People Are Sailing: Intercepting Luffy! Awaken The Sun God

Chapter 164 This! It's Emission Haki! (Subscribe)

While he was relieved, he took a deep breath.

His abdominal cavity was bulging, as if he swallowed a sea of ​​clouds.

A little thunder light arrived first, and then punched like a dragon!

The galloping figure drove the thunder and lightning to cheer, creating a great sense of oppression against the magma, and the figure swooped down.

The strong air pressure impacted, and even collapsed the magma surface that had not been touched.

And this transpiring momentum is completely the feeling of a humanoid beast.

With great momentum, Akainu will not sit still.

Around him, clumps of magma burst out from below like a self-consciousness.

The speed is so fast that it is like a curtain~.

Although the magma is raging and hot, it can still block the light, making the blocked interior a little dark-.

The dim flickering light made it even more difficult to see Akainu's expression.

Especially the corner of the mouth, as if there is a cold smile that seems to be absent,

"Pirates, none of them can escape... The World Government should come too."

The extremely low-pitched murmur was mixed in the rushing magma, and no second person could hear it clearly.

Akainu, now Marshal Marine, made some decisions that even Sengoku never knew.

No one knows why Akainu has a huge obsession with Sky Island, and even assembled Marines to attack Sky Island. Is it just because of jealousy?

What's even more puzzling is how much preparation Akainu has done for this.

Everyone knows that Marine and World government are in the same breath.

In this vast battle, Marine was almost fully dispatched, and the movement was even more grand than the Summit War.

Last time, the World government was indifferent.

So... how about this time?

Nobody knows about this.

However, it is well known that General Marshal Kong has already shot it himself!

The Five Elders, who symbolize the highest institution, even have one person active on the sea.

Since such a powerful combat force will be used by one person, will this large-scale war lead to the arrival of more powerhouses?

Throughout the audience, this answer may only be known to Akainu.

Neither the white group nor the black group were in the mood to think about this kind of problem.

They all came with their own purpose.

As for Luo Er, this possibility is completely ignored.

What's more, all minds are on the battle in front of you!

There can be no slack!

The rushing figure collided with the violent magma.

The figure retreated in the sky.

The magma also turned into a fog-like mass and spread out.

However, the two sides are very tacit understanding once again launched an attack.

The bursting figure collided with the sticky magma again and again.

There was little movement, but the corners of Sengoku's eyes twitched as he watched.

It is said that the battle of Logia is difficult to tell the result.

In the normal timeline, the battle between Aokiji and Akainu lasted ten days and ten nights.

Even Ace and Jinbei fought for five days and five nights, and finally got a tie.

It can only be said that this kind of normal cognition is just the idea of ​​ordinary people, and he has not seen the battle on the spot.

Luo Er's explosive power was at the peak of his whole body's energy and energy. Every time he started, the consumption was huge, and so was Akainu. The magma was strong, and every time it was entangled with a huge amount of Armament Haki.

"Where is the winner or loser!? They are all desperate!!

Sengoku said in a puffed voice.

Garp, who was watching the fight on the other side, couldn't help rubbing his fists. The battle between the two seemed to make him have a desire to fight after he had not shot with all his strength for a long time.

Originally mixed with Armament Haki, all objects should be indestructible.

...for flowers ·

However, the collision between Luo Er and Akainu was not stingy with Haki at all.

Like generals in battle, the two sides are fighting each other, it is purely one-for-one, there is no tactic at all, the purest and most primitive way of fighting.

It is also this direct fighting method that makes Akainu complain secretly.

He didn't intend to make such a shot at first, but Luo Er's attack was fierce and suddenly turned into a deadly play.

If he showed any signs of weakness, it was a sign of defeat.

So, just grit your teeth and persevere.

Compared with Luo Er's Haki, Akainu is still inferior in the end.


Under the blessing of the system, Luo Er Conqueror's Haki, except for Conqueror's Haki, are all top-level, absolutely unique in this sea.

At least the known character, he is the strongest!

So now, what if but with a Devil Fruit?

Can't beat Akainu yet?

The more he thought about it in his heart, the more thunder and lightning mixed with Emission Haki shone.

Every time it collided with the magma, it would make the body shake violently.

However, Luo Er was unaware of these, and the next step was a more fierce sprint.

The peach-pink Emission Haki flows and dances back and forth like blooming petals, and it even looks aesthetically pleasing.

But only Akainu felt the infinite pressure beneath this beauty.

Luo Er's series of outbursts made Akainu somewhat overwhelmed.

No one can take advantage of the same Logia fruit, and they don't want to be Mera-mera Fruit and Lava-Lava Fruit, and there is a restraint between superiors and inferiors.

Here is where Haki is inferior to Luo Er.

Taishu is not even as good as Luo Er, after all, the latter has greatly improved his physical condition after Nika's awakening!

It seems that the battle has just become fierce, and people can see the results.

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