“Hao Innocence Body!”

Although they are all Haotian hammers, everyone’s hammers will also be different because of the different attributes of the soul ring they absorb, or for other reasons.

For example, Tang Hao’s hammer has a red thunder arc, and in the original work, Seventh Elder Tang Lieyang’s hammer has a trace of flame.

And Su Yan and Qian Chengxue’s angel of judgment, facing this hammer, there are no lines on it, but it is more blunted and tough.

This is a hammer with additional metallicity.

“Yanyan, this rat is handed over to me to practice hands.” Qian Chengxue used her mental power to transmit a message to Su Yan.

Su Yan did not refuse, and the current Angel of Judgment, with full firepower, already has the strength to enter the title at the beginning.

And the same newcomer, Ququ Hao Heavenly Hammer, is not the opponent of the Judgment Angel at all.

This place is hidden enough that no one will come over in a short time, and even if she is discovered, she can quickly solve the battle situation and then use it to escape in an instant.

Of course, the main reason is that she sensed Qian Chengxue’s emotions.

Anger, unwillingness, more … Excited to try!

In the original work, Qian Chengxue saw the “Dai Dai Hao Heavenly Hammer Angel”, her grandfather couldn’t beat Tang Chen, her father couldn’t beat Tang Hao, and she, because of Tang San, the divine position was broken. In addition to Tang Hao and his father, because Tang Hao

wanted to cut grass, he was angry with Tang Hao, and the Tang family was simply a dimensionality reduction blow to thousands of families.

The Angel Family, finally trampled under the feet of the Tang family, became a stepping stone for them to reach the top.

And now, this ending should be rewritten, starting with this title of Hao Tianzong!

Qian Chengxue held the sky clouds, and the realm of judgment and the true body of the angel opened at the same time, rushing towards Tang Tian.

As the saying goes, as soon as he made a move, he knew if there was Tang Tian’s confidence as a titled Douluo, and under this attack of the Judgment Angel, he was almost defeated!

Being in that field, the first thing Tang Tian felt was the powerful pressure from all directions.

His senses were confined to a narrow range, and even spiritual power detection could only be limited to within five meters of the surrounding area.

His whole person was like coming to another world, and the master of this world was the young man in front of him. Seeing Qian Chengxue

attacking with a sword, Tang Tian hurriedly raised the Haotian Hammer to resist, but Qian Chengxue held the sky congs and slashed down, and the sound of metal rubbing was pleasant. The

title-level Haotian Hammer was actually being slowly cut open!

Tiancong Yun has the ultimate sharpness and toughness, coupled with the metal attribute blessing of the fourth ring of the body, it is not at all comparable to a Haotian hammer that has just entered the title!

It was just the first time they met, and the handle of the Haotian hammer was actually cut through a gap of several centimeters!

“Haotian Protective Body!” Tang Tian was shocked, and immediately used the defensive amplitude soul technique, wanting to forcibly distance himself from Qian Chengxue. Unfortunately, the judgment realm

evolved from the angelic realm, and naturally has the characteristics of the angelic realm, locked.

No matter how Tang Tian moved, as long as he didn’t have enough strength to break through the domain, he could only be confined to the center of the domain!

“Sixth Soul Technique, Human Hammer Unity!” After discovering the characteristics of the trial field, Tang Tian immediately responded, and the Haotian hammer in his hand seemed to be alive, shaking lightly in a small area.

Suddenly, a layer of rich black light erupted with Tang Tiandi’s body as the center, and Tang Tian, who continuously performed Hao Tian’s true body and two soul techniques, finally made Qian Chengxue take a few steps back.

But that’s about it.

“But that’s it.”

Qian Chengxue said, stomped heavily on the ground with his right foot, and swung his sword again towards Tang Tian.

Tiancong Yun rushed to his face with a fierce killing chance, and Tang Tian didn’t notice it for a while, and once again let Qian Chengxue seize the opportunity. With such a

close distance, a soul master like Tang Tian, who was accustomed to opening and closing moves, simply could not exert his soul technique in such a short distance, and suddenly became busy.

As a hammer, the Haotian hammer naturally has to have enough space to pick it up in order to have enough power, and in this kind of short-distance, high-speed battle, it is actually not dominant.

But now Qian Chengxue has no such concerns at all, this kind of close-range shot, there is not much power distance, she has practiced with Su Yan many times.

While cultivating her soul power, Qian Chengxue did not forget to practice what Su Yan taught her.

Those are enough combat techniques to transform a soul master.

The study in recent years has allowed Qian Chengxue to absolutely crush the vast majority of soul masters in the battle of non-soul techniques.

Qian Chengxue himself has enough combat experience, plus the current Angel of Judgment, and the killing instinct brought by the dragon’s blood. Therefore, the

tricks she is using now, even if they do not have the true essence, but at least have the power of eight or nine points.

Just the power of these eight or nine points is enough for Tang Tian, who is accustomed to opening and closing.

The moment the Angel of Judgment approached, Tang Tian inevitably fell into passivity.

The Angel of Judgment controlled by Qian Chengxue, every attack is aimed at the most vulnerable and deadly place, as long as Tang Tian does not receive an attack, he will be directly hit hard.

A series of attacks made Tang Tian almost unable to change in one breath, but the distance was so close, he couldn’t exert strength.

Even if his arms and legs had just moved, Qian Chengxue’s attack immediately followed.

For so many years, Tang Tian had never encountered such a tricky attack.

Everyone, you make one move and I move, see who has a high deep realm of skill, and the soul technique of one hammer and one sword is not the most orthodox way to fight?

What is it to get so close and not let the opponent make a move? Shrew tricks or urchins?

Tang Tian only knew that as soon as he showed his intention to use the soul technique, he would be interrupted by the other party, and the opponent’s attack was fierce, and he had to interrupt the soul technique to resist.

In less than two minutes, he was covered in color.

The feeling of suffocation that wanted to get through heartily, but was held around his body abruptly, made Tang Tian simply depressed and wanted to die.

Falling into the absolute downwind, Tang Tian knew that he couldn’t keep his hand anymore, otherwise he might really plant here.

Tang Tian condensed his soul power on the hammer, and with a heavy hammer against the ground, Qian Chengxue, who was finally shocked, took a few steps back, buying himself a short time.

“Haotian hammer, chaotic cloak!”

Hao Tianzong stopped learning, chaotic cloak hammer method, launched. The

best way to block the chaotic cloak hammer method is to prevent it from really being displayed, and Qian Chengxue naturally knows this.

For ordinary soul masters, once the chaotic cloak hammer method begins to be cast, it is difficult to interrupt, because as soon as you get close to the caster, you will be hit by his Haotian hammer that constantly superimposes strength.

Unless you have extremely strong defensive power, or have enough strength to go head-to-head with the Haotian Hammer and forcibly break the chaotic cloak hammer method, this trick is almost impossible to solve.

An inch long, an inch strong, the Tiancong Cloud that Qian Chengxue is now using is much shorter than the Hao Heavenly Hammer, if Qian Cheng Xue wants to forcibly break through, he will definitely be hit by the other party’s Hao Tianhammer.

The nemesis of the chaotic cloak hammer method was actually Tang San’s inconspicuous second soul technique, parasitism.

Of course, the premise is that the user must have a martial soul that is tough enough to have the Blue Silver Emperor and the like.

The body is suddenly entangled, but when the power is accumulated, the person rotates at high speed, and due to inertia, the slender but extremely tough blue silver grass will instantly strangle into the skin.

At this time, the person who casts the chaotic cloak hammer method must convert all the power of the previous chaotic cloak hammer method into his own rotational force. Otherwise, the

plants wrapped around him may be shattered, but his body will also be cut to pieces by the reaction force of his own power.

Qian Chengxue did not have a Blue Silver Emperor Martial Soul, nor did she have a parasitic soul technique, but she also had the means to deal with it.


Qian Chengxue’s eyes lit up with dazzling gold, she held the sword in her right hand, her left hand gently stroked over the clouds in the sky, and the moon-white short sword brought a golden halo.

Qian Chengxue attached her first soul technique Angel Assault to the sky clouds, and then, the second soul technique, the Void Wing, was launched.

Void Wing, the whole body emits a light golden light, enters the void state, is completely immune to physical attacks, energy attacks are immune to fifty percent, and speed is increased by twenty percent.

In the face of a title that was suppressed by the trial field and could only exert part of its strength, these two soul techniques were enough.

“Enough playing, now, it’s time to get down to business.”

The next moment, a golden light flashed, with the ability to be immune to physical attacks, Qian Chengxue easily broke through the chaotic cloak hammer method that Tang Tian was superimposing.

A broken arm holding Hao Tian’s hammer flew up, and Tang Tian’s painful screams were heard behind him.

“You… You actually dare to make a move against the elders of Hao Tianzong, I… My Hao Tianzong will not let you go!”

Tang Tian had lost the ability to resist, but he still did not forget to make threats.

“Yes?” Qian Chengxue sneered, “You said, I will kill you here on the spot, can Hao Tianzong’s gang of rats find me?”

Qian Chengxue’s sword passed through Tang Tian’s other shoulder and nailed him directly to the ground.

The severe pain finally made Tang Tian regain a trace of consciousness, and he was horrified in his heart, the other party actually wanted to kill him here!

Dying in this place where birds don’t, I’m afraid there won’t even be a chance for the sect master to give him revenge!

Tang Tian desperately wanted to make a move, but with a broken arm, he couldn’t make any substantial resistance at all.

Under the effect of the judgment field, Tang Tian’s soul power was quickly exhausted, and now he was just an ordinary person with relatively strong physical fitness.

If Tang Tian obediently returned to Hao Tianzong, don’t take the initiative to come up and provoke Su Yan and Qian Chengxue, Su Yan and they secretly followed him to find Hao Tianzong’s location, and this matter would pass.

However, since this old boy sent it to find death by himself, Su Yan and Qian Chengxue would not show mercy to their subordinates.

People are coming to kill you, and if you don’t stand and get beaten, that’s not prudence, that’s cheap.

It’s just a small elder, kill if you kill, now is also the time to teach Hao Tianzong a lesson.

Qian Chengxue closed her eyes and opened them again, Su Yan took over the control of the Angel of Judgment, and Yan Ling-Meng Tapir launched.

Soul search.

Spirit sharing.

After that, the soul is annihilated.

In this wave, Hao Tianzong not only did not get gold coins, but also lost a Title Douluo-level elder, making the sect that was not rich even worse.

And Su Yan and Qian Chengxue obtained the information they needed, including Hao Tianzong’s location, deployment, living forces, and so on.

What Su Yan didn’t expect was that Tang Tian, the third elder of the Hao Tianzong, actually only had a 30,000-year-old right leg soul bone.

Su Yan glanced at the incomplete Tang Tian with some disdain, look at Tang Hao, people are full of soul bones, even his wife’s 100,000-year soul bones have no place to be safe, look at you again.

It’s just a big difference, right? However, if each elder guarantees a 10,000-year soul bone,

plus Tang Hao’s full soul bone, Hao Tianzong, there are also more than a dozen 10,000-year soul bones, which is very good.

Su Yan sighed, it was her fault, every day it was either the angel god costume or the raksha god costume, and the level was in place, the keel itself could be arranged, and the vision was raised.

A soul bone is enough to make a soul master reborn, even if it is a thousand-year level, it is a treasure that is hard to find. Regardless of the increase that the soul bone

gives itself, no matter how old or low it is, as long as a soul bone is absorbed, the dark wounds in the body can be removed!

Cultivating to the level of Soul Douluo and Title Douluo, who can not have a little dark injury in their body, if there are more dark injuries, it will even affect their cultivation.

Therefore, even if it is a Title Douluo, absorbing a thousand-year soul bone may not be able to have a significant increase in strength.

And…… Regardless of Yu Long or Piercing Blood, even if it was Ju Douluo Yueguan in the Second General of Hun Ha, they didn’t have even a single soul bone.

Some thousand-year-old soul bones, Hao Tianzong should have them, but it is estimated that these old men still can’t look at them, and they are worried that they will encounter better soul bones in the future, and they won’t be able to absorb them.

It’s a pity, otherwise you can get two more soul bones.

However, it is not bad to be able to prostitute a 10,000-year-old soul bone for nothing, which is indeed a bonus.

Su Yan dug out the soul bone, knocked on the hang-up system in the sea of knowledge, the system scanned the soul bone, bubbled, and continued to hang up.

[Qingyan leopard’s right leg bone, 36,000 years old, has a certain speed bonus effect] [

Soul Technique: Qingyan Evil Axe]

[Effect: Linear single attack, condensing the soul power of the whole body on the right leg, increasing through the soul bone, turning into a soul power blade, causing damage to the target]

It seems that this soul bone, whether it is for Zhu Zhuqing or Evil Moon, is very suitable, when the time comes, directly to Bibi Dong, let her watch the arrangement.

Su Yan put away the soul bone, found an elder token from Tang Tian’s body and put it away, and then urged the bronze and fire left arm bone, and the left arm immediately turned into a dragon claw.

A few minutes later, Su Yan directly opened her bone wings and left, and after her forgery, there was no trace of the angel martial soul at all.

In anyone’s opinion, Tang Tian was shattered by a beast soul master’s claw. And the Star Luo Empire, on the

bright side, can kill the beast soul master named Douluo, there is only one person –

Emperor Star Luo, Dai Tianfeng.

The three elders of Hao Tianzong, who suddenly died in the Star Luo Empire, or were killed by the beast soul master, those rats would definitely not give up.

Some people may suspect that they will come to the Martial Soul Hall, but in the past two years, because of the real estate matter, Hao Tianzong’s reputation among the commoners has long been stinking.

Civilians will only feel that the murderer is acting for Tianxingdao, and for the Martial Soul Hall, the most important thing is the reputation of the Martial Soul Hall among the civilian class.

The views of those soul master forces on the Martial Soul Hall would not change because of this incident, and without evidence that the hammer was the Martial Soul Hall’s move, they could not do anything.

Therefore, the impact of this matter on the Martial Soul Hall was almost negligible.

At that point, everything will be interesting.

A few days later, the Angel of Judgment returned to Tiandou City, and Tang Tian’s body was also found.

A martial soul is a titled powerhouse of Hao Tianhammer, and the news of his accidental violent death outside Star Luo City was quickly spread throughout the continent by Wuhun Daily, causing an uproar. However, no

matter how Tang Tian’s affairs fermented, they were destined to have nothing to do with “Xueqinghe” and Su Yan, and no one would suspect them.

Tiandou City, Prince’s Mansion.

“Sister, I’m going back to Soto City.” Su Yan said to Qian Chengxue. The Imperial Dou

team had already left for Soto City, and now, she had to go to Soto City and join the Imperial Dou Team.

If Qin Ming and the others arrived in Soto City but did not find her, there would be a lot of trouble.

“Well, be careful.” Qian Chengxue rubbed Su Yan’s head, Su Yan nodded, opened her bone wings, and disappeared into the thick night.

Qian Chengxue looked at the direction Su Yan left, clenched her fists involuntarily with both hands, and then released them like they were unable to do so.

In the past few days, Qian Chengxue has always behaved normally, no different from usual.

But only Qian Chengxue herself knew how much endurance she used to resist her impulse and did not keep Su Yan by her side.

In the first ten years of her life, she rarely had the opportunity to experience family affection, and when she first met Su Yan, she really regarded Su Yan as her own sister.

But later,

after knowing the truth about her parents, her mentality changed unconsciously.

When he got along with Su Yan day and night, “Xueqinghe” finally fell in, and as rumored, he liked the beautiful girl who had accompanied him for many years.

When she was no longer just satisfied with just talking and touching Su Yan, when she dreamed of herself and Su Yan for countless nights, Qian Chengxue knew that she was finished.

Qian Chengxue realized that her feelings for Su Yan were slowly deteriorating.

And the signal that Su Yan unconsciously gave her also made her realize that she loved her.

Sure enough, in this life, she did not have the qualifications for family affection.

But she can have love.

After knowing her background, Qian Chengxue once fell into confusion, her birth was a mistake, no matter how good she was, she could not be recognized by her mother.

The tall image of her father collapsed, and her mother’s disapproval and non-acceptance were when she was most helpless.

At that time, it was Su Yan who helped her regain her affection and reconcile with her mother, and for her, Su Yan was a gift from the angel god.

In getting along with Su Yan, Qian Chengxue found that “Xueqinghe”‘s pampering and love for Su Yan was not acted, but real.

After confirming his thoughts, Qian Chengxue suddenly realized, who said they couldn’t be together?

As for whether she can have heirs, whether she needs to pass on the angelic martial soul, this is not something she needs to consider.

She has a twenty-level innate soul power, an angel god inheritor, and she is a person who must become a god in the future, and she does not need or can not have any heirs.

And Su Yan, as a person of the gods, can also go to the god realm together and have an eternal lifespan.

But, after all, she is… Can Yeon-yeon accept it?

Qian Chengxue kept comforting herself, wait, that matter cannot be solved in a short time, and must wait until Su Yan returns from Soto City.

Moreover, after Su Yan returned from Soto City, she must act immediately.

Two months later, Su Yan has broken through from the peak of level forty-seven to level forty-eight, and she has no time to continue waiting.

Although Su Yan had been stuck at level thirty-nine for half a year before, if she wanted to break through the shackles of the Soul King now, it was estimated that it would take a long time, but she did not plan to gamble.

If Su Yan breaks through the Soul King realm, her strength will definitely take another big leap, and at that time, things may be beyond her control.

In the past twenty-one years, she has missed too much beauty, so this time, she will not let go again.

Qian Chengxue turned his head and looked at his own secret room in the prince’s mansion, his eyes were dark.

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