Chapter 170 Traitor? !

Su Chen imagined the appearance of the intelligence station, which is probably similar to that kind of spy's studio.

The shady places where the spies of other countries work, the places where they can't see the light and the people.

However, when he came to this so-called intelligence station.

Only then did I realize that the information station mentioned by Taichi Kosaka was very different from what he had imagined. It was more like a resort, a place to rest.

An international hotel.

Many Kou people rest here and live temporarily.

Because of the Kou cuisine, it is very famous in this area.

Maybe it was a good cover.

In the crowd, Su Chen followed Gusaka Taiyi to the inside.

Borrowing his Disguise Technique, Su Chen was no longer his original appearance, and changed to a rougher appearance.

Taichi Furusaka, who often exchanges and obtains information here, is relatively familiar with this place.

Directly lead Su Chen to the second floor, where they live permanently, so they have a house they have been renting.

When he came to the door of that room, Taichi Kosaka knocked on the door.

A dull knock on the door echoed in the corridor on the second floor.

Su Chen looked at the doorbell next to him strangely, what is the operation of not ringing the doorbell?

Soon, footsteps were heard inside.

It was the door to the room opened by a woman in **** pajamas.

Seeing the two people at the door, her expression froze:

"What are you doing?"

"it's me!"

Kosaka Taiyi quickly wiped off half of his makeup with his hands, revealing his original appearance.

He also used disguise, so women couldn't recognize him.

Seeing that it was him, the woman reacted and quickly turned sideways:

"Come in!"

Su Chen took the opportunity and followed him in.

The air inside was extraordinarily dull, the thick curtains covered the light, and only a few downlights illuminated the room.

Furusaka Taichi seemed to be very familiar with this place, so he stepped forward and turned on the main light.

He sat on the sofa in the living room and poured a glass of water.

Su Chen sat on the sofa with him.

The woman looked at Su Chen vigilantly and asked Taichi Gusaka:

"Gusaka-kun, do you know who this lord is?"

"Brother I just received some time ago!"

Kosaka Taichi responded casually.

Without waiting for her to think about it, she hurriedly asked:

"By the way, why haven't you seen Lord Kongwu during this time? You should have contact with him, right?"

"If there is a connection, if you need to contact him, I can help inform him!"

The woman nodded and said slowly.

The attitude of speaking is somewhat modest.

Looking at Gusaka Taichi's casual appearance, it is not difficult to see that her status is under the old-fashioned kings.

"No, you just tell me the address, and I can just go find him!"

Gusaka Tai's expression changed slightly, and he said quickly.

Women can communicate so peacefully with themselves.

That means that the news that he killed Da Kuroyotai has not yet spread from the monarchs.

Maybe they haven't concluded that they have betrayed themselves, and I don't know what is the reason for the delay in confirming whether they have betrayed.

This is an opportunity to take advantage of women.

If she is allowed to contact the Kongwu Monarch first, it will inevitably arouse the suspicion of the other party, and the woman will naturally know the news of her betrayal.

He didn't want to make things more complicated.

"If you are in a hurry, please wait!"

The woman glanced at him, then turned and went to the bedroom.


He took out a token with a strange shape and handed it to Taichi Furusaka.

"This is an empty contact order!"

"Okay, thank you!"

Kosaka Taichi took the contact order and sneered.

"Should be!"

The woman straightened her chest and nodded quickly.

It seemed a little happy to be praised by him.

Su Chen glanced at the contact order in Taichi Gusaka's hand, not knowing how this gadget works.

Can you find someone with this?

"Let's go!"

Kosaka Taichi accepted the contact order and got up to leave.

Get this contact order, find Kongwu, you can find other Maharajas.

When they went on a mission, they ignored themselves and cut off contact.

It means that he is suspicious of himself.

I didn't come to check it out. It seems that it should not be.

Put yourself in the eye!

Exactly, with Su Chen's means to kill them!

As long as these monarchs are destroyed, the only remaining self will become the hope of the bandits.

Status is naturally rising.

Although it fell into Su Chen's hands, it may not be an opportunity for him to improve his status!

As long as he cooperates well with him, whoever stands in front of him will be a dead end!

As for whether to betray the country, betray the bandits, etc...

Survival is more important than anything else!

In this regard, Kosaka Taichi has already seen it clearly, and has roughly planned the future route.

Su Chen got up together, ready to follow him out of here, and the scene was completed.


As soon as they got up, the woman's eyes were attacked like a poisonous snake!

Su Chen, who sensed the murderous aura, was extraordinarily keen!

Looking back at her, his eyes were piercing:

"court death?"

Under the pervading mental power, the killing intent and mental attack in her eyes were directly shattered.

The other party snorted, and his face changed greatly:

"Nani! Damn Dragon Kingdom!"

As soon as she heard the accent, she immediately recognized the identity of Su Chenlong, and the disguise technique Gusaka Taiyi did for him!

She led a person from Long Kingdom to the contact point for no reason. As an excellent intelligence liaison officer, how could she not understand that Su Chen's identity is suspicious?

I was in a hurry to get something!

"not good!"

Gusaka was surprised!

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt Su Chen beside him turn into a strong wind and rush forward!

He directly caught up with the woman and slashed between her neck with a palm!

Passed out on the spot!

Stopped what she was trying to get.

"This troublesome stinky woman! Lord Su Chen, we have to get rid of her as soon as possible! If someone finds out that she faints or dies here, it will immediately arouse the high vigilance and reaction of the gangsters. Our actions There are bound to be obstacles and difficulties!"

Kosaka Taichi frowned and said quickly.

I didn't expect this woman to be so vigilant that she would take action against Su Chen.

Su Chen is also fierce enough, he can't bear it anymore and pass.

Don't fight back directly.

Okay, now that's the trouble.

It's just that she must not be found knocked out here.

At least, we have to deal with it, and delay it for a while!

"How to deal with it?"

Su Chen looked at Gusaka Taichi. He had worked here, so he naturally knew how to deal with it best.

"I use the puppet technique to control her, and then we either imprison her, kill her and bury her where no one can find it, or hand it over to an institution or person you can trust! After all, what she knows The news is not only about our aliens, but also some secrets of Kou Kingdom!"

Kosaka Taichi suggested.

That gloomy tone, the way of calculation.

There is no room for thinking for Kou Guo at all.

Such a conscious Kosaka Taichi made Su Chen hesitate for a while.

It's a pity to let her die like this, after all she knows so many things.

I can't get any valuable information, and I have no place to imprison her, so I can only hand it over to the relevant institutions.

Ordinary patrol bureaus are definitely not acceptable. The people in the mysterious bureaus are all casual and specialize in dealing with other people's affairs, but they don't seem to be imprisoned. They are either released after interrogation, or killed and buried on the spot.

What other organization can maximize the use of these intelligence personnel?

Interrogation, imprisonment, there is a strict set of means....

Su Chen looked at Taichi Gusaka again:

"Which institution in our Dragon Country are you most afraid of?"

"The most afraid of you?"

Gusaka was shocked, how come it was his turn again?

However, he reacted quickly.

Quickly answer:

"Lord Su Chen, what the inferior people are most afraid of is the ghost of the Dragon Kingdom!"


Su Chen looked startled, this is a new word.

Furusaka Taiyi said quickly:

"That's right, it's the Ghost Troop! The Mystery Bureau has great powers, and the Ghost Troop is sinister and cunning..."

"No, it's a clever trick! It is said that even if they deal with a dead person, they can pry words out of their mouths!"

Looking at Taichi Furusaka, whose expression was vivid and fearful.

Su Chen believed it suspiciously.

not now

When there is too much consideration, just deal with her as soon as possible.

Relying on the news from Kosaka Taichi, he directly used the puppet to control the woman to follow him to a remote place.

Everywhere there is a place of vision for the ghost troops, which is the intelligence search office.

There is just one place near Qingyang County.


Ghost troop, detachment.

"As for the appearance of a mysterious person at this funeral, the Mystery Bureau has given an order to manage it, and it has nothing to do with us!

I have reported the situation to the captain, and the captain agreed to the order of the Mystery Bureau. "

"So, all actions on Qingyang's side are temporarily suspended!"

Wearing a burly figure with a ghost face, wearing a black camouflage uniform, standing in the temporary conference room.

He ordered to a group of ghost-faced soldiers dressed in the same way.


These ghost faces take orders immediately.

Beneath the hideous skeleton masks are the most elite special forces.

Not long ago, they participated in an operation to arrest people at a funeral. Under the command of the mysterious bureau, they failed.

It didn't hurt morale, after all, it was the mysterious bureau that slapped the face.

Right now, the Mystery Bureau has adjusted the matter and canceled the action here.

It means that they are about to go to other places to perform other actions.

As the best and most secretive troop, it may appear in every corner of the Dragon Kingdom at any time. It is on call at any time throughout the year, all the time, and the whole month.

Without any hesitation.



"Where are we going next?"

"Wait for the captain's order!"

When the voice fell, the soldiers were a little uncomfortable, and the temporary absence of things would make them feel uncomfortable.

Before waiting for the leader to say the next sentence, there was a new movement outside.


A rather dull voice sounded outside.


As the leader's voice fell, two soldiers wearing ghost masks walked in, holding a gangster woman.

The messy figure and the crazy appearance seem to be her suicide.

The poison in her teeth and the hidden suicide spots on her body were all ruled out by the soldiers. She looked at the ghost-faced soldiers in the room with horror.

She knows it's over!

The leader looked at her, his deep eyes seemed to be able to penetrate all her disguises.

Immediately, the sound is low pressure:

"It seems that this Qingyang will not be calm!"

"Arrange an interrogation!"


The two soldiers immediately took orders and went down with the woman.

The leader looked at the soldiers in the house and ordered in a deep voice:

"The order to suspend the operation is cancelled, and it is replaced by standby at any time, ready to execute the hunting operation!"


The soldiers under the skull masks stood up and responded.


When the ghost army was preparing for action, Su Chen was not idle either.

The intelligence personnel are dealt with by themselves, and there will be no problems for the time being, but it cannot be delayed for too long. Once the intelligence personnel are not seen for more than two days, it will inevitably cause the other party's suspicion and reckoning!

In particular, the ghost troops that Su Chen chose to hand over were even more powerful in execution.

It is necessary to understand the tasks and actions of the Maharaja before they act.

Otherwise, wait for the time when the ghost troops are dispatched to clear a large area.

If you want to find out about the situation of the Maharaja, it will be even more difficult.

A contact order is a relatively low-level item.

As long as the aliens use a special method to activate, the information recorded above can emerge. The contact order in the hands of Kosaka Taichi is exactly the location and contact information of Kong Wu.

After Gusaka Taichi got the information, he immediately took Luo Xuan to the empty place to look for his trace!

As long as he can find where he is, catching him is naturally a sure thing.


In a remote alley.

The ghostly figure was squatting on the corner of the wall, his narrow eyes stared at the two people who appeared at the entrance of the alley, and the hoarse voice echoed throughout the alley:

"Damn! Traitor!"

"Why? Why do you want to unite with him against us?"

"Hehe, I have already told you how to survive, and I advise you to surrender to Su Chen, and tell the secret mission you are performing! Otherwise, my puppet will not be merciful.

, Lord Su Chen's Thunder You will also taste it! "

Kosaka Taichi sneered.

Standing beside Su Chen, he took a half step back.

What he said made Su Chen feel that he was a villain.

I didn't care too much, and looked directly at the empty maharaja, this guy is an agile alien.

Fortunately, Kosaka Taichi explained his weaknesses and strengths in advance.

Put him in this corner!

Su Chen's face was cold, and he walked towards him in the alley step by step.

It was so oppressive that he couldn't breathe.

Grimly grinning at the moment:

"Baga! I fought with you!"

He was extremely fast, and suddenly turned into an afterimage and charged towards Su Chen!

Su Chen unhurriedly raised his hand and waved!


He slapped him back with a slap!


He, who had just been blasted back, rushed in immediately and recklessly!

There was blood on the corners of his mouth, and it seemed that he was really ready to work hard!

The hand Su Chen just raised seemed to fall down slowly!

Grab straight ahead!

Grab his throat firmly!


His frantic rushing energy was easily blocked by Su Chen's calm hand.

There was a severe pain in the throat, and blood was constantly spilling from the corners of the mouth.

Staring at Su Chen in horror:

"You... who are you!"

(End of this chapter)

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