“What’s the idea?” Su Yan asked with a smile.

“It looks simple, but it’s not easy to think about it.” Bibi Dong said.

Indeed, real estate seems to have no technical content at all, but it can accumulate money so quickly and so well, which is incomprehensible.

“Mom, it’s actually complicated.” Su Yan took a sip of tea and said with a smile, “Only Wuhun City can do it, and other forces will only lose money if they learn it.”

“So, when the real estate of Wuhun City is almost carried out, we can tell this method to the Xue family and the Dai family, and pit the two empires.”

This sentence made Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue confused again, and Qian Chengxue couldn’t help but ask, “Isn’t Tiandou City okay?”

Su Yan smiled and shook her head, “This thing has no technical content, but it is not easy to play and understand.” Real

estate is such a thing, there is really no technical content, even if it is a mortgage, it looks very simple.

Su Yan said a big truth, whether it is real estate or mortgage, what is needed is a lot of capital, but she still hasn’t said anything.

That is, market regulation and supply and demand.

Qian Chengxue and Bibi Dong looked at each other and saw the doubt in each other’s eyes.

In their view, isn’t this just building a batch of houses and then selling them with loans?

If you really want to say that there are any unique conditions, it may be said that in a few years, the reputation of Wuhun City may be a little better than now.

If you want to talk about other conditions, can the capitals of the major empires be worse than Wuhun City?

As for the capital, isn’t that simpler?

In each country’s own territory, the land is completely free, and the craftsmen also have to let them work first, and then pay them when the house is sold.

“If they dare to act recklessly, they will lose tens of millions of gold coins, even if they have earned!” Still want to make money? Su Yan knew that Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue had fallen into the trap, and explained to the two with a smile.

What is supply and demand?!

Hearing Su Yan’s explanation, Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue couldn’t help but marvel.

Su Yan wants Bibi Dong and the two to know that these things are not so simple, and hopes that Bibi Dong can act according to what she wrote for the time being.

The financial thing is not simple, if Bibi Dong does not pay attention to playing casually, it is very likely to destroy the family of the Martial Soul Hall.

She hopes that the Martial Soul Hall can become stronger, and not because of her or Bibi Dong’s mistakes.

Therefore, the high risk of the financial industry needs to be known to Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue.

“Mom, sister, we have a mansion here that is free to renovate, because those people are moths of the Martial Soul Hall, so they were cleaned up, and we have left behind a good reputation of honesty and integrity.”

“Moreover, their mansion has been renovated by us, and with the unique conditions of Wuhun City, it can attract so many outsiders.”

“But if the major empires want to imitate, someone has to vacate the place first, of course they can’t drive away the princes and nobles, guess what’s going on with them?” Su Yan sneered.

“Is it possible for them to compensate the common people? Not likely.

“The White Fang promised to move people out of their homeland, who would be happy to replace it?” At this time, those who are eager to get rich, what method do you say they will use?

“If you can’t induce, then there is only coercion.” Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue instantly thought of the means they would use.

“That’s right,” Su Yan continued to sneer, “So, what they are bad can only be their own reputation.

“Even when the people of their own imperial capital start to resent them, even if they make a lot of money, so what?”

“What’s more, if you really want to start construction, you don’t just need to relocate the original residents? As long as the construction starts, materials, transportation, labor, cleaning, landscaping, which is not pouring money out!

“There is no money, and you want to do things, the nobles are domineering, especially in their own territory, so what other method can be used?”

“Then there is only one left, on credit.”

Make a big profit, wait until the real estate makes a lot of money in the future, and then fill the hole you owed before.

“Moreover, they don’t think that it will be successfully completed after starting construction, Wuhun City is the first time, but if the nobles and the big family forces play along, it is another matter.”

“Everyone knows that the rebuilt mansion of Wuhun City has been sold at a high price, and at this time, you want to buy the land and real estate of the people of the original imperial capital at the price of the farmyard, isn’t that a joke?”

“In this world, only the high-level of the major families and nobles are smart people, and the common people are stupid?”

Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue understood a little.

This fell into another endless cycle, and the more the nobles wanted to make money, the more they needed these people to relocate. But these people are not stupid, and they definitely want more “demolition fees”.

If the nobles do not give it, the more fiercely they force the commoners, the greater the resentment of the commoners towards the noble class in the end.

In this dead cycle, there is no solution if the nobles are unwilling to give in, but how can the domineering nobles give in to the commoners?

If at this time, the Martial Soul Hall properly conducts some guidance, the noble class will slowly lose the hearts of the people.

This is the beginning of disintegrating the other from within.

Therefore, this is not only a profiteering business to grab money, but also a superb technology, from an economic point of view, the other party is disintegrated without bloodshed.

“Moreover, even if they spend a lot of money to settle the people, and the mansion is built, they have to face a whole new problem.” Su Yan prompted.

“What problem?” Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue spoke at the same time.

“The new mansion, who buys it?” Su Yan asked with a smile.

“Naturally, the major royal families themselves are the important ministers and family children!” Qian Chengxue replied of course, but reacted immediately.

“No, they originally had their own mansion in the Imperial City, and it was impossible for the demolition to move them, in that case, what did they do when they bought new ones at a high price?”

Their own children don’t need to buy it, so let the children of the Xue family go to the Dai family to buy a mansion at a high price? Or let the children of the Tang family go to the Ning family to buy a mansion at a high price?

Which one took the wrong medicine?

Moreover, can ordinary civilians and businessmen afford it? Even if they could afford it, would nobles who thought highly of themselves be willing to live with some “inferior”?

“Then, if they do this, won’t they smash all the newly built mansions in their hands?” Bibi Dong’s face became extremely wonderful, and he couldn’t tell whether he wanted to cry or laugh.

“So, Mom, the fourth rule please do what I say, it’s very deep.” Su Yan closed the document and solemnly handed it to Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong subconsciously wiped his hands, and then reached out to take the document.

“After the Martial Soul Hall becomes an economic center, we are building it into a cultural center.” Su Yan said a few more words that Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue could not understand.

Although there were enough new things accepted today, and his brain was a little inadequate, Bibi Dong and the two couldn’t help but ask, “What is an economic center?” What is a Cultural Center?

They seemed to have been able to see that under Su Yan’s arrangement, the Martial Soul Hall was thriving!

Su Yan continued the tea for Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue, and then slowly explained to the two.

“The economic center is very simple, that is, to make Wuhun City the most prosperous city, anyone who wants to travel, want leisure and entertainment, the first thing that comes to mind is Wuhun City.”

“For example, those new catering and entertainment, the main store is opened in Wuhun City, and some other delicious and fun things are also in Wuhun City, so that people from all over the continent are willing to take the initiative to go to Wuhun City and send money to the Wuhun Hall.”

“If the economic center is brought in, then the cultural center is going out.”

“Let Wuhun City become a holy place for academic exchanges and cultivation, anyone who wants to practice and delve into advanced knowledge, the first thing that comes to mind is Wuhun City.”

“If I can achieve this, then I can make all the talents in the world available to me.”

Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and at the same time, they admired Su Yan more and more.

If it is said that planning Dugu Bo and framing Xuehaizang are related to Su Yan reading the script in advance, then these methods that are conducive to the development of the Martial Soul Hall are all Su Yan’s own ideas.

Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue suddenly felt that these pieces of paper had become so weighty.

The next five years will be a long way off.

After a few days in the prince’s mansion, it was time when Bibi Dong had to leave. As the Pope of the Martial Soul Hall,

she enjoys unparalleled rights, and naturally has to bear corresponding obligations, and she must go back to deal with the affairs of the Martial Soul Hall.

It’s just that the things that made her feel like a burden before and were beneficial to the Martial Soul Hall are always done with a hint of sweetness now.

After all, the future of the Martial Soul Hall is still a daughter’s.

In Tiandou City, Bibi Dong did not choose to fly swaggeringly, but got into the carriage arranged by the Martial Soul Hall.

Qian Chengxue stood in front of the window, watching the carriage Bibi Dong was sitting in getting farther and farther away.

The last time she left her mother and left Wuhun City, she was nine years old.

That year, that time, she didn’t hesitate to leave the Martial Soul Hall and leave her side.

She originally thought that there was nothing worth nostalgic about this family, and she only had one relative, that is, her grandfather.

But after this reconciliation, Qian Chengxue looked in the direction of Wuhun City, and when Bibi Dong left, she was a little reluctant. Su Yan stood next to Qian Chengxue,

playing with Qian Chengxue’s long golden hair, Qian Chengxue touched her head dotingly, “Yanyan, thank you.”

If it weren’t for Su Yan, she and her mother might have embarked on that arranged path and ended up regretting it for life.

“No thanks, sister.”

The future of the Martial Soul Hall is still worth looking forward to.


Wuhun City, Papal Palace.

As soon as Bibi Dong returned to the Pope Hall, he saw an unexpected person, the Great Offering of the Martial Soul Hall, and the Thousand Daoliu.

“Is there something going on?” Bibi Dong’s tone was neither close nor distant.

“Bibi Dong, Xiaoxue also told me, since the relationship between you and Xiaoxue has been handled, the old man will not pursue the past affairs.”

“However, what Xiao Xue said, the worship hall is completely at your arrangement, the old man can’t fully agree, you have anything related to the Martial Soul Hall, you must let the old man see it.”

“If the proposal you put forward is beneficial to the Martial Soul, then the old man will naturally fully support it, but if it takes the Martial Soul Hall to the abyss, the old man will not support it.”

Qian Daoliu’s words have one meaning, “Just be your mother, sooner or later the Martial Soul Hall will belong to the Qianjia.”

Bibi Dong nodded, did not refute, but took out the “Martial Soul Hall’s Five-Year Development Plan” and handed it to Qian Daoliu.

“This is Yan Yan’s arrangement for the Martial Soul Hall, you take a look first, if there is no problem, you have time to open an elder council and pass these proposals.”

“With your consent, it’s not difficult for these things to get through, right?”

Qian Daoliu heard that this was written by Su Yan, and immediately took it and looked at it, for a long time, he sighed and looked at Bibi Dong, “What do you mean?”

“Bibi Dong, you should also know how much impact it will have on our Martial Soul Hall if the first article is forcibly implemented, and this is a big blood change.”

“As we really did, the Martial Soul Hall would usher in a period of long-term weakness.”

“So what?” Bibi Dong asked rhetorically, “Could it be that with your and my strength, it is not enough to protect the Martial Soul Hall through this time?”

“Once this period is over, we will usher in a ruler Qingming, a more powerful martial soul hall.”

Qian Daoliu was a little stuck for a while.

In the eyes of the older generation of strong people like him, strength is fundamental, and weakness is the original sin, so those who use their strength and position to oppress the people, he will open one eye and turn a blind eye.

In the Douluo Continent, weakness is a mistake, and the strong can have everything, wealth, power, beauty, and even easily decide the life and death of others.

However, under the subtle influence of Su Yan, Qian Daoliu’s mentality has slowly changed.

“Junzhou people’s water, water can carry a boat, can also overturn a boat.”

Qian Daoliu turned his head to look at the opposite Douluo Hall, and there was a huge mural in the Douluo Hall, “Angel Town Evil Map”.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the six-winged angel was originally not a god-level martial soul, and there was no Heaven Dou and Star Luo Empire on the Douluo Continent, let alone a martial soul hall, but a soul guide country.

That kingdom was destroyed by the evil soul master, and the soul guide technology was lost with the demise of that civilization.

The Angel God Ancestor suppressed the chaos of the evil soul master and collected the power of faith to become a god, so that the current god-level martial soul six-winged angel was created, and the current Martial Soul Hall was created.

“Angel Town Evil Map”.

These juniors of theirs, compared with the ancestor gods, are really too much worse…

Qian Daoliu pondered for a moment and nodded, “Okay, the old man agreed!” Bibi Dong, the matter of investigation will be left to you, and whoever dares to resist can send the Martial Soul Legion to arrest him!

The heavens of this Martial Soul Hall should also change.

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