【Host: Luo Er

Ability: Swordsmanship (Perfect)

Shaved (perfect), Iron Body (Grandmaster), Paper Arts (Grandmaster), Moonwalk (perfect), Tempest Kick (perfect), Finger Pistol (Grandmaster)

Armament Haki (perfect), Observation Haki (perfect), Conqueror's Haki (Grandmaster)

Navigation (Perfect), Shipbuilding (Profound Truth), Cooking (Perfect)

Renren Fruit · Eudemons · Nika Form (Development 69%)

Items: Infinite Hurricane, Enma Sword.

Task 1: Develop Devil Fruit. Reward: Determined according to the degree of development.

(Note: current 69%)

Task 2: Find a Devil Fruit for Monkey D. Luffy. Reward: Based on Devil Fruit value.

(Note: not completed)

Mission 3: Become a Marine Admiral and gain recognition. Reward: Save Devil Fruit 50% restraint effect. Conqueror's Haki Level +1.

(Note: Currently Vice Admiral)


Almost all of Luo Er's skills reached the perfect level.

Conqueror's is more difficult to improve, and it is still only at the Grandmaster stage.

Before, he thought that perfection was the highest level, until after the weapon color was upgraded to the perfect level, it was not Emission Haki.

Luo Er guessed that there should be grades above the perfect grade.

as predicted.

Not long after, shipbuilding was elevated to the esoteric level.

Then Luo Er built his own battleship and named it: Infinite Hurricane!

I have to say, with Thousand Sunny, there is an inexplicable sense of matching...

Over the years, with the improvement of strength, tasks will be triggered from time to time.

This is also the reason why the skill level increases so quickly.

What exceeded Luo Er's expectations the most was the degree of development.

In 69% of the state, the fourth gear can already be used!

Luo Er originally thought that 20% was a level, but now, this guess does not match.

Such an estimate, about 80%, can enter the fifth gear.

"So... the fifth gear is not necessarily the real strength of the fruit."

Luo Er sighed in his heart.

During the mission, he also received the Yan Mo Dao as a reward from the system.

Obviously it is Wanokuni's baby, but it is in the hands of Luo Er.

Coupled with Luo Er's perfect level of swordsmanship, this strength alone is enough to dominate one side!

The Infinite Hurricane was speeding, and soon after, Luo Er was notified by Mudo.

"Lord Luo Er, it's not good, there is a pirate ship ahead..."

"It's the logo of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

There was some shock in his voice.

Whitebeard, Edward Newgate are the Four Emperors!

Luo Er's eyes lit up, and immediately got up and said, "Don't panic, let me take a look."

But what he was thinking about was about Ace.

Since Luo Er joined the Marine, the three puppies have not been seen.

But later I heard that Sabo still went to sea and disappeared after falling into the sea.

Not surprisingly, now the revolutionary army should be flourishing again.

Ace also went to sea for two years, and has now served as the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"In this way, the Whitebeard Pirates are also their own..." Luo Er excitedly went to the deck to watch the ships approaching in the distance.

Before it was near, the Crane Vice Admiral and the opposing ship had already started a long-range attack at the same time.

Luo Er's face was startled, and he patted his forehead, "How could I forget that there is Vice Admiral."

He hurriedly shouted at the boat next to him,

"Grandma He, don't attack first, maybe it's all a misunderstanding!"

"Cease the fire first, I'll go to the opposite side to see."

After Luo Er finished speaking, Moonwalk performed, and his figure quickly shuttled in the air, avoiding the cannonball and approaching the pirate ship at the same time.

For this level of attack, Observation Haki does not need to be cast.

Seeing this, Crane Vice Admiral had no choice but to stop the attack, wanting to see what Luo Er wanted to do.

Just as Luo Er was gradually approaching the pirate ship, and the cannonballs could not stop him, a blue flame suddenly rose from the pirate ship.

Then a figure quickly rushed towards Luo Er.

The speed, coupled with the detonating flames on his body, left a burst of steam along the way.

Luo Er's eyes narrowed, and he secretly said in his heart, "It turned out to be Marco!"

Marco, the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, has the form of bird fruit, phantom beast, and phoenix, and is extremely powerful.

What Luo Er did not expect was that they would meet here.

However, when the opponent attacked, Luo Er wouldn't be caught off guard.

"I Luo Er is Marine's future Admiral!"

A loud roar.

Immediately afterwards, Marco's eyes narrowed, and the blue flames on his body burned even more intensely.

The speed suddenly increased, and the current position of the principle.

Then there was a huge fist figure wrapped in armed color, passing him by.

Immediately afterwards, there were continuous fists.

As soon as Luo Er shot, Armament Haki launched directly.

Otherwise, what can I use to restrain Marco's fruit ability?

But the bigger reason for Luo Er's action was the soft and cute reminder sound in his mind just now.


task triggered.

Quest: Compete with the phoenix Marco. Reward: Gain phoenix healing ability. The degree of reward depends on the results of the competition. 】

Gain the phoenix's self-healing ability!

This is the first time that Luo Er has triggered such a rewarding task in so many years.

So, for the task... I have to work hard for my own people.

But at this time, Marco didn't know that the other party was Ace's friend. While avoiding his fists, his feet turned into claws.

He grabbed the black-haired and black-eyed Marine Vice Admiral in front of him.

At the moment just now, Marco was shocked.

The other party is obviously young, but he is already Vice Admiral? ? ?

Luo Er was approached by Marco, without panic, the corners of his mouth grinned, revealing a very sunny smile.

"Fourth gear!!"*

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