052: March 7, was caught on the spot by Detective Star Girl!

When walking towards the platform,

Lin Kong thought a lot again

An analysis of the power of the Hunter Order.

“If the Ling Envoy has the power to destroy the galaxy level, then can I, the Curious Ling Envoy, also consider a greater goal?”

“Like turning a planet into a girl or something?”

Such a thought suddenly appeared in Lin Kong’s mind

Even if it is perverted like him

I couldn’t help but be startled by such a thought of myself!

“That’s a bit outrageous!”

Lin Kong quickly dispelled such a ridiculous idea.

Because of uncertainty,

He wasn’t sure if he could make it

What if it succeeds?

What about people who live on the planet?

Will it disappear because of this?

Or affected by what?

Such acts are clearly inhumane and undesirable.

He can’t hurt a large number of innocent people because of curiosity

He is not such a person!

Silver Wolf: “??? ”

Kafka: “??? ”

Black Tower”: ??? ”

“It seems that I can only find an uninhabited planet with only resources to practice in the future.”

Lin Kong thought so.

“Wait……. If you really turn a planet girl into a girl, do you have to call a star girl? ”

“Rub, what kind of Xino possession am I!”

Lin Kong felt a little speechless.

“The Black Tower Space Station and the Star Dome Train are definitely not suitable for maidenization, but Pam can, but not now…”

“At least after their Star Dome train departs, I have sufficient alibi.”

“How about Pepe (dog)? Forget it, Alain has already fought everything for it. ”

“And it will most likely keep the dog’s memory, and it will definitely follow Alan, or forget it.”

“Since you should choose an object for experiments, not a creature.”

“I don’t know if it will be born Lingzhi?”

“There are mourning gods in small days, so my hunting order should not be so unpressed, right?”

“But what’s the best choice?”

“If you create it, you have to take responsibility, and you are to blame for the trouble.”

“Let’s be careful.”

Lin Kong kept thinking as he walked on the road

It’s just that he doesn’t know that his thoughts like this will be completely released when Yalilo simulates in the future!

“If this path goes down, and the power of the Hunting Spirit Envoy continues to develop, maybe even the Extinction Maharaja can touch it?”

“If you accidentally go to the extreme and become a star god, wouldn’t that be a random killing?”

“Directly put the Abundance Star God Medicine Master…….. Ahem, forget it, let’s talk about it later. ”

“Maybe I can really become a star god without relying on the simulation system?”

Lin Kong couldn’t help but look forward to it.

“Let’s let the Star Dome train shake first.”

Lin Kong, who was about to walk to the platform, was eager to try

He did not appear directly at the platform

Instead, I found a suitable place to sit and watch the play.

“……. As if it can scare March 7? ”

Lin Kong suddenly felt a little funny

So I sent a message to March 7.

– “In March, I wanted to see photos without watermarks again. ”

“Huh? Today is not just…”

– “Of course, because our little March is so cute, you say you can’t shoot it, right?” ”

“How do you want to do this time…….. (Pam covers his face shyly)”

– “Go find a common area where no one is.” ”

“Huh? What if it is discovered…”

– “Don’t you people on the Star Dome train walk without making a sound?” ”

“Yes……. But even so, it’s still nervous…….”

– “Obedient, go quickly, anyway, this time I won’t ask you to remove all the watermarks.” ”

– “You just have to do as I said and remove some of the watermarks.” ”


– “Remember to hang up a gap and go out.” ”


(You’re really perverted!) (ω)) (whispered)”

– “How?” Have a question? ”

“No, I, I see….

(Hmph, big bad Lin Kong!) (﹏))”

On the Star Dome train,

March Seven sneakily walked to the rest area behind the guest room compartment

She still wears her favorite entanglement-colored dress.

Of course, Lin Kong’s request was not forgotten


What neither March Seven nor Lin Kong expected was

There are really people on the Star Dome train who walk without making a sound!

It was Star Sister who just boarded the Star Dome train today and awakened her talent for hunting detectives!

She had already set her sights on March 7

Watch her every move!

So when she was looking at the information in Danheng’s room,

At the same time, I am listening to every move of Room March Seven!

March 7 pushed open the door

Xingmei is already waiting for the opportunity!

Tiptoe and quietly out of the room

Silently walking towards the depths of the corridor

And then –

She quietly poked out half an eye at the corner at the end of the corridor

The next second,

Xing Mei was completely stunned!

Because she successfully solved the case

And clearly saw March 7 holding the mobile phone

Take a picture of a delicate pink flower in a vase on the tabletop!

“It turns out that March 7 likes to photograph flowers!”

Just when Star Girl was shocked by March Seven’s hobby

The sudden change happened-

The Star Dome train rose and fell without warning, violently shaking!

Xing Mei, who was peeking in the corner, was thrown out in an instant

Then under the panicked gaze of March Seven,

Another stumbling weightlessness,

Rushed to the gap of March 7!

Xingmei once again took a big move with her face

Last time it was to save March Seven, and he took over the big move of the Doomsday Beast

This time,

But he abruptly caught the big move of March Seven’s face-to-face output!

If it weren’t for the March 7 just happened to block it,

Star Girl specifies to break a front tooth!



PS: Thanks to “Light of Destiny” for the tip and monthly pass! Thanks to “15759”, “20754…” of monthly passes! Thanks to “Ningxia Ruchu” for urging the ticket!

This chapter is a bit abstract, but I think it should be simple for readers.

By the way, this is to pull Xingmei into the water, not to knot the wings~

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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