Liu Sheng attaches great importance to this Zhongnin Exam.

To what extent?

It can only be said that Liu Sheng attached importance to the fact that a few years ago, he began to formulate the “Fish Leaping Dragon Gate” plan.

For Yanagi, who is familiar with the plot, Konoha is one of the safest shelters and the biggest cage in the ninja world.

Being born in Konoha allows Yanagi to grow up safely.

But being born in Konoha also restrained Yanagi’s growth.

The three generations of Hokage’s crystal far-reaching technique, as well as Shimura Danzo hidden in the secret, suppress Yanagi’s ‘appetite’ all the time, and also exercise Yanagi’s acting skills all the time.

As early as when he was in ninja school, Yanagi was looking forward to graduating quickly, the middle ninja exam coming soon, and the three generations of Hokage dying quickly.

As long as this old man dies and solves the root evil hidden underground, Konoha is the best place in the ninja world.

As long as this old man dies, Liu Sheng can have no scruples.

Therefore, Yanagi still can’t wait for time to speed up and hurry up to the Konoha collapse plan in a month.

Of course, the Naka Shinobi exam is not just the third exam, it is of great significance to Yanagi.

The second exam is also very important for Yanagi.

It was important that Yanagi acted personally, and also avoided Hinata and Shino the oil girl.

After leaving the team, Liu Sheng unleashed his powerful perception.

Soon, the Chakra fluctuations of the entire Death Forest appeared in Liu Sheng’s mind like a projection.

These chakra fluctuations are large or small, representing the size of the chakra volume.

Inside these Chakra fluctuations, Liu Sheng saw two super large Chakra fluctuations at a glance.

If nothing else, they should be Naruto and I Iro.

And the other Chakra fluctuation that is not as good as Naruto and I Aira, but is also particularly large, should be Orochimaru.

After determining the location of these three fluctuations, Liu Sheng continued to search.

Soon, he found a Chakra fluctuation that was only a little smaller than the big snake pill.

This Chakra fluctuation is even bigger than the sunset red, and even greater than the Liu Sheng before devouring Zaibu and Bai.

And this Chakra fluctuation is the target that Liu Sheng is looking for.

Yes, the goal is… Fragrant phosphorus!

As the surviving son of the whirlpool clan, the talent of fragrant phosphorus, even in the whirlpool clan, is also the top existence.

The strongest place of the Uzumaki clan, in addition to various sealing techniques, is the immortal body that inherits the Great Tube Wood Asura and three special and unique abilities.

These three abilities are: Kagura Heart Eye, Physical Healing, and Vajra Blockade.

Kagura Shinkami is one of the strongest perceptions in the ninja world, able to sense all abnormalities within a radius of tens of kilometers.

Physical healing, by biting one’s own skin, you can quickly restore your own or others’ chakra and injuries, the effect is so strong that even if the other party’s body is split in two, as long as the other party is alive, it can be restored intact.

Not to mention the King Kong blockade, it is a tailed beast special attack like the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, which can attack and defend against the seal.

These three abilities, even in the Vortex clan, are rarely awakened.

But Xiangphos, at the age of sixteen or seventeen, completely mastered these three abilities.

If you give her the sealing technique of the Vortex clan, Xiangphos is definitely one of the most dazzling new generations.

It is also thanks to Kabu that the blackened Uchiha Sasuke was able to overcome the danger many times.

And Uchiha Sasuke can get the help of Kabu, in addition to appearance, there is also a vital … Heroes save beauty.

The same is love brain, Kazu has received praise, why is it so much bigger than Haruno Sakura?

Quite simply, Kachiha likes Uchiha Sasuke because the other party saved herself, plus she is handsome, so she is willing to do anything for Uchiha Sasuke.

Even if Uchiha Sasuke wanted to kill her along with the enemy, Kasuke did not remember Uchiha Sasuke.

After hearing that Uchiha Sasuke died, Kachiha even fell into a collapse, and as soon as he recovered from his injuries, he desperately wanted to find Uchiha Sasuke.

Even if Uchiha Sasuke did not choose her in the end, Kasuke said that as long as Sasuke lived happily, he would be satisfied.

What about Sakura Haruno?

She likes Uchiha Sasuke because when she was a child, Uchiha Sasuke was more handsome and very powerful.

So she who likes Uchiha Sasuke, can fall out with the girlfriend who saved her from bullying, can belittle Naruto to please Uchiha Sasuke, even if the other party has no feeling for her, she can abandon her parents and want to follow the other party out of the village.

After being knocked unconscious by Sasuke Uchiha, she prayed to Naruto, who liked her, to bring Sasuke back, which was her lifelong wish, but she did not follow it personally.

There is also the most disgusting confession in the snow of Shippuden, and he has won the title of ‘cherry’.

Not to mention comparing it with Hinata, even if you compare Haruno Sakura with Kazuna, it is an insult to Kazu.

is also a love brain, Liu Sheng likes fragrant phosphorus very much.

This is also the reason why Yanagi chose to cut off Hu Yu Zhibo Sasuke, instead of wanting to devour the incense phosphorus and get the body of the immortal of the Uzumaki clan.

Although the Uzumaki clan has perished, there are only a few descendants of the Uzumaki clan left in the Ninja World.

But Liu Sheng obtained the body of an immortal in more than one way.

Therefore, instead of devouring fragrant phosphorus, Liu Sheng wants to get the person of fragrant phosphorus.

So, after Liu Sheng found the chakra fluctuation of fragrant phosphorus, he immediately flashed towards the location of the other party.

Just as Liu Sheng was acting, the big snake pill that mixed into the fish pond to fry the fish also began to act.

Just a few months after graduation, he had to face one of the legendary Three Shinobi.

This is undoubtedly a very desperate thing for the seventh class.

The only thing that was fortunate was that Orochimaru did not have any killing intent against the seventh class, but just wanted to plant the Heavenly Spell Seal with his own soul fragment on Uchiha Sasuke’s neck.

Although the constant reincarnation, as well as the division of his soul fragments between Sasuke Uchiha and Mitarashi Red Bean, caused Orochimaru’s soul to be weak and pitiful, so that it was completely restrained by illusion.

But I have to admit that the big snake pill that leaves a hand everywhere is indeed the most difficult existence in the ninja world to kill.

Just when the seventh class was beaten by the shadow-level powerhouse, the current camp is Kusanagi Murashita Shinobu, who is also lost with his companions.

This year is twelve years old, just awakening the body to cure this ability of fragrant phosphorus, is still a very weak trash fish.

Of course, if it is not used as a mobile charging treasure and constantly sucked away Chakra, the fragrant phosphorus with the body of an immortal will definitely not be so weak.

But on the other hand, her positioning in Kusanagi Village is a mobile charging treasure.

Liu Sheng was also very speechless for the violent behavior of Kusanagi Village.

No wonder it’s just a small ninja village, there really is no pattern at all.

After finding Xiangphos, Liu Sheng did not appear immediately, but separated a shadow avatar to solve her two companions.

Then go around to find a large beast and use illusions to control it to attack Xiangphos.


When a tiger appeared in front of him, Xiangphos’ little face was suddenly frightened pale and colorless.

Seeing the tiger approaching step by step, Xiangphos, whose legs were soft, sat on the ground, not even able to escape.

“Save… Help…”

The trembling voice shouted out from the mouth, but the strong fear made Xiangphos dare not shout for help, for fear that if his voice was too loud, the tiger would directly pounce.


Fortunately, her faint cry for help seemed to be heard.

I only listened to countless voices that broke through the void, ringing in my ears.

Then countless ice thousand books, like a downpour, fell from the sky, instantly drowning the tiger in front of Xiangphos.

Without even the ability to scream, the tiger, which was tied into a hedgehog by Senben, fell to the ground without a sound.

“…… Are you okay? ”

As the gentle voice sounded, a tall figure appeared in front of Xiangphos out of thin air.

The afternoon sun shines through the gaps in the leaves.

At this moment, the fragrant phosphorus who looked up, only saw a ‘hero’ who seemed to exude golden light, his hair was so beautiful, his smile was so gentle, and his appearance was so handsome!

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