“Senior Dugu Bo, why don’t you come out and meet you?”

The faces of Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan changed greatly, and the next moment, an old man suddenly appeared in the box.

“Little doll, you have some skills, you can actually detect the existence of the old man.”

Dugu Bo’s hair is green, his body is thin but standing upright like a javelin, and his emerald-like eyes seem to be shining, and the whole person gives people an illusory and elusive feeling.

“I’ve seen Dugu senior.” Su Yan saluted Dugu Bo and said with a smile, “Thank you Dugu Senior for escorting the junior.”

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense, the old man’s time is precious, just say what you are looking for the old man, if you let the old man think that you are entertaining the old man…”

Dugu Bo’s tone became cold, and his dark green eyes shot out a gloomy gaze, “Even if you are from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the old man must teach you a little lesson.”

Dugu Bo is really not easy to contact, three or two sentences make the atmosphere so stiff, no wonder there have been no friends for so many years.

Su Yan complained in her heart, and said politely on her face, “The junior understands.

Then she looked at Yu Tianheng, “Senior, trouble you to go out, by the way, tell outsiders, don’t go near this room if you are fine.”

Yu Tianheng: ???

Am I also an outsider?

Yu Tianheng gave Dugu Yan a look, “Let me stay!”

“Jade boy, you also go out first.” Dugu Bo said directly, and Yu Tianheng walked out unwillingly.

“Little doll, can you say it now.” Dugu Bo’s words were a little urging and impatient.

“Yes.” Su Yan nodded and slowly spoke, “Senior Dugu, you and Sister Yan may be poisoned.”

Su Yan did not open her mouth and said, “I can solve the poison on you and Sister Yan”, for a six or seven-year-old child, it is already remarkable to see that their poisoning, too much leakage, but it is not good for her. Half a step ahead is

a genius, one step ahead is the devil, Su Yan knows this well.

In fact, Su Yan did not intend to contact Dugubo so early, at least until six years later.

However, because only Xueluochuan had an accident among the four princes, Avalanche did not pretend to be as delicate as the original.

Coupled with the support of Prince Xuexing, as well as the relationship between Xuexing and Dugubo, the status of Avalanche is increasing day by day.

In order to prevent the night from growing and dreaming too much, and kicking the avalanche out of the game as soon as possible, Su Yan plans to strike now.

Anyway, the moment she found Dugu Bo, she secretly contacted Qian Chengxue, and she could sense that Qian Chengxue had arrived with the two elders of Yu Long and Piercing Blood.

Now, this “Baiwei Residence” should be completely taken over by the people of the Martial Soul Hall, all the diners have been invited away by “Xueqinghe”, and even Yu Tianheng has been sent back to the academy by “His Royal Highness the Prince”, she can act with confidence.

Anyway, with Dugu Yan there, Dugu Bo must be a rat jealous, and he doesn’t dare to make too much movement.

If Dugu Bo is soft and hard and doesn’t eat, it’s a big deal to teach this old guy a direct lesson, then detoxify him, and then pinch his neck and ask him if he joins the Martial Soul Hall.

As for the movement caused, just find a reason to fool the past, this kind of business Qianchengxue’s team is skilled.

Su Yan’s just one sentence surprised Dugu Bo.

How did she know I was poisoned.

Dugu Yan on the side directly sneered, “Senior sister, if you want to deceive people and find a better reason, do you know who my grandfather is?”

Dugu Bo stared at Su Yan with a dangerous gaze, and said in a calm tone: “The little doll is too underestimated to look at the old man, and the old man is named poison, and naturally he is also a good hand at using poison to detoxify.”

“Under this day, there is no poison that the old man cannot solve, let alone poisoning, you say that the old man is poisoned, it is simply ridiculous in the world.”

Squirt, so confident, why are you still looking at me with such malicious eyes.

In the face of Dugu Bo’s hard-mouthed, wary and tempting, Su Yan had expected it and said unhurriedly, “Indeed, Poison Douluo’s poisonous skills are unparalleled in the world, and almost no one can beat them.

When Dugu Bo heard Su Yan say this, he smiled stiffly, “In this way, you are admitting that you are entertaining the old man.”

Dugu Bo was like a poisonous snake at this time, giving people a shuddering feeling.

“What if this poison is produced by your martial soul of Dugu senior.” Su Yan’s fluttering words were tant to thunder in Dugu Bo’s ears.


“Little doll, who told you this! What else do you know! What purpose do you have!

Dugu Bo stared at Su Yan with gloomy eyes, he didn’t believe that Su Yan was a little doll and could see the condition of his body.

And he has never contacted Su Yan before, someone must have used Su Yan, it is very likely that it is someone under His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

The momentum of Dugu Bo’s whole body had firmly locked Su Yan, and just when he was about to control Su Yan in an instant, a moon-white sword had already touched Dugu Yan’s neck on the side.

Su Yan is not a good person to talk to, if you are willing to sit down and have a good chat, then everyone is happy; If you don’t agree with each other, you have to do it, then don’t blame the old lady for opening the table. However, she

knew that this had a bit of a big impact on Dugubo, which was a common human feeling, so she did not directly let Qian Chengxue bring people in and take Dugubo and Dugu Yan away.

“Senior Dugu, can we have a good chat now?” Su Yan lit up her golden eyes and said with a smile.

Against Su Yan’s dragon pupil, Dugu Bo’s snake eyes instantly collapsed!

The fluctuation of soul power on Su Yan’s body actually exceeded that of ordinary soul Venerable, and coupled with the suppression of martial souls, Dugu Yan could not move.

“Grandpa, grandpa…” Dugu Yan’s fearful voice trembled a little, and she could sense that if Su Yan wanted her life, it was a matter of thought.

A violent murderous aura erupted from Dugu Bo’s body, Dugu Bo’s dark green eyes stared at Su Yan wantonly, he really moved the killing intent.

“Little doll, let go of Yan Yan, if something happens to Yan Yan, I will let the entire Prince Mansion accompany the burial!” Dugubo asked threateningly.

Hearing Dugu Bo’s words, Su Yan once again felt the arrogance and power of Title Douluo.

The prince of a country is all said to kill and kill.

Su Yan did not doubt at all that Dugu Bo did not have the ability to pull the entire prince’s mansion into the water.

“Senior Dugu, what I said is the truth, I saw it myself.” Su Yan spoke lightly, “I hope that the seniors can give the juniors a chance to explain.”

Dugu Bo smiled angrily, “You can see it yourself, well, prove it to the old man, otherwise, the old man doesn’t mind killing you on the spot.”

Su Yan smiled, she knew that Dugu Bo did not dare to make a move, and now the initiative was already in her hands.

The grandfather of the Douluo Continent controls the granddaughter per capita, so…

Senior Dugu, you don’t want your granddaughter to have an accident, right?

“Senior Dugu, are you and Sister Yan’s green eyes natural?” Su Yan asked, “Was it like this in the beginning, or… Acquired?

When Dugu Bo heard this, he snorted coldly, “What does this have to do with the poisoning of the old man?”

“Of course,” Su Yan said, “The Biphosphorus Snake is a highly poisonous soul beast, since the predecessor used the Biphosphorus Snake as a martial soul, presumably your martial soul must be toxin.

“When this toxin is cultivated by the seniors, it will gradually erode the whole body with the operation of the soul power, and the most obvious impact on the body of the seniors and Sister Yan is…”

“Green eyes.”

Hearing Su Yan’s words, Dugu Bo was stunned, and Dugu Yan also subconsciously looked at Dugu Bo, and they all saw each other’s green eyes.

“When the beast soul master does not use martial soul and soul techniques, his body will not embody any characteristics similar to that of martial soul.” Su Yan smiled slightly, “Now senior, do you believe what I said?”

“Sister Yan’s current cultivation is still shallow, and she should not have been greatly affected, but Dugu senior, junior thinks that you have been staying at the ninety-first level for so many years, it should be related to toxins, right?”

Su Yan took back the sky congyun, “The junior came with sincerity, but if the senior makes any irrational moves, the junior may not be able to guarantee the safety of Sister Yan.” At this time, “Xueqinghe”

pushed the door in and sat next to Dugu Yan, “Dugu senior, junior detoxify your ancestors and grandchildren, you give up the avalanche and stand in line with Xueqinghe, this deal, is it still cost-effective?”

Sensing the breath of the two titled Douluo outside, Dugu Yan sat obediently, Dugu Bo did not dare to act rashly, even if Su Yan had already recovered the martial soul, he did not dare to rescue Dugu Yan.

This Su Yan, and Prince Xueqinghe, have problems!

Dugu Boren was old and refined, and he immediately realized that this matter was unusual, the aura of those two titled Douluo was familiar to him, and the other party was a person from the Martial Soul Hall.

Yu Long, Piercing Blood, these older generation titled Douluo, and Dugu Bo can also be regarded as people of the same era, naturally they also know each other, sensing that these two people are here, Dugu Bo instantly figured out a lot of things.

Now if he refuses, I don’t know if he can leave alive, Yan Yan will definitely not be able to leave alive.

Dugu Bo didn’t have time to explore what Xue Qinghe’s identity was, and his current situation was already very bad.

“Don’t forget, the old man is a guest secretary of the Heaven Dou Empire, can it be that your Martial Soul Hall really wants to be an enemy of the Heaven Dou Empire?” You know, when Dugu Bo

had just become a titled Douluo, the Martial Soul Hall had solicited him once, but Dugu Bo at that time refused, and the Martial Soul Hall even sent Yueguan to chase and kill Dugu Bo.

The reason why the Martial Soul Hall stopped hunting Dugu Bo was because Dugu Bo accepted the protection of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Dugu Bo had already joined a camp, and if the Martial Soul Hall moved him, it would be equivalent to moving the Heaven Dou Empire. The strength of the Martial Soul Hall even surpassed that of the two major empires, the

upper three sects and the two major empires, there were faint signs of union, and the Martial Soul Hall was also afraid of their union, and between the two sides, they had maintained a balance of power over the years.

Once one of the parties is moved, it will lead to a series of subsequent chain reactions, and eventually promote the union of other parties, which is Dugubo’s dependence.

“What Martial Soul Hall?” Qian Chengxue said with a smile, “There is only the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire here, Xueqinghe.

“Moreover, the Heaven Dou Empire, the Xue family, what qualifications make me afraid and offend them, I don’t care.” Qian Chengxue put her hand on Dugu Yan’s head and rubbed it, smiling slightly at Dugu Bo.

Dugu Yan was frightened, Dugu Bo’s eyes were bloodshot, but he didn’t dare to make a move, “You, you dare to move Yan Yan, the old man is a ghost, and he can’t spare you!”

Dugu Bo didn’t care about his life, but he valued Dugu Yan more than anything else, his son died due to snake venom, and Dugu Yan was his only relative.

Qian Chengxue and Su Yan looked at each other and smiled, there is a weakness, isn’t there a way to handle it?

“Even if we don’t make a move against Dugu Yan, the toxins in her body will kill her sooner or later.” Qian Chengxue poured herself a glass of fruit wine and slowly shook the wine glass.

Under the influence of Su Yan, she gradually liked this feeling of being in control, tasting the wine in the glass, like tasting intoxicating power and power.

“I can help you blue scale snake vein, and turn the poison on your body into poison from generation to generation.” Qian Chengxue said, “However, the price is that you have to join the Martial Soul Hall.

“Well, choose.”

Dugu Bo listened, even if he yearned for freedom and did not like the feeling of being bound, he was a little hesitant.

Dugu Bo is not afraid of his own death, but what he cares about is Dugu Yan, and he does not want his son’s tragedy to happen to his granddaughter again. Moreover, he

stood on the side of Prince Xuexing, only because of his past kindness, he had no intention of participating in the battle for the crown prince, and the actions of Xuexing and the fourth prince Avalanche also made him very distressed.

Now Xueqinghe is obviously more valued, and without his own support, he will only please the avalanche of the Snow Night Emperor, and he will definitely be the first to kick out.

Big deal, in the end, let Xueqinghe leave Prince Xuexing and Avalanche dead, which can be regarded as returning this favor.

“Well, if you can help our grandfather and grandson remove the toxins on his body, I will sell this old bone to your Martial Soul Hall.” Dugubo gritted his teeth.

“Of course.” Su Yan said, “Find a soul bone and force the toxin into it, won’t it be okay?”

Dugubo: !!!

Qiancheng Xue: ???

Su Yan looked at Dugu Bo’s sudden realization, and Qian Chengxue’s face: “Sister, are you okay?” With a smile, he continued with a smile, “However, what if the stored toxins in the soul bone are full?

Dugubo: …

Qian Chengxue: …

“This is the most inferior method, the toxins that the soul bone can hold are limited after all, and that piece of soul bone is basically wasted after that and cannot be used.”

“Senior Dugu, junior looking at your situation, he should have found a place where he could suppress toxins.” Su Yan crooked her mouth.

“Can you let the junior go there and take a look?”

Qian Chengxue’s eyes lit up, and she knew that the Qiluo tulips given to the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect were harvested from Dugu Bo’s courtyard, and there must be a lot of good things in that place.

“Okay, but the herbs there, even the old man doesn’t know, many are even poison.” Dugubo said, “If something happens, the old man is not responsible.

“It’s okay, senior, just lead the way.” Su Yan smiled and said, “Presumably your old friend Ju Douluo should be an expert in this area.

Qian Chengxue made a gesture to the outside, and Elder Yu Long immediately disappeared, and Dugu Bo, who noticed this scene, had 10,000 jade Xiaogang rushing over in his heart.

That’s it, that medicine garden is originally an ownerless thing, if it can solve the problem of toxin reflux, it is not so important to him, and it doesn’t hurt to give it to the Martial Soul Hall.

“Let’s go, come with the old man.”

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