Overturned Tower

Chapter 50: twisted love and hate

Russell took the elevator again and returned to the first floor of the Hive Nightclub.

There were more people in the elevator when going down than when going up... But fortunately, this time I didn't meet the big sister who likes to catch people's tails.

Russell wasn't wearing a mask. But just from the back, it can be seen that he is obviously a teenager... a boy.

Boys who can enter the Hive nightclub, whether they wear masks or not, can actually be regarded as laughing masks.

And the person wearing the smiling mask is part of the customer's "user experience" of the crying mask.

Since it is positioned as an "entertainment product", it is very reasonable for people to strike up a conversation while walking on the road-no wonder people.

Russell thought quietly.

Things are clearly not right.

Judging from that recording, the other party knew the bad guy and the delphinium very well...but he didn't know anything about himself.

If you start from this perspective... Is there something that the inferior or the delphinium doesn't know, but what you might know?

That's what Russell just learned from the Tower of Babel about the emerging mage organization in the lower city.

——Behind the Little Liuli incident is a new mage association called the Veil of Ignorance.

Now that I know this.

Then, conversely infer... Is the suspected demon trace on Xiao Liuli related to the veil of ignorance?

Russell thought, the answer should be no.

Originally, Russell believed that there should be a demon behind the kidnapping of Xiao Liuli, and it was he who infected Xiao Liuli with the devil's breath and lured the inferiors to assassinate him.

But looking back now, this possibility is really a little bit reluctant.

The demons first - how do they have a demon that is not detected until it hatches, and how do they control this demon from eating people and causing mass disappearances?

And the plan to lure the inferior to assassinate seems more like a random layout. There is not even any high-level supervision here, just throwing four sacrifices here. The iron mask enshrining the leader's will was also placed on the eighteenth floor instead of the first floor.

From this point of view.

Russell guessed that the leader's purpose was not to assassinate the inferior—although he said the same to Xiao Liuli and those four or five people, but the leader lied to them. His real purpose is still the inferior. And it was bad from the start.

He has a special penchant for the underdogs... a sort of Gotham kind of penchant.

—The real purpose of that person is to let the inferior kill this elf with his own hands.

Judging from the reactions of the elf and the inferior, he seemed to have had such an idea.

If you think about it from this "Gotham taste", Russell can vaguely guess the truth of the matter:

The bad guy may be different from his stinky face, he is a victim who really walked the path of justice.

And this kind of him, if he killed innocent people with his own hands in order to save others, he might kill himself to erase his criminal evidence.

As for the purpose... perhaps it is to keep the symbol of "inferior" from being tarnished. Or maybe it's not to disappoint someone, or to prevent someone from thinking they've seen through him...it's all possible.

—However, if the inferior finds out that the child he killed was an elf. He can't kill himself.

If it is ordinary people who are killed, the inferior can indeed use suicide to forcibly escape the trial. After all, one life is exchanged for another.

However, the life weight of elves is different.

If the child he killed was an elf, this matter must be investigated to the end.

Then in the end, the suicide of the inferior will become "suicide in fear of crime".

So he has to live.

If Delphinium fails to crack it in the end and stays in the impression space, she will become a vegetable; if Delphinium is lucky and chooses to retreat before the third level and escapes, she may be forced to bear the crime... After all, there are always people Be responsible for this.

Then with the sense of responsibility of the inferior, he cannot choose to escape—he must confess all crimes himself, bear all the responsibilities he can bear as much as possible, and become a murderer.

Moreover, the inferior will have to watch with his own eyes the victimized delphinium who becomes a vegetable or a responsible delphinium, and watch Russell, who has just become a hero, "die for him" in the assassination operation against him. He wants to survive and feel the regret of sacrificing his important companions on the way to practice "justice".

——All of these, interlocking plans, are all for the purpose of torturing the inferior.

Such a strong hatred, such a vicious conspiracy.

Just thinking about it made Russell shudder.

It's so twisted.

And would such a person really plan on such a simple result as "killing the inferior"?

No way.

For "that person" it is better for the inferior to be alive than to be dead.

Then, it is impossible for Xiao Liuli to be a trace of a demon that was intentionally contaminated.

Because this is just an idle move... The opponent knows that the inferior will never come, and it doesn't matter whether Russell dies or not.

All he needs is "Russell in danger" and needs the inferior to rescue the situation.

As for which demon to investigate and which task to perform, it doesn't matter.

Then, it doesn't make any sense to infect Xiao Liuli's breath.

This would only be a waste of a hidden good guy for no reason, and on the contrary, because of the importance of Xiao Liuli's identity, the inferior person might investigate in person. In this way his plan cannot be completed.

But what about the other way around?

It's because Xiao Liuli has shown signs of becoming a demon... So the other party planned to use waste and set up this situation?

While destroying Xiao Liuli logically, UU reading www.uukanshu. com will give the bad guys a big wave.

The information that Minister Delphinium passed to Russell confirmed Russell's idea.

That was a lot of information about the underground singer code-named "Blue Robin".

"—At that time, Blue Robin's fiancée was also involved in a car accident with Blue Robin. She was a girl with long black hair and a pony as her soul relative. She was only 20 years old. Because she hadn't graduated from university , so there is no codename.

"But the girl did not disappear immediately, but received the most appropriate treatment and disappeared three months after being discharged from the hospital.

"It is worth noting that neither Blue Robin nor his fiancée's family is well-off. Back then, Blue Robin chose to become a resident singer, partly because of paying expensive college tuition for the girl. The girl's family simply couldn't afford it. Such an expensive treatment fee, but I can't find any loan and debt records. Therefore, it can be suspected that the blue songbird has reached an agreement with an organization to advance or make up for the treatment costs for the fiancée."

"Blue Robin" once sang in the Honeycomb Nightclub.

It's like the catwoman with the blue high ponytail that Russell saw in the lobby when he first came in.

At that time, he was still not well-known, and he was completely different from Xiao Liuli who became popular in the entire Happy Island later...



The Blue Robin at that time was not the girl idol of today...but a genuine male.

His soul relative is not a fold-eared cat at all, but a blue robin.

Because the bluebird's instinct as a songbird is to sing. So he chose the way of music.

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