The resurrection of Jousinnai is inherently bizarre.

Could it have something to do with Heijue? Something is wrong with this world.

Zhao Yuchen’s eyes were wary, but he saw that Jiu Xinnai showed a very delicate look that wanted to say and stopped.

The blood-colored pepper showed this expression, and the impact was not ordinary.

Rao is Zhao Yuchen, and he also lost his mind for a moment.

At this moment, Jiu Xinnai suddenly threw out a fist.


In the nick of time, Zhao Yuchen used the White Fang Peak-level Instantaneous Technique to dodge the attack and dodged outside the door.



Zhao Yuchen was about to ask why, but saw Jiu Xinnai slammed the door shut, making a loud noise.


What to say that you want to beat him up and trick him out of the house? It’s boring enough.

“Sister Jiu Xinnai, what do you mean by this?”

Zhao Yuchen flicked the key and walked into the house.

“I’m just telling you that your mind can’t hide from me.”

“Don’t waste time on me, there will be no results.”

Jiu Xinnai clasped her hands to her chest and spoke bluntly.

This is her character, straightforward and generous.

“My mind?”

Zhao Yuchen’s expression was puzzled: “What are my thoughts about you?” ”

“Hmph, give me less quibbles.”

Jiu Xinnai raised a finger in front of his mouth and said seriously: “I have Kagura Heart Eye, and I can know the emotions of others towards me by sensing Chakra.”

“You guy, who has good intentions for Naruto but not for me, but not malice, think I can’t guess your thoughts?”

Well, she actually can’t guess, everything is seen from inside the diary.

As a woman, she is very happy that she has that charm that Zhao Yuchen likes.

Whether he likes “virtual characters” or has a special plot, it’s like anyway.

But because of this, she has to say everything in front.

Of course, she wants to have a good relationship with Zhao Yuchen, and she can also be written in a diary and be rewarded.

But if achieving this goal requires going against her mood and losing herself, she can’t do it.

To put it bluntly, she is actually pretentious.

She was very disappointed in Bofeng Shuimen, but she didn’t think that Zhao Yuchen could chase her.

Therefore, she couldn’t take advantage of calmly facing when she knew that Zhao Yuchen was interesting to her, and she just needed to get benefits from Zhao Yuchen’s side.

That feeling of using people, just thinking about it makes her uncomfortable.


Zhao Yuchen believed it and said “fog grass” in his heart.

Kagura Shinto is even cheating more than he thought, and Kushina is also smarter than he knows.

Actually through contrast, he detected his mind.

And Jiu Xinnai also chose to pick out, which is a taboo in the relationship between men and women.

All he has to show is to insist on any point, and that is dog licking.

It’s true that it’s a bit embarrassing for him, he can’t do this.

But it’s also a shame to just give up like that.

However, as a sea king in the entertainment industry, he knows too well how to solve this situation now.

There is only one best way, and it is also the most testing method for hunters’ patience and skills.

“Force” her to chase backwards.


Zhao Yuchen smiled in his heart.

“Blood-colored chili, it’s really spicy enough!”

“I like it!”

If you just want to carry forward the Wei Wu legacy in another world, you still have a bad intention of collecting stamps.

Now that he was very interested in the woman herself.

“Kagura Heart Eye, it’s really a powerful ability.”

Zhao Yuchen briefly showed a “stunned” expression, and then nodded: “Since Mrs. Jiu Xinnai said so, then in the future relationship, I will definitely control the distance, please rest assured.”

Salutations become formal and polite and are also the defining of relationships.

“Well, if you don’t want to be Naruto’s guardian, you can bring it up now, and I’ll handle it over there for the third generation of old men.”

Jiu Xinnai’s heart suddenly lightened.

Losing the opportunity to easily get the diary reward on Zhao Yuchen’s side, she naturally felt distressed in her heart.

But let her use Zhao Yuchen, she really can’t do it, otherwise what is the difference between her and the old monkey who calculates Naruto?

“Mrs. Jousinnai, you seem to have made a mistake.”

Zhao Yuchen’s face was gentle, “I am Naruto’s guardian, not because of you.”

“Keeping a good distance from you doesn’t mean keeping your distance from Naruto.”

“Of course, when Mrs. Jiu Shinnai returns from the Land of Whirlpool, my guardianship status will not matter.”

“Sorry, sorry, I talked too much.”

Jiu Xinnai immediately admitted his mistake.

She also felt redundant.

Isn’t this a typical weakness of heart?

“Brother Yuchen, Mom, what are you talking about?”

Just when the atmosphere was about to become awkward, Naruto appeared and saved the scene in time.

“I’m about to leave.”

Zhao Yuchen smiled and said, “Mrs. Jiu Xinnai is preparing to send me.”

“Mrs. Jousinnai?”

Naruto’s focus was obviously wrong: “Brother Hachi, didn’t you call me mother sister?” ”

“That’s a joke.”

Zhao Yuchen reached out and touched Naruto’s head, and said with a smile: “The title must be formal, otherwise in the future, the villagers will know that I will be your guardian, and I will also be called Sister Jiu Xinnai, maybe there will be rumors.”

“Naruto’s words, it should be clear how hurtful words are, right.”


Naruto immediately nodded and accepted the matter.

Listening to the conversation between the two, a strange feeling of suffocation rose in Jiu Xinnai’s heart.

“Then I’ll take my leave.”

Zhao Yuchen put the portkey into Naruto’s hand and smiled, “I’ll come back tomorrow.”

“Hey, Brother Yuchen, don’t you live here? I see several empty rooms.”

“Didn’t I just teach you? When Mrs. Jousinnai leaves the village, I will come and stay with you, don’t worry.”

“Okay, in a word.”

Naruto was a little naïve and asked Zhao Yuchen to hook him up.


Zhao Yuchen did not refuse.

After pulling the hook, he officially said goodbye to Jiu Xinnai, and then turned to leave.

Only when he disappeared into the darkness did Kyusina close the door and prepare to brainwash Naruto.

Be sure to hurry up and replace the set of ideas that Sarutobi instilled in Naruto.

But before she could start, she found that “Zhao Yuchen’s diary copy [Vortex Jiu Xinnai Exclusive] prompt update”.

She instinctively had a hunch that the content should be relevant to her and couldn’t wait to open it.

[The plan to eat soft rice was announced to die before it began. 】

[Kagura’s ability is somewhat unexpected, and Jiu Shinna can actually detect my thoughts about him and directly showdown with me to make me give up. ] 】

[Sure enough, being a person is still on your own! ] 】

“No, you don’t have to rely on yourself.”

“Yakumo’s soft rice can also be eaten, and it is also very fragrant.”

Inside Satomi Hills Villa, Kurama Yakumo had red eyes and scolded Uzumaki Jiu Shinna in his heart for not knowing how to lift.

It was her honor to be liked by her husband of Yuchen,

If it had been her, she would have washed herself and then lay down on the bed and waited.

This is a gift from heaven!

“This is indeed something that Jiu Xinnai can do.”

In the Pure Land world, a look of remembrance appeared in Mikoto’s eyes.

Jiu Xinnai, this person, said that she is straight and has no scheming, and it is okay to say that she is kind enough to be a little silly.

Because she has experienced the destruction of the country and suffered a lot, she has a clear grudge in her work.

For people who are not good for herself, she returns an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, even if her head is broken and bleeding, she will not flinch.

But for those who are good to themselves, she will repay the grace of dripping water.

And now, Zhao Yuchen is definitely a benefactor to Jiu Xinnai.

Therefore, she definitely can’t do anything to use Zhao Yuchen.

As for directly accepting Zhao Yuchen’s white offering, it is even more impossible.

[I think that Jiu Xinnai refused to be so crisp, it must be because of Bofeng Shuimen. 】

[After all, she is not a person who sees different thoughts and water-based poplars. ] 】

“You guessed wrong.”

Jiu Xinnai smiled secretly in her heart.

Zhao Yuchen’s evaluation of her, she is very useful.

But she did that purely because she couldn’t get past that level in her heart.

As for the sake of wave feng shui gate.

This man disappointed her.

[Unfortunately, Bofeng Shuimen is not worthy. ] 】


Jiu Xinnai nodded in his heart.

Even their own children can endure humiliation, and talk about the big picture.

Isn’t that ridiculous?

[Who would have thought that Jiu Xinnai and Bofeng Shuimen were just a calculation in everything. ] 】


Seeing these words, Jiu Xinnai “rubbed” from the chair and stood up, his face was blue, white and red.

But the person who said this was not Zhao Yuchen, she absolutely did not believe it, thinking that someone was framing.

She was unhappy with Bo Fengshuimen’s attitude towards Naruto’s matter, but she would not deny the truth of the past tribulation.

Her appreciation of the advantages of Wave Feng Shui Gate and her dislike of Wave Feng Shui Gate do not coincide.

But now, is Zhao Yuchen going to tell him that all this is fake!? Could it be that Bofeng Shuimen, like the ape flying sun, also calculates itself?

For a moment, Jiu Xinnai only felt like he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his body was getting colder and colder.

“Mom, what’s wrong with you?”

Naruto noticed that something was wrong with Kushina and opened his mouth to care.

“Mom, mom is okay.”

Jiu Shinai suddenly couldn’t look at Naruto squarely.

If everything is calculating, then what is Naruto? The product of calculation, the embodiment of utter tragedy?

“Mom is going to the bathroom, you wait for me here.”

Showing a far-fetched smile to Naruto, Jiu Shinna hurriedly walked into the bathroom next to him, quite like he was running away.

“Shadow doppelganger, do you want to go to the bathroom too?”

Naruto scratched his head, always feeling that something was wrong.

[Because she was nicknamed tomatoes and blood-colored peppers, Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai hated her beautiful red hair when she was a child. ] 】

[When she published her dream at the ninja school, Hakafeng Shuimen’s speech sounded silly to her, so she always looked down on her. 】

[Until later, Yunnin Village sent Sanmin Shangnin to capture Jiu Xinnai, and she successfully let Bofeng Shuimen find and save her by leaving red hair on the road, staging a heroic rescue beauty. ] 】

[Since then, she has changed her opinion of Bofeng Shuimen and also likes her red hair. 】

Zhao Yuchen first briefly made a forward synopsis.

If it had been before, Jiu Xinnai might have recalled it along.

But now, she only felt fear, fear of the conspiracy in it.

[At first glance, the whole thing seems to be fine, but I have doubts. 】

[This happened a year after the end of the Second Shinobi War, and finally Konoha won the war. 】

[At that time, the first generation of the nine-tailed man Zhuli Uzumaki Mito was still there, the Uchiha clan was still there, the village had a strong enchantment, although Tsunade suffered from hemophobia, but the three Shinobi were in Konoha, and the Konoha White Fang Banner Kishuo Shigeru was also at his peak, plus the heyday of the entire World War II Sarutobi Hinata and Shimura Danzo and others. ] 】

[Then I can’t help but ask, what kind of courage is it that makes Yun Shinobu dare to send Konoha to snatch away the spare nine-tailed human pillar force?] 】

[I can’t help but ask, how did the three upper Shinobi quietly enter Konoha and kidnap people? ] And none of them were found? 】

[I can’t help but ask, there is no dark protection around Jiu Xinnai? ] And she lives in the Thousand Hands Family! 】

[Just when everything is a coincidence, then I can’t help but ask, why did these Yun Shinobi not carry her and escape as soon as possible after successfully capturing Jiu Xinnai, but took a rope to tie her hand and lead her? ] Aren’t you afraid of chasing soldiers? Afraid that people will not be able to save it? 】

[And the three upper Shinobi who rushed to Konoha to rob people actually couldn’t find the small action of Jiu Shinai leaving her hair all the way? ] 】

[The most ridiculous thing is that there are so many strong people in the great Konoha, but it was Wave Feng Shuimen, who had just graduated from the ninja school, who found Jiu Shinnai, and several senior Shinobi who were experienced and had experience in the battlefield could not beat him. ] 】

[In other words, is Bofeng Shuimen such a reckless person? ] 】

[Then I think that Bofeng Shuimen is a disciple of Zilaiye, and the ape flying sun beheads. ] 】

[Is all this really a coincidence?] 】

[Haha, I believe it! ] 【Serious face】

Women: “…….”

Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: “…”

[Bofeng Shuimen likes Jiu Xinnai, I really believe it. 】

[A red hair, enthusiastic, love and hate, such a superb girl, who can not love? ] 】

[But how many calculations and interests are mixed in this liking, only he knows. ] 】

[The whole thing is obviously an elaborate design by Ape Flying Sun to slash the human pillar force, and only he can let the strong people in the village kidnap Jiu Xinnai without discovering it, and let the hero of Bofeng Shuimen save the beauty. ] 】

[As for Bofeng Shuimen, do you know. 】

[Isn’t the name of his genius known to the entire ninja world?] 】


Jiu Xinnai only felt that he suffered a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Her body couldn’t stop shaking, tears burst out of her eyes, and her heart was full of sadness.

Calculate, everything is calculation again.

Calculating her heart, calculating her to become a human pillar force, calculating her to serve Konoha is still under Hokage’s control.

It turned out that Naruto was nothing more than a continuation of her.

Ape flying sun chop, old monkey, you must die.

As for the wave feng shui gate.

“Bang Young!”

Jiu Shinna separates a shadow doppelganger and lets her deal with Naruto.

And she herself returned to the sealed space and found the Wave Feng Shui Gate again.

“Jiu Xinnai!”

Bo Feng Shuimen’s eyes lit up and immediately wanted to say something.

But Jiu Xinnai didn’t give him a chance to speak, and asked directly: “Bofeng Shuimen, let me ask you a question.”

“Back then, I was kidnapped by Yunnin, you saved me that time.”

“Do you know that it is the calculation of the ape flying sun!?”

Wave Feng Shuimen:!

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