People Are Sailing: Intercepting Luffy! Awaken The Sun God

Chapter 88 Akainu Resurrection! Magma World! (Subscribe)

Sengoku is no longer in the mood to take care of the Blackbeards who escaped, and Marineford is about to be destroyed.

Luo Er didn't care so much, the rubber under his feet started, and he was about to chase after the catapult.

But suddenly, a scorching hot breath whistled from the crack in the abyss.

After that, a giant-sized lava man appeared directly in front of Luo Er, blocking his way.



Luo Er was startled and roared in shock.

The lava figure gradually changed into the appearance of Sakazuki, with a cold face,

"Luo Er? I'm going to kill you!"

As soon as they met, Akainu made no secret of his intention to kill Luo Er.

If it wasn't for his tenacious vitality, Luo Er would have killed him.

The feeling of being powerless to struggle, he didn't want to endure it a second time.

However, after this battle, his perception of the fruit, or the ability to use it, has been upgraded again!

Lava-Lava Fruit is Logia Devil Fruit, why can't it compare to the awakening of your Paramecia Rubber Fruit!!

Logia can't wake up, but that doesn't mean it can't exert a stronger power.

Unlike Akainu, who was full of killing intent, Luo Er opened his mouth wide, and it was the first time he saw something that made him feel incredible.

Blackbeard didn't die just now, it was unexpected.

But according to Blackbeard pervert's general urine, Luo Er can still accept it.

But why don't you Akainu die??

"Damn it!? Brother Akainu, you won't die, will you? Even the sparks were extinguished just now!"

Luo Er blurted out directly without caring about the client's feelings.

The corners of Akainu's mouth twitched, and his face darkened instantly.

The sparks were all extinguished... This sentence made him have the urge to vomit blood.

The lava arm quickly formed, whistling heat waves to Luo Er.

Luo Er glanced helplessly at the Blackbeard group behind Akainu, who were running away without a shadow, and sighed inwardly.

"It's really a wave of upheaval... How did Akainu survive?

Doubt in his heart, but Luo Er also said nothing, wrapped a white energy light ball on his fist, and threw a punch.


Space shatters.

The lava arm was directly torn apart by the infinite force, sputtering a large piece of magma.

Akainu, who was full of murderous intentions, was not calm when he saw this scene, and blurted out his debut:

"What!! How can you use Shock Fruit's abilities!!

It has to be said that it is shocking to everyone that one person can eat two Devil Fruits.

Sengoku shouted from a distance: "Sakazuki! Whitebeard is dead, Shock Fruit was taken by Luo Er, and now he has dual Demon fruit power!"

After saying this, Sengoku still seemed to be hesitant to say anything.

He was very curious, how did Akainu survive??

It's really what Luo Er said, not even a spark.

However, in this case, such words are definitely not something that Marshal Marine can say.

He turned his head and glanced at Sengoku, and then at Akainu, who made him feel oppressed, and couldn't help thinking of his own joke, "Akainu, have a test with me, who wins to be Admiral and loses to be Marshal. 々. 99

Originally it was a joke, but now it seems to have become a motto, and it is about to be realized.

"Double fruit??

Akainu murmured incredulously.

He forced himself to accept this fact in an instant, and said with a gloomy face: "You Marine traitor, you are the one who destroyed Marineford!"

"Laozi is going to turn you into a jerk! Take care of your fruit!

He roared angrily, killing intent surged in an instant, staring at Luo Er with devouring eyes, and rolling lava gradually emerged from his body.

Luo Er tilted his head, pointed at Akainu as if he suddenly wanted to understand, and asked, "Did your belief in being Marshal Marine keep you alive?"

"Tell the truth, I have credit for this too!"

Looking at Luo Er's righteous appearance, Akainu almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

God's belief in being Marshal Marine!?

your credit??

didn't kill me??

No nonsense at all, the magma boiled under him and rushed towards Luo Er.

Luo Er did not dodge or evade, wrapping Emission Haki, his fists surrounded the white light ball, and he also shot out.

If you can't kill you once, then kill you a second time!

However, the scene where the two suddenly fought, made Marine and Pirate a little confused.

"Wu~ this is not dead?? Sakazuki is really getting more and more terrifying~" Kizaru sighed heavily with Kabuto's hands in his hands.

Who would have thought that Akainu did not die in a catastrophe, but instead increased in strength!

The frost on Aokiji's face slowly dissipated, and he watched the battle between Luo Er and Akainu solemnly without saying a word.

Looking at his expression, he seemed to have a strong sense of fear.

Sengoku is a little relieved, not only did he not lose Admiral, but also increased his strength!

It would have been better if Marineford hadn't been destroyed...

However, the shaking of the entire island has slowly stopped.

The main target Luo Er wanted to attack was Blackbeard's group, seemingly unintentional, but in fact still carried some subjective consciousness.

The entire Marineford was divided into large pieces and did not sink.

Uh, a few major sections...

Sengoku watched this scene and fell silent.

“Marine Admiral Akainu!!”

"He didn't even die!!""

Marco was shocked, and the blue flames gradually rose from his body, because after the turmoil stopped, the surrounding Marine gradually surrounded him.

Ace stretched out his palm, the flames were burning, and the firelight shone on his cheeks with Madara, showing a very determined look,

"You take your father and go first, I'll stop later!"

In the final analysis, it was because of him that Ace had to bear more.

Just as Diamond Joze was about to refute, Markle said solemnly: "When it's not a fight, it's most important to take Daddy away first! 35

"Ace and I are staying to pick up Luo Er, you all get on the boat first!

"Even if it's too late, I can fly some distance with the two of them! Don't waste time, let's go!"

When Whitebeard was away, as the first team captain and vice-captain, Marco naturally had to take responsibility for the entire pirate group.

When Marko spoke, the other captains did not refute either.

Including Sabo, Luffy's Straw Hat Crew, plus Jinbei, Ivankov escorted Whitebeard's body away.

This scene was just blocked by the battle of Akainu and Luo Er, and Sengoku didn't notice it for a while.

"Let's show you the real magma! Kid!"

Akainu roared, and there was a violent wave in his body.

I saw a red heat wave rolling out from the abyss below.

In the blink of an eye, the ground is parallel... and the entire crack is filled with lava!

Did Akainu create a volcano by himself?

Luo Er questioned in his heart, but his face was solemn, and he really understood what Logia Devil Fruit was.

As the saying goes, there is no fruit of waste, only the users of waste!

Akainu was forced to usher in a second breakthrough?

The white energy ball on the palm fluctuated violently, and the breath from it was like destruction.

And under his feet, the magma that was just parallel to the ground suddenly tumbled, and several fire pillars of magma stretched out.

And as if being controlled, it rammed into Luo Er with a rumble.

Luo Er's face sank, looking at the magma like Wang Yang under his feet, and threw out a fist.


The ball of light exploded, and terrifying fluctuations swept out.

The space vibrated, tearing everything into pieces with a strange force.

Those magma fire pillars were crushed and fell back into the magma below.

The scorching temperature scorched everything in the sky.

Luo Er's attack just now was neither painful nor itchy. I saw Akainu waving both hands, and the magma rushed out again and again, as if the sky was raining blood, and it was about to drown Luo Er's figure.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Er dropped both fists at the same time.


Once again, the Shock Fruit ability is activated, and the magma in the sky loses control and falls again.

But this time Luo Er's attack spread directly to the inside of the magma, causing a rumbling explosion inside.

The magma tumbled uncontrollably, sputtering everywhere, as if some monster was about to emerge.

However, the thunder was heavy and the rain was small. When the power of Shock Fruit ended, the entire magma returned to its original state... For a while, Luo Er was a little helpless.

Sengoku looked at the large piece of lava, and suddenly said sharply: "" "Akainu! Don't spread any more! Marineford can't change it completely!

Akainu wakes up this time, and the ability can be improved to the level of pervert!

Turn all the surrounding into magma, and even the invading seawater directly rises.

But because of this, it indirectly led to a complete geological change in Marineford. After the war, no matter what Naval Headquarters said, they had to choose to move the capital.

Akainu replied angrily, "It's just an island, so what if it's ruined!

"Don't let them run away!

This kind of rhetoric did not take Sengoku in the eyes at all.

It seems that the improvement in strength has really increased his confidence.

Perhaps, it was also because of Luo Er's remarks that he "wins as an Admiral, and loses as a marshal".

The bubbling lava suddenly converged and kept rolling upwards, like a DNA strand, rising rapidly.

Akainu's eyes flashed with tyrannical killing intent, his arms turned into lava again, and he controlled the lava chain and circled around Luo Er like a giant dragon.

It is still drawing magma from below, increasing its power and blocking all Luo Er's action routes.

"Go to hell! 35

Akainu roared and controlled the magma in the sky, shrinking as much as possible.

This method...the same way Luo Er dealt with him before!

By the same means, he will return it this time!

While controlling the magma attack, Akainu suddenly noticed the figures of the Whitebeard Pirates who were leaving.

Among them are the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army and the son of Long, the leader of the Revolutionary Army...

"Roger's son Jean?"

Whispering in a low voice, Akainu found Marco and Ace not far away who were preparing to support Luo Er, and a cold look appeared on his face.

In an instant, he abandoned Luo Er and rushed towards Ace.

In his opinion, no one is allowed to escape!

Both Luo Er, Roger's son, and Long's son must die here!

This is his absolute justice!

Obliterate all unstable factors!

Especially this kind of sinful kid with a negative bloodline, even more damn it!

Thinking like this, the lava under him supported him, like a whirlwind tornado flying.

As for Luo Er, being covered in magma by him is not that simple to break the bondage!

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