A year later.

Tiandou City, Prince’s Mansion.

“Hao Tianzong has cooperated with the Star Luo Empire.” Qian Chengxue put down the secret letter in his hand and said, “It seems that they can’t help it.

Su Yan nodded, after a year, Hao Tianzong finally made a move.

In this year, it is not that some families and principalities imitated the Martial Soul Hall to speculate on the mansion house, but almost all of them lost their essence.

However, in the eyes of more than ninety percent of people, this is because the geographical location of those families and principalities is far less superior than Wuhun City, and the surrounding living conditions are not as good as Wuhun City, so they will not be able to sell.

Most people, including Tang Yuehua, who was hinted at by Su Yan, felt that the mansion houses near the Great Sect or the imperial capital were not worried about selling at all.

Therefore, after Su Yan’s follow-up (pit) follow-up (Meng) goodness (柺) seduction (deception), Hao Tianzong finally chose to cooperate with the Star Luo Empire. The future of the

Heaven Dou Royal Family must be Qiancheng Xue’s, naturally they can’t let a group of people who don’t understand the market give Huo Huo the future wealth of the Martial Soul Hall.

Therefore, under the hint of “Xueqinghe”, Ning Fengzhi and Xueye discovered the risk after the huge profit, decisively gave up investing in the financial industry, and planned to wait and see for a while. And Hao Tianzong

had faintly supported the Star Luo Empire, coupled with the hint she gave to Tang Yuehua, Hao Tianzong would naturally think that this was profitable.

Hao Tianzong is now located deep in the mountains, there is not enough geographical advantage, to put it ugly, there is not even a fireworks willow alley when going out, and it does not attract people at all. Therefore, Hao Tianzong and the Star Luo

Empire reached a cooperation, Star Luo provided the house land, and Hao Tianzong was responsible for threatening the relocation of the aborigines by force, and the renovation and construction of those houses.

And the relocation expenses of those civilians, and the income after that, Xing Luo and Hao Tianzong are all fifty-fifty accounts.

Hao Tianzong can’t take the money now, so let Xingluo pad first, intending to deduct from the dividend after earning money.

Therefore, from the outside, Hao Tianzong’s side threatened the relocation of the aborigines by force, and the relocation fee was still paid by Xingluo’s side. In the eyes of outsiders, this is Hao Tianzong’s

discovery of real estate profiteering, so he forced the aborigines of the Star Luo Empire to relocate, and the reputation of Hao Tianzong’s side in the civilian class is also a little smelly.

It’s just that no one went to the eyes of Hao Tianzong’s disciples to say such things, and after Hao Tianzong closed the mountain, he didn’t pay much attention to the outside world, and naturally didn’t know this.

Moreover, even if they knew, the soul masters of Hao Tianzong would probably not react to the words of the commoners For

them, what does it matter whether their reputation among the “untouchables” is good or bad?

Even if those civilians were unhappy with their Hao Tianzong, what could they do, and it would still affect their status?

As long as they stop there, those hillbillies will not have to obediently give up their territory.

When he abandoned the four affiliated sects, Hao Tianzong didn’t even care about the public opinion of the soul master world, and would he care about some ants in their eyes, would there be any evaluation?

All Hao Tianzong cares about is interests.

Su Yan was very curious, what would happen when the Star Luo Empire and Hao Tianzong invested a lot of manpower and material resources, but finally fell into nothing?

It is impossible for the nobles of the Star Luo Empire to spend a lot of money to buy another mansion.

And ordinary people cannot afford to buy it, and businessmen who have money in their hands but do not have cultivation are also at the bottom of the chain of contempt, and it is impossible to go there to spend.

This is a big pit, waiting for them to throw gold coins into it themselves, and they can’t even hear a sound.

Hao Tianzong only contributed, but the Star Luo Empire paid for the land and money, and when everything was completed, it would be about three or four years later.

Su Yan can afford to wait for this time, and the scene at that time must be very interesting.

“Send the people of the Martial Soul Hall to resettle those civilians who were forced to leave Xingluo.” Su Yan said, “These are the foundations on which the Martial Soul Hall will stand in the future.

Qian Chengxue smiled, “It has been arranged for a long time.

Su Yan nodded and asked again, “Is there any movement from the Li Yi clan?” The Li clan and the

Yu clan are both good at construction, and Hao Tianzong wants to make profits from real estate, and there is no reason to let go of these two former affiliated sects.

Anyway, their means are those, coercion and lure, but Li Yumin broke the four affiliated sects, but he was worried about Hao Tianzong’s abandonment back then, and he would not necessarily agree easily.

In the original work, if there were no titans playing in the circle, and they joined the “Tang Gate”, not returning to Hao Tianzong, it is estimated that even Tang San could not win the four affiliated sects.

The royal family, when the mortgage just appeared, Su Yan had already gone to recruit once with Qian Chengxue, in the name of the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Although Niu Gao did not immediately agree, Su Yan believed that under the pressure of Hao Tianzong and internal and external troubles, they would soon fall to the “Xueqing River”.

The titan of the Li Yi clan has been kneeling for a long time, and his knees can’t be straightened, but he is kneeling Tang Hao and Young Lord Tang San, and Su Yan is still not sure what Hao Tianzong’s attitude is.

“At the moment they don’t have any noticeable movement.” Qian Chengxue said, “When are you going to strike at the Li Yi clan?

As a villain who has seen the plot, Qian Chengxue naturally knows the loyal dog of the Titan, and in her opinion, in addition to the Li family, the other three major families may not be able to win over.

However, Qian Chengxue does not have a hobby of raising dogs for others.

It just so happened that Su Yan didn’t either.

Su Yan thought for a while, “Just in the past few months, there is no hurry, let’s take the minting right first, and then slowly clean them up.” ”

Without the refining and charging of the Broken One Clan, without the reconnaissance of the Min Clan, without the architecture of the Royal Clan; The force of the family can not attack, defense is not good,

speed is not good, only one body of strength, casting titans is not as tall as the building, and it does not pose much of a threat.

“Yanyan, can the Martial Soul Hall take down the minting right now?” Qian Chengxue was a little nervous, this is a big deal.

“Don’t worry, sister, the vast majority of people will only pay attention to the immediate interests, and they can’t think of the meaning behind the right to mint.” Su Yan comforted.

The currency of the entire continent is universal, and the price is the same, and a gold coin in Tiandou is still a gold coin in Xingluo.

People on this continent, who do not know what inflation is and what economic warfare is, will naturally not understand the importance of seigniorage.

Therefore, now that the banking system is almost complete, it is time to take the right to mint in your hands. The

catering and entertainment venues that radiated to the entire continent, and enough start-up capital, gave the Martial Soul Hall the qualification to master the right to mint.

After arranging the relevant affairs, Su Yan got up and went to Yuexuan to attend class, don’t see that she now controls most of the liquidity of the Martial Soul Hall, and her family is rich, she still has to go to school.

It’s just that, according to the situation, she will be able to graduate from Yuexuan this year, and after she took out the staves, Tang Yuehua has long regarded her as a music master like herself.


Su Yan led a small Ning Rongrong into Yuexuan, and saw their trainees greeting the two one after another, Su Yan smiled and nodded in response, and Ning Rongrong also smiled and waved hello.

“Xiao Yan, come in, the teacher has questions for you.”

As soon as Su Yan saw Tang Yuehua, before she could even say hello, she was pulled away by Tang Yuehua, leaving Ning Rongrong alone to be happy.

Tang Yuehua pulled Su Yan to the attic, and for a whole day, no one knew what happened above.

Tang Yuehua was persuading Su Yan to stay in Yuexuan.

Tang Yuehua knew that Su Yan would most likely choose to graduate this year and then concentrate on soul power cultivation, so she planned to start first and try to see if she could keep Su Yan in Yuexuan.

Su Yan’s attainment in music theory and talent for playing musical instruments, even she thinks that she is inferior, if Su Yan is allowed to go like this, it will be a loss for the entire music industry. Tang Yuehua

even wanted to open a genre for her in Yuexuan, specializing in teaching flutes, but she politely refused, but she promised Tang Yuehua to promote staves.

After completing the requirements of Xueye and pitting Hao Tianzong by the way, Yuexuan had no need to stay, and Su Yan planned to pat her ass directly after graduation and leave.

Soon after, the Wuhun Bank issued a statement to issue “paper money”, which came in large and small denominations, exchanged one-to-one with gold, silver coins, and copper plates, and could be used in any shop opened by the Martial Soul Hall.

As long as it is an industry under the name of the Martial Soul Hall, these banknotes can be exchanged for gold coins of the same denomination anytime and anywhere.

Regarding the anti-counterfeiting identification of banknotes, Wuhun Bank has also pasted it, and the method is very simple and easy to learn.

At the same time, this news also spread throughout the continent through the newspaper of the Martial Soul Hall.

When each customer purchased products and services, the shopkeeper did not give them change with silver coins or copper plates, but used the new banknotes launched by Wuhun Bank.

The banknotes issued by Wuhun Bank are all carefully printed with the best paper, various anti-counterfeiting measures, and various verification methods, which are extremely convenient.

When those customers took the banknotes a little nervously and went to another Martial Soul Hall’s industry to consume, the shopkeeper did not hesitate and collected the money very happily.

In this way, many people immediately discovered the benefits of paper money, which is quite convenient to use!

You know, the industry of the Martial Soul Hall mainly feeds a large number of civilians and provides jobs for civilians, but those who consume in it are basically rich lords.

If paper money is not used, those customers have to carry a lot of gold coins with them when they consume, or let the servants carry boxes containing gold coins to follow, which is heavy and unsightly, and the transaction must also be checked for authenticity, which is time-consuming and laborious.

You know, the storage soul guide has not yet been popularized to the point of one person, most people do not, and even if there is, the space inside will not be too large.

At the same time, quite a few merchants discovered the benefits of paper money.

If it is some relatively large transactions, then for them, counting gold coins is a troublesome matter, let alone the transportation of large gold coins.

With banknotes it is different, even if it is hundreds of millions of gold coins, it can be packed in a small box, which is convenient to carry and easy to calculate, as long as it is verified as true or false.

Under Su Yan’s operation in recent years, the Martial Soul Hall is now not short of money, and the industry of the Martial Soul Hall covers almost all aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation, and also takes into account different classes such as nobles and commoners.

Therefore, wherever the paper money arrived, it was almost unimpeded, and no opposition was heard.

Soon, whether it was a chain of large businesses or a small street shop with only a small shop, they all used the banknotes of the Martial Soul Hall as gold coins.

Because even if it is paper money that is recovered, it can be spent in another store, and there is no need to worry at all. The

place where the gold coin was first popularized was actually Fireworks Willow Alley, which Su Yan did not expect at all. Almost as

soon as the banknotes were launched, they were warmly welcomed by the top players.

Talented women, the real element of hand counting gold coins, that how much scenery, paper money is different, the action of connecting paper money can make people colorful.

Within a few days, in the fireworks alleys of major cities, gold coins were no longer collected, only paper money.

Fireworks Willow Lane began to use paper money, which naturally also led to the surrounding consumption to start using paper money, which was basically a gathering place for nobles, and paper money was quickly promoted.

As the call for “popularizing banknotes” became louder and louder, the Martial Soul Hall directly issued a statement half a month later, and after the banknotes, it was no longer limited to the industrial use of the Martial Soul Hall.

At the same time, the Martial Soul Hall opened the Martial Soul Bank, and anyone could come to exchange banknotes, but if silver coins and copper plates were exchanged, gold coins had to submit a handling fee of three thousandths.

Although it costs a handling fee of three thousandths, the owner who has a large amount of gold coins does not care about this gold coin, while the commoners are mainly silver coins and copper plates, and do not need to pay fees.

For the rich, this fee is comparable to counting gold coins, or the cost of transporting large gold coins, and hiring a master escort is much lower, almost the same as confiscating money.

At this time, the people of Wuhun City were okay, and the nobles and merchants from other places all went to the Wuhun Bank and exchanged the gold coins for more convenient paper money.

Gold coins are hard currency, and the paper money they get is worth that price now, and whether it will depreciate in the future, then it is uncertain.

But the gold coins in their hands did enter the Martial Soul Bank.

Qian Daoliu and other offerings of the Martial Soul Hall were not optimistic about Su Yan’s idea at first, who would buy nothing, put their own gold coins in the Martial Soul Bank, and exchange them for a bunch of colorful paper?

As a result, reality slapped them hard in the face, and the two major empires and various principalities and sect forces found the local Wuhun Bank branch and exchanged the gold coins in their hands into paper money.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Sect even exchanged almost all of its liquid assets for paper money, which was personally led by Dusty Heart, and the gold coins were packed in the soul guide, and the soul guide was loaded with several carriages.

Su Yan can only say that Ning Feng’s wave is purely a surprise, and it seems that he has not yet discovered what kind of impact paper money has on the mainland’s economy.

But this is also normal, now the banknotes are all the same, and the Martial Soul Hall may promise to issue as many gold coins as you recover, and it is normal for Ning Feng to be accidentally deceived. Now all banknotes are the same, and

when the banknotes of Tiandou and Xingluo begin to differ, and the right to print money also falls into the hands of the Martial Soul Hall, the Martial Soul Hall will completely control the economic lifeline of the mainland.

In the past, on gold coins, I wanted to use the head of a certain founding father, but later because of the quarrel between various families, they all wanted to use their ancestor’s avatar, and finally they couldn’t do it.

Now, Su Yan gave them this opportunity, will they swallow the bait in one bite?

Speaking out, I Tiandou has its own special banknotes, you Xingluo does not have it, is Xingluo so faceless? Therefore, as long as the

Martial Soul Hall shows this intention, they will definitely enter the pit happily, and as long as the banknotes are divided, everything will become interesting.

To give a very simple example, after the difference in the banknotes of each empire, a certain country deposited 100,000 gold coins for the Wuhun Hall, but the Wuhun Bank issued more than 100,000 banknotes, and inflation will soon appear in this country, and their banknotes will depreciate.

Su Yan looked at the report form of Wuhun Bank and was very satisfied, the economic system in the previous life was simply a dimensionality reduction blow to Douluo Continent.

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