“If you want to eat my Jiu Xinnai’s soft rice, you are still far behind, get it.”

Resisting the urge to argue with Zhao Yuchen, Jiu Xinnai said: “You are Naruto’s guardian, these money are kept by you, I am afraid that he will spend it indiscriminately.”

“When I return from the Land of Whirlpools, you will pay me back.”

“Okay, Sister Jiu Xinnai.”

Zhao Yuchen put away the passbook.

Just kidding, can you still get out if you get into his pocket?

“Kakashi, don’t play dead, continue to show me the way.”

Jiu Shinna yelled at Kakashi.

Although I know that I seem to have misunderstood this white-haired little brother again.

But so what? Big sister can’t be wrong!

“Yes, big sister Jiu Xinnai.”

Kakashi ran over and continued to lead the way, his heart filled with bitterness.

This is typical to have a new brother, not an old brother.

He was beaten, but Zhao Yuchen could manage money.

“Several Asma, what do you mean by this, new codename?”

The women holding the diary subconsciously frowned and pondered.

For a while, they couldn’t connect “several asma” with “eating soft rice”.

The young son of the old monkey, if there are several, doesn’t it look very eye-catching?

“Is it some special unit of measurement?”

All the women are now no longer the “Wuxia Amun” of the past, and soon remembered Zhao Yuchen’s behavior of using Kakashi as Chakra’s unit, so they associated with this Asma.

When it comes to eating soft rice, it must be Jiu Xinnai throwing money or resources at Zhao Yuchen.

So Asma, will it be a unit of measurement of money?


On the road leading to a prosperous residential area in Konoha, Sunset Hong suddenly stopped and looked not far behind him and asked, “Do you know what money is tied to in what aspect?” ”

Sunset red beside Mitarai red beans are also interested in pricking up their ears.

After what happened in front of the Hokage building, Sarutobi Asma came up to Sunset Red and said that he wanted to send her home.

I really didn’t want to be alone with this “second prince”, let alone misunderstand anything after being seen, so Sunset Hong found Red Bean through the diary and said that he wanted to live together tonight.

But Ape Fei Asma is actually still following, and he has the intention of being a bodyguard to escort people back.

Isn’t this a typical example of not touching others, but moving yourself?

If there is danger inside Konoha, how bad is the security? Three generations of Hokage old monkeys still wipe their necks as soon as possible!

And now, Sunset Red has finally found a little value in Asma’s side.


In order to maintain her image, Asma, who is trying to restrain her addiction to smoking, shows a puzzled expression.

“I said, do you know where you are tied to money?”

Xi Rihong said seriously: “It’s the kind that is more obvious, and can even be widely spread in the ninja world.”

Ape Flying Asma: “…”

He doesn’t know.

Wait, it’s not really unknowing.

“Does the black market bounty count?”

Asma asked.

When he quit the guardian Shinobu and returned to Konoha some time ago, his friend Monk Jiriku rarely joked with him in order to hide the parting wounds, saying that he was five million taels more expensive than him.

At that time, Asma was still wondering how to define this expensive part, so the monk of the land took out two black market bounty slips.

It clearly states the basic identities of the two, some of their achievements, and portraits.

Finally, the amount of the bounty is marked, which is 25,000 taels.

And he Asma is a little more expensive than the earth, 30 million taels.

“Black market bounty, thirty million taels?”

Sunset Red and Red Bean looked at each other tacitly, and both felt that this should be the answer.

So the unit of measurement Asma refers to the value of a head worth 30 million taels? No, not definitely.

People who have a bounty amount in Konoha on the black market are not stupid, Kiki Kakashi, and even Sarutobi Hinata, and even the price is even higher.

With Zhao Yuchen’s personality, he can specifically remember the value of Asma’s head, and it is estimated that there is something that happened in “Naruto Anime” that specifically involves this matter.

It is very likely that Ape Flying Asma died in a bounty of a special nature.

And according to Zhao Yuchen, Asma also has to teach Naruto the change in the nature of the wind attribute Chakra, and it must be in the future before he dies.

This bounty may go up a liter.

But that’s what it means.

Several Asma, that must be hundreds of millions of silver.

“No wonder Yuchen-kun thinks that Jiu Xinnai wants him to eat soft rice.”

“This is a casual gift of hundreds of millions of silver, is it a person who has to faint, right?”

The two who got the answer are in a good mood.

The girlfriend held hands and turned around and walked into the two-story small building next to it.

“Asma, it’s late, so I won’t invite you in to drink water.”

The sunset red head walked into the house with red beans without looking back, leaving Asma alone in place.

So suddenly asked him why the bounty on the black market?

“Could it be that Red thinks that the higher the bounty in the black market, the more attractive it is?”

Asma took a cigarette and lit it, thinking secretly.

The more he thought about it, the more likely he felt it was.

He remembered that Kakashi’s bounty was high and it was estimated that there could be two of him.

Maybe Red is using the amount of the bounty as a way of defining the amount or value of a ninja weapon?

Indeed, as long as you offer a bounty, you can not only prove your strength, but also promote your prestige in the ninja world.

In addition to these special tasks of Daimyo, the ninja’s bounty is often linked to strength.

That said, it’s not hard to catch up with the red.

“Red, I see your hint.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you down and will raise my bounty on the black market as soon as possible.”

“I just wasn’t serious before.”

After speaking, Ape Fei Asma turned around and left, full of energy and momentum.

In the living room of the sunset house, Hong, who was pouring juice for red beans, was startled by Asma’s roar.

“What is this guy talking about?”

Red handed the juice to the red beans and took out a handkerchief to wipe it down.

“Who knows?”

Hongdou said casually: “The Ape Fei family is all monkey brains, don’t deal with it.”

“Don’t worry, I will definitely stay away from him.”

Sunset Hong nodded seriously.


Terumi and the others also knew the amount of Asma’s bounty through their own way, and couldn’t help but laugh.

The front has the Chakra unit of measure Kakashi, and the back has the money unit of measure Ape Fei Asma.

Who are the talents in Konoha?

“White Tiger, you don’t want me to make a move on this Asma, do you?”

Yuyin Village, who had just handed over an income to Xiaonan’s Jiaodu, subconsciously frowned.

This Asma bounty is not low, there are also 30 million taels, which is enough to qualify him to make a move.

But this Asma is the son of three generations of Hokage, and the old monkey is still alive now, and the risk after the shot is very high.

Maybe someone will launch the whole Konoha to clear themselves.

In a word, the cost performance is not good, he does not want to do this business.

“No, just care about the recent black market.”

Xiao Nan lied expressionlessly.


Jiaodu nodded muffled, and then said with some hesitation: “The money that our organization has placed in you, see if it is for me to see…”

“Kakuto, Payne has a mission for you.”

Without waiting for the horns to finish speaking, Xiao Nan spoke first.

“What task?”

Kakuto held the latter words into his stomach.

The leader is really unbearable, and the sense of oppression is comparable to the ninja god who “fought” with him back then.

“See for yourself, look at the destruction.”

Xiao Nan conjured a piece of paper out of thin air and controlled the flight to the front of Kakuto.

“Understood, that money…”

After reading the content of the task, Kakuto is ready to care about money again.

As a result, when she looked up, she saw that Xiao Nan had left…

“Forget it, men make money, women manage money, and money will increase.”

“I’ll ask next time.”

With a word of comfort to himself, the horns turned around and disappeared into the shadows.

And then there’s a big thing to do.

And after he left, Xiao Nan’s figure reappeared, with a relieved expression.

She had already spent all that money to buy special chakra paper, and then used her secret technique to turn into a special detonation charm and turn it into a hole card.

But you can’t tell Kakuto.

“Well, I have to find a way to get some money, and I will cheat the horns first.”


Inside the Hokage Building, Yue Xiyan, who was hidden in the shadows, almost rushed out and asked Jiu Xinnai what kind of plane he was engaged in.

She found that her emotions were no more uncontrolled than today.

This Jiu Xinnai is probably not a pig teammate, but Zhao Yuchen’s undercover agent! Even if you want to deepen the relationship or keep a more journal of it.

Can’t it be gradual?


Yue Yue Xiyan appeared at the desk.

“Tsukue, is there something going on?”

Standing in front of the window, Ape Fei Ri, who was watching the back of the four people of Uzumaki Jiu Shinai thinking about the problem, turned his head and showed a natural smile on his face.

胧月 is exactly the code name of Yue Xiyan.

“The subordinate wants to observe the feather dust in secret.”

Yue Xiyan said bluntly.


Sarutobi put down his pipe and asked curiously, “What do you think?” ”

“As the guardian of Renzhuli, it is very likely that he will live with the fourth generation of his wife, and his subordinates feel the need to conduct more detailed observation and assessment.”

Yue Xiyan said seriously: “The human pillar force is not allowed to be lost for Konoha, or for the people in every village.”

Hearing this, Ape Flying Sun Chopper did not answer immediately, but thought silently.

After a while, he nodded and sighed: “It seems that I have to serve old age, you are thinking about this very right, but I didn’t think of it.”

“Indeed, there is no room for loss of human strength, otherwise it is irresponsible to the village.”

“Okay, I’ll leave it to you.”

Ape Fei Ri Chop looked at Yue Xiyan with a very appreciative look.

Naturally, it is not to appreciate her discoveries, but to appreciate her loyalty to herself.

And lo and behold, how successful his will to fire was with the ape flying sun.

“Naruto-sama, the subordinates feel that they should not observe the feather dust as the Dark Ministry.”

Yue Xiyan continued: “In case it is discovered by the fourth generation lady…”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper frowned slightly.

This is indeed a problem and may stimulate Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai.

He was actually very at ease with Yue Chen, and let Yue Xiyan observe Yue Xiyan, who was an indirect supervisor of Zhu Li.

But Kushinai’s strength and Kagura heart eye are a problem

“You temporarily withdraw from the dark part, restore your status as a shinobi, and have normal contact with the feather dust.”

“If you can, you can try to become a couple with Yuchen, and the old man will help.”

These two Will of Fire came together, don’t you be more dead set on him? Maybe before going to bed, we will have to worship his picture together.

“Of course, if you don’t like it, you don’t have to think about it, the old man doesn’t…”

The following words, Yue Yue Xiyan did not listen carefully, because she was a little confused.

The reason why she stood up now, of course, was not really to monitor Zhao Yuchen for Ape Fei Ri.

She just understands the behavior of the ape flying sun, and knows that the old monkey will definitely arrange for someone to do this.

That’s why she took the initiative to stand up and take this errand, and if necessary, she could help Zhao Yuchen cover, and she could brush her sense of existence.

Of course, I also want to watch Dian Jiu Xinnai, don’t let her leave her alone.

In the end, she herself can also leave the dark part, and the ape flying sun chop will not think much about it.

Four eagles with one stone.

But who knew that Ape Flying Sun Chopper actually let her chase Zhao Yuchen backwards.

“I sold myself!?”


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