Chapter 100: Newborn, Powerful and Fearsome God.

The newborn was powerful, perhaps he was really the child of Zeus and Hera, and their first child.

He does have the power that can be called a god, and even he has far exceeded the power of Ares, who is the god of war [now the god of war].

Diana’s feelings for this were particularly clear.

Because at this time, they held one hand together, they were fighting, their bodies erupted with incomparably terrifying momentum, but they couldn’t help each other.

Even Diana already felt a trace of pain, she seemed to have suffered a loss? How is this possible? With her strength, she actually suffered a loss?

But Diana, as an Amazon, is different from ordinary people’s patience for pain, so she stares at each other with her face as usual, still stalemated in strength.

At this time, Diana was in an extremely angry state, this damn beast who appeared out of nowhere insulted her favorite mother? Even want to make a move on her sister?

It’s a crime worthy of death.

Ordinary people in this state Diana is very difficult to stand in front of, and will be intimidated by the incomparably terrifying momentum on her body.

But the newborn in front of him didn’t seem to care. It is enough to see his strength.

Even Donna began to retreat unconsciously, taken in by their momentum.

And the newborn is very tall, even in front of Diana, who is one meter nine, he is much taller than Diana. Because he is two meters and three meters tall.

Even Diana began to feel the pressure, not to mention Donna.

So Diana hurriedly turned to Donna and said: “Donna, this guy is not something you can deal with, you go to protect the card…. ”

In fact, Diana has already saved face for Donna, which is a guy that Donna can never deal with, so she wants Donna to leave. Donna knows this too, and she’s just going to be a drag on Diana here.

But suddenly, Chusheng punched Diana in the abdomen.

“Dare to be distracted in front of me?”

Chusheng said triumphantly. He won’t miss this opportunity.


Donna was startled and about to step forward.

“Let’s go.”

Diana gulped, and the severe pain made her open her mouth to spew out a mouthful of blood. It only made her internal organs feel like they were about to explode.

This is still her, as an Amazon and demigod Diana, may not be as resistant to resistance as Superman, but her ability to endure pain is not comparable to Superman.

Even she is like this, which shows how terrifying this punch of the newborn is.

Even because of Diana’s distraction and the heavy blow to her abdomen, the newborn other hand also increased its strength. Just listening to the “click”, Diana’s hand bones were instantly deformed.

Diana gritted her teeth fiercely, this guy was really merciless, her hand bones had all been crushed. But fortunately, it’s just her left hand, and she still has her right hand to use.

“Do you think you’ll be okay?”

Diana drank angrily, she would not be beaten passively all the time, and opened her hands and shouted angrily: “Sword come.” ”


The Vulcan Sword, which had fallen from where she had fallen when she was beaten before, automatically flew into her hand. After Diana held the Vulcan sword, she stabbed the newborn in front of her closely.

It was the Sword of Vulcan, with subatomic cutting power, and even Superman’s steel body could easily break open. However, only listen to the “boom”.

Hatsuo seemed to sense danger as well, so he grabbed the blade of the Vulcan Sword. However, he also let his palm be horribly cut.

But the first birth was still unimpressed, even if the white bones of his fingers were exposed, because this pain was completely unworthy of mentioning for him, who had been grilled in the geocentric world for more than seven thousand years.

Even the first born grinned at Diana, and then he jerked hard.


The Vulcan Sword was actually broken by him? Is that an artifact?

Even Diana’s eyes widened, and then she saw that the nascent hand holding the broken sword slammed into her chest.


Diana’s shoulder blades were pierced, and the huge pain still made her cry out in pain.

Chusheng sneered and admired his masterpiece, and said with a look of disdain: “You are just a fake, since you are not our brother and sister, don’t get in my way.” ”

Saying that, he threw Diana aside like a garbage or dead person in his first birth.

Diana lay on the ground, her face no longer had the radiance of the past, and such a huge blow and injury even made her will a little shaken.

Since her debut, she has suffered such a big blow except for the losses she suffered on Ares when she was a child. And such a powerful enemy, she had never even heard of it.

Looking at the first born again, he completely ignored Diana behind him, and instead raised his head to look in the direction that Cassandra and Donna left. He’s going to hunt them down next, right?

“Hurry up, Diana, hurry up.”

Diana shouted to herself frantically in her heart. But her hands were shaking, it wasn’t pain, she knew in her heart that it was fear. For the first time since she was a child, she developed a fear of the enemy.

This suddenly appeared enemy was so terrifying that even she did not dare to get up again to face it.

Diana even had the idea of escaping, but she couldn’t even do so because her feet and legs were shaking.

Why is that?

Diana’s eyes were empty and she didn’t know where she was looking, she didn’t know what she was thinking, or her brain was blank.

The first time she was hit and hit like this was fatal for her.


Suddenly, an incomparably familiar voice sounded in her ears.


Diana recognized it at once, it was her mother, it was Hippolyta’s voice.

But how could her mother’s voice suddenly ring in her ears? Hippolyta was not a god, nor did he have such power.

“It’s Zeus, he saw your situation, he discovered one thing, his first child with Lord Hera escaped from the geocentric world, and he will threaten the whole world, even Olympus will be destroyed by him, all the gods will be destroyed by him, this is the crisis of the end of the world.”

Hippolyta explained that it was Zeus’ power that allowed them to talk. Hearing these 3.4 words, Diana already wanted to scold her old son.

You irresponsible big pig’s trotter, how come everything is made up in your family? And she is responsible for solving it as an illegitimate child.


“Diana, listen to me, your power is far more than that, don’t limit yourself anymore, let your true power all emerge. Your divine power, the power you inherited from your father, is already far beyond the power of Zeus. ”

“Don’t forget, Diana, you are a god too.”

Then again, since Zeus can help Hippolyta talk to Diana, but he can’t talk to Diana, maybe it’s not because Diana wears a guardian silver bracelet, or maybe she simply doesn’t want to talk to her father?

Or is this ability of Zeus required both parties to connect voluntarily? And obviously, Diana certainly didn’t have a good impression of him.

Zeus: Heart-piercing little [old? Baby.

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