?!"

Everyone who saw it doubted my eyes.

After all, there was something in Primra's hands that she couldn't believe.

"That's, what..."

"There's nothing weird about it, hot potions...!"

I thought everyone was mistaken.

Like the bloody Gordo-kun, I thought it was some kind of mistake.

But Primra held the potions like a crystal of love with Gordo-kun.

This is... my "love potash"...!

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