People Are Sailing: Intercepting Luffy! Awaken The Sun God

Chapter 100 General Marshal! Kong! (Subscribe)

Kong used to be the marshal of Naval Headquarters before being promoted and transferred, but now seeing the place he once managed has become like this, the anger in his heart can't be stopped.

"It's the old man. 35

Sengoku immediately felt a little ashamed and said: "First attacked by Whitebeard, and the subsequent battle spread, it became like this, but fortunately the casualties were controlled.

Kong walked into the makeshift headquarters as he spoke.

Carefree sat in the first place, his eyes swept over everyone, and finally he said:

"I also know the specific things. This time, there are two main things."

"One, personnel transfer. 35

"The position of the Marshal of Sengoku will be handed over to one of the three Admiral, who of you will?

In the first sentence, Kong said coldly, without any foreshadowing at all, and went straight to the topic.

The three Admiral at the bottom were all stiff and somewhat unnatural. Sengoku looked calm. With his wisdom, he had long expected this result. Even if there was no such appointment, he would resign on his own initiative.

Looking at Marine San Admiral who was still a little shocked, Sengoku took the initiative to say:

"I recommend Admiral Kuzan to take over the position of Marshal.""

Kong nodded, then said to Aokiji, Akainu, and Kizaru, "Who is against this decision?"

Aokiji was expressionless, waiting for the final result.

"Wu~ It's really efficient, I have no objection." Kizaru seemed very free and easy, and had no idea about the position of the marshal.

Akainu stood up suddenly and said coldly: "General Marshal! I object!

Kong looked back and forth between Aokiji and Akainu.

Sengoku frowned slightly, and there was some worry between his brows.

But the next moment Kong said again: "Okay, then pick the time as soon as possible, Sakazuki and Aokiji will compete, and the winner will be the marshal.

Hearing this rule, Akainu didn't know if it was possible, and his eyes burned with fighting intent.

Aokiji suddenly sounded Luo Er's joke, "If you win, you will be an Admiral, and if you lose, you will be a marshal." This is a very accurate prediction.

I saw Aokiji slowly raised his head and exhaled,

"I abstain."

The voice is light and calm.

Sengoku's face was visibly disappointed, this was not the result he wanted, he opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything, after all, it was Aokiji's own choice.

Akainu frowned slightly, not knowing what Aokiji was doing.

Kong's expression was calm, but a trace of surprise flashed across his eyes, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Okay, then Sakazuki will take up the position of Marshal Marine. Next, everything must be sorted out as soon as possible! Marineford is ruined like this... Move to G1 Division, and redesign it as Naval Headquarters."

Sengoku nodded subconsciously, but suddenly woke up, it was no longer his responsibility.

"Understood." Akainu replied firmly.

The G1 distribution is based on New World, and it is also what he wants to do to be able to migrate Naval Headquarters to New World.

"As for the vacant posts, conscription, fill!

Kong said concisely and commanded again.

Marine's loss this time is also huge. World conscription is a very routine operation, but it may take some effort to promote the position.

Sengoku said aside, "Marshal, what's the other thing?

"Arrest Luo Er! Kong said solemnly.

"Luo Er?"

The people below were a little surprised, why did they target Luo Er alone?

Is it because the other party is a traitor?

This time Kong's voice said unmistakably: "This is the order of the Five Elders themselves!

"And not long ago, Luo Er got rid of the entire CP-9! You don't know about this, right?

With a light interrogation in his words, he looked at everyone with his eyes.

Sengoku said without blushing and panting: "I never got the news, and for a long time my attention was on the Whitebeard Pirates, not Luo Er.

As for the authenticity of this statement, it is unknown.

Kong didn't care either, and said coldly: "It doesn't matter if you know, then release Luo Er's bounty and investigate his whereabouts! 99

"Report to me as soon as there is news! The old man will take him back as soon as possible!"

Seeing Kong's remarks so firm, no one below refuted it.

"Okay, just go to work if you have nothing to do, and discuss it later." Waving his hand, Kong said lightly.

Sengoku asked hesitantly: "If a bounty is released, how much is the bounty?

Kong frowned slightly, but quickly said solemnly:


Sengoku's eyes narrowed, and even Aokiji and Kizaru's footsteps paused.


You must know that the Four Emperors are more than four billion bounties!

As soon as Luo Er came up, such a crazy bounty?

Kong said: "What? Do you think his record is not enough for so many bounties?

Having said that, it really leaves people speechless.

After all, the three Marine Admirals present were all defeated by Luo Er... In terms of strength, they definitely deserve it!

...for flowers....

Only Sengoku argued aloud: "The strength is enough, but the qualifications are not enough. The red hair is the reward of 4.0489 billion Berry. No matter how strong Luo Er is, he is only one person.

Setting a newcomer's bounty at such a high level has never appeared from the beginning to the end.

And in history, the highest reward is Roger, 5.5 billion.

After that, there is Whitebeard reaching 5 billion.

It can also be seen that the higher the amount, the harder it is to increase!

Every billion growth is a huge gap.

Setting Luo Er as a reward of 4 billion is beyond expectations.

Kong waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "It's just a bounty, and it will be void soon, so what do you care about?"


In his words, he showed great confidence.

He is very confident that Luo Er will be arrested and brought back!

This time, everyone did not refute, and stepped back to deal with a lot of things.

The next day, the release was sorted out and sent to the world via Seagull.

One, Four Emperors Whitebeard died in Naval Headquarters!

Super event!

Second, Marine Vice Admiral Luo Er defected and offered a reward of 4 billion!

The high bounty that shocked the world!!

3. Release the Wanted for the Blackbeard Pirates, Captain Blackbeard offers a reward of 2 billion!

At the same time, many wanted notices were issued, and the crowd of Ace, Sabo, Luffy, and Straw Hat Crew, all hot bounties increased.

However, offering bounties is a very tasteless thing.

Even if Marine issued a bounty, the pirate hunters caught all weak pirates.

Not to mention that no one in the Four Emperors dares to touch, and even the big pirates with more than one billion, few dare to provoke them. After all, they are all vicious people.

Fourth, Shichibukai changes.

Moonlight Moriah was killed.

Crocodile was imprisoned in the Great Underwater Prison.

Jinbei was removed from Shichibukai.

The remaining Seven Warlords of the Sea, and Marine's relationship also reached a low point.

With Hawkeye injured, leave Marineford early.

When Crocodile woke up, he was restrained by seastone handcuffs.

He really wanted to scold people.

Fuck, help Marine fight and get caught himself???

All I can say is, Marine's operation is amazing!

5. Naval Headquarters is about to relocate to the New WorldG1 branch!

This means that Marine will gradually confront the Four Emperors in the New World! Factory.

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