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Under everyone's attention, the plane finally appeared in sight.

Breaking through the backdrop of the night, it flashed a sharp light, like a sharp blade penetrating the sky, galloping forward.

Everyone at the scene was still recalling what the old man said before. When they saw the plane for a while, their tears flowed out even more undisguisedly, like dams bursting one after another.

Streams of water ran across his cheeks. Whether it was a tender face or a weather-beaten face, it was full of expectations, longing, and deep nostalgia for this plane. Those who fought and were not afraid of death Heroes, go home!

The sound of the wind swept the surrounding dust in the dark night.

Boom down!

Countless tiny pieces of flying dust were blown away by the airflow that was directly followed by the aircraft in the distance.

When the plane slowly landed, it seemed like it had been cleaned up. The huge fuselage left a larger figure. There was a very obvious Dragon Kingdom logo on the cabin. It was also equipped with flight attendants. One by one, the 'guests' were preparing for the service of getting off the cabin. At the same time, the voice of arriving at the destination Dragon Country sounded in the cabin. The service terms that used to be polite in the past now contain a different kind of mood and respect.

Countless rays of light mirrored the entire airport, making it particularly bright in the dark.

With the plane completely parked in front of everyone, the cabin door has not yet opened, and you can feel a map light in the direction of the tower moving slowly, converging here, and gathering the eyes of some people around. With the fusion of eyes and lights, a familiar voice sounded a touching voice:

"Number: Plane l1950 arrives at the terminal, Dragon Country!"

"Welcome home the heroes who carried this plane!"

The voice fell, like the sound of tears.

Those at the scene who didn't cry, their eyes reddened with the words.

Tears flowed down unwillingly.

Su Chen felt that the corners of his eyes were a little wet, and when he reached out to touch it, tears fell.

Tears are silent, most deeply rooted in people's hearts.

There are voices of grief roaring invisibly, and there are voices of congratulations on their return, bursting into everyone's hearts!

They waited too long to get home!

The wait for them to go home is too long!

The motherland has not forgotten them, and many people are secretly working hard to take them home!

Every hard-working Longguo person is contributing to the development of the Longguo. When the Longguo is strong, they have the status and the right to speak, can they have a protective umbrella against being bullied, and can have a person who can tell their grievances and stand up for justice. Home, with these, there is a harbor that can be embraced at any time.

At other pick-up points around, there are also some people waiting for their friends, customers, or important people.

The sound of the tower passed through each of their ears, and their eyes followed the lights of the tower unconsciously, and they looked over together. When they heard the sound of the tower, they seemed to understand something, welcome the hero home, such a huge cabin. , the logo of the Dragon Kingdom is particularly obvious, it is not difficult to see that it is an international flight, just flew back from abroad?

Since I heard that he is a hero, he is not an ordinary person. There are so many people picking up the plane, and there are even some special cameras and reporters. Anyone who sees it is a little curious. In the end, it is such a big man who can dispatch such specifications. ostentation?

To be able to dispatch reporters, dispatch so many people, and even the tower to open the horn to welcome him, under the condensed lights, full of respect!

Could it be some hero they don't know?

"What hero has come back recently?"

Someone asked from a distance, looking at the somewhat exaggerated scene under the plane, and asked quickly.

The planes under the lights are particularly eye-catching.

"The most recent hero? I haven't heard of it. We in Qingyang can produce an old hero like Chu Guozhong, which is already very powerful. Not long ago, the principal of the town, Tang, can be regarded as a civilian hero, and it has spread. Many people went to their scene, which is very good, I don't know which big man this is, a big hero, this is a bit bigger than Chu Guozhong, Principal Tang and the others!"

Someone replied.

Obviously, he didn't know what happened and was able to dispatch such a battle.

At least the average person can't do it.

The lowest grade should be on the same level as Chu Guozhong and Principal Tang.

After all, there are so many people picking up the plane, and even the tower has sent out searchlights, and then look at the ground staff who rushed over not far away, their faces are serious, and some ground staff who can't make it can only move far in this direction. Salute to show respect.

Such scenes, they do not believe that ordinary people can have scenes.

With all kinds of curiosity, more and more eyes were focused on the plane. Under the dazzling Dragon Kingdom logo, the cabin door finally opened slowly in response to countless expectations. !

In the crowd, the team prepared in advance by the ground staff directly pulled over.

It was a group of straight soldiers wearing ceremonial military uniforms. They seemed to have prepared for this scene for a long time. They walked directly down the stairs of the cabin door, with solemn expressions, serious looks, and respect. He walked slowly under the cabin, but did not disperse, but raised his eyes to look at the cabin door!

A trace of the door of light in the cabin, through the open gap, emanated little by little.

As the gap widens, the light also expands.

Under the gathering of a little bit of light, strange customer 'figures' appeared in everyone's eyes. Looking at these strange guests, the people at the door of the cabin did not show too much strangeness, but one by one more. Nervous and looking forward to it, I involuntarily took a few steps forward, waiting for these ceremonial staff to pick up these 'most respected guests' back!

After seeing the 'guests' in the cabin, countless people were stunned.

Tears speechless.

There are also people who eat melons who are not aware of it, and their expressions change drastically for a while, and they look at those 'guests'.


"This is..."

"What's the situation? How can the plane transport the urn?"

"Look! That's the flag of our Dragon Kingdom!"

"I think I know!"

"Flag box! Ritual soldiers pick up the plane, such a courtesy! What a great hero?"

"Why are all ashes?"

"Heroes, haven't come back alive? Or, they can't come back in flesh?"

"I get it, I get it!"

"It was that battlefield, they, they came back!"


With everyone's surprised eyes, the atmosphere gradually became more and more solemn.

They seem to have realized something. Their expressions changed from being suspicious to solemn, and then to tears in their eyes. Even the posture that was originally standing casually, they involuntarily raised their chests and lifted them up, wanting to make the most of it. A gesture of respect to welcome the return of those heroes!

Even if they can't see the most reverent tribute they express in the distance!

Just as they gave their most precious lives for themselves in places they couldn't see at the beginning!

So without hesitation, so desperate.

So bloody, so tearful.


The closest reporter saw the red flag, a strong emotion burst out in his heart, like a stream of heat that rushed directly to his heart and head, and tears flowed uncontrollably. , at the same time holding the microphone in his hand, with the most determined and a little hoarse voice, to the audience who can see the scene in the camera, explaining the scene:

"Friends at the scene can see that the hero plane we have been waiting for is finally back!

Carrying our countless expectations, it finally sent all the heroes back safely. My mood is extremely moved and surging, touched by the strength of our motherland, and let the heroes return to their hometowns! Surging, is excited for the heroes!

This plane carries the greatest heroes of our Dragon Kingdom! They sacrificed their most precious lives for us to defend our homeland and the country. They are true heroes and idols in our hearts! They are also the people we should respect the most. It is their existence that makes our alarm bells ring, never forget our national humiliation, and move forward! "

After the reporter finished saying this sentence, it was like a stick in his throat.

Every sound, every word, is his inner voice.

Loyalty to the power of the country, after all, is the silence engraved in the bones!

Countless netizens staring at the live broadcast burst into tears after seeing this scene.

One after another red barrage burst out:

"Silence is better than sound at this time! I love you, my dragon country!"

"Our heroes, we never forget you!"

"Welcome back, dear hero!!"

"Welcome home, most honorable people!"

"I knew that one day, the world will recognize our existence, recognize our voice, and let every wandering hero who protects the country return home safely!"

"I'm in tears, I can't stop crying!"

"Don't ask why, it's just that the tears came out by themselves. My most respected seniors, this prosperous world is as you wish!"

"Seniors, we are as you wish! Dragon Country is as you wish! The mountains and rivers are safe, the country is peaceful and the people are safe!"

"Thanks to our motherland for being able to bring back all the heroes! It must have been countless efforts!"

"Dragon Kingdom mighty!"

"You can always trust me in the Great Dragon Kingdom!"

"Suddenly there was a song in my ear!"

"What song is it?"

"My country and I cannot be separated for a moment..."


"I couldn't stop crying before. When I saw the lyrics of this song, I couldn't help but sing along for a while, and tears came out! Woohoo!"

"Wherever I go, there is a hymn!"

"Why, it's also a barrage, but you can make a sound? (burst cry.jpg


When the netizens in the live broadcast room burst into tears, the emotions and atmosphere of the scene were even more exciting and scalp tingling.

It should be a noisy airport, but at this moment, it is silent! !

Countless gazes condensed at the door of the cabin, one after another, the urns that were brought down!

They were greeted by the best honor guards of the Dragon Kingdom!

The soldiers cast the most respectful and resolute eyes, straight bodies with strong chests, and the slender dragon country honor guard costumes, which do not hide their burly bodies and the most determined will.

In order, one after the other, take a few steps forward.

Step by step sonorous and forceful, stepping on the ground, only the sound of leather shoes touching the ground.

Simply, neat!

This is their most silent, but powerful tribute!

Watching the soldiers receive the urns one by one, countless shots gathered together as they moved.

While holding back the tears, the cameraman insisted on holding the camera, not wanting to miss a second of the shot. Such a scene worthy of publicity and praise should be spread by them, so that all the people of Longguo know that their hero is back. Now, the heroes have received the highest and most respected courtesy!

Letting tears run down his cheeks, ignoring the itch, and concentrating on recording every moment with the camera!

Because at this moment in addition to them, the eyes of countless netizens are gathering here.

Not many people can come to the scene.

However, their respect for the heroes never faded for a moment.

Looking at the family members who appeared at the scene, countless netizens complained about themselves and hated themselves for not being able to arrive at the scene.

Haven't been able to witness all of this with my own eyes.

"All your efforts are for the development of our Dragon Kingdom! Only when our country is strong can we, our younger generation, like the heroes of our predecessors, no longer suffer from the suffering of living in foreign countries. , no longer be bombarded by the powerful technology of other countries! No longer endure the feeling of being arbitrarily humiliated, and never be a slave to be trampled on!

Your respect can be seen by the heroes, and the efforts of every Dragon Country people are contributing to the strength of our Dragon Country! "

A reporter was moved and said to the camera.

Those netizens who said they were unable to arrive at the scene immediately expressed their relief.

A certain student: I would like to study for the rise of the Dragon Kingdom!

A certain worker: I am full of energy. I hope my contributions can make the Dragon Kingdom stronger and stronger!

An entrepreneur: We all have a common goal, which is to work hard for the strength of the Dragon Kingdom!


A good media communicator can guide the public to move towards positive energy, to forge ahead without mental internal friction, and always understand the responsibilities and obligations of the media in the new era.

Compared with the team studios that created traffic for celebrities before, or the 'navy army' who helped others to abuse the Internet, their performance is the best of contemporary media people endorsement.

The urns at the scene were slowly taken out of the cabin.

The ceremonial soldiers held these urns with both hands, and walked slowly away towards the road that had been prepared.

Step by step, steady and powerful.

Even when turning, their pace seems to be consistent, without any hesitation and confusion.

The steady footsteps were the firmest voice in the scene.

"Let's go!"

Geng Zhengyang watched these ceremonial soldiers walk by with satisfaction, and said calmly to his granddaughter, Su Chen and others...


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