Chapter 68: Preparing to Prick Suzuki Tomoko [Subscription Request].

Meng De walked to the door, closed the water valve, and returned to the location of the water pipe in question.

For problems like this, you only need to replace a connecting pipe.

While Meng De was busy, suddenly there was the sound of a car roaring outside. Suzuki Yuanko’s body was shocked, and he knew that his mother had returned.

“Brother Meng, you hurry, my mother is back.”

“I’ll deal with her first and buy you time.”

“Then let my mother see it well.”

“Tokyo, no, the level of Japan’s first plumbing repairman.”

“Mom didn’t believe you and chose the guy who only knew how to change.”

“Compared with me, this vision is really far from me.”

Meng De smiled bitterly, this garden, there is really a husband who forgot his mother.

“You go first, I’ll be busy in a few minutes.”

Suzuki Sonoko got Mengde’s reply and immediately turned and walked towards the room.

Meng De hurried to work, whether he could achieve his plan, it depended on this step. Gee…

Three mothers and daughters, all of them are good.

Sonoko Suzuki walked into the room and saw her mother sitting on the sofa. His face was ugly, and he seemed to be waiting for her to come over.

On the side stood a somewhat helpless sister, and she also glared at her. Tomoko Suzuki raised his head and saw Suzuki Sonoko running over, and snorted coldly.

“Yuanzi, have you forgotten everything I said?”

“I said, the water pipes at home need to be replaced.”

“Where did you get the people from?”

“Has it been tested?”

“What if there is something bad about it?”

“Don’t you know how much disaster it will bring to our Suzuki family if something happens to bring people in casually?”

When Suzuki Sonoko heard Suzuki Tomoko’s words, she was directly angry.

She didn’t allow her mom to say that about her boyfriend.

“Mom, you’re going too far.”

“I’m part of this family too, why can’t I have someone come and have the water pipe repaired?”

“I called the number one plumbing repairman in all of Japan.”

“It’s better than your guy who only knows how to change, I don’t know how many times.”

“I know to change all day, do I still want to rest?”

“I don’t have any skills, but I have been in charge of it at home for a long time.”

“How much money did he waste our family? Our family’s big business is not such a wasteful method. ”

“And Brother Meng won’t be like you said, people don’t need to draw anything from our Suzuki family at all.”

“Mom, don’t take your set in the enterprise.”

“Brother Meng, I have already checked where the problem is, and I will fix it immediately.”

“Mom, you just wait, wait and see, what is called a person who is really capable and capable.”

“Although I can’t compare to you in many things, in the eyes of some things, mom, you and I are far behind.”

Suzuki’s body trembled angrily, and this garden dared to talk back to her.

Listen, is this what a daughter should say to her mother? He actually said that his mother’s was not.

As soon as she wanted to teach the garden a lesson, she was stopped by her husband.

“Friend, the garden is also kind.”

“Since the people have already arrived, and the garden has said that it has found out what the problem is.”

“We’ll just have to wait a while and see if the water pipes are actually repaired.”

“If it is repaired and proves that the garden’s decision is okay, then we will come according to the garden.”

“It’s also nice to have this person in charge of the maintenance of our Suzuki family’s water pipes in the future.”

“But if it is not repaired, it is good to let the garden know the situation.”

The anger in Suzuki’s heart only subsided a little, and she knew that if she quarreled with Sonoko again. This little nizi still doesn’t know how to anger her.

It’s really so big for nothing.

Unexpectedly, facing the people outside, it is still a water pipe repairman. Is this still the second daughter of my Suzuki family?

“Well, I’ll wait to see if the person you said in the garden is that powerful.”

“If it is not repaired, I will not give him a good look.”

“I will also use the power of the Suzuki family to teach this kid who does not know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth.”

Suzuki Sonoko was even more angry in her heart, she didn’t know where her mother’s dissatisfaction came from.

Even if she made her own initiative to invite Brother Meng to come, she would not be so angry.

But my mother actually looked at Brother Meng so much, and even planned to use the Suzuki family to teach Brother Meng a lesson. How could she agree.

“Mom, if you dare to do this, I won’t stay in this house in the future.”

Suzuki Tomoko turned livid, slapped his hands on the table, and yelled at Suzuki Sonoko.

“Are you threatening me?”

“Yes and how? Obviously it’s your mother you are too much, you didn’t investigate clearly, just said that people can’t do it. ”

Sonoko Suzuki showed no weakness and looked at Tomoko Suzuki.

The corners of Suzuki’s angry mouth kept shaking, how she hadn’t seen it before.

His second daughter still has such a side.

Unexpectedly, for a man, talk back to her like this.

“The master hired by our family is a very good person in Japan.”

“He said it needed to be replaced, can there be a mistake?”

“Yuanzi, you better pay attention to me, don’t be deceived by the so-called man.”

“And our son-in-law of the Suzuki family doesn’t need a plumbing repairman, you can figure this out for me.”

Sonoko Suzuki walked over to the table and slapped her hands on it.

Glared angrily at his mother.

“Mom, you’re vexatious.”

“Why am I vexatious?”

“Where are you not vexatious? Do you know how famous Brother Meng has been recently? ”

“Sorry, I’m usually very busy, and I don’t know how famous a plumbing repairman is.”

“Hmph, that’s your problem, there is a problem with the water pipe at home, you don’t pay attention, you are too responsible.”

“What? What did you say? You repeat? ”

“What if I say it again? Mom, you are not responsible. ”

“Yuanzi, you are my daughter, you talk to your mother like that?”

“Mom, you obviously didn’t do it right, now you can’t talk about me, just use your identity to pressure me, I will definitely not give in.”

Sonoko Suzuki and Tomoko Suzuki stared at each other wide-eyed.

Seeing this, Shiro Suzuki and Ayako Suzuki were helpless for a while, and quickly pulled the two apart. Suzuki Tomoko sat back with a livid face and snorted coldly.

“In that case, then we’ll wait and see.”

“Yuanzi, your mother is for your own good.”

Suzuki Sonoko glanced at her mother, clasped her hands to her chest, and said with a hint of dissatisfaction.

“Thank you mom for your concern, but please don’t have to be so nice to me.”

“This time the thing is definitely that I won, mom, you take certain feelings too seriously.”

“Since people have no skills, then replace them with those who have skills.”

Suzuki gritted his teeth angrily, this garden is with her, right? Seeing this, Ayako Suzuki hurriedly walked to Suzuki Sonoko’s side.

“Yuanzi, you don’t say two words, quickly apologize to your mother.”

“I’m right, why should I apologize? Sister, why are you so crooked in the ass? ”

Sonoko Suzuki said dissatisfied. Ayako Suzuki was suddenly a little embarrassed, what could she do?

I had to sit on the sidelines and watch the play.

She really didn’t expect Yuanzi to do this against her mother for a man. Even she could see that Yuanzi definitely liked the man.

A water pipe repairman can make the garden so loved. What’s so charming?

She seemed to be somewhat expecting the man to arrive.

In this way, the family is waiting for Meng De’s arrival.

Suzuki Sonoko is very confident, as long as Brother Meng finishes repairing, he will definitely let his mother see clearly. She believes that Brother Meng will satisfy her mother.

Tomoko Suzuki is waiting, and it is unlikely that the man will fix the water pipe. You must know that their Suzuki family’s plumbing master is the best in Japan.

Have they all judged that they need to be replaced, is there any other solution? This kid in the garden was definitely deceived.

She had to let the garden see clearly.

But she was also curious, why was Yuan Zi so confident?

Although the garden is sometimes full of love, it is not so difficult to see the situation. Unless the man is really capable.

For a while, she began to worry in her heart. It won’t really be repaired, right?

Na also…

At this moment, Meng De walked into the room.

“The garden, it has been repaired, you go and see if there is water.”

Sonoko Suzuki jumped up from the sofa excitedly and ran towards the kitchen. Suzuki Tomoko stared at Meng De for a while, no wonder the garden was heartbroken.

It does look good.

But this is not enough to see, she wants to see if the repair is successful. So she also went into the kitchen.

And Ayako Suzuki looked at Meng De curiously, and her heart beat a little. No wonder the garden is the way it was.

Everyone walked into the kitchen, and Suzuki Sonoko looked at his mother triumphantly.

“Mom, just wait and see, it will definitely make you change your mind.”

“Don’t say so much, you turn on the faucet.”

Tomoko Suzuki said impatiently. Sonoko Suzuki snorted and reached out to turn on the faucet.

Suddenly, everyone’s eyes were attracted to the past.

Then there was Sonoko Suzuki’s anxious voice and Tomoko Suzuki’s sneer.

“How so? Shouldn’t it? Brother Meng?! ”

Suzuki Sonoko brought a cry. Tomoko Suzuki felt that he had finally let Sonoko see this man clearly.

Then the garden will no longer have anything to do with this man. Dare to come to their Suzuki house to deceive.

Definitely have to give this man a good look.

“Yuanzi, what else do you have to say?”

“Come on, get this deceitful guy out for me, and send it to the police station by the way.”

Suzuki Sonoko was about to cry out in a hurry, and now he is completely in a weak position.

She didn’t believe that Brother Meng hadn’t repaired it.

“Brother Meng, is there something wrong?”

“How can it not come out of the water?”

“Brother Meng, come and take a look.”

Suzuki Tomoko directly stopped Suzuki Sonoko and sneered: “No need, I can already see it.” ”

“You’re here for our Suzuki family, right?”

“Then I tell you, your scheme has been debunked.”

“What Japan’s premier plumbing repairman, that’s it?”

“I would never allow anyone to cheat on my daughter.”

Meng De glanced at Suzuki Tomoko and then at Suzuki Sonoko who was about to cry.

Pretending to suddenly think of something, he said, “Sorry, I forgot to turn on the water valve.” ”

“Yuanzi, I came to inform you of my patronage, and I forgot about it.”

“You wait, I’ll open the water valve.”

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly smiled, it turned out to be like this.

“Then Brother Meng, hurry up and open the water valve.”

“Really, how could you forget such an important thing.”

Seeing that Meng De turned around and was about to open the water valve, Suzuki Tomoko stopped Meng De.

“Wait a minute, who knows if you’re trying to escape?”

“Nishino, you go to the water valve.”

Mahito Nishino immediately responded: ”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Mom, you are too much to doubt Brother Meng so much.”

Suzuki Sonoko fought for Mengde.

Meng De stopped Suzuki Sonoko, and he could see that during the time he was repairing the water pipe, Sonoko and her mother had a little unpleasantness.

“Since Madame doesn’t believe me, then I’ll wait here.”

“And I can say very responsibly, throughout Japan.”

“There’s no plumbing problem that I can’t deal with.”

“If there is, then it is useless for others to come.”

Suzuki Tomoko also wants to say two words, she now thinks that Meng De is here to cheat her daughter. But at this moment, the faucet suddenly came out of the water.

Sonoko Suzuki jumped up happily, and then quickly ran to her mother.

“Mom, what else do you have to say?”

“You quickly apologize to Brother Meng.”

Tomoko Suzuki was directly dumbfounded, and really repaired the water pipe. But let her apologize to Mengde, that can’t be done.

For a while, the atmosphere of the scene fell into embarrassment.

Or Meng De seems very generous at the moment, after all, it is his future shares. I want to save some face.

“Yuanzi, don’t talk to your mother like that.”

“Madame doesn’t believe that I’m normal, after all, whether it’s Suzuki’s things or servants, it’s definitely the best.”

Suzuki Yuanzi pouted, she was uneven for Brother Meng, but Brother Meng was still standing on his mother’s side and talking.

But she thought about it.

This may be what Brother Meng did for himself.

The purpose is not to embarrass yourself and your mother too much. Suddenly, her feelings for Meng De in her heart went up another level.

When Suzuki Tomoko saw Meng De say this, the expression on his face eased a lot. The man is not bad.

If nothing else, this ability to repair water pipes is indeed very powerful. It actually helped them solve this problem.

Thinking of arguing with Yuanzi just now, she was surprised. This time, I really looked away.

Ayako Suzuki also looked at Meng De in surprise, she also knew very well about the situation of the water pipes at home. I also thought that if I changed the water pipe, I would have to stay somewhere else for two days.

I didn’t expect it to be solved like this. It’s really amazing.

She looked at the happy Suzuki Sonoko on the side and shook her head helplessly. Just as this plumbing repairman, there is no way to satisfy my mother.

I don’t know why, Ayako Suzuki felt that she was a little curious about Meng De standing beside her. Why did Yuanzi like this man so much?

Shiro Suzuki was also very happy to see that the water pipe was repaired.

“Okay, since Master Meng has repaired the water pipe, then we will follow the original agreement.”

“In the future, please ask Master Meng to be in charge of the water pipe in our house.”

“Just check it out regularly.”

Tomoko Suzuki didn’t object, she knew that even if she refused, the two could be outside. So it’s better to let Meng De be in charge of the water pipes at home.

This way you can also look at the point.

“So be it!”

Suzuki Yuanzi was very happy, she rushed to Meng De’s side and said, “Brother Meng, I just said that you will definitely be able to convince your mother.” ”

“Mom didn’t want to believe you at first, it was too much.”

“Mom, you doubt Brother Meng so much, you must give Brother Meng a higher salary.”

Suzuki Tomoko frowned, is this garden already so towards Mengde?

Now it was even more difficult for her to break up Meng De and Yuanzi. But still have to be done.

Although there is still the eldest daughter, there is no need to pay too much attention to the garden.

But the son-in-law of the Suzuki family cannot be a plumbing repairman, otherwise what will others think of the Suzuki family? Everyone returned to the living room, and the atmosphere was much more relaxed than just now.

Although Suzuki Tomoko felt that her behavior just now was not very good, she felt that it was also for the good of her daughter.

So after staring at Meng De for a while, she spoke: “Master Meng, your skills have indeed impressed me. ”

“Our Suzuki family’s water pipe can be handed over to you to be in charge of.”

“But there is one point, I hope you can be clear.”

“Our son-in-law of the Suzuki family can’t be a plumbing repairman.”

Suzuki Sonoko was immediately anxious, and as soon as she wanted to say something, she was stopped by Meng De.

“Madame still pay attention to it, what should I do if I am often tired and dragged my body down?”

“The Suzuki family still needs you at the helm.”

“If you have back pain, it’s better to see a doctor early.”

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