People Are In Marvel, All Heroes Are My Employees

76. Genetic Modification,10Weapons Program!

76. Genetic modification, x weapons program!

Margarita's bar, a place where a large number of mercenaries and killers are picked up.

Wade was drinking there bitterly, his eyes scanning the blackboard where the task was recorded.

There are plenty of high-paying quests out there that no one touches.

Because these tasks are too dangerous, such as killing Jin Bing, such as killing the New York boss... But these are his goals now!

There is not much time in his life, and he must make as much money as possible within the limited time.

At the very least, he should leave Vanessa's savings for the rest of his life before he dies.

However, the bar owner introduced him to another person.

"I heard that you found out that you have terminal cancer, but this should not be the end for you. Maybe I can recommend a new opportunity for you!" A middle-aged man in a suit spoke in a calm tone, but he said everything. Wade's heart. "What do you mean by that?"

The frivolity on Wade's face lessened a little, and he began to speak less.

"We are committed to helping those poor people, and now you are one of these poor people, we may be able to help you!" Finally, he seemed to strengthen his tone: "Maybe I can cure your cancer?" Wade already knew what the other party wants to do.

I'm afraid it's the kind of pharmaceutical company that wants to recruit test products!

However, this kind of work is generally paid first, and the pay is not low.

Even death can give Vanessa a good life.

Moreover, such experiments may actually be able to heal themselves.

Even if the hope is slim, Wade wants to seize this opportunity.

It's a pity that he has been away from the company for a few days, and he still doesn't know that Penglai has developed the Tsubaki Pharmacy.

In the early morning, the sunlight floated on Zhao Hailun's face, awakening her.

By the time she got dressed and walked down the stairs, Ye Han had already finished her breakfast.

Wolverine had also been waiting there for a long time, but she didn't seem to have seen Zhao Hailun.

After Zhao Hailun took a few bites of breakfast, Wolverine drove them to the company.

Having been a driver for Ye Han for so long, he knows what not to watch and what not to think.

Before sending Ye Han to the mansion, he wanted to park, but was stopped by Ghost Rider.

"Wade hasn't come for three days, has something happened to him" 々? "

Although Wade hasn't been here for a long time, less than a month, and he still has some broken mouths, as long as he gets along for a long time, he will feel that he is not bad.

After all, the current Wade has not experienced those hardships and has become that negative energy aggregate.

Ghost Rider had a good time with him, but he didn't expect the other party to suddenly disappear without leaving any words.

Knowing that the other party was a mercenary before, he was naturally afraid that Wade was affected by the past.

So Ghost Rider came to ask Wolverine. "Didn't he come?"

Wolverine was also a little surprised. Although he helped Wade find a job, he didn't like the chattering character of the other party.

Apart from chatting about the past for the first two days, there was not much contact.

Ye Han, who was going up the steps, also heard Ghost Rider and Wolverine's words.

Would anyone give up a job in Penglai?

Usually Penglai dismisses others, and this is the first time someone has left voluntarily!

But these little things don't need Ye Han to worry about, someone will naturally take care of them.

He took Zhao Hailun directly into the experimental center of Chun Pharmacy.

Dr. Connors is still leading the scientists under him to concentrate on researching and improving the medicine.

Although the Tsubaki Pharmacy has been successful in theory, it has not been tested and cannot be put into mass production, and needs to continue to be optimized.

Ye Han still agrees with this kind of work attitude.

"The current medicine has already been made. As long as it is optimized a little, it can be put into human experiments!" Zhao Hailun explained to Ye Han what step it has taken.

After the news of the success of the potion was disclosed to the top wealthy families last night, many people were already contacting her in one morning.

Buying these medicines is no longer a problem.

And there is no need to set prices, these chaebols decide for themselves, and pay as much as they think their own lives are worth.

Just experiment with the potion before they decide the winner.

As for the human body for the experiment, there is no need to worry about it. In the empire, as long as the money is spent, some people are willing to do it.

(:;!1,0.) When Zhao Hailun was introducing Ye Han about the process of the potion, Wade had already followed him to a base.

He couldn't help peeking inside as he passed some doors with only small openings.

Some are restrained people, and these people are physically deformed.

As a veteran mercenary, he definitely knew it was a Mutant!

Unexpectedly, this seemingly rudimentary base is actually not weak.

But there are some that make Wade's scalp tingle.

His vocabulary couldn't describe what those were, just real aliens!

The left side may be covered with fish scales, but the right side has become like plasticine.

This kind of creature simply shouldn't appear in this world.

But more than that, the whole body is wounded!

From the outside, it was impossible to tell whether they were Death or not.

This made Wade's heart beat, and it wasn't like some kind of drug production experiment.

More like, Mutant experiment!

Thinking of this, Wade was ready to escape, but suddenly he was hit hard in the back, and suddenly fainted.

When he woke up, he had been locked in a cabin.

Something was being injected into his wrist, and he only felt a little hot.

""You've been injected with Mutant genes, which may be activated in harsh environments! "

"If you can successfully (Zhao Zhaohao) activate him, you can walk out of here. If not, we will send your body out!" Speaking of.

He is Dr. Gilbrough's assistant, Ajax, one of the executive practitioners of the X-weapon program.

So far, this test site has not produced an x-weapon, and the doctor has an opinion on this.

And this strong man with cancer, in his opinion, is a good seedling of success!

Wade thought of the scene he had seen before, and suddenly wanted to struggle, but his body was already tied.

The gene has completely entered his body and is seeking to integrate with his body.

And Ajax, who was injected, didn't plan to let him go.

Only through torture and allowing the other party to experience various environments can the x gene emerge.

And torture is also his favorite thing! .

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