People Are In Tokyo, and the Peerless Raptors Are Also Afraid of Hatchets

Chapter 351: Nagano-kun is really a blessing for the Yamato nation

It was as if all the strength had been taken away.

Oiko Kaibu slowly slipped to the ground.

Born in a family like Haibu, it's not that she doesn't know the darkness in the world, but she always has a kind of persistence and perseverance in her heart, moving forward in the face of the light.

However, living alone and seeing colleagues die one by one, the background of Kaibu is so ironic and absurd.

Seeing this woman seems to have lost her soul.

Naoko Nagano finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, he was really worried that this female ghost was so emotional that he would give himself a peanut!

The dog's life is temporarily saved!

But now you have to keep putting it on!



Glancing at the gun that Okoko Kaibu was holding again, Naoko Naoto gave Kurata Feili a wink, and then sat down on the ground.

"You may still not believe it when you say it, Miss Kaibu. From the very beginning, I hope you will find out."

"But I know that there are many levels involved and there must be danger, so when you look at me with colored glasses, Miss Kaibe, you have to use the appearance of color to remind you to avoid letting other people intervene."

"You are lying to me!

If you really feel that way, why not just say it!


Ouko Kaibu's scattered eyes were stimulated to gather together again, and the hand that couldn't hold the gun firmly gained strength again.

Facing the black muzzle.

Naoto Nagano showed a mocking look: "How could the devil remind the angel, in that case, even if I tell you Miss Kaibe, in addition to making you feel that I am threatening you and getting more people involved, it will also make you feel like I am threatening you. Is the second possible?"

"Do you think I'll believe you if you say this?! If you say I don't go to hell, who will go to hell. United Wall Street sold this country, disrupted the economic order and caused all kinds of tragedies, obviously you are bringing this country to Hell, what else is there for more people!

! Do you think you can deceive me with such a lie? "

Emotional woman looking annoying.

If possible, Naoo Nagano really wanted to take out his gun and give this woman a hard lesson.

It's just that people are obviously not afraid of death now, and they still have guns in their hands!

"Those **** in Dazo Province told you this! But please, Miss Kaibe, is it really what I did to bring this country to hell?"

"It's not you and your accomplices, who else?!

Or do you think you are collaborating with others to destroy the economic order of this country, I have not found out!



! Since we are talking about the country, what is the meaning and concept of the country, Miss Haibe? ! In your eyes, does this country belong to Seibu, Sumitomo, Mitsui and the Ministry of Tibet and the Cabinet, or does it belong to the 140 million citizens of the Yamato Nation? "


Kaibu Ouzi's eyes were slack, apparently caught by this question.

Naoo Nagano took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it, leaning his head against the wall with a sentimental expression.

"You were born in the Haibu family, you have a house and a car, and you have hundreds of thousands of income every month, so you are lofty, you are upright, and you are amazing."

"But you know what the life of the people in this country is like!"

"I don't know? If you don't know, at least you can see the marriage rate, divorce rate, and new population data published by the Ministry of Health and Welfare."

Naoto Nagano let out a smoke ring with obvious sneer.

"Hell is empty and desolate. With these two words, Miss Kaibe, you can imagine the scene of going to hell."

"How long has it been since you went to the countryside?"

"Have you ever felt the sullenness and lack of youthfulness in the remote countryside? Did you find that the country was being enveloped in a hellish stalemate?"

"It's still now."

"Ten, twenty, thirty years from now, what do you think the country will look like in the future, given the declining birth rate?"

"Why do you think Japan Health Insurance proposes to delay retirement and increase the annuity payment base?"

"It's easy to look up the data, and as you, it should be easy to find out how bad the ageing and birth rates are right now."

"Of course, maybe you can't intuitively feel the bad situation."

"I will give you a detailed description. According to the budget of the Ministry of Social and Social Planning, the fertility rate continues to decline. In the future, this country will probably become only three young people out of 100 people."

"Still can't feel it?"

"Because of the lack of young people, retirement has become out of reach. At seventy, even eighty, and ninety have to work."

"Please imagine that you are standing on the street with only old people in their 60s and 70s, 80s and 90s, and the young people seem to have disappeared."

"The old man detained his body, his eyes are full of dullness, his dying body has a rotten aura, and he slowly moves his steps to surround you in the middle."

I read the Japanese script.

Naoo Nagano described a very graphic future.

I thought of myself being surrounded by a group of gloomy old people.

Can't see a few peers.

The old people with old faces moved slowly because of the deterioration of their physical functions, and it took a long time to walk a hundred meters away.

Would love to refute this impossible!

But the calmness and certainty in Nagano Naoko's eyes, Kaibe Oko could see clearly.

Chilled and horrified at the same time.

If a country becomes like this, what is the difference from hell!

Seeing that the gun that Oiko had been fooling had dropped into his lap, Naoko Nagano was completely relieved and showed a mocking smile: "If Miss Kaibe doubts what I said, you can check the information on the health insurance company, before you say it. When a **** like me took the country to hell, look at how much the kindergarten insurance premiums dropped year-over-year when I was in high school."

"What's the point of explaining that Niutou does not match Mazui? Even if what you said is true, wouldn't it make this situation worse by destroying the economic order of this country?" Kaibe Xuzi quickly organized the language, with hatred and hatred in his eyes. .

It's just that the gun in her hand is obviously not aimed, and the response to want to hear the following is too obvious.

Maybe this woman never realized that when they merged, even if they were forced, they had a strange telepathy to each other.

But this kind of thing, Naoo Nao has become very skilled and experienced.

"Ms. Kaibe, you are indeed a policeman. When you can't solve the problem, you always bring your thinking to the person who created the problem. But have you considered where the root of the problem is and how to solve it?"

"It's not what you said!"

"Isn't it?"

Nagano Naoman Tandan asked, but suddenly his face became hideous and terrifying.

"In today's country where more than 200 million people can live in houses, do you know how many people can't afford to buy a house in ten or even twenty years and dare not get married?"

"Are those men lazy and not motivated? So they can't afford a house?"

Kaibu Oko was stunned on the spot, wanting to say isn't it, but thinking that her colleague didn't know how to answer.

All along, in fact, she knew that Peking University Guangbo liked her, but because of their different identities, this excellent boy never dared to confess.

This time, Peking University is obviously working harder than others, in order to get a promotion and salary increase, and have the opportunity to buy a house.

If it weren't for him to die.

If it wasn't for what the **** in front of him did.

Maybe, he should agree to it!

But now, the boy who worked so hard died right in front of his eyes, and he couldn't afford to buy a house.

"And those girls who took to the streets to support dating. In your eyes, Miss Kaibe, they are synonymous with sleazy?"

"Isn't it? If it wasn't for being cheap, how could a good girl do such a shameful thing!"

Being pressed all the time and being refuted by the law, Oiko Kaibe broke out completely and scolded fiercely.

"Is there any woman in the world who is born cheap and likes to go out to help out?"


"Any parents give birth to a child and hope that she will sell her body and become a plaything with a clear price?"


"You can be lofty and upright if you were born in the Haibu family, but do you know what life is like for a girl from an ordinary family?"

Naoko Nagano laughed in anger, the scar on his face was twisted like a centipede, and he really looked like a demon.

Always say that evil is better than right.

But at this moment, Kaibe Ooko suddenly realized that the eyes of this demon in front of him were so terrifying.


Their auras became completely different.

Like a weak sheep, the power of justice is suppressed, and even the courage to look at each other is lost under the huge devilish aura.

Naoo Nagano removed it in one breath, lit a cigarette again, and took a deep breath.

"What a terrible world it is!"

"They divide people into three, six and nine classes, and those at the top can fully enjoy material and spiritual supplies."

"Then as the level decreases, the supply becomes in short supply. The people at the bottom are like advanced artificial intelligence robots, and their daily life is only work, eating, sleeping, and they can't stop for a moment."

small book booth

"Usually the material energy they receive can barely sustain them, and the spiritual supply is almost zero."

"I used to live at this level!"

"You are used to dividing the crowd into evil and justice, to define good and bad, and to derive some concepts such as noble and despicable."

"But are they born that way?"

"Have you seen the Seven Samurai? Peasants are the most cunning. They are loyal but the most liars. The so-called peasants are the most stingy and cunning. But who made them become like this? It's you, your samurai!"

"Then may I ask, when the material energy you can accept can only barely sustain life, and the spiritual supply is almost zero, what qualifications do you have to be noble?"

A word to speak.

Naoo Nagano became silent.

Ouko Kaibu stared blankly at the demon-like man in front of him, and found that those eyes were more upright than anyone he had ever seen.

He also lived on this level?

Is it because you experienced all this when you were an adopted child?

Stayed for a long time, a long time!

Oiko Kaibu couldn't even look away from that face.

With such eyes, what kind of thoughts are in his heart?

"But even if you want to change, you shouldn't do something destructive! Wouldn't that make life harder for more people?"

"What is sabotage? Destroying the interests of vested interests? When you asked this question, Miss Kaibe, did you understand the needs of ordinary people, and why did the Yamato people have the lowest fertility rate in the world?"

Naoto Nagano sneered: "You obviously don't know!"

"Tell me a statistic that you may not understand. In recent years, the accident insurance coverage ratio of life insurance institutions has continued to increase, but the profit of the club's accident insurance business has declined on a large scale. Do you know why?"

"You may not understand it when you say it, because the large-scale insurance rate cannot cover the year-on-year increase in the number of suicides. Many people get insurance compensation by suicide."

"Nani? How could such a thing happen?!

! "Oko Kaibe was stunned, obviously unable to believe what he heard.

Naoo Nagano sneered: "Do you think it's necessary for me to lie about something that can be found easily?"


"You are aloof, you are amazing, because your surname is Haibu!"

"And I used to live at this level, and I felt the pain in my skin that the reason why the world has become this way is because the environment is deteriorating."

"I don't know if you have heard of group genetic awareness. When mice are forced to live in groups, they will choose collective suicide and sterilization to ensure the continuation of the group."

"With the development of human beings today, if most people can't stop for a moment but can barely maintain a basic life, how can they thrive?"

Subverting the cognition of the three views left Ouko Kaibe's mind blank.

Even in her long-term economics class, she never realized that things were completely different from what she understood.

"But the collapse of the economic order will not make this situation worse?"

"Economy?! Fuck the economy! Don't you understand that the economy itself is a false proposition, a means of allocating resources? In a house where 200 million or even 300 million people are clearly enough to live in, ordinary people do not Can’t afford it, do you think this distribution is reasonable?”

Naoo Nagano yelled, followed by hate and said: "We keep saying that we are demons and are bringing this country to hell."

"But in a country surrounded by twilight, young people can't buy a house and can't get married. Who is obliterating the future of this country and turning it into a predictable hell?"

"It's just a steel and cement residence. Can you buy food and resources from abroad?"

"This kind of thing with no value is enough to buy the United States, but it is constantly increasing the annuity payment base. Who do you think is the devil?"

"Ignoring the needs of ordinary people, ignoring the terrible situation that is happening, and even making it worse, is it wrong to tell me that it is wrong to make housing affordable for everyone?"

is it wrong?

With a deafening roar, Oiko Kaibe, who was scolding, couldn't say a word.

"Just by using such a drastic method, will the situation be guaranteed to improve? The economy will get worse, but it will cause many people to lose their jobs, and then a vicious circle will make it more difficult to survive!"

"No matter how bad the salary is, the income will not be reduced. In this case, Miss Kaibe, do you think that if Tokyo housing is reduced from the highest of 14 million to 1.4 million, will ordinary people's survival become miserable, or will it become more difficult for ordinary people to survive? easy?"


Kaibu Xuzi left with a dazed worldview that she had never heard of, and directly tore up the three views she had already formed. Even on the way to leave, her mind was full of that face, and that The deafening words kept ringing in his ears.

Is everything he said true? !

Right now!

Naoo Nagano picked up the gun left by Oko Kaibe and slumped to the ground.

Oh shit!

Not in a good state today!

next time.

The gun had to be shot into the woman's body.

clap clap clap!

Applause suddenly sounded from outside.

Look up.

Several people stood at the door of the detention center.

The one who took the lead was a little surprising. He was only 1.6 meters tall and looked very short. His hair was meticulous. His face was serious and old-fashioned.

Hashimoto Ryutaro, the current Minister of the Great Tibet.

Naoo Naoo was both surprised and reasonable at his arrival.

But the old man next to Hashimoto Ryutaro was incomprehensible.

He has short bald hair and a pair of black-rimmed glasses, but his thick eyebrows are short and black, and his boxy face is full of stubbornness.

Today's Bank of Japan President - Yasushi Mie No!

Why did these two guys come together?

Naoko Nagano was confused.

It's just that he just stood up and wanted to say hello, when the two elders in front of him, who would shiver when they stomped their feet, bowed in unison.

"Nagano-kun's previous remarks are really deafening, Yamato Nation has such a young man full of passion and justice, it is really a blessing for the nation and the country!"


I'm a fake devil, is it Japan's luck?

Are you serious?


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