Bibi Dong looked at Su Yan with a somewhat complicated face.

On the day she returned to the Pope’s Palace, she thought about a lot of things, about Su Yan, about Qian Chengxue, about… Yu Xiaogang’s.

From the perspective of Su Yan’s words, Bibi Dong discovered a lot of things that she had ignored before.

What would she do if her disciple had enjoyed the resources of the Martial Soul Hall, had touched the secrets of the Martial Soul Hall, and then wanted to leave the Martial Soul Hall?

She perhaps… will also stop at nothing to keep the other party, if you can’t stay, then kill on the spot.

Perhaps as a saint, having obtained a lot of resources and cultivation from the Martial Soul Hall, she has the responsibility to stay in the Martial Soul Hall and even abandon her emotions.

Moreover, Yu Xiaogang may… Not as good as she thought. The

lover who traveled through adventure and tribulation together suddenly said to you, I only value what is on you to approach you, what normal men think about should not be, is the relationship between the two not comparable to that outside of the body?

But Yu Xiaogang back then actually believed her words, and even failed to find that something was wrong in her emotions.

I’m afraid that just Chihiro sent someone to tell Yu Xiaogang that he didn’t love him anymore, and he might give up directly, right?

A poor and white person actually thought that someone would plot something against him. If it is really for the so-called knowledge, as long as the Martial Soul Hall

brings Yu Xiaogang back, whether it is good words to persuade or torture, you can get the so-called knowledge from him, why bother to catch the Heavenly Lady of the Martial Soul Hall!

However, no matter what, she could not forgive Chihiro for what he had done to her.

She may have done something wrong, but that’s not a reason to forgive Chihiro.

As a teacher, there are many ways to keep disciples, but that scum chose the dirtiest and most cruel one.

And I don’t know if it’s her illusion, it seems that in the sunset forest, Qian Chengxue’s eyes looking at her no longer have the same desire and anger as before.

Apart from a faint alienation, there were no other emotions.


There were too many questions she wanted answers to, so many things she wanted to say.

“Go back to the Papal Palace first.” Bibi Dong suppressed the impulse in his heart, this is not a suitable place to speak, and after absorbing two hundred thousand year soul rings, it is now evening.

Su Yan simply solved dinner with the drinking water in the soul guide, Bibi Dong picked her up, the six-winged purple light wings unfolded, and quickly flew towards Wuhun City.

“Mom, it’s time for me to go back to Tiandou City, otherwise… She would be worried. Su Yan was keenly aware that Bibi Dong’s arm holding her tightened, and wisely did not say the name.

“Yanyan, go back to the Martial Soul Hall first, mother has something to ask you.” Bibi Dong hugged Su Yan tightly and accelerated his speed.

Absorbing these two hundred thousand year soul rings directly raised Bibi Dong’s strength to level ninety-eight, Su Yan was only a three-ring soul Venerable, and now she couldn’t rebel against Bibi Dong. Su Yan found that Bibi Dong

was unwilling to let her go, so she gave up, hoping that Bibi Dong would not be a moth, and let her return to Tiandou after asking about things earlier.

A Qiancheng Xue and a Bibi Dong are all paranoid and dead tsundere, she must have a bowl of water to be even, otherwise it will not be good for anyone.

She originally thought that it would take about two days for Bibi Dong to absorb the soul ring, so she asked Elder Yu Long to return to Heaven Dou City three days later.

If she went back earlier than Yu Long, it would be good to say; If Yu Long went back and she didn’t go back, it would really be difficult to explain to Qian Chengxue.

With Bibi Dong three advancing at full speed, they soon returned to the Papal Palace.

After the two of them saluted, they retreated, and Bibi Dong hugged Su Yan and walked all the way to a bedroom.

The room was very simple, the air was filled with the fragrance of orchids, Bibi Dong put Su Yan on the bed, “Yanyan, tired for a day, let’s sleep first.”

“Well, good night mom.” Su Yan maintained a time zero for four hours, and she was somewhat tired, and soon fell asleep.

Bibi Dong covered Su Yan with a quilt, turned around and prepared to leave, hesitated for a moment, and finally lay next to Su Yan with his clothes and took her into his arms.

That night, Bibi Dong slept exceptionally peacefully, as if she had never had such a quiet and peaceful time since she began to undergo the Rakshasa Divine Examination.

In fact, at her stage, sleep is already a dispensable thing, and she prefers to replace sleep with meditation practice.

Or in other words, since she accepted the Rakshasa God Examination, in the Martial Soul Hall where the angel god is believed, it is simply a luxury to want to sleep peacefully.

However, today Bibi Dong relaxed his tense nerves and slept deeply.

The next day.

Su Yan woke up under Bibi Dong’s gaze, and she was a little stunned for a while.

Before, even in the Prince’s Mansion, she maintained the release of spiritual power when she was resting, but yesterday she was a little tired, and this is the Martial Soul Hall, so she let herself go and fell asleep like that.

However, Bibi Dong actually did not leave, but stayed, which surprised her. Looking at Bibi Dong’s

appearance of wanting to say something, Su Yan probably guessed that Bibi Dong’s abnormal performance may be related to those words he said in the Sunset Forest.

This is to … Is there a showdown?

“Mom, are you hungry? Let’s eat breakfast first. Su Yan spoke first, she needed to buy herself a little time.

Although this scene has been rehearsed countless times in her mind, this is not a dress rehearsal, she wants to do her best at one time. You know, except for Qian

Daoliu’s internal information, it is estimated that no one knows about the secret room incident that year, and Qian Chengxue’s identity is also top secret in the Martial Soul Hall. Even Qian Daoliu only told her that Qian Cheng Xue was

his granddaughter, and did not say the relationship between Bibi Dong and Qian Cheng Xue, so it was very difficult for her to confess with Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong took the initiative to confess that if he could grasp it, the effect would definitely be better than the showdown between himself and her, this may be the only opportunity, and she has no reason to let it go.

Bibi Dong was stunned for a moment, this was her negligence, although for her who had been sealed for many years, food was no longer a necessity, but Su Yan could not eat without eating.

Bibi Dong did not speak, nodded gently, and asked the servant to bring food over, considering that Su Yan didn’t eat much yesterday, and asked for an extra one.

Su Yan lowered her head and picked up the meal, and the dream tapir quietly opened, subtly adjusting Bibi Dong’s mentality, trying to make her calmer.

When Su Yan was struggling with Morning, Bibi Dong looked out the window, and she suddenly found that today was a rare good weather.

The rising sun rose above the clouds, and the sun fell flat against the clouds, casting shadows of the windows on the walnut table, and dyed the entire bedroom with a faint crimson.

Bibi Dong was a little stunned, she seemed to see the spirited girl again.

And now things are different, I don’t know when she slowly closed herself, sitting alone on the papal throne, but never felt such calm and warmth again.

Su Yan sensed that Bibi Dong’s spiritual power had spread, and no one in the Martial Soul Hall could hear their conversation, even if the detection of Qiandaoliu would be detected.

“Mom,” Su Yan, who finished eating, took the initiative to speak, this time in conversation, she needed to take the initiative in her hands, “What you want to talk to me about is related to the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family.”

It was a question, but Su Yan’s tone was flat, as if she was convinced that it must be this answer.

Bibi Dong’s purple pupils shrank slightly, and the next moment, she laughed a little helplessly, “Yes, Yanyan, I really can’t fool you with anything.”

“Mom, I can feel your emotions,” Su Yan looked into Bibi Dong’s eyes, “but you bury all your emotions in your heart, so… Aren’t you tired?

After a long silence, Bibi Dong said, “Yanyan, you don’t understand, there are some things that you can’t say.

“Dugu Yan and Yu Tianheng.” Su Yan said.

“What?” Bibi Dong was stunned.

“Dugu Yan and Yu Tianheng.” Su Yan looked directly into Bibi Dong’s eyes, “Teacher, did I guess correctly?”

Bibi Dong’s body suddenly trembled, and a vast and terrifying Rakshasa divine power suddenly formed a ripple, bursting open with her as the center!

If the sudden divine power impact hits Su Yan, even if she has a spiritual skull, I am afraid that she will be able to annihilate her soul in an instant!

Su Yan instantly turned on the explosive blood to the third degree, dealing with the spiritual attack, the invincible golden body had no effect, and she did not use teleportation to escape, because she believed that Bibi Dong would not hurt herself.

Rakshasa’s divine power burst out like lightning, and just when it was about to touch Su Yan’s body, the ripples in that place suddenly trembled, and then disappeared in an instant.

The divine power shockwave skipped Su Yan and swept the entire bedroom fiercely, and the bedroom instantly became a mess.

After retracting his divine power and looking at Su Yan, Bibi Dong smiled a little self-deprecatingly, “Sure enough, Yan Yan, you guessed it.”

“Then do you think Mom did something wrong?”

“Mom, all I can say is that you’re not doing it right.” Su Yan said softly, “However, wrong and good, I am not qualified to evaluate.”

“Because, Sister Xue’er, it should be a sister.”

Bibi Dong’s body stiffened for a moment, and she looked at Su Yan with some disbelief, her white hands trembling slightly.

“I have to say, you are really powerful, you can deduce so many things, no wonder that old guy takes a fancy to you so much.”

Bibi Dong never expected that his self, who had always been moody and angry, was easily caused by Su Yan to cause such strong emotional fluctuations today.

“Mom, whether you are wrong or not, Sister Xue’er is innocent, isn’t it?”

“Huh,” Bibi Dong sneered, “she is not innocent, she didn’t do anything wrong, but her only mistake was being born in the Thousand Family, and her martial soul is a six-winged angel!”

Su Yan had some helpless forehead, obviously she was going to write her concern on her face, why was she so arrogant?

“Mom, then, I can only let you face your heart.” Su Yan said, “Elder Yueguan should have brought back a fairy grass, and the lovesickness was broken.

“I think it tells you the answer.”

Bibi Dong was stunned, of course she knew that Acacia was broken, that was the king of flowers that Yueguan admired incomparably.

When picking, you must think of your lover in your heart, sincerely, drop a drop of blood on the petals, if you are a little half-hearted, even if you vomit blood and die, you don’t want to pluck the flower; After the flower is removed, as long as it is by the owner’s side, it will never wither.

“Mom, do you want to give it a try?”

【Let’s talk about Chihiro and Bibi Dong】

The following only represents personal views, please do not lead to battle.

As far as the pigeon is concerned, he doesn’t like the character of Bibi Dong very much, and the three views and five senses must be separated, and the role of Chihiro, the pigeon feels that he is not so unbearable. Bibi Dong is wrong, wrong is

unfaithful and unfilial, Chihiro is also wrong, wrong is unkind.

Bibi Dong wanted to betray the Martial Soul Hall and go to the Blue Sky Tyrannosaurus Family to make a private agreement with Yu Xiaogang for life, which was disloyal; It is unfilial piety not to her master;

Chihiro forcibly left Bibi Dong behind instead of using a palliative approach to solve the problem, which is unkind; It is unjust for Bibi Dong to do that kind of thing.

They are all at fault, and no one is innocent.

Pigeon admits that Chihiro is a scumbag, but his love for Bibi Dong may be true.

Chihiro is in a high position, and there are countless people who want to post backwards, but he is only Bibi Dong, and since Chihiro was born nine years ago, Chihiro has not had any heirs.

If Chihiro uses Bibi Dong as a tool and doesn’t care about her feelings to continue to be strong, then there will definitely be more than one descendant, after all, it is impossible to have a child in nine years, even if it is an angel martial soul.

Moreover, when he was hunting the Soul Blue Silver Emperor, Qianxun was already full of soul rings, and Qianyue Xue was still young, so the ownership of this 100,000-year soul ring was very clear, and it was Chihiro who found it for Bibi Dong.

Is it so difficult that Chihiro didn’t think that Bibi Dong’s strength would take revenge after surpassing him? He must have known, but he did it anyway, hoping to ease the relationship between the two.

After all, the two already have children, and Chihiro hopes to make up for her mistakes while giving Chihiro a mother who cares about her.

Unfortunately, Chihiro eventually died at the hands of Bibi Dong, who was bent on revenge.

It can only be said that this is a bad fate, and there is no right or wrong.

【Small popular science: Acacia broken intestine red in history】 The

representative meaning of acacia broken intestine red is: wanderer homesickness, parting from worry, gentle, beautiful, happy.

Acacia broken intestine red is also known as begonia, August spring.

In history, there was a lingering, desolate and moving love, that is the touching story of Tang Wan and Lu You.

According to historical records, when Lu You and Tang Wan had no choice but to part, Tang Wan gave Lu You a pot of begonia as a thing of thought.

When Lu You asked Tang Wan: “What kind of flower is this”, Tang Wan replied sadly: “This is broken intestine red”.

Seeing this, Lu You was full of thoughts, and said casually: “It should be called acacia red”, and since then, begonia has been passed down to the world as “acacia red”.

When people’s love encounters twists and turns, they often use begonia flowers as a metaphor, calling it a broken intestine flower, and using flowers to express the sad feelings of male and female parting.

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