Peach Youth

Chapter 11: Postgraduate sister's mood

He opened the novel's website, and Sun Yueling seemed to read it carefully. Lin Feng knew very well that Sun Yueling was not thinking of his novel, but something to talk to him about.

"The idea is very good, your writing is also good, right, why did you think of writing online novels?"

"I prefer this..."

Lin Feng told Sun Yueling what he had said to Shang Yunna again, and Sun Yueling smiled sweetly. Although she looked ordinary, her smile was also sweet.

Lin Feng saw her kindness from Sun Yueling's smile. A graduate teacher, she was not evil at all. Lin Feng did not intend to develop a relationship with Sun Yueling. If it wasn't for Shang Yunna's prank, he and Sun Yueling would not be. Will meet, since she is very kind, it can't hurt her.

For a woman like Sun Yueling, it's easy to pull him onto the bed, but he doesn't want to do that, or he'll feel guilty when he thinks about it in the future.

"I heard Yun Na say, you used to have a girlfriend, but then you split up?"

"There was one. Later, I fell in love with the big money and kicked me. I'm afraid now I've lived the life of driving a BMW and carrying Louis Vuitton."

"Have you hated her?"

"I was depressed, but I didn't hate it very much. I can't stop people from going to high places."

"You are very cheerful. Oh, I am five years older than you. When you are forty-five years old, I will be fifty years old. Do you dislike it?"

Lin Feng almost laughed bitterly, his lips moved, but in the end he didn't show the kind of smile that hurt Sun Yueling's self-esteem, but how should he answer the question posed by the female graduate teacher?

Can he say he doesn't dislike it? No, can you say disgust? Even more impossible, there is no deep hatred for each other, just a blind date caused by a prank, there is no need to hurt people with harsh words.

"I haven't thought about it that much yet. In fact, girls in their thirties are not very big. Look at those female stars, some of them are in their forties and have not married yet. Also, several senior sisters I know are all They don't get married until they're in their thirties, but they're all looking for men older than them."

"Yes, many women like men who are older than them, but I'm a little different. I..., I used to have a younger brother, ten years younger than me, who died in a car accident in high school..."

Hearing this, Lin Feng felt a little uncomfortable. He lit a cigarette and started smoking: "Isn't it choking you?"

"It's okay, you can smoke, I hope my words don't affect your mood, my brother and I are both hard-working children, my father died early, and then my mother remarried, and there are two children there, that man is particularly fierce, no I let my mother take care of me and my brother. During the festivals, I don’t want to let my brother and I go to dinner. He is very rich and eats well in the family, but my brother and I can’t eat anything. Later, my brother and I basically depended on each other for life. We were poor. At the peak, I even sold blood, but I never sold my body. You can imagine how much my brother's death hit me, so I'm more interested in my little boy, look at these... "

Sun Yueling opened her satchel and took out several certificates. Lin Feng could see clearly that they were all certificates that she sponsored elementary school students in poverty-stricken mountainous areas.

"Sister Yueling, you are a kind and good woman, I admire you very much."

"There are many people who admire me, even myself admire myself. I have survived all the hardships. The younger brother who depended on each other is gone. I earned the money for college and postgraduate studies. I have committed suicide before, you Look at my arm..."

Lin Feng saw it. It was a scar left after cutting his wrist. The situation was serious. If he disappointed Sun Yueling, would she cut her wrist again.

Shang Yunna, you really repaid your kindness and revenge. I helped you get back the love crazy phone, but you pushed me into the fire pit. What did you ask me to do? If I knew this earlier, it would be better to let the thief take away your broken love crazy. never mind!

"Sister Yueling, this is not right for you. Since you are strong, you should always be strong and live well. Life is an individual. There are many people who depend on them, but they are all independent. Conjoined people can't live. I think you will. A very happy woman."

"But the stronger things are, the easier it is to break. I often feel pain. My life is very stable, but my happiness is very small."

"Then be more flexible while being strong. The most important thing for women is to be kind to themselves." Lin Feng said.

"I really want to get married, I really want to have a husband who loves me, even if I have a boyfriend." Sun Yueling was more enthusiastic than before.

When it was time to test Lin Feng, he scolded Shang Yunna twice in his heart and smiled, "Sister Yueling, maybe I'm going to disappoint you."

"Don't want to be in contact with me at all? Haha... It seems that I'm not the slender beauty in your mind!"

"You're not ugly, you don't have to think so, it's just..., how can I say..."

Lin Feng thinks his eloquence is not bad, but there is still a problem with his thinking. He almost said that I have already dated a certain girl, but he can't make it up so easily. The image in the hearts of Shang Yunjuan and Shang Yunna.

"Okay, I'm embarrassed. You write online novels with millions of words. It's no problem to make up stories. I can see that you don't mean to make up for me. You're pretty good, it seems. My old cow can't eat your tender grass, why don't you just touch it like this?"

Sun Yueling was very sincere, and Lin Feng thought about it for a moment and said, "That's fine, just touch it."

Sun Yueling did not propose to spend the night in Lin Feng's partition room. After Lin Feng sent her away, he felt a little more relaxed.

Sun Yueling stepped onto the overpass and held onto the railing to call Shang Yunna. When Shang Yunna saw that it was Sun Yueling, she excitedly said, "Have you met?"

"See you."

"How about it?"

"He's a nice guy, and he's my type, but I don't seem to be his type." Sun Yueling smiled helplessly.

"You have finally found your food. What you win is yours. If you don't win, it will never be yours." Shang Yunna thought, you are not his food, but what you eat alone may not be yours. his favorite dishes.

"He promised to have a brief contact with me. I'm not afraid of your old friend's jokes. When I met Lin Feng, I was so **** that I almost did something out of proportion."

"You might as well stay for the night. Maybe everything will be logical after that."

"I'm still afraid of scaring him. Although I haven't been with a man before, if he wants to stay with me for the night, I'll give it to him, but he doesn't mean it at all. I didn't even touch my hand, old friend, do you think I'm shameless?"

"Of course not, you. The biggest advantage is kindness, and the biggest disadvantage is also kindness. Well, I'm going to take a shower. How to get in touch with Lin Feng is up to you." Shang Yunna said to herself. Desires, like in your case, are understandable no matter how crazy they are.

It's not that no one has chased Sun Yueling before, but several suitors are not the kind she likes. She likes to write prose in her spare time, and her prose has also been published in magazines and newspapers. In Sun Yueling's opinion, online novels It is also an art, anyone can write, but it is not easy to write.

She and Lin Feng both love to write. This is what they have in common. If we can get together, you can write and I will write. After we finish writing and doing that, our little days will probably be very sweet.

Thinking of Lin Feng's lukewarm attitude towards her, Sun Yueling felt uncomfortable. When a man chased her, he wanted to do it with her. The man went to her single dormitory and even knelt on the ground and hugged her Legs, kissed her leg through her pants, begged her to do it once, but she grinned and cried, calling you rascal.

That man got married two months later, and he was finally able to do it to the fullest. He once met her on the road and said to her, "I remember when I begged you, you grinned and cried. Now that I think about it, your The mouth is ugly, like a 80,000.

Sun Yueling didn't know if her mouth looked like the 80,000 in a mahjong tile when she was crying, but the man's words hurt her self-esteem and made her grit her teeth and say to him, "You bastard, hurry up and don't let me see you in the future." you.

Lin Feng thought for a while, but still didn't call Shang Yunna to scold Anything he said might reach Sun Yueling's ears.

Now what Lin Feng has to think about is what he can do to prevent Sun Yueling from hurting him.

But things between men and women, once unsatisfactory, may cause a certain degree of harm.

When he was kicked by his girlfriend, he really wanted to beat up the rich kid in the family. With his skills, he wanted to beat the kid as he was, but he finally managed to control it. That kid is maliciously entangled because she is willing to be good to him. Once trouble arises, it will be difficult to end.

If it wasn't for Shang Yunna's misrepresentation of information out of nothing, Sun Yueling would not have contacted him. Lin Feng wanted to slap Shang Yunna's round **** a few times and give her some color.

Lin Feng didn't sleep well this night. He has been thinking about how to deal with a kind woman like Sun Yueling. She just wanted to find someone to marry, and this person had better be a few years younger than her. While enjoying the affairs of men and women, you can also experience the taste of being a sister.

He couldn't hurt such a woman, but even if he was cautious, he could easily hurt Sun Yueling.

To be warm to her would be a kind of injury, to respect her would be another kind of injury, but something he never thought of happened happened.

Its daybreak.

Lin Feng, who had not slept all night, got up to wash up, went to the breakfast stall, ate a bowl of wontons, and then walked slowly along the side road.

He saw the figure of the office worker in a hurry, and saw a woman madly running after the bus with soy milk. Her chest was shaking so much and she looked flustered, but the driver didn't see it and drove away, like a racing car. rapid.


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