Overturned Tower

Vol 2 Chapter 18: wilderness

It was already three thirty in the afternoon when Russell entered the house.

He sat on the massage chair, turned on the zero-gravity mode, plugged the data chip brought to Russell by the head portrait of the deer into the interface on his left arm, and began to read the files in the chip.


Russell originally looked at it with the mentality of previewing, but he quickly let out a sigh and realized the importance of this knowledge.

That was the experience of the deer head in the "dream world"—yes, she called the illusory world formed by the group consciousness that mages arrived after dreaming as the "dream world".

The mage's dreaming behavior is called "dream world mansuo".

As the name suggests, it is aimless exploration.

Because in the dream world, there are no coordinates, no day and night... not even boundaries.

Maybe looking into the distance from the original wilderness, any direction is an endless wilderness.

But after walking through a certain line, you will suddenly come to ruins full of crystal remains, or you may suddenly come to an abyss full of lava. And if you continue to go forward from the abyss, you may enter an underwater city, or you may enter a dark cave; at the end of the crystal ruins, it may be a maze of countless mirrors, or a city composed of huge toys...

All areas have no clear boundaries. All the areas are changing and changing every day... the inside of the area will also change, the area itself will move, and the different areas will eat each other.

They are like monsters composed of different trends of thought, devouring, digesting, and merging each other.

There are as many different ideas in the world as there are different regions in the dream world.

Because of this, the dream map cannot be drawn.

Because it is impossible to measure without entering the corresponding area, and the moment when entering the corresponding area, the dividing line has changed. Therefore, it can be said that the map of the dream world is always inaccurate. If an ignorant young mage entered the original wilderness, he would probably get lost in it. When a mage walks with his heart, the dream world will gradually guide him to the path that suits him best.

It's like a psychological test with constant correction.

Of course, the biggest problem is... the mage's own thoughts are constantly changing. Therefore, their own positions in the dream world are always shifted and skewed.

But according to the experience of Lu Shouxiang, there is also an experience of being able to barely recognize the way.

That is to find the "Tower of the End".

Although these areas have been constantly moving, gnawing, and merging, the general direction they belong to will not change easily.

After waking up in the dream world, when you are about to leave the original wasteland, you can see the Tower of the End—it will always appear right in front of you when you are about to leave the original wasteland.

The Tower of the End is a phantom. Those who walk straight in that direction will never arrive no matter how far they go.

But it always points in a fixed direction and is visible in all areas of the dream world.

In other words, the Tower of the End can be used as a coordinate of the dream world.

For example, if a person who has advanced a certain distance toward the right side of the tower at a 60-degree angle wants to go back the same way at the opposite angle, he will definitely fail. Because he will not arrive at the previous area, but will enter another new area where the tower leans 120 degrees to the left.

Conversely, if you walk 180 degrees away from the Tower of the End, no matter which area you were in before, you will eventually arrive at the "Primary Wasteland". This is also the way those mages organized to "find newcomers".

Because different regions all want to grow themselves. But every mage will not stay in a specific area...they must walk on the road.

Those "lines" that connect different areas are called "roads".

Every time you walk on the road on the dreamland roaming—whether it is exploring in this area, or arriving from this area to the next different area. As long as you don't go back and look at "what you have already seen", you can get different types of spells for the mage.

And the essence of these "paths" is actually the method that mages will choose immediately when they encounter difficulties and act in unfamiliar fields.

For example, "The Way of Answers", "The Way of Practice", "The Way of Anger", "The Way of Stillness", "The Way of Joy", "The Way of Contemplation"... The spells obtained by mages are often helpful They continue to walk on the power of the "way".

The deer head also shared her own path with Russell: she first walked on the path of contemplation, and the specific coordinates were fifteen degrees to the left of the Tower of the End.

She passed the "Crystal Ruins", "Mirror Labyrinth", "Fossil Sea", and "Book Group", and stopped here.

Then her path changed.

She had finished her contemplation and turned to "the way of doing it." That's thirty degrees to the right from the Tower of the End - when she crosses the border, she will follow this path into the next area.

After that, she switched back and forth from time to time on the "way of practice", "way of protection", and "way of stillness", and now she is back to "way of practice". And go all the way, arrived at a very far, far away position in the dream world... called "the way forward". In this area, she is currently the only mage.

The spell she uses now—the spell that connects the different doors together—comes from the power of this area.

"And the sorcerer who recruited newcomers came back along the 'way of anger'. The specific angle is that the tower is tilted to the right by 45 degrees."

The quiet and ethereal voice of the deer head was also recorded in the chip: "Every time they change direction, you can record it.

"After entering the dream world, all the abilities brought to you by the chip cannot be used. You will enter the dream world in the form of 'not equipped with a prosthetic body', so the abilities of the prosthetic body series cannot be used...Because there is no slot, so The 'consumable chip' provided by your company also does not work.

"But other than that, you can bring some cold weapons. My recommendation is a crowbar or an engineer shovel. The track recorder is too easy to detect, but you can bring a graduated pendulum and disguise yourself as a fortune-teller... Use the pendulum and the tower to determine the angle at which you are going."

According to the opinion of the first deer, Russell packed his luggage.

Pendulum, sapper shovel, crowbar, goggles, windproof and waterproof jacket. Plus bandages, wound medicine, "saint beheading", and most importantly... a shotgun.

—Yes, guns can be brought into the dream world.

But those that are too high-tech won’t work, because those that have to be linked to the prosthetic body to automate the operation... the simpler ones are fine.

This is the gun that Russell took over from Bad Sun on the airship before. The gun was later sent to the Department of Operations, and Russell, in his own right, wrote a note and lent it.

After that, Russell had a quick-acting sleeping pill ready. The purpose is to be able to fall asleep quickly during the short period of time when he transforms into a blue songbird.

So, Russell put on a mask while fully armed.

In the ultramarine flames, his height suddenly increased a lot, and he turned into a blue robin with a cheerful smile.

Immediately afterward, he injected himself with delayed-acting sleeping pills.

There are many keys to enter the dream world - the method taught by the head of the deer to Russell is to cover his eyes with a white cloth and wrap his ankle and wrist with a white cloth. If you did, it would be very difficult to give yourself a needle... So Russell put on the eye band and the white bandage on the ankle first, and then tied the bandage that trapped the wrist after the needle was done.

After that, Russell quickly fell into a deep sleep.

A strange but familiar sense of submersion and falling made Russell feel suffocated.

It's like being submerged in the sea with your hands and feet tied...

When Russell couldn't bear the feeling of suffocation anymore~www.wuxiahere.com~ when he suddenly woke up, he jumped up from the ground suddenly.


He first took a few mouthfuls of suffocation, spitting out the sand that had been poured into his mouth because of the suffocation.

Afterwards, Russell struggled to free the bandage on his wrist. Remove the bandage covering the eyes.

That moment—Russell hadn't expected it.

The strong light made him burst into tears in an instant.

It was really tears.

"It's so bright..."

He couldn't help but let out a low breath.

As soon as the voice came out, it seemed to be drowned by something... The strange feeling gave him the feeling of "being in a different world".

Russell did not purchase tinted goggles for maximum access to information.

As a result, when he opened his eyes, he was almost blinded by the cat's eyes.

He was on the empty island and had never seen such a strong sunlight. Being so suddenly illuminated, it became difficult for Russell to even open his eyes. If you open it a little bit, you will keep crying.

And when Russell gradually got used to the strong light and opened his eyes to look at the world around him...

Only then did he realize that he was standing in a desert.

The flying sand blowing up in the wind prevented him from seeing too far away.

The sunlight is also strong and dim for a while... The dimness is because it is partially blocked by the rolled up sand and dust.

And when Russell stretched out his hand to block the dust and tried to raise his head to look at the sun.

— he was stunned.

Because above the head, it was a bright sun that was so clear that it was too dazzling to look directly at.

as well as…

The once-familiar, now-unfamiliar Russell...blue sky.

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