Yuexuan Celebration.

Counting up, Su Yan has been studying in Yuexuan for a year, although she only goes two days a week, but those etiquettes are really not difficult for her, and she will be able to graduate this year.

It will soon be the day of Yuexuan’s celebration, but she is not on Yuexuan’s graduation list.

She is on the list of teachers.

It’s pretty good.

Tiandou City, Yuexuan. Su Yan looked at the

book that Tang Yuehua gave her stunned, and looked at the signature on it, her whole person was confused.

“Teacher, this is not appropriate, is it?”

“What’s inappropriate,” Tang Yuehua shoved a pen into Su Yan’s hand.

“The teacher wrote it when you are away, quickly help the teacher check if there is any problem, if there is no problem, the teacher plans to publish it.”

“New Edition of Basic Music Theory Tutorial” The corner of Su Yan’s

mouth twitched, and she saw the signature on it: [Tang Yuehua, Su Yan, ranked in no particular order] ”

Ranked in no particular order”, which means that the contributions of the two in it are equal.

The stave has begun to circulate among the aristocracy, and everyone feels that this is a simple notation method created by Tang Yuehua, the master of the Yuexuan Pavilion with the highest musical attainment, who has devoted himself to many years of research.

Su Yan didn’t plan to compete for this title, because it was not something original to her, but Tang Yuehua’s move caught her off guard.

This old sixth, Su Yan could see Tang Yuehua’s intention at a glance.

If the stave is Tang Yuehua’s original, then she Su Yan is also an ordinary student, just pat her ass and leave after graduation.

But if the stave is from her and Tang Yuehua’s hand, then her identity is different, then there must be a title of music theory grandmaster.

In this way, as soon as Tang Yuehua spoke with the Snow Night Emperor again, there was a great possibility that she would stay in Yuexuan without affecting her cultivation.

Oh, woman.

Tang Yuehua, this woman, was a thief with an immortal heart, and she still wanted to let her teach those noble children to play the flute in Yuexuan. After all, the nobles of the

Heaven Dou Empire always loved some elegant art, whether it was the flute or the incomparably simple notation, which attracted a large number of nobles.

Rich people are idle, what else can they have besides eating, drinking and having fun, it is normal to have this hobby, but she has no time to play with Tang Yuehua.

Now Tang Yuehua obviously does not intend to let her go like this, but Tang Yuehua’s wave of calculations will definitely fail.

Su Yan now has too many auras on her body, twin martial souls, ice and snow cleverness, cultivation geniuses, quasi-crown princesses… Two more, the Martial Soul Hall can’t say anything if she doesn’t “assassinate”.

Even if the years of the Martial Soul Hall are quiet now, she has eight bodyguards following her when she goes out, four Qiancheng Xue sent to fight soy sauce, and four Xue Ye sent to protect her.

Although the eight bodyguards, all of them are the team of the Martial Soul Hall.

With high cultivation talent and smart brains, there is nothing wrong with these.

And a person from a commoner background is more proficient in music theory than a grandmaster like Tang Yuehua, then it is not very easy to explain.

It is not a good thing to expose too much, some crossers are too confident and wavey, and then played to death by the natives, Su Yan remembered this deeply when she was training as a novice. Therefore, what

music theory, what weapons, that has nothing to do with us, at least on the surface.

In addition to a higher cultivation talent, in other aspects, she should try to be no different from the aborigines.

You know, the son of destiny on this continent is also a traverser, if he finds out that he is not the aborigine of this world, he will definitely be in trouble.

Therefore, Su Yan has long thrown this pot out, and we have learned music theory well, which is all the credit of Teacher Tang. Moreover, this

pot is absolutely clean, no matter how cunning Tang Yuehua will be in the future, he will only be considered by others to be a disciple who pampers him, and wants to give this honor to his disciple. When Su Yan

returned to the Martial Soul Hall, she wrote an article as “Tang Yuehua’s personal disciple Su Yan”.

In this article, Su Yan introduces in detail how Tang Yuehua created staves from the perspective of a disciple. Su Yan submitted this article to the Tiandou newspaper, and the Tiandou newspaper

naturally did not think about it, so it was directly typeset and printed, and it also occupied the headline – “The

birth of the five-line notation method – my teacher Tang Yuehua”

The Tiandou newspaper only serves the nobility, and Su Yan does this, not only to achieve her own goal, but also to the protagonist group will not expose her identity and position. In the Wuhun

Daily, the Wuhun Hall has always used the title of “Holy Girl” to refer to Su Yan, and what is told is also made by “Holy Girl”, something beneficial to improving civilian life, Su Yan and “Holy Girl” are completely separated and do not affect each other.

And now, this issue of the newspaper should have been printed and is still on the way to delivery, Tang Yuehua obediently bears the name of “stave creator”!

Said that Cao Cao Mengde arrived, Tang Yuehua naturally subscribed to the newspaper, Su Yan saw the maid who delivered the newspaper coming at the window, so she said to Tang Yuehua and quickly went downstairs. The newspaper that Tang

Yuehua subscribed to was delivered to the door of Yuexuan, and then delivered by the maid, Su Yan went down directly and asked the maid for the newspaper, saying that she personally sent it to Tang Yuehua. The

maid naturally knew this Tang Pavilion Lord’s personal disciple, so the newspaper arrived in Su Yan’s hands without much effort, and was transferred to Tang Yuehua by Su Yan.

“Teacher, I’m a little anxious, I don’t bother, I’m leaving.” Su Yan put down the newspaper and wisely flashed away. Tang Yuehua

only had a ninth-level soul power, and she couldn’t stop her, and Tang Yuehua didn’t think of stopping her.

Tang Yuehua was curious about why Su Yan suddenly went out, and saw the newspaper that Su Yan put down.

“The Birth of the Five-Line Notation Method – My Teacher Tang Yuehua”

Tang Yuehua, who was blinded, was a little blinded, and she hurriedly took the newspaper and read it carefully.

Author:Su Yan

In this article, Su Yan introduces the process of her “creating” staves in unusual detail from the perspective of a “personal disciple”.

The full text highly expressed the affirmation of her musical attainments and serious and rigorous attitude, and praised her as “the first music master of Douluo Continent”.

In the afternoon of the same day, Su Yan received a letter from Tang Yuehua, “Yuexuan celebration, if you don’t come, raise your head and see you!”

“It’s hypocritical.” After Su Yan read it, a flame ignited on her fingertips, and she directly burned the letter paper into ashes, “This is a great reputation, others want it yet.”

“This Yuexuan’s celebration… It’s useless, but I still have to go. Su Yan rubbed her forehead, she seemed to have forgotten something, but she couldn’t remember it a little.

She seems to be going back to the Prince’s Mansion directly today, it turns out that when she comes out of Yuexuan, she has to go to the Tiandou Royal Academy…

The next moment, Su Yan shot up, “Gan, lose Ning Rongrong!”

” Previously, when she came out of Yuexuan, she had to send Ning Rongrong to the Tiandou Royal Academy, but today she ran away ahead of time because of Tang Yuehua’s affairs.

Ning Rongrong, who was waiting for Su Yan at the gate of Yuexuan: ……… The

bodyguards who secretly protected Suning and the two: ………

Su Yan ran directly to Yuexuan in an instant, fortunately, it was just after school, and Ning Rongrong didn’t wait long, and a few minutes passed.

“Rong Rong, let’s go.” A voice sounded behind Ning Rongrong, and Ning Rongrong turned her head and saw Su Yan waving at her.

Rushing from the Prince’s Mansion to Yuexuan in one breath, Su Yan did not breathe, and she also advanced Yuexuan, creating a false impression of “I just came out”.

“Sister Yan, why are you so slow today?” Ning Rongrong came over and grabbed Su Yan’s arm and asked.

“Isn’t this about to graduate, Teacher Tang told me something about the celebration.” Su Yan came as soon as she opened her mouth.

“Oh,” Ning Rongrong didn’t doubt it, “Did you graduate after participating in the celebration?” Can we leave Yuexuan? ”

Ning Rongrong is obedient?

No, she’s just pretending to be good.

After this year, Ning Rongrong had already summed up the rules, and for that woman, those tricks against her father and grandfather did not work at all.

However, as long as she behaves well, the effect will be much better, whether it is at her father’s place or Tang Yuehua’s place.

Therefore, in the recent period, Ning Rongrong has always looked like a quiet and good time in Yuexuan, and it has also saved Su Yan a lot of things.

Speaking of which, Ning Rongrong is now also one of Tang Yuehua’s personal disciples.

Su Yan felt that Ning Rongrong had almost mastered “controlling her expression and mood”, even if she knew that she was acting, but it was enough. Learning etiquette,

what you can do is show people with a smile, if you really completely change your personality, then it is not learning etiquette, it is brainwashing.

Yuexuan is a place where “aristocratic etiquette” is taught, and “aristocratic etiquette”, after all, has the premise of “nobility”.

Don’t look at everyone in Yuexuan being polite, Su Yan can see the hidden emotions from the faces of those little fart children.

The children of high-ranking officials, or people in the royal family, still have disdain for people with lower status in their eyes, and those children with lower status still faintly cannot raise their heads. Most of the

etiquette of the nobility is used to support the scene, and the first one taught by Yuexuan, to put it bluntly, is “emotional intelligence”, reach out and not hit the smiling person, you must learn to think one set and do another.

Now that Ning Rongrong is only ten years old, he has learned to hide his true thoughts with a polite smile and “make friends who are useful to himself”, which is actually very good.

As for the deeper things, when Ning Rongrong grows up, she will naturally understand that there is no need to say it now.

Perhaps the stereotypes of the previous life are still there, Su Yan always feels a little contrary when she looks at some children aged seven or eight, eight or nine years old, sent to Yuexuan by their parents to cultivate the so-called “aristocratic etiquette”.

These children should have been the most carefree age, but like a group of little adults, they learned to show people with a false face, and learned the yang and yin in the aristocracy…

Full of discord.

However, for Su Yan, these looks are over, they were born in such a family, this is what must be experienced.

If they can’t fit in, they will be eliminated, but she Suyan is not the Virgin and it is impossible to take care of everyone. Moreover, the

living conditions of these children have exceeded ninety percent of the people on the mainland, and it is difficult for Su Yan to evaluate whether they are lucky or unlucky.

As for whether Ning Rongrong can graduate this year…

“This… It’s up to your father, I’m afraid. Su Yan didn’t know, because whether Ning Rongrong could leave Yuexuan or not depended on Ning Fengzhi’s thoughts.

However, Su Yan felt that it was quite possible, and now Ning Rongrong is simply “someone else’s child”, the kind she wants to raise one.

Su Yan could see that Ning Rongrong’s “acting” had slowly become a habit, even if it was outside Yuexuan, or when the two of them were alone, Ning Rongrong was still the well-behaved Ning Rongrong.

If a person can act for a lifetime, then it means that he is that kind of person, Su Yan really feels that Ning Rongrong has changed, and this year Yuexuan has not come in vain.

Send Ning Rongrong back to the academy, and Su Yan return to the prince’s mansion.

A week later, the Yuexuan celebration.

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