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During the coma, Taichi Kosaka felt that he had a very strange dream. In the dream, he possessed a very powerful power. As long as his thoughts moved, he could do anything!

Infinite energy radiates from his body, forming a backflow around his body. With the continuous injection and flow of the backflow, he feels that the power in his body is getting stronger.

When he woke up, he was awakened by a pungent smell of potion.

When he opened his eyes, a strange man in a white coat was holding bandages and potions to wrap himself up.

Everything around is very familiar, still at home.

"Child, don't move, it will be fine soon."

After seeing Taichi Kosaka awake, the doctor said quickly, motioning him not to move.

As for the reason why he was beaten, the doctor probably knew it too. He was a brave child who stood up to protect his mother, and was not afraid of the violent Kosaka Jizhong.

The bandage in his hand was skillfully wrapped around Taichi Kosaka's head.


Enjoying the doctor's services, Taichi Gusaka still looked sad and shouted.

"Taichi, are you awake?"

From another room came my mother's voice.

Hearing his mother's voice, Gusaka Taichi breathed a sigh of relief. At least, his mother was fine.

Looking at her young age, she still misses her mother's children.

The doctor smiled gently:

"What a brave young man, I have bandaged this wound for you, and it will be fine to rest for a while. Remember, you must not move around in the first three days, let alone do physical work, or the wound will collapse before it heals! "

After that, the doctor left with his medical kit.

Touching the bandage on his forehead, Taichi Kosaka frowned slightly.

Can't do physical work?

This can't be done, there is only one day left until tomorrow. If you can't work tomorrow, you won't be able to get the money together.

The other party will definitely change people tomorrow, find new workers, and naturally they will not want to be themselves!

Thinking of this, Taichi Kosaka decided to go to work!

the next day.

Ignoring his mother's obstruction, he insisted on going out.

When he came to the dock where the goods were being transported, he felt that the handling leader here seemed to have some changes in his attitude.

The wound on his head, every time he exerts force, it will hurt straight to the root of his teeth!

It was like a thread of silk was broken from the wound, and the blood slowly seeped out from the bandage.

"Tai Yi-sang, you can't do this, blood is flowing from your forehead, why don't you go home and rest for a while!"

A well-connected co-worker, seeing Taichi, who was bleeding from the bandages on his head, couldn't help but said with concern.


Kosaka Taichi refused and continued to work.

Just today!

As long as you finish today's work, you will be able to get that expensive medicine, the medicine that can cure the mother's condition!

After getting the medicine, you can switch to work that doesn't require such laborious work, and it doesn't matter if the pay is lower.

Because tomorrow is also the last day agreed with the pharmacy owner!

The medicines that are in short supply can be kept for myself until tomorrow, which is the best result. I can't buy them this time, and I don't know when the next time will be.

Looking at Taichi Furusaka, who was persistent, the other co-workers couldn't say anything.

Let him do it.

After a busy day, the bandage on the top of his head not only had blood seeping out, but it was also stained with a dark color, which was very dirty.

However, this did not delay him from asking the foreman for today's wages.

Standing at the entrance of the wharf, the big man with a cigarette in his mouth is the leader of the porters.

Every day's wages are paid by him.

Although he is not a good person, he is not in arrears of wages. After working for such a long time, there is no wage arrears, so Kosaka Taichi can work here with confidence.


"What? Why didn't you give it to me?"

Furusaka Taichi looked at the leader in disbelief.

The other party refused to pay today's salary?

"Don't be excited, child! Your father came to me today, asked about your situation, and threatened me with rules, so he has already taken your wages today!"

The leader said helplessly.

Tolerating a child to work as a coolie is not something that conforms to the rules in itself. If it is borrowed by the other's father to make a big fuss, the one who suffers will definitely be himself, and the other party's request is not excessive, that is, his son's salary, Just send it to my father, it's all a family, even if it is sent!

Hearing the leader's words, Kosaka Taichi clenched his teeth, holding back tears in his eyes!

It's that man again!

I just beat myself yesterday, and today it's even more extreme, I'm just here to grab my salary!

A wave of hatred filled his heart.

That's the money to treat my mother!

The money was taken.

What about my mother?

Mother...what to do! ?

Kosaka Taichi suddenly raised his head and looked at the leader:

"So, he just took my money, right?"

"Uh, yes!"

The leader was startled by his sudden gaze, and nodded quickly.

The eyes just now seemed to be a little intimidating?

I don't know if it's my own delusion or what.

I always feel that Taichi Gusaka's gaze just now is like the gaze of a beast that is about to eat people!

Looking at the departing back, the leader hesitated for a while, and didn't think much about it.

The people under him have to pay them wages!

As for the alcoholic, Taichi Furusaka knew exactly where he was.

Going forward, I still have expectations for this father, expecting him to be responsible, to make some contribution to the family, and to think of a way for my mother's illness.

However, after so many years of experience, Taichi Kosaka has completely disappointed him.

I just want to rely on myself, not to mention supporting the family, at least to eliminate the sick for my mother. The mother who is lying in bed because of illness is enduring huge pain every day. As long as I can save money to buy that medicine, I can save my mother. , don't let her have to bear such pain again!

She was the only person she was close to.

In this world, the most gentle and closest mother.

But now, with today's salary, I can buy medicines myself, and use my hard-earned money to save my mother from the disease! Let her no longer suffer from the torment of the disease!

But, that devil.

That alcoholic man, called his father, took his salary!

Take away the mother's chance to recover!

He took away his only hope for this family!


Outside a pub and gambling hall, Gusaka Jizhong hummed a ditty and walked slowly towards the gambling hall.

Just got his son's wages, this kid has been deceiving himself!

Obviously, you can earn 100 yuan for a day of transportation, but you only pay 30 yuan for yourself!

The remaining seventy yuan must have been saved by him to get the medicine that woman needs, idiot!

A useless woman, giving her medicine in vain, is she mentally ill?

A woman like that should starve to death and leave her alone.

Even if the medicine can cure her condition, there is no guarantee that she can continue to work and make money.

If you can't help yourself make money, why waste money to help her?

Fortunately, I was smart and found the leader of my son's work!

It was a simple threat, and the other party did not dare to be checked.

He agreed to hand over his son's salary to himself.

Now that's it, with my son's wages, I have more expenses for myself!

"Yeah, Kosaka Jizhong-kun! Why are you free today?"

The woman standing at the entrance of the casino seemed to have already been familiar with Kosaka Jizhong, and when she saw his figure from a distance, she greeted him warmly.

"Hahaha, what else can I do here? Of course I want to play, I want to see how my luck is today!"

Gusaka Jizhong laughed twice and walked into the casino.

These days he has endured it, only 30 yuan, the gambling is not enough.

And it will affect the money you eat.

It is rare to have a hundred yuan today, so I must be a little presumptuous.

If you are lucky, you might even make a fortune!

"Come in, come in, come in!"

Seeing Gusaka Jizhong's appearance, the woman naturally understood that he had got the money again, and hurriedly greeted him and walked inside.

With a friendly appearance, Xiao Bubu doesn't care where his money comes from, as long as it falls into the pocket of the casino, she doesn't care.

Just when Kosaka Jizhong was about to walk in and find a place to start gambling.

A thin figure appeared outside the casino!

With a hint of hatred in his eyes, he looked directly at Kosaka Jizhong and shouted:

"Stop for me!"

This sound was almost a roar.

Hearing the voice, everyone's eyes turned towards this side.

When he found out that he was the son of Kosaka Jizhong, he didn't care too much, and he lowered his head and gambled his own money.

"Stinky boy, what are you shouting here?"

Hearing this, Kosaka Jizhong found out that it was his son and asked angrily.

Guessing the situation in my heart, it must be this kid who came to ask him for money!

I lied to myself for such a long time, I don't know how much money I have saved, but I'm too embarrassed to ask myself for it?

"Please, give me my wages back!"

Gusaka Tai looked serious, and still said with hatred in his eyes!

Word by word, true and true.

Enough to hear the anger in his heart!

However, who cares about the anger in a child's heart?

"Hehe, your salary? Whose son are you? Forgot!?"

"You are my son. Your wages, once you earn them, should be used to honor me, you know?"

"Get out of here while I don't want to get angry with you!"

"Go home!"

Kosaka Jizhong sneered and threatened in disapproval.

On the contrary, he was somewhat taken for granted.


The people around were watching the situation between father and son as if they were watching a play.

Such a situation is not uncommon in casinos, and it is often seen that families make trouble because of gambling.

Some familiar regulars have long known about the situation of the Gusaka family and didn't care too much.

This Kosaka Jizhong treats his family members with no emotion at all.

In addition to gambling money, that is, drinking, often not home at night.

Also, there is a tendency for domestic violence.

Typical prodigal, villain image.

However, it is rare to see such a brave side of his son like today.

At this moment, Kosaka Taichi was still standing there, staring at his father motionless.

Perhaps realizing that he lost face as a father, Kosaka Jizhong said coldly:

"I can give you a few dollars, go home, don't embarrass me here!"

"No! I want all my wages!"

Kosaka Taichi shook his head and said very firmly!

His eyes were full of hatred, and he no longer had the respect for his father!

Looking at the child in front of him, Kosaka Jizhong was also a little angry:


"Today I have to get my wages!"

"Huh! Are you threatening fatherhood?"

"The money, give it back to me!"

Everyone watched the show while watching the battle between father and son indifferently.

More and more people cast their gazes, Gusaka Jizhong glanced at the people around him, perhaps feeling ashamed.

He ignored his son, turned around and continued to walk inside.

"Pay me back!"

Looking at his back as he continued to walk inside, Taichi Gusaka gritted his teeth and continued to shout!

In the hoarse voice, there is a touch of resentment!


The other party continued to walk inside as if he couldn't hear it.

He even sat leisurely at a gambling table and escaped from his arms for one hundred yuan, which was his own wages!

"That's my money! money!"

"Boy, didn't you hear what your dad said? Hurry up and don't affect my business here!"

Facing the boy who still wanted to chase in and stop Kosaka Jizhong, the woman took two big men and blocked him outside the door!

Don't give him any chance to get in!

Joke, how can I refuse the guests who come to consume?

Facing the three tall figures, no matter how hard he tried, Taichi Kosaka couldn't push them away.

Tears of despair filled his eyes, and before they fell, they were wiped away by him!

Looking at my father, I have to gamble with my own money!

He couldn't take it any longer!

A wave of murderous intent rose from the bottom of my heart, and could no longer be controlled!

Fierce eyes glanced at the three of them, then turned and left!

"This kid, the look in his eyes before leaving is really terrifying!"

"Hehe, just a stinky boy, what can be scary?"

"You all give me snacks, don't let this happen again and affect our business!"


The three disagreed.

They retreated and went to observe the situation in the casino.

Unexpectedly, only for a moment.

Kosaka Taichi's figure reappeared outside the casino!

His **** left hand was gone, and in his right hand was a machete that was still dripping blood. On his tender face covered in blood, a sinister smile like a devil appeared, and he walked into the casino step by step!

"Boy, you!..."

A few people who were going to step forward to continue to block, just took two steps, they were scared away by his terrifying image!


It was real blood, flowing out from his broken left wrist!

Sprinkled on the ground, and as he walked, it continued to spread on the ground.

"You! Why is your hand gone? What do you want to do with this knife?"

Gusaka Jizhong saw the fierceness, staring at his son, and couldn't help but panic.


He is walking towards him!

The panic in his heart made Kosaka Jizhong back again and again, and his intuition told him that his son had completely lost his mind.

At the moment, quickly took out the money:

"Do you want money? I'll give you half!"

"Is seventy okay, I only need thirty today, the same as before, I..."

With a ferocious look in Tai Kosaka's eyes, like a demon returning from hell, he walked straight to his father:


Knife light flashes,

Head Taichi Kosaka took the blood-stained medicine and gave it to his mother.

But he was soon imprisoned, and then because of the awakening ability.

Release in advance and enter the pirate alien world.

He thinks this is his second chance, a second life!

A new place to show himself, after unremitting efforts, he finally became a maharaja!

Go to the Dragon Country and cooperate with the action.

Until, he encountered his second nightmare, but it was also his other hope.

Su Chen!


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