The behemoth that suddenly appeared in front of him was wrapped in a powerful coercion.

Originally it was supposed to be a golden light, but now it is darkness!

The entire dark Buddha statue is like a giant walking at night. With a flick of the transcendent flag and staff in his hand, countless wind breaking sounds accompanied by the trembling of the golden ring, forming several subtle sharp edges, rushing towards Su Chen first!


Su Chen's face was sinking like water, he pushed forward with a palm, and the powerful rune power in his body directly defeated these blades!

Looking at the flag stick that was getting closer and closer, he frowned slightly, it seemed that the power of runes alone was not enough!

Then, let's use the power of the rune and the body to display it together!

Shen shouted:


In his hand, he suddenly squeezed out two thunder runes, one was stuck on his chest, and the other was held in his palm!

Stab it!

With the rune wrapped in thunder and lightning attached to the chest, strong currents followed, wrapping around Su Chen's body. Under the blessing of the current, the whole person's heart beat faster and his hair burst. , like a madman!

As soon as he grasped the fist, the thunder and lightning rune in his hand burst out with countless energy, forming a thunder and lightning glove!

With his eyes fixed on the stick of flags that was coming towards him, Su Chen didn't have any intention of retreating, but instead rushed up violently!



I saw a thunder light emerge, and Su Chen's figure was looming in the darkness!

With the continuous explosion of the thunder, he could see his figure.

In just one breath, Su Chen approached under the gigantic cane!

With a stroke of the Dragon Fist, he jumped up suddenly!

The flag staff bombarded downwards, possessing the advantages of inertia and oppression.

But, Su Chen's figure wrapped in thunder and lightning, the power that burst out is also extremely impressive, and he directly bombarded it with a punch!


Finally, the two meet!


Lightning cracked, sparks burst!

It seems that there are thunder snakes walking on Su Chen's body, constantly blessing his power!

Not to be outdone, that flag scepter smashed down frantically!

The two seemed to be in a stalemate, banging against each other frantically in mid-air, and the powerful force of the flag stick bombarded Su Chen's fist with all their strength!

Strong air waves continued to spread out, and terrifying power ripples madly permeated from the contact between the two.

Su Chen's eyes were already eroded by dark blue lightning!

There seems to be an arc flashing in the pupils!

Facing the flag stick above his head, he exerted his strength again!


The fist edge was slightly stored, and it burst out violently!


The delicate air wave balance was broken, and a fierce wind burst out with the electric pattern, spreading in all directions!

At this moment, the huge flag stick was unable to hold up the power of Su Chen's Lightning Fist!

Trembling, he was directly knocked up by that force!

The flag stick in San Xiong Cang's hand almost came out!

Forcefully grabbed the cane in his hand and took the opportunity to take two steps back!

Looking at Su Chen with some suspicion, isn't this guy a talisman master?

Has always been a talisman master with poor melee skills, why are you so introverted?

It's like a magical girl who didn't learn control magic well, so why did she learn taekwondo?

Su Chen's body was blessed by the sudden rune, and all the power was on Su Chen's body. It might be better to say that he was using the body as a rune!

San Xiong Cang felt a little uncomfortable, Su Chen is far from being as simple as it seems.

He is a bold and unusual talisman master, and his physical strength is far beyond that of ordinary talisman masters!

Right now, after one hit.

Su Chen didn't give up, but burst out again, madly attacking San Xiong Cang!

There are thunder and lightning in French shining all around him, and waves of visible fluctuations continue to emerge!

Under the blessing of this state, thunder and lightning seem to promote the operation of his abilities, and all aspects of quality have been stimulated and increased!

"Come again!"

Su Chen sneered, lightning filled his eyes, exuding a violent aura!

The figure is like lightning strikes, and it strikes again!


Lightning flashes, and the fist wind roars!

San Xiong Cang's complexion changed slightly, and the flag staff in his hand rippled again, waving it up at high speed!

Resisting Su Chen's blurry fist!

bang bang bang!

A series of low voices sounded, followed by the power of the electric pattern Zira.

The fist flags intersected, and waves of power were bombarded out!

"So fast!"

San Xiongcang was a little panicked, he couldn't keep up with Su Chen's speed at all!

It seems that there is a bonus of thunder and lightning, and Su Chen's fists are getting faster and faster!

It is almost impossible to see the traces of his waving fists with the naked eye!

A strong sense of oppression strikes, as if a violent storm is about to strike!

The cane in his hand is completely reluctant to fight with his consciousness and experience over the years!

For a moment, Su Chen's fist style burst again!

The strong fist wind howls, and the thunder and lightning follow it like a shadow!

San Xiong Cang only felt that the overwhelming fists were coming towards him, and blue lightning followed them!

The crackling sound is deafening!


A crisp voice sounded, Su Chen punched his flag stick, and the lightning wrapped around it was directly guided into the flag stick!

The strong current sense made San Xiong Cang tremble violently!

When he was shaking all over, the speed in his hand was already a beat slower!

He watched Su Chen's thunder-like fists attacking him in front of his eyes!


The strong wind is blowing, it hurts!


A punch finally landed on San Xiong Cang's face!

The sound of bones breaking is especially obvious in the dark night!

The strong fist wind whistled, and the blood shot violently. San Xiongcang only felt a dizziness in his head, and the whole person threw himself to the ground and fell to the ground!

After falling to the ground, looking at Su Chen who walked indifferently in front of him, San Xiongcang struggled to raise his right hand. There seemed to be treasures condensed in his hand, and a breath of deadly threat burst out instantly!


Su Chen's complexion changed greatly, and he hurriedly flashed back, but he still couldn't catch the sudden blow.

Feeling the sudden attack of the attack, he couldn't avoid it!

He was directly hit by this breath on his body!

I can't see what it is, I just feel that the moment it touches itself, it disappears!

"Hahaha, I was going to give it to Old Qin, kill him to prove the Tao! I didn't expect you to enjoy it first, enjoy it, before I die, I can take away the most potential guy hidden in the Dragon Kingdom, no deficit!!"

San Xiong Cang's face was pale, blood was constantly spilling from the corners of his mouth, and he smiled wickedly.

Don't wait for Su Chen to attack him.

Gu His right hand, which was slowly raised, suddenly fell!

The whole person trembled for a while, and then he lost his life!

Su Chen frowned tightly, stepped forward, and found that this guy was completely dead.

I don't know what method was used, but he committed suicide on the spot!

Feeling that there is no abnormality in the body, Su Chen is a little puzzled. Logically speaking, whether it is poison or any bad state, he should be able to perceive it. Why is there no feeling at all?

Obviously, this guy's counterattack before he died could never be just a fright.

He also understood the last sentence. This guy was going to use this trick to deal with Old Qin, but unfortunately he met him first. He was very confident that he could kill Old Qin through this trick and prove his way.

Explain that this must not be a simple thing!

No matter how Su Chen used the means, he couldn't notice it.

For the time being, I can only give up.

Looking at the storefront not far away, I still have to dispose of this corpse.


in the storefront.

Looking at the big hand suspended high above his head, Taichi Furusaka held his breath and did not dare to move.

For fear that any one of his breaths will be killed by the other party.

He didn't understand, whose method is this big hand?

If it is Su Chen's method, then there is no need to trap himself here, can't he move?

If not, why would you help yourself eliminate those tassels?

Now, I don't know if it's because my aura is too weak, and the other party disdains to kill me.

He was still intimidating himself, but he just didn't want to make himself move.

For a while, Taichi Kosaka had cold sweat streaming down his cheeks, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

He stared at the big hand that could kill him at any time, his eyes fixed, his strong desire to survive prevented him from making any moves.

He was a little fortunate.

Because of his professional status as a puppet master, he often stood motionless during the training process, integrated with the surrounding environment, held his breath, and then manipulated those puppets to move!

Unexpectedly, it will come in handy here.

At this moment, Taichi Kosaka is like a wooden man, he doesn't emit any breath, and even his pupils seem to be locked, not moving at all!

After a moment,

A figure suddenly came out of the door.

Kosaka Taichi moved his eyes tentatively and saw Su Chen's figure!

In an instant, I was secretly happy!

There is help!

This guy's ability is much higher than his own, there must be a trick to deal with this killing intent!

After all, it was a means that appeared in his storefront, so he couldn't ignore it, right?

Furthermore, even if he can't control it, according to the operation rules of this method, whichever threat has a stronger aura, it will kill whoever is first!

Su Chen's breath was undisguised and spread in the storefront. Isn't this a living target?

So, Kosaka Taichi breathed a sigh of relief.

The terrifying aura above his head made him not dare to speak out. He kept staring at Su Chen and sent messages to the other party with his eyes.

Trying to ask Su Chen to help him, or in other words, let the killer focus on Su Chen.


Neither was what he wanted.

Su Chen frowned, turning a blind eye to what happened to him, and sat directly on the chair of the Grand Master.

Started to think about what just happened.

Wanting to review the details, so as to judge what he ordered for himself, there is no information at all.

Seeing that Su Chen didn't care about him, and that the killer didn't deal with Su Chen according to his own ideas, Taichi Gusaka was a little panicked.

I don't know if I should tentatively call Su Chen, or try to see if this invisible big hand will attack me.

After all, he was gambling with his life, so he had to be more cautious.

There was no immediate decision.

You can only keep thinking about it in your mind.

Suddenly, I heard a question from Su Chen:

"How long are you going to stay there?"


Furusaka was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why.

Looking at the killing intent above his head with some fear, he looked at Su Chen and said tentatively:

"This... there is great terror here! I'm afraid of death!"

"As long as you obediently restrain your mind, it will naturally not attack you!"

Regarding this, Su Chen said lightly.

It is the self-protection mechanism of the store itself. Without awareness, as long as you don’t move your mind, it will not be triggered.

If it wasn't for that San Xiong Cang's shot just now, perhaps the store's response wouldn't have been so intense.

The stronger the opponent you encounter, the stronger the storefront's confrontation mechanism.

"I see!"

Furusaka Taichi breathed a sigh of relief and seemed to understand the rules of this mechanism.

Taking a step forward, the murderous intent above his head slowly dissipated.

Feeling the ease on the top of his head, he finally completely relaxed, his shoulders collapsed, and he twisted his joints a few times numbly.

She looked at Su Chen strangely, not knowing when Su Chen went out.

He was obviously in a small room in the store, why did he suddenly come in from outside?

I have seen the small room inside, and I have entered it, and there is no secret passage.

No matter how powerful Su Chen is, it is impossible for him to escape from the storefront, right?

It became increasingly difficult to see through this Su Chen.

Various methods emerged one after another, and once again I was glad that I surrendered to Su Chen early.

He quickly and obediently walked to the Taishi chair, with a little doubt in his obedience:

"What's wrong with you?"

"Do you know San Xiongcang's method? When we were fighting just now, I heard that he was going to attack Qin Lao, saying that he had a nirvana. Do you know?"

Su Chen's eyes glowed with cold stars, looking at Taichi Kosaka and asked.

He didn't tell him the truth, so he was going to take a side shot.

Feeling the chill in Su Chen's eyes, Kosaka Taichi shuddered, feeling that the truth might not be that simple.

But he wasn't going to ask any more questions, he said directly without hesitation:

"San Xiongcang's cultivation technique is a secret technique from our big Kou family. I have heard about his technique. It is said that he uses magic weapons to introduce his own strength, integrate attack and defense, and even summon virtual images to fight. According to Their family's tradition should be all dark Buddha statues. Besides, their family's tradition is to use their own strength to nourish strange natal magic Different from ordinary people's natal magic weapons, their body protection functions are Magical weapons are often used to attack and kill others, and they are said to come and go without a trace. Those who have seen this method are already dead.

If you encounter it, Sir, you must be careful! "

"Everyone who has seen this method is dead?"

Su Chen frowned, what would he do if he died?

There is absolutely no clue to check!

"That's right, but you don't have to worry about Old Qin. From Old Qin's point of view, the various methods of the bandits are already commonplace, so when dealing with San Xiongcang, you will naturally be more vigilant!"

Kosaka Taichi said so.

These words are sincere, not half deceitful.

Hearing that, Su Chen had a headache, so he could only wave his hand to let him back off.

Of course, Mr. Qin doesn't need to worry anymore, he has already endured it for him.

After Kosaka Taichi stepped down.

Su Chen's thoughts moved, and the surrounding space changed completely!

A force of life spread out from him. With the passage of time, his face began to grow old, and the power of space was ups and downs, and it seemed that there was some kind of power...


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