Chapter 189 Familiar figure

Wrapped in an angry voice, it instantly attracted everyone's attention.

A burly figure with his chest outstretched, even though he was wearing casual clothes, he couldn't hide his elite temperament.

Couldn't hide the soldier's aura.

Looking at the young man who appeared in the field, Old Man Geng turned to look at the young man. His words were sincere. They were on the heart of a soldier, and he even expressed a respectful attitude.

As Old Man Geng's gaze turned, the young man who was not far away immediately stood up and was shocked.

With a solemn expression on his face, he raised the palm of Geng's hand and gave a proper salute.



Facing the young man's salute, Old Geng's vicissitudes of life was rarely moved.

He didn't say a word, but he politely returned a salute.

After receiving the salute from Elder Geng, the young man felt relieved and put his hand down.

Then, under Mr. Gong's wrinkled eyes.

The young man turned his gaze to him:

"This is the old-fashioned military uniform of our Dragon Kingdom. Only veterans who have participated in the two battlefields have such clothes! You are saying now, which store would not tolerate such an existence? Which street would be cold to a former soldier A hero who fought?"

"Although I'm just a retired soldier, I know that some people will always be our pride and our role models. They can't move at all!"


Hearing this, Mr. Gong sullenly glared at the receptionist beside him.

How did you get it on your clothes? Now a retired soldier has been drawn, and the situation is even more unfavorable!

If it was said that everyone came to watch the play before, and by the way, the people in line seem to have become the ones watching this farce.

As for the serious queue, there are not many people who want to go in and see the cultural street.

Seeing that more and more eyes are focused here, everyone's attention is more focused on Mr. Gong and Elder Geng.

Things can't go on like this anymore.

With this in mind, Mr. Gong looked at Mr. Geng again:

"I didn't expect the old gentleman to be such a hero. It's really admirable. We might as well talk to the side about anything. It's not appropriate to block other people's work here, right? What do you think?"

"Isn't the politeness on the lips, I lost even the pride of the dragon people in my heart, and are you still telling me these words? Do you think I still have the mood to tell you?"

Elder Geng said angrily, that his disappointment with him has never stopped since the beginning.

On the contrary, it continues to strengthen.

As a dragon man, he has no arrogance. He turned to work for the Kou people. Now there is a way out for everything. Even if he does things for the Kou people, there are many ways to join him, but he did such a thing. Make people angry?

If you leave this job and you can't live, then it's understandable.

But now you are purely for making money in exchange for more benefits, and you don't even have to save the face of Long Guo.

Is it necessary to chat with him here?

What are you talking about?

Indiscriminate bombing towards the culture of the Dragon Kingdom?

For such a person, Mr. Geng's heart is full of disappointment and has no expectations.

Only to completely close the cultural street here is the most realistic expectation in my heart.

Seeing Elder Geng's attitude, Mr. Gong was somewhat anxious and unhappy:

"Look at what you said, we have always treated you with the most respect, and you will not be allowed to enter if you don't wear a kimono. This is the rule we have made here. Qiang Chuang, this is a bit of a loss of your identity, don't you think?"

The words were filled with obvious aggressive tactics.

It's a pity that treating Elder Geng is completely useless!

With some trepidation, he glanced at the crowd around him and the retired soldier standing here.

Mr. Gong was still a little confused and didn't dare to make a decision lightly.

At this moment, a group of people with mustaches walked over slowly.

As if he was sightseeing, he observed the situation here, and was suddenly curious, so he walked over.

I saw Mr. Gong appearing here, as well as everyone.

The person in the lead walked up to Mr. Gong with a smile on his face and asked:

"What's the situation here?"

"Ah, Lord Furui!"

When Mr. Gong heard the sound, he hurriedly expressed a respectful attitude. This appearance was completely different from the attitude of the old Geng just now.

With such an attitude, one can't help but wonder, who is this man with a moustache?

Old Geng frowned and looked over.

The moustache that appeared in front of him seemed to have a lot of power. Following him, he wore brand-name clothes, and his words and actions had the aura of a superior person.

"Where are these people, what is the situation?"

Mustache continued to ask.

Listening to his words, Mr. Gong frowned and said with a somewhat difficult expression:

"This gentleman wants to go in and visit our Kou Culture Street!"

"Oh? Welcome, welcome! Welcome them! Why don't you go in?"

When Gu Jing heard this, isn't this a good thing?

continued to say with a smile.

See you.

Mr. Gong gritted his teeth helplessly and said:

"This... this, this gentleman wants to go in, but he doesn't want to wear a kimono!"


Moustache's face was startled, and his smile instantly stiffened.

He looked at the old man in front of him, but he was wearing old-fashioned clothes, and he looked like a stubborn master.

At the moment, with a slightly stiff smile, he said:

"It must be that you didn't make it clear to this old gentleman. The most important thing to come to the Kou Culture Street is to enjoy a unique style and appreciate the charm of a unique culture! Our kimonos are only the exchange and symbol of our own culture. Wearing this way If you wear clothes to play, you will have more fun and be more gregarious, and at the same time, this is also the most basic respect for our Kou country culture!"

Refers to Sang and said Huai.

Mr. Gong naturally understood the meaning of the mustache in front of him, and immediately nodded:

"Yes, yes, what you said is that you didn't explain clearly to this old gentleman!"


Moustache glanced at Geng Lao again and nodded in disapproval.

Immediately, he put on a smile and took a step forward.

Spread out your hands:

"Welcome to our pirate culture street. It is normal that you don't understand it because of the just-launched reason. After all, the injection of an excellent culture always requires a time transition and process, but fortunately. , we are confident that we can pass on this culture better in the Dragon Kingdom, and spread it more vigorously and deeply!"

He said to Elder Geng with a smile on his face.

It was a bright smile, but it made people feel full of malice.

"What kind of **** is it that can still be called an excellent culture? In front of our great country, where do you get your confidence?"

Geng Lao showed no hypocrisy at all, and said with a torn face on the spot.

No matter where he wants to develop, this street appears on the land of the Dragon Kingdom, but it won't work!

Don't say that you don't agree, just ask the warriors who have been sleeping here, the thousands of heroes who have sacrificed their blood for this inch of land, whether they agree!


No matter how good Rao is at pretending, the mustache with extremely strong endurance has lost his original pretence at this moment.

He shouted angrily directly at Old Man Geng, his face turned hideous:

"Old man, I advise you, don't toast, eat and drink fine! Want to make trouble with us? You can't even get in the door!"

The moustache that directly ripped his face is shocking.

Everyone was greeted by this sentence, which awakened some painful memories.

This is a word that any dragon person does not need to learn Japanese, but is very familiar with and clearly knows its derogatory meaning.

Hearing his words, Old Man Geng slammed his cane on the ground fiercely!

"Damn, I wasn't afraid of you back then, but now that I'm old, I still haven't been counseled by my mother!"

"I don't believe it anymore. In this land of the Dragon Kingdom, it's impossible to get away under your pressure!"

"On the territory of our country, try to bully one!"

His aura was no less than that of that mustache!

On the contrary, his somewhat enthusiastic attitude made many young people around him clench their fists.

It may have been ignited from the bottom of my bones, whether or not there was a relationship before, the relationship was close and distant!

As long as you are a dragon man, you will not watch you being bullied by crooked nuts, especially these Kou people who have a good life. Wan's **** sacrifice, this is almost the hatred and bravery carved into the bones, how can it be easily forgotten?

"Your Excellency Gujing, don't be angry!"

Seeing this, Mr. Gong hurriedly pulled His Excellency Gujing.

For fear that he would continue to say something more irritating.

Instead, he made a look not far behind him.

Immediately, several dragon men in kimonos came over and looked at Elder Geng with bad eyes:

"You old man, why haven't you left?"

"Isn't it enough? We are playing here, but you are here to make trouble. I think you are doing things arbitrarily, right?"

"That's right, if you want to come in, you have to wear other people's clothes. If you dress like this, how can people let you in?"

"If you make trouble here again, we will call the Patrol Bureau. You are making trouble on purpose, and you will be arrested!"


Undoubtedly, these people are naturally Mr. Gong's lackeys.

He anticipated such a situation in advance, so he invited these few.

Besides, asking a few people to drag them over is also the basic operation of their business,

Therefore, these people at this moment have become the most favorable shield.

To stop people's hatred of the Kou people, Mr. Gong wants to use these individuals to pull the hatred away, so as to solve this matter as a dragon man, otherwise this matter continues to expand, and it will be them who will suffer losses. Tiaokou is a cultural street, nothing more than the most basic one: they are the pirates.

It is enough to arouse the hatred of many people.

I heard that many merchants here are staring at this area, because the appearance of the pirate culture street here has harmed many of their interests.

People who don't like the Bandit Cultural Street simply don't even come here.

Those who are used to seeing it come to see the situation of the Kou Clan Cultural Street.

As a result, the economic situation of this piece has been quickly pulled down a lot.

In the past two days, three more companies have been dragged down.

Many waiters even went directly from other homes to Koux Culture Street.

Can they not hate it?

Can you not grit your teeth?

Now that Mr. Geng appears, it has followed their wishes. If there is someone watching from the dark, maybe they will wait for the conflicts here to come together, and they will go straight to the big one.

Blocking people from getting rich is like killing one's parents.

Coupled with the previous historical events, it is difficult for the dragon people to deal with this kind of thing rationally and calmly.

Even if Mr. Gong has lived in Kou country for a long time, and his friends are all Kou people, he still feels the inappropriateness of this kind of cultural street.

But his personal attitude can't affect any overall situation.

The Kou Culture Street was still held as usual, and even some troubles and difficulties were eliminated.

Now that he has become the bright-faced person in charge of this street, he has to take care of this stall, and it is impossible to put it down.

Therefore, Mr. Gong was so anxious to stop His Excellency Gujing and chose to let those hired dragon people come forward.

Facing those dragon men, Old Geng's eyes were sharp, and he was not attracted to hatred in any way.

Still staring at that Mr. Gong and the mustache:

"Call a few dragon men to drive me away. The hired ones must at least pretend to be a little more like them, right?"

"Do you think just like this, you can drive me away?"

His voice was dull, and he smashed the ground forcefully, word by word.

It has to be said that he is very effective in making trouble here.

People were all attracted by him, and few queued quietly.

Now, the mentality of watching the fun has overcome the mentality of coming to play.

After all, when I come here to play, I also want to relax and have some fun.

Now that they have just witnessed such a scene, they also want to look down.

Looking at the unswerving Elder Geng, the mustache's expression became more and more gloomy, and he pushed the dragon men away!

"Your Excellency Gujing!"

Mr. Gong knows the strength and power behind this is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

If he gets angry, no one can stop him.

However, this street is currently attracting attention, and he is a little worried that because of Gu Jing's shot, he will be deliberately targeted!


Gu Jing pushed Mr. Gong away directly, despite his short stature, he still had some strength.

Wearing a black and white hat, he said with a very gloomy expression:

"Since you don't know how to praise, and you are determined to make trouble here, then we don't have to keep our last dignity!"

"Someone, drive him out of here! They are not welcome here!"

"In the future, no one who doesn't wear a kimono will be allowed in!"

The voice is low!

It's very cold!

Hearing this, many people frowned, just when they were about to attack.

Those burly men walked out with black faces, as if they had some permission, and they wanted to drive Mr. Geng out of here!

Even people like Mr. Geng dared to move, but most of the crowd were still watching.

Don't dare to move.

Mr. Gong looked hesitant, but still chose to continue to block.

Given such an order, if you go to refute it yourself, you will undoubtedly be doing it against Gujing.

The anger will undoubtedly be transferred to himself.

The things that set him on fire are not things he can do.

Now, choose to watch all this happen.

A little embarrassed to look at it, he turned his eyes to other places, but inadvertently found a familiar figure?

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