Passionate Devotion

Chapter 196: 200 nights in the bridal chamber, it's me! 8

Chapter 196, 200 night of the bridal chamber, it's me! 8

On the other hand, after Tong Lu and her uncle were separated, she was still thinking about Leng Yejin's words. What did he mean when he said that the person in the bridal chamber was him? Isn't the person she married back then?

Tong Lu closed her eyes, she didn't dare to have extravagant hopes in this regard, for fear that she would be passionate again. After all, Leng Yejin called her sister-in-law from the beginning. She shouldn't be able to marry Leng Yejin?

Impossible, why does a person like Leng Yejin need to marry her? Tong Lu denies herself, her marriage is only because Shanshan needs a mother.

She is self-aware, and she doesn't want to be greedy.

But I have doubts in my heart, and I don't want to be confused.

Tong Lu considered it for a long time and asked the driver to drive the car to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

In the office lobby of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Tong Lu said, "Hello, I want to check my marriage."

The staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau scanned her: "You don't know your own marital status. You need to check this?"

Isn't this a deliberate pastime?

"Because my husband is dead, I want to see if the civil affairs department has updated my marital status in time. Please check it for me, thank you."

The staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau said while investigating: “As long as you go to the police station to complete the account cancellation procedures, the civil affairs department will naturally change the marriage relationship to widowed. Uh...Have you gone to the police station to complete the cancellation procedures for your husband? 'S marital status shows that he is married."

But the spouse column showed a state-level secret, and the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau accidentally left her aside.

Tong Lu's heart swayed slightly, married? "Are you sure?"

It is impossible for her to have died a long time ago. She should be widowed now.

"The information says that you are married. If your husband has passed away, you need to go to the police station to complete the account cancellation procedures, otherwise your marital status will not be updated in time."

Tong Lu's heart calmed down again: "I don't know if my husband's account has been cancelled."

After the death of her husband, a lawyer said that she didn't care about anything, just took the children, and the estate left to her by her husband and the estate left to Shanshan from her husband were handled separately. Could it be that her husband's account was not cancelled?

It should be like this, although maybe, there is another possibility...

"Can I check other people's marital status?" Tong Lu bit her lip, hoping to figure it out all at once, so as not to think about it.

The staff member refused: "It is not allowed without a valid reason."

Tong Lu took out her business card: "I am a staff member of the First Lady's Office, and I need to check other people's marital status. This involves my work, please cooperate."

The staff glanced at the business card, and their voice immediately respected: "...Please tell me, who do you want to check?"

"Leng Ye Jin."

She clenched the corners of her dress tightly, and felt nervous for some reason, knowing that it should be impossible.

The inquiry process is actually very short, but just a few tens of seconds is extremely long for her, and her patience has become extremely limited.

After a short wait, the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau looked at the status of the marriage column and read the two words above: "Unmarried."

Tong Lu's breath tightened, and her tight heart hung back down instantly, and the corners of her mouth twitched in a self-deprecating arc, sure enough...

Suddenly I felt so embarrassed, even if the people around her would not notice her embarrassment, her face was burning with fire, yeah, how could such a whimsical thought come up?

"Excuse me, is there anything else you need to check?" The people in the line behind, watching her standing still for a while, waited a little impatiently, and patted her on the shoulder.

Tong Lu shook her head, and the corners of her awkward and stiff mouth opened: "No more."

(End of this chapter)

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