Passionate Devotion

Chapter 475: 488 In my eyes you are the future! 9

Chapter 475 488 In my eyes, you are the future! 9

The mini-version Leng Ye vomited a sigh of relief, his eyes swept away from Yanlongyan with warning, and was barely satisfied with her witty answer.

Flatter, hit the right way!

The noble and cold little guy sat on the sofa boredly, turned on the TV, watched international news, or other programs, because he couldn't find anything else to do, so he ignored Tong Lu's suggestion of inviting him to hide and seek a ball!

Tong Lu sent a text message to Secretary He, wanting to refuse the evening meal, but she was unable to refuse and lied that she was unwell today.

Secretary He directly adjusted the meal to tomorrow night, and Tong Lu was depressed~~~

Do people with high authority have a too strong style of doing things, and once a decision is made, they should never be rejected?

Leng Yerong went back and returned and returned to the villa. He whispered to the mini version of Leng Ye: "Something happened temporarily last night. Today you are not in the group. There are many things that Secretary Yu cannot decide at all. It is very difficult to deal with, and there are many things. You need to hold a meeting to discuss collectively..."

Leng Ye didn't know the mini version, but how he went to the company to deal with it, and he went to scan the iris in the morning, which was enough.

After pondering for a long time: "Forget it, take me to the company, and move all the urgently needed meetings to midnight, and work overtime tonight. After midnight, I will deal with them one by one."

Leng Yerong knew that he would not feel well even if he returned to adulthood after zero o'clock. He heard that he would have a high fever all night, but there is no other way to deal with urgent matters. Some things must be decided before tomorrow morning.

"Then I will prepare the car now."

"Bring Tong Lu with you, she won't leave me for a moment today!"

Why bring her? Leng Yerong didn't blurt out the words in his heart, but after zero o'clock he was unwell and had to work, and having a woman to accompany him was not a refreshing agent.

After observing for more than half a year, if you don't know who the woman in Jin Ge's heart is, then it is really not a problem of clumsy eyesight, but a worrying IQ.

Tong Lu heard that Leng Yerong and Long Yan said that they were going to work and asked her to go with them. It was inexplicable. She only thought that she was asked to take the child, but she went to the Lengs Building. Xiao Ye didn’t need her to take care of her at all, so she was confessed. In the cold night's office.

"Don’t be away at the company today, Miss Tong, you can stay in the office and watch TV or movies. You can sleep during the day, and you will come back rarely at night. You have to work overtime tonight. You have slept enough during the day and take care of it at night. Sincerely, he has been very busy lately and he is very tired."

"Really? You have to work overtime at night?" What is it like to be busy?

Tong Lu was a little distressed when she heard it, nodded, staying alone in the cold night's office, looking around, occasionally Xiao Ye would come over to play with interest, and then she was taken out by Secretary Yu in a blink of an eye. All day, most of the time. She was alone all the time, and in the end she really slept.

When I woke up, the night was faint, and it was a little past midnight. Tong Lu sat bored in the special seat Leng Yejin usually sits in. I really don’t know what Leng Yejin works overtime at night. What can she share for him?

Make a cup of coffee? Or something else?

Looking at it, she accidentally caught a hukou book, which was thrown on the desk at random, and she took it out and turned it over.

In the solemn conference hall of Leng’s Building, Leng Yejin was propping his head with a high fever and embedded in the seat of the main seat. He pressed his eyebrows and raised his ears while listening to executives arguing about a decision. Looking for Tong Lu's breathing in the building, what is she doing?

(End of this chapter)

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