Soto City, Martial Soul Branch Hall.

“The person I want, have you found it?” Su Yan played with the papal decree in her hand and asked with her head down.

“Already found, my lord.” The Lord of the Branch Hall replied respectfully, “I will bring them to you now.”

After a while, the three high-level soul Venerables were escorted up by the guards of the branch hall.

It is not difficult to see from their dress, they are three … Death row. Two men and one woman, one

strong attack, one sensitive attack, and one auxiliary.

The one who attacked the department was also a female soul master of the rabbit martial soul.

Su Yan nodded in satisfaction, “Okay, you go down.” The

person in charge of the Martial Soul Branch Hall of Soto City retired after saluting, leaving the space for Su Yan and the three death row prisoners whose soul power was sealed.

Su Yan stepped forward, the golden pupils lit up, and the dream tapir directly opened and began to brainwash the three. The

four of Shrek cannot form a team, although this problem can be solved when they reach the Blue Ba Academy.

However, how could Su Yan let go of the opportunity to suppress the protagonist?

He didn’t bully Tang San, this stupid kid, a few times, shattered his pitiful conceit, and by the way, let him see the power of the “Twin Martial Soul”,

how could he easily cultivate the Haotian Hammer and waste his talent so that Seagod and Asura would give up?

If you want to destroy Tang San, you must first start by destroying his beliefs, and Tang San has many beliefs, which is enough for Su Yan to play slowly for a long time.

Shrek Seven Monsters, oh now the belief that the four monsters are undefeated, a few more fights will be fine.

For the emotions of the sect in the previous life, let him be abused and killed by those elders of the Tang Sect a few times in the fantasy realm.

The desire for family affection, when the time came, cut Tang Hao in front of him, and then let Ah Yin recycle the Blue Silver Emperor’s bloodline.

For the persistence of the dark weapon, after a few years, the pistol can be equipped in a large area, which is simply a dimensionality reduction blow to Tang San, which is self-defeating.

The tiger’s ass can’t be touched, that’s just because your strength is not as good as the tiger’s.

If your strength far exceeds that of a tiger, you take a sword and cut its tail as floating dust, and the tiger’s skin is stripped to make a leather coat, what can it do?

A few minutes later, the eyes of the three death row prisoners returned to clarity from dullness, and the three of them knelt down in unison, “I have seen adults.”

Su Yan walked in front of the female soul master of the rabbit martial soul and lifted her chin with her toes, “What’s your name?”

“My lord, my name is Little Dance, Dancing Dance.” The rabbit soul master replied respectfully.

Su Yan nodded in satisfaction and turned to look at the other two, “Get up.”

“Lord Xie.” *3

Su Yan threw the information of the four Shrek to the three, “I want you to form a team with these four people.”

“What are you going to do?”

“When fighting souls, you can’t kill or injure your opponent, or even cause serious injuries to your opponent.” *3

Su Yan nodded, “In two months, the Imperial Dou team will come to Soto City and fight with that team.

“When that new team and the Imperial Dou team fought souls,” Su Yan chuckled.

“As soon as that Thousand Hand Asura uses the dark weapon, immediately leave the field, and then leave nothing at all, leave the Fighting Soul Arena directly, and return to the Martial Soul Branch Hall, understand?”

“Yes, my lord.” *3

“Remember, don’t reveal your identities,” Su Yan nodded, “Okay, go down.”

The trio saluted and left, no one knew what was going on here.

Without the Eight Spider Spear and the Nether White Tiger, if Tang San didn’t use the Dark Weapon, even with three high-level Soul Venerables, Shrek might not be able to get a good deal from the Emperor Dou with the blessing of Nine Treasures Ning Rongrong.

And when this plot passes, these three sinners will still deal with how they want.

“Four monsters?” The corner of Su Yan’s mouth lifted a cold arc, “Let me see if you are Shrek or Slime.”

Su Yan took out the Heavenly Clouds, and a purple soul ring slowly rotated.

The higher you fly, the worse you fall, and using three high-level soul Venerables to hold you can be regarded as giving you enough face to the protagonist group.

“In the age before tragedy comes, the devil sleeps in the cradle of happiness.”

Su Yan poured a glass of red wine and slowly shook the glass, the wine was bright red as blood.

“It’s time for you to wake up from your dream of being a monster.”


Soto Colosseum.

“Take me to meet your leader.” Su Yan directly hypnotized a waiter with Meng Tapir, asking her to lead the way in front.

“Boss, there are guests who want to see you.” On the third floor of the Colosseum, the waiter knocked on the door of an office.

“Let the guests in, you go busy.” A middle-aged male voice came from inside.

Su Yan pushed the door in, the waiter turned to leave, and under the influence of Meng Tapir, she immediately forgot what had just happened.

“This distinguished guest, don’t you know if you need my help?” The person in charge of the Soto Colosseum asked politely.

The person in charge of the Soto Colosseum is not someone who wants to see it, and the guests who can be brought up by the waiter have an unusual identity or strength.

Su Yan took out a prince token and put it on the table, seeing that brand, the person in charge of the Soto Great Soul Colosseum stood up directly, “This is…”

On the mainland, no one dares to use the name of the two imperial royal families, and a soul master who can hold the prince’s order, the person in charge will naturally pay attention to it.

“Are you…” The person in charge bowed slightly to show his respect for the distinguished guest.

“I am the captain of the Imperial Dou team.”

Hearing these words, the person in charge of the Great Soul Arena immediately became a lot more respectful, if it was a respect for Su Yan before, it was a respect for the VIP, now it was a reverence for the identity of the other party.

“Is there anything I can do to help you?” The person in charge of the Soto City Colosseum asked.

“I want to create a trumpet to play with.” Su Yan said, “Is that okay?

“Of course, distinguished distinguished guests, please wait.” The person in charge personally helped Su Yan with the procedures.

Although in general, each person can only have one Soul Fighting Card, however, the identity of the Imperial Dou Captain, in some cases, will eventually be a little inconvenient.

The person in charge also knows that the confidentiality of this kind of VIP identity must be done well, so it is harmless to give this kind of VIP a trumpet.

“What is the new nickname?”

“Hmm… Who stole my 36D.

“Do you have any more requests?”

“Transfer me to the Silver Fighting Soul, and immediately break through the kind of Golden Fighting Soul.”


Su Yan threw the Silver Fighting Soul Badge in her hand and sat in a box in the Soto Grand Fighting Soul Arena, watching the battle going on below.

The secrecy of these VIP boxes is very good, from the inside you can see the entire Soul Fighting Platform, but from the Soul Fighting Platform, you can’t see the inside. Now, in the

largest ring in the center, a 2v2 soul fight, the winged white tiger VS the blue silver phoenix, is being held.

Blue Silver Phoenix, this is really a name scrap.

Two-winged white tiger? This one sounds pretty good.

Dai Mubai and Oscar vs. Tang San and Ma Hongjun.

Su Yan didn’t know if this was a coincidence, or if the Soul Fighting Arena found that the winning rate of these two groups was too high and deliberately did it, but this did not affect her sitting on it and eating melons.

Dai Mubai looks to be recovering well, but I don’t know if it’s an embroidered pillow, after all, in recent days, only Ma Hongjun will go to the hook bar to listen to music after he leaves the scene.

And Dai Mubai, a master of time management, only rushed for a few days.

Su Yan smiled wickedly, Davis, if you sit on the throne in the future, you must remember your sister’s kindness.

If my sister doesn’t make a move, Shrek will only have Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu missing, and Zhu Zhuqing is still there, Xing Luo is estimated to be Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing. After all, the protagonist group

is also the protagonist group no matter what, if Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing are not separated, with Tang San, the son of destiny, it is really difficult to say the belonging of the Star Luo Empire.

In fact, there is no suspense in the following game, as long as Tang San can control Dai Mubai for a while, Ma Hongjun can easily eliminate Oscar.

After the Oscar was eliminated, Tang San could defeat Dai Mubai single-handedly, not to mention one more Ma Hongjun.

Sure enough, the result was not expected by Su Yan, although the moment the soul fight began, Oscar and Dai Mubai rose into the air, but they still could not avoid the fate of being defeated.

Dai Mubai’s only means of opposing the enemy in the air is the second soul technique “White Tiger Flame Light Wave”, Oscar has no attack power at all, and there are two people on the opposite side. If Dai Mubai attacks Tang San,

Tang San can easily dodge with the ghost shadow, and Ma Hongjun takes the opportunity to interfere with Dai Mubai with the phoenix fire line or attack Oscar; And when Dai Mubai

turned his head to find Ma Hongjun, Tang San’s blue silver grass entangled his and Oscar’s legs, and Dai Mubai immediately broke free, but Oscar was thrown out of the field.

In less than five minutes, Dai Mubai and Oscar lost.

It’s really boring, like a child, Su Yan withdrew her gaze a little bored.

At this time, the door of the box was knocked, and Su Yan swept it slightly with spiritual power, and a smile appeared on her face.

“Come in.”

Two soul Venerables walked in, a white-haired long-haired little royal lady, and a powder-haired glutinous rice dumpling.

“Lord Crown Princess.” *2 Since she came to the

Douluo Continent, Su Yan’s ultimate goal is naturally to rewrite the deformed rules of this continent, and after the mission is over, she will definitely leave the world.

So after she left, how this continent developed, Su Yan also considered.

If you want this plane to still develop in a better direction after she leaves, this Douluo’s God Realm naturally has to change blood.

Therefore, Su Yan began to select some geniuses very early and began to arrange her own team. Anyway, after she kills the God Realm,

those god positions in the Douluo God Realm will have a new belonging, and it can even be said that whoever she wants to obtain the god position, the god position is whom.

At that time, those divine positions can be handed over to the geniuses cultivated by Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue.

Among all the geniuses in the Martial Soul Hall and the Prince’s Mansion, there are always a few people with good talents, even if they can’t get the first-level god position, it shouldn’t be difficult to play with a second-level and third-level god.

And like Wind Xiaotian, Fire Dance, Water Bing’er, etc., as long as they don’t go against the Martial Soul Hall, it doesn’t hurt to give them a few first-level divine positions.

The most ideal state is that the entire God Realm in the future will be the Martial Soul Hall.

As long as Douluo’s God Realm can achieve centralization without dictatorship, then this plane will not be able to follow the old path in the original work.

This is an arrogant plan, with the power of one person, planning the entire God Realm, even if it is as powerful as the former Dragon God, he does not dare to have such arrogant thoughts.

However, for Su Yan, this is not something that cannot be done. She is a

bug that Kungunir can’t lock, a killing god that is enough to face the Black Emperor, and in this continent, no one can stop her from what she wants to do.

The two people, Little Imperial Sister and Nuomi Danzi, were the two civilian geniuses that “Xueqinghe” excavated from various places when Su Yan proposed to select civilian soul masters for cultivation six years ago.

In the past six years, Qian Chengxue has not only absorbed some civilian children who have just awakened martial souls and have relatively high innate soul power to the Prince’s Mansion, but also recruited and cultivated some young soul masters with good talents but average family conditions.

In other words, these people are completely Qian Chengxue’s team, and they are also considered people from the Martial Soul Hall, although they do not know the relationship between the Prince’s Mansion and the Martial Soul Hall now.

However, as the soul master dug up by Qian Cheng Xue from the commoners, they were absolutely loyal to Qian Cheng Xue, that is, “Xue Qing River”.

This little royal lady and that dango are the two best of all.

Little Royal Sister, Chen Yao, Martial Soul is relatively unique, is a pair of high heels, thirty-nine level sensitive attack system soul Venerable.

When the martial soul possesses her body, a long sharp spike will extend out of her knee, and the high heel under her feet is a long crystal spike!

It is not difficult to imagine that this is not only a pair of shoes used to dance beautifully, but also a weapon for killing!

Pink hair dango, white key, martial soul lyre, thirty-eight level auxiliary system soul Venerable, major in spiritual power.

The lyre can be used to assist teammates or influence opponents through the sound, so it is entirely possible to regard this dango as a low-end version of Shi Nian .

She is either an auxiliary department or a control department.

The two of them are the key training targets of the prince’s mansion, and they have another identity – a

few years ago, after being rejected by Shrek, they were rejected by Shrek. Moreover, the

reason for their rejection was outrageous, not because they did not reach level twenty soul power before the age of twelve, but because of their martial souls.

If you want to join Shrek, you have to be a top-level, high-level martial soul, or a rare mutant martial soul, or you have to be innately full of soul power.

Take a look at the original protagonist group, the top martial soul white tiger seven treasure glazed tower, the rabbit sausage full of innate soul power, the mutant martial soul grass chicken and blue silver grass, and the ghost spirit cat that can form a martial soul fusion technique with the white tiger.

(Tang San did not expose the Haotian Hammer at the beginning, and he was full of soul power blue silver grass to the outside world, but with Yu Xiaogang, it is impossible for Shrek not to) How

about your talent? Martial souls are useless, why should I Shrek cultivate you?

After all, in the eyes of the soul master, singing and dancing are completely impossible to play a role in battle.

And Shrek, what you want is a monster, not a waste that can only be used as a vase!

So, when he found the martial souls of the two and had almost no attack power, would Shrek still bet on them?

Shrek trains them, and when they graduate, they go out to sing, dance and sell art?

Shrek: Don’t say it’s our school.

How naïve.

I’m afraid that the so-called “master” Yu Xiaogang can’t know the strength of these two martial souls, before the age of twelve, level twenty, the innate soul power is above level seven.

How can a martial soul above the innate level seven be simple.

For example, the martial soul lyre of the white key was indeed just an ordinary piano before level 30, and after breaking through level 30, it had the ability to attack spiritually.

Similarly, the martial soul of Little Royal Sister Chen Yao is far from being as simple as it seems.

Douluo’s Min Attack System is basically all the beast soul masters of the Cat Martial Soul Leopard Martial Soul, which may be the unique weapon martial soul Min Attack system in the mainland, which is enough to prove her extraordinary.

I don’t know what Shrek’s teachers will think after seeing the strength of these two?

Where no one could see, the corner of Su Yan’s mouth curled into a wicked smile.

“I’ve seen the Crown Princess.” *3

After closing the door, the two respectfully saluted Su Yan.

“Do you know why I called you here?” Su Yan turned her back to the two, and they couldn’t see Su Yan’s face.

“Please ask the Crown Princess for instructions.” *2

Su Yan threw a piece of information to the rear, and a wind dragged it to the little royal lady and Danzi.

Little Miss and Danzi immediately looked at the information seriously, and after seeing “Shrek”, they looked at each other and saw the anger in each other’s eyes.

Shrek, it’s been a long time. At that time, they

paid ten gold coins, but Shrek’s teacher said that they were not qualified, and they did not even refund the registration fee, but directly threatened them to leave.

“Lord Crown Princess, are you going to let us go and fight with them in solo and double soul fights?” The little royal lady asked. Although the records of the

four Shrek are quite eye-catching, after six years of training in the prince’s mansion, they do not feel that they will be weaker than the “geniuses” cultivated by Shrek.

Su Yan nodded, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and the like were too weak, there was no need for her to personally make a move, but the people who used to hone her subordinates were very suitable. Although the performance of

Shrek and everyone is a little immature in Su Yan’s opinion, the protagonist group is the protagonist group after all, and their performance when fighting souls is indeed remarkable among the same level.

As for the two younger sisters under the prince’s mansion, whether they would be impressed by Tang San’s cheap male protagonist’s aura because they went to fight a soul, Su Yan said that they were redundant.

Because, the world is not straight.

The little royal lady and the pink hair ball exude the aroma of orange blossoms, and they don’t have a good attitude towards Shrek.

Therefore, Su Yan is not worried at all that Shrek can pry his corner.

Use the protagonist group of this continent to hone the people under them, if they can’t learn anything, it doesn’t matter, if they can learn something from Shrek, it is naturally better.

Moreover, even if at that time, Tang San used those inferior means, she would be able to solve it in time.

“Go, I’m waiting for your good news.”

“Yes, Lord Crown Princess.” *2

[A small note]

Here is a separate explanation of why the two characters of Chen Yao and Bai Key were original.

As mentioned above, since you want to change the deformed system of the Douluo Continent, you naturally have to start from the god realm that rules the plane of Douluo.

After the end of the mission, the protagonist will definitely leave the world, and there is a high probability that the angel god will be abducted (fog)

And at that time, Douluo’s god realm lost the god-king-level Asura and three first-level gods, angels, rakshas and sea gods, and its strength will naturally be greatly reduced.

Therefore, considering how the God Realm will develop in the future, cultivating some of my own team to take over the God World is the most appropriate method in my personal opinion.

As long as the God Realm can achieve centralized power but not dictatorship, the future of the plane of Douluo Continent is actually worth looking forward to.

Another point is that Tang San is naturally going to abuse, but for the protagonist, as long as Tang San loses his identity as the son of destiny, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Regarding the game experience of Tang Thirty’s death and lifelessness, some readers also think that I can’t write long, yes, according to the configuration of the opening of the Martial Soul Hall, the protagonist’s talent is revealed, and the Asura God and the Seagod Nine Tests are in hand, and Tang San is directly pushed horizontally.

Therefore, this book’s fancy abuse of Tang is also a pleasure, and the pigeon wants to abuse Tang San while shifting his center of gravity to the divine realm.

How to change the deformed system of Douluo Continent and help the mainland aborigines create their own divine positions is the main content of this book, of course, the part of abuse will not be pulled down.

In other words, in addition to the emotional line between the protagonist and Qian Chengxue, you can also look at it as a half-book group portrait text.

After Tang San lost his identity as the son of Heavenly Destiny and was completely taken offline, the protagonist would bring his own team and begin to shuffle the God Realm.

Therefore, Pigeon created two characters, and these people, including some geniuses in the original book, will be members of the future god realm.

And the new protagonist group, currently tentative: the

golden generation of the Martial Soul Hall, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, Chen Yao and the seven people of White Key, plus the martial soul will eventually evolve into the white agarwood of the fire phoenix. Well, the

pigeon actually wants to turn Shui Bing’er around, and the ice and fire phoenix has a martial soul fusion technique, this is written and read.

Do you think it’s okay to write that? If you have comments or suggestions, please make them in the comment area.

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