ps: The first order barely broke four hundred, although it was not five hundred, but it was okay, thank you for your support. I will update the chapter first, and the rest of the dinner will be updated before and after.

"Boss Kaido, what are we going to do? Do you want to rush up? "

Plague Quinn asked, cowering behind Kaido.

"What are you doing? Save your strength, you eat a little bit of these foods, recover your strength, and when you rush to the door, come directly to me, and then go directly! "

As he spoke, Kaido threw a small bag of food out, of course, this small bag was just because it was compared with Kaido's figure.

The contents are simple, dried meat of the sea kings, some dry food and some chocolate.

It's all things that can quickly restore your stamina.

With the physical fitness of Quinn and Ash, after eating these things, they can basically be absorbed quickly.

And as long as they absorb it, with their strength, they can quickly return to their state.

Ember also sensed that something was wrong at this time, which was actually a very bad signal.

The boss who is not afraid of the earth, after having so many prison escape accomplices, is still so jealous.

Apparently there is something that Kaido is not sure about, even after having so many helpers.

This also made him feel a chill in his heart, and then a terrifying thought emerged.

Couldn't it be the brute from last time?

That's a fart! Can I go back to my cell now and get a leniency?

The last battle with Luo Lan shattered Ember's courage. At least he won't be able to face Luo Lan in his life.

That kind of oppressive is strong, and it is difficult for people who have not experienced it to feel it.

He was a little confused and uneasy, and he grabbed the jerky and dry food brought by Kaido, and asked again, "Boss, is there something going on outside?" "

"Ah, big deal. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to get in so easily on my own. "

"What's the matter?"

"Silver Axe, John, and Wang Zhi, the three idiots, have started a war with the world government for the ownership of Fish-Man Island, they should be almost dead at this time, right?"

Kaido smiled mockingly, and continued, "Hurry up and eat, we'll leave when we're done, and leave the group of prisoners alone." "

Both Quinn and Ember nodded, no objections.

They knew that in addition to this kind of thing, Luo Lan, a guy with fast speed and strong ability, would definitely be there, and they had better run a little better.

Kaido's plan is very simple, hide it and not make it, let the group of guys who want to escape from prison like crazy attract firepower, and just take advantage of the chaos to slip away.

Anyway, when the time comes, just take advantage of the chaos to break the ceiling directly, and then fly away with your subordinates, what a big deal!

Although it is a prison built in the middle of the sea, the structure and materials of the castle itself are very hard.

But let's Kaiduo Kaiye, that's also a scene person, and it's still easy to turn into a dragon and blow up the ceiling with a hot breath.

And just when Kaido's side was about to quietly find an opportunity to slip away, on the other side, the prison escape army that rushed out from Lv6 had already rushed all the way to the first floor.

Along the way, they released all the prisoners.

It's all!

They're not like Blackbeard or Luffy with a clear purpose.

And the prison break, the movement is naturally getting better and better.

Advance City's chief guard, Keith, had already been seriously injured and lost his combat effectiveness and fell into a coma because Kaido threatened him with his family.

was able to pass on the information, and that was what he did with his last breath.

In other words, now in the entire advancing city, the only person with the ability to block is only Magellan.

Of course, he wasn't alone.

Behind him were all the surviving soldiers of the Advance City. Only five hundred.

And this guy Hannibal.

Although his strength is not good, and his feet are shaking, he is still at the forefront of the team with Magellan.

There is no other reason.

Only the two of them present had the highest position and rank!

At this time, Magellan was not in good shape, and there was a large depression in his chest, which was just punched by Kaido.

He has just come to his senses at this moment, and it is good that he can still exert 30% of his combat power.

However, looking at the group of prisoners in front of him, Magellan felt that even in his heyday, it was impossible for him to stop them.

He turned his head to the side and said to Hannibal, who was trembling beside him, "Hey, I'm afraid we're going to die here today." "

"Such as... If we die here, we can... In exchange for these prisoners to escape, it's worth it! "

Hannibal's words were trembling and a little stumbling, but Magellan was indeed pleased.

He knew that there would be nothing wrong with the person he had a crush on.

"Ahh Then let's do our best! "

With that, Magellan took a step forward.

In fact, he also knew that Hannibal still had those five hundred soldiers, which was actually useless, and the only effective combat power here was himself.

"Boy, let us go, we can let you and your subordinates live."

The Red Earl, the strongest man present, also said. Although it won't take much time to solve Magellan, the most taboo thing is to delay time when it comes to prison breaking.

Moreover, Magellan's ability to poison the fruit is far less tricky in the terrain of the advancing city, and once it is delayed for naval reinforcements to arrive, there will be a lot less chance of getting out at that time.

They weren't Quinn and Ember after all, and Kaido didn't give them much food.

Some guys who have been imprisoned for years or even decades are definitely not as strong as before.

If it weren't for the fact that Keith was seriously injured by Kaido's plot, and Magellan was the same, he was plotted by the Hailou Stone weapon, they would not have had a chance to escape from prison at all.

With the exception of the Red Earl and Waldo and Barrett, most of them will die under Magellan's venom.

What's more, since the defenders of the entire advancing city were almost completely wiped out, Magellan had already destroyed all the venom antidotes.

In other words, the middle one is either dead or wounded!

But in the face of the kind words of the Red Count, Magellan just smiled and took another step forward.

"You scum of society don't say that kind of thing anymore."

"Just because you came to this sea, do you know how many civilians are afraid of losing their loved ones and can't sleep at night?"

"In order to let the weak groups live in peace, this prison specially detains the most vicious criminals here..."

As he spoke, Magellan walked forward, and at last roared:

"This is the fortress of hell, and once breached, the world will fall into an abyss of terror. You guys...... Don't want to take a step here! "

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