Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 339 I won't leave

Seeing her sister coming, Luo Weiwei didn't show any fear on her face, and asked happily.

"Sister, why are you here?"

Seeing his sister's heartless look, Luo Li pursed his lips, "Come in with me."

After bringing his sister into the room, Luo Li sat down on the bed, "Close the door."

Luo Weiwei took it to the door.

"Let me ask you, what have you been doing since you arrived in the capital?"

Luo Weiwei leaned over and held Luo Li's hand, "Sister, I know a director who said he would give me a role. I've been auditioning for a few days now, and I'll be a big star in the future."

"How do you know each other?"

"It's in the film and television city. If I don't have anything to do, I will go there, and the director there will take a fancy to me."

Luo Li said, "Fancy you? Do you want to play a buffoon? Let me tell you, Luo Weiwei, you need to be smarter. An old man says he will do you good. Do you think he really doesn't want anything?"

Thinking of the news sent back by Ji Ling, saying that the younger sister got off from an old man's car, Luo Li also guessed it after listening to the younger sister's words. The man is afraid that the younger sister is young and easy to deceive, and wants to take advantage of it. , That's why I said that excuse.

"Sister, he can make me a star, and I can make money for him if I become a star, this is two-way, what's wrong? Don't always think of people so bad, okay? You also say that I am ugly, He is really a womanizer, he can find a better looking one, and he won't pick me." Luo Weiwei returned to the chair and sat down indifferently, "Sister, did you come here because they gave you a letter? ? I knew they didn't like me, and they've been paying attention to me behind my back."

"Didn't I tell you that day? Ji Ling dropped the phone, and it's because I always call you home."

Luo Li, "I didn't tell the Ji family that you always call me."

"You didn't say they won't check phone bills." Luo Weiwei muttered, "Anyway, I will tell you if you don't come, I won't sell to them in the store, I'm going to act."

"What do you think, you can wait for me to talk about it. What happened when you injured someone? Do you know that they are all disfigured?" Luo Li glared at his sister.

"Who told her to shut me down? Who does she think she is? This is my brother-in-law's shop, and she is a stinky worker."

Luo Li stood up angrily, and was afraid of being overheard, so she suppressed her anger, "Luo Weiwei, I'll let you make troubles at home, my parents are in charge, I don't care about you, you have to listen when you come here My, you have caused me such a big trouble now, you don’t know your fault, you are still here with confidence. I don’t listen to what you said, when Wang Sanmei comes back, you apologize to her immediately, then pack up your things and go home with me.”

"I won't go back." Luo Weiwei said lightly.

"Where do you live if you don't go back? Are you still here?" Luo Li has already seen that since his sister injured someone, and now he can come back to wash his face calmly, "You are shameless, I want more."

"Sister, this is not an outsider, but my future brother-in-law. If you nod your head, he will already be my brother-in-law. There is nothing to be ashamed of in front of your own brother-in-law." Luo Weiwei said, "If you don't believe me, go ask, I don't sell goods here. , just live here and see if he will object."

"Yes." Luo Li replied bluntly, "You think you are my sister, but in his eyes, his sister is the most important, you hurt his sister's best friend, today I have already been slapped gone."

Luo stood up slightly, turned around and walked out.

"Luo Weiwei, what are you doing?"

Luo Weiwei didn't respond, Luo Li didn't feel comfortable chasing after her. Seeing her sister chasing after her, Luo Weiwei picked up her pace and trotted to the front shop.

"Ji Jianhua, are you throwing my sister's face?"

Ji Jianhua was entertaining guests when he was called suddenly, he was taken aback for a moment, but he immediately came to his senses, apologized to the guests, and asked Lou Xuemei to come over to entertain the guests.

Luo Weiwei squeezed his waist with both hands, staring at Ji Jianhua.

Luo Li also chased him from behind at this time, dragging Luo Weiwei to the backyard, "Come with me, if you make trouble again, believe it or not, I will beat you."

Luo Weiwei was unmoved, and insisted on standing where he was, his eyes still staring at Ji Jianhua, "One person does things and another person does it. Why does Ji Jianhua slap you in the face of what I do?"

When she said these words, she kept staring at Ji Jianhua.

"Let's talk in the backyard." Ji Jianhua persuaded.

"Are you afraid of embarrassment? I'm not going. Why don't you admit it if you dare to do it."

Ji Jianhua also got angry and shouted, "I said go to the backyard."

The normally gentle person suddenly yelled so loudly, with a ferocious expression on his face, Luo Weiwei was startled, and his body trembled slightly.

Luo Li was originally pulling his sister, but seeing Ji Jianhua yelling so loudly, the fire in his heart exploded at this moment.

"Ji Jianhua, you are angry at me in your heart, why are you angry at my sister?" He also walked up to Luo Weiwei, blocking Ji Jianhua's glare.

The customers in the store saw that there was going to be a quarrel here, so they stopped shopping and left together.

Ji Jianhua didn't want to do this, but found that it was unavoidable in the end.

He smiled wryly, "Luo Li, let's talk about it, okay? Am I angry at your sister? She rushed over to make a fuss, and the customers in the shop watched. Is it wrong for me to ask her to go to the backyard? Look at the customers now. Didn't you leave?"

"She is still young, the more she is asked to do something, the more she resists. Besides, haven't I been dragging her to the backyard?"

"Still young? She is nineteen, not a child."

"What's wrong with Nineteen? In my eyes, she will always be a child." Luo Li knew that his sister was wrong first, but facing Ji Jianhua's attitude, he still followed him to argue.

Embarrassed by the side, Lou Xuemei could only walk outside the store, and apologized to the customers when she saw customers coming in, saying that it was inconvenient for her to have something in the store.

In the store, Ji Jianhua looked at Luo Li with disappointment on his face, "Luo Li, I know you love your sister, but you are hurting her by doing this."

Luo Li pursed his lips and turned his head.

"What did my sister do to me? But you, what did you say that you liked my sister, and you threw face at my sister because of an outsider? My sister hasn't married you yet, so you dare to treat her like this. If you really want to marry you, why not?" Don't be angry every day." Seeing that her sister didn't speak, Luo Weiwei immediately stood up and looked at Ji Jianhua provocatively with her chin raised.

Ji Jianhua took a deep breath, "Shall I show my face to your sister?"

Then he asked Luo Li who was behind Luo Weiwei, "Luo Li, are you throwing face at others?"

Seeing that Luo Li didn't speak, Ji Jianhua laughed angrily, and said hello three times, "In the end, it's still my fault."

Luo Li turned his head and looked at Ji Jianhua, with an aggrieved expression on his face. He wanted to say something but because he was holding his breath, he didn't want to lower his head. He pursed his lips and stared at Ji Jianhua, and stared at Ji Jianhua accusingly.

"It was your fault in the first place, why are you throwing face at my sister?" Luo Weiwei didn't know the seriousness of the matter, and still flirted with it.

Ji Jianhua sneered, "I can't show embarrassment to your sister, but can I do it to you?"

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