012: Under the gaze of the Black Tower itself, enter the iron three points!

“You wait, I’ll call a puppet in.”

“Look closer to the side.”

Dark Tower said and manipulated another doll into the office.

I have to say,

Once the Black Tower decided on one thing,

It’s not muddy at all!

In the face of such a generous Black Tower,

You even wonder if this is your dream.


The simulation is before reaching the S rating

It seems like a dream.

It’s just that this dream is very realistic.

All feelings are real.

And except for you and the Black Tower,

No one knows exactly what’s going on here.

Esther will still be in the dark

is racking his brain to find a pervert.

I don’t know,

The Black Tower not only easily picked out this pervert

Even more to negotiate with it

Right now,

It is even more necessary to reward this pervert once.

[The two Black Tower dolls are in place. 】

[According to the Black Tower, all this will be recorded as experimental data.] 】

[At this time, you have at least eight UHD cameras around you.] 】

[At this moment, you are in a trance. 】

[For a while, you couldn’t tell who was that pervert. 】

“Hurry up, dead pervert.”

“Don’t you really want to do that?”

“My essence is watching you, shouldn’t you be more excited?”

“There is an old saying in Xianzhou, peony flowers die, and ghosts are also merry.”

“Be grateful for my mercy.”

Black Tower urged with a look of disgust.

“Then you’re welcome.”

You don’t want to be underestimated by the Black Tower

Even if it’s a doll,

You also have to shake her heart.

[In this experiment, you also verified the previous conjecture. 】

[The Black Tower didn’t lie. 】

[The Black Tower doll really has no so-called entertainment function. 】

[You specially stand a meter away and let the Black Tower doll lift the dress.] 】

[And show you the truth of design.] 】

[You realize that you have really been deceived by vision. 】

[Because when you walk within a meter, you once again glimpse a road that should not exist.] 】

“Do you see the change?”

You asked.

“What changes?”

Black Tower wondered.

“Nothing, I’ll go ahead.”

You take a few more steps forward

Until you stand in front of a stone wall

The eyes of the other Black Tower puppet came closer

I’m afraid I missed any details.

[You are very satisfied with this composition. 】

[You went forward bravely and seriously taught the Black Tower itself. 】

“Outrageous, this is a unique talent of your Ji Kai species?”

The Black Tower looked at the passage that was opened up in an instant.


What you don’t know is,

The Black Tower body’s face was ripe when he saw this scene.

Because of this newly opened passage entrance,

It’s exactly like herself.

“It’s definitely no accident.”

The Black Tower came to a conclusion at once.

“It should be said that this is my unique talent.”

You corrected the rhetoric of the Black Tower.

“Okay, don’t move!”

“Proceed to the next experiment!”

The Black Tower suddenly interrupted you

But you’re on top

Where else does she care?

“Do you believe I cut it off right now?”

“I just wanted to study the principle.”

Black Tower threatened with a cold face.

“I’m going to die anyway, whatever you want.”

You put it rotten,

In front of the Black Tower itself,


“Okay, you have a tin pimple endlessly!”

“You really think of yourself as a human being?”

Black Tower’s patience is limited

She used her best force to try to push you to the ground

But only in vain.

As a machine breed, you

Although it can’t beat the order to make this level of existence,

But the Black Tower is actually not in sight

The Black Tower is just a scientific and academic genius

Fighting or something may not be good

Not to mention a personal puppet?

Without the support of the Star Dome train,

The Black Tower space station should have no one who can stop you.

If it weren’t for the fact that the Black Tower is so talkative,

Also gave you such a surprise reward,

You’re actually planning to slip away.

Just wait until the Doomsday Beast appears and is defeated

This simulation is over.

And before that,

You can even try to do something perverted again in a blatant way.

Just like that,

Your reputation is completely irreparable.

And now the attitude of the Black Tower,

It seems to bring you a new turnaround.

At least the Black Tower isn’t in a hurry to expose you

I didn’t notify Esther at the first time

Rather, they are willing to communicate with you

This means that

As long as the chips are enough,

There is still room for negotiation.

And the Black Tower is even willing to accept your offer to enter the iron in person

This means that

The black tower scolds you for being perverted,

But there is no real disgust,

Not so

This matter is not negotiable at all

I’ll try to kill you.

Under the weak push of the Black Tower,

Under your strong push…

You’ve got a new plan!


PS: Thanks for the monthly pass for “Sun Moon I”!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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