Otherworldly Architect

Vol 3 Chapter 200: Game Point Gold Hand

As time went on until April, the final version of "Galaxy" was almost finished.

The online mode may take a little longer than the stand-alone mode.

The online mode was discussed by Bluestar and finally decided to be a player-hosted mode.

Traditionally, the online connection of such games is divided into two types, one is through the official server, and the other is through the player's computer as the host.

The two methods have their own advantages, the former is more stable and safer, while the latter is more free.

Blue Star dared to use the latter mode, on the one hand, it has accumulated a certain amount of experience, on the other hand, "Xinghe" itself is a game that welcomes players to change.

For example, "Minecraft" has reached its tenth anniversary today, and there are countless player modules, many of which can directly be regarded as a boutique mini-game.

The sandbox mode of "Galaxy" is also quite suitable for the creation of mods or custom maps.

As for the release date of "Galaxy", after discussions with the marketing team, it was decided on May 1.

At this year's Blue Star Carnival, you can directly join the "Galaxy" venue.

After the official version is released, players can experience the custom levels made by the designers themselves...

For example, the Zerg has conquered the entire universe, and the player must start the script as an exiled human government.

In that script, no one at Blue Star has been able to complete the level perfectly.

The designers raised their hands unanimously and agreed to add this nightmare-level script to the official version, so that players can also experience the fear and humiliation of being dominated!

Ahem, of course, they will say to the outside world: This is a difficult script for environmental protection.

"Deworming" is of course also a part of environmental protection, for my dear players:)

This year's carnival took a little time to set up.

At last year's League A awards ceremony, Ming Yan met several bigwigs, one of whom was a theme park owner.

Although they initially aimed at the Tulong Baodao studio and wanted to sing opposite the Blue Star Carnival, but they cooperated with Mingyan anyway, and the ending was not bad.

Ming Yan pondered for a while, and asked Blue Star to draft a project for a Blue Star theme park, and began to secretly prepare for bidding.

When the news got there.




The other party was puzzled at first. It was obviously the God of Wealth of Tu Long who had agreed to go back and consider cooperation, so why did Blue Star's post come.

Later, when I saw the signature of the letter, I was shocked. I turned around and asked the secretary: "I read it right? Why is the name of the legal representative the same?"

"Old, boss, it seems that it is really the same person, Master Ming, he..."

"Fuck! This person is also the boss of Dragon Sabre Studio? How much does he earn a year?! The number one richest man in the sixth-star province is almost the same!!"


My own boss is still very direct to the point.

Indeed, for business people outside the game industry, the biggest feature of the two studios, Blue Star and Dragon Sabre, is that they will make money——

No, it should be said that "Super Invincible will make money".

Today's Blue Star, the budget of each project is about one billion, and the final cost will not exceed too much.

Even adding long-term expenses such as employee bonuses and server maintenance costs, the cost of running a game for a year will not exceed 2 billion.

But check out these projects from them.

Not to mention the evergreen tree of "Minecraft", it has maintained an extremely stable sales volume of tens of millions every year.

"Blue Star Doom 1" has just increased a small wave of sales due to the excitement of the sequel "Blue Star Doom 2". This series is the most well-known trademark of Blue Star.

The two masterpieces "Soul of Mortal" and "The Way of the Assassin" are also listed in the Platinum Hall of the League A. Obviously, the data cannot be bad.

As for the two online games "League of Legends" and "Dragon Hunter"...

The policy benefits that the latter can bring have long made countless people drool;

The former is even more of a behemoth that swallows gold. It is said that the turnover last year was directly approaching the 10 billion mark. The industry chain behind it supports hundreds of thousands of professionals, and the profit margin is even more so that other game companies want to hang themselves.

If Blue Star is now a company that joins the business operation and wants to go public, there must be countless capital that has already robbed him of his head.

Even if it is not, there are still countless bosses who want to hand over their business cards.

However, if Blue Star does not transform, it will still belong to Boss Ming's private assets.

This asset is much more valuable than antique collections, mineral planets, and monetary funds, because it is still growing, and because it also controls an ecosystem.

In today's Bluestar ecosystem, the loyal players are all over Chaoyang League, and the enthusiastic fans are starting with hundreds of millions. All players around the world may not know which game of the year is this year, but it is impossible not to have heard of it. "Blue Star produced, must be a high-quality product" eight characters.

Bluestar's official website has become an important mouthpiece in the game industry and a place to gather people's hearts.

Even if it is the personal blog of Boss Ming, it can be heard on a daily basis.

Last month, the Morning Star Incubation Park produced a small game called "Poetry and Wine Rivers and Lakes".

The game was modeled on the background of “Xia Ke Xing”. After a year and a half of development cycle, it was finally launched, and it caught up with the schedule after the Chinese New Year.

Unfortunately, the frenzy of "Blue Star Doom 2" has not yet passed, and this small game came out quite silently.

The marketing of Morningstar Incubation Park is naturally due diligence, but those players really have no time to play other games.

As a result, at the end of the month, the army of crying "嘤嘤嘤" and "woo woo woo" caused by "Blue Star Doom 2" calmed down a little, and Chief Master Ming posted a blog.

[Tiny Jobs: The new "Poetry and Wine Jianghu" by the young people of Morningstar is a good game, I recommend trying it. (Pictured: Mingyan's game screenshot in "Poem and Wine Jianghu")]

Just because in the screenshot, Ming Yan's account and server are captured.

That night, the corresponding server traffic exploded.

Servers that used to only show "popular" suddenly became "full".

During the peak period after 6 p.m., the number of people in line suddenly reached more than 10,000.

——This is a terrifying figure that the most popular online games on the market may not be able to achieve!

This means that some players clearly looked at "Estimated waiting time: 2 hours", but did not give up easily, and still wanted to go in and have a look.

Counting again the next day, the number of new registered users of "Poem and Wine Jianghu" the day before was the highest in history, even about 400% higher than the first day of its release.

It's all to blame that Master Ming has never been on his blog easily, and he doesn't even know that a compliment he has on other games can trigger such a scary traffic effect.

It is also because of his words that this small game has attracted the attention of people in the industry.

When "Poem and Wine Jianghu" came out, few media paid attention to it, and only a few websites gave evaluations. The score was about 8 points, which is quite good for an independently produced small game.

But after that day, several major stations suddenly included this game in their "boutique production" section.

GamingStudio, a well-known Blue Star licking dog, also happily gave its own evaluation: 9.0 points, the evaluation is "unique and creative".

A small game that was originally flat and barely able to return to its original budget suddenly exploded due to the support of large traffic, making the producer a lot of money.

This kind of news is normal in the game industry.

But it has never been like this, because a blog by one person has triggered a chain reaction like a landslide.

VRGamer couldn't resist sending a report, calling Bluestar's chief designer a "game point gold hand" - a title that not only praised his design prowess, but also implied his influence on other games.

As a result, until May, Mingyan's backstage and mailbox were still full of self-recommendation letters.

Some independent game producers want to replicate the success of "Poems and Wines", and request Mingyan to try their games too;

Some are invitations from marketing companies or media, and want to borrow the traffic effect of Mingyan;

Some companies are even more direct, sending a price list—to the effect, they are willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for a 140-word blog.

Of course, Ming Yan ignored these people.

Because the purpose of his first blog was never to attract traffic, or it was purely unrelated to interests.

He just really played "Poem and Wine Jianghu" and thought it was very interesting, so he just recommended it to his players.

Ming Yan is still busy with the Blue Star Carnival at the moment.

The carnival is getting busier and more crowded every year, and the number of venues has rapidly expanded to 12. It takes about three days for players to fully experience it.

Moreover, the number of players who can participate has been relatively fixed, and it cannot continue to expand.

In order to solve this problem, Blue Star Studio decided to tender——

A theme park belonging to Bluestar is formed, called "Bluestar Paradise".

This theme park will be built on the blueprint of the Blue Star Carnival, including the long-term venues of each game, and also taking into account the subsequent addition of new games.

For example, a more special game such as "Dragon Hunter" needs to add a battle zone, so that players can summon their own dragons to learn from each other in a suitable theme atmosphere.

Another example is a game with parkour features such as "Assassin's Way", which allows props to directly set up a medieval background, allowing players to play in it, providing a safe and secure parkour environment.


Mingyan was thinking about it while looking at the plan.

Then he stopped suddenly.

——Hey, "Blue Star Doom 2" has been released, so can "Assassin's Way 2" also be put on the agenda?

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