Chapter 0060 – Tsunade’s Super Gift, The Pattern of the Big Pillar!!

“Tsunade-sama, Jiraiya-sama, are you all right?”

By the time Yanagi and Kakato arrived, Tsunade had already rescued Shizune, Jiraiya, and Naruto.

It can be seen how far the expansion of the sea of trees has pushed them to

Looking at Tsunade and the others who were not crushed by the advance of the sea of trees because of the wrapping of the branches, Yanagi sighed in relief, and then asked with a slight worry: “Tsunade-sama, Jiraiya-sama, Miss Shizune, Naruto, are you all right?” ”

Hearing this, Tsunade did not reply, but walked towards Yanagi.

Coming to Yanagi, Tsunade directly hugged Yanagi into his arms just as he had done with Kakyo, holding his head and pressing it on one of his great shores.

Two lifetimes, Liu Sheng also experienced the taste of facial cleanser for the first time.

I saw that Tsunade was as strong as last night, but his tone could not hide his excitement: “Don’t call me my lord, from today onwards, you and Kakato will call me sister.” ”


Hearing this title, Yanagi and Kakato had not yet spoken, and Naruto, who was not far away with big nerves, subconsciously blurted out: “Yanagi is the same age as me, shouldn’t he also be called Tsunade… Woohoo!! ”

Before the whole sentence was finished, Naruto was covered by Jiraiya.

I saw Jiraiya bend down, lower his head to Naruto’s ear, and reprimanded: “Stupid, don’t say such things at this time, otherwise I won’t be able to save you!” ”

Tsunade’s punch back then has never been forgotten to this day.

Due to Yanagi’s appearance, Naruto and Tsunade did not gamble last night, and the person who saved Tsunade was not Naruto.

If it weren’t for Naruto’s special status, his mother was Uzumaki Shinnai, he wouldn’t have the privilege of the title of Tsunade’s mother-in-law.

But now, Naruto actually wanted Tsunade’s clan to call her mother-in-law, and she was 100% sure that Tsunade would run away.

At the same time, Jiraiya is also happy for Tsunade.

The appearance of Yanagi and Xiangphos, as well as the forest made by this wood, allowed Tsunade, who lost ‘everything’, to find “everything”, complete self-redemption, and overcome that damn fear of blood.

Now Tsunade, just like before he suffered from hemophobia, the light on his body is very dazzling.

This is also Jiraiya’s favorite Tsunade!

“Tsunade… Sister. ”

At this time, Yanagi also broke free from Tsunade’s embrace and said a little awkwardly.

This awkwardness is not acted, but real.

Even counting the twenty-five years of the previous life, Liu Sheng, who was a human in two lives, is only thirty-seven years old.

This year’s Tsunade is fifty-one or twelve years old, a generation older than Yanagi but fortunately, Tsunade, who has the Yin Seal, now looks like he is in his thirties

In the same way, the willow cow can still be called.

If it is an aunt with a wrinkled face, then even if the other party is the future fifth generation of Hokage Yanagi, he can’t shout it.

Sure enough, no matter which world is good looks is justice. Kakari is like this to himself, and he is also to Tsunade.

Liu Sheng said secretly in his heart.

“That’s good!”

Tsunade didn’t care about Yanagi’s awkwardness, but happily held Yanagi’s head and kissed him the forehead.

Then under the envious gaze of Jiraiya, Tsunade took off the necklace around his neck, put it on Yanagi’s neck, and said with a smile: “This is my grandfather, that is, one of the relics left by the original Hokage of Konoha, that is, the fusion of the Mudu Blood Succession Limit Realm that you just awakened, and I will give it to you now.” ”

“That is to say… My parents are actually descendants of the Senju clan? ”

Touching the necklace around his neck, Liu Sheng said with a complicated expression.

“Well, one hundred percent yes.”

Tsunade nodded and briefly popularized the Senju clan to Yanagi, “Since Grandpa established Konoha, the Senju clan from my generation actually no longer has the surname Senju. ”

“Not only me, but even my younger brother does not have the surname Senju.”

“So after the Senju clan disappeared, the ninja world thought that the Senju clan, only me, the ‘Princess Konoha’, remained.”

“But in fact, the Senju clan has not disappeared, it has only completely integrated into Konoha.”

“It’s Konoha, it’s Konoha!”

“So your parents don’t have a surname, you don’t have a surname, and countless orphans don’t have a surname, but you’re all from Konoha, you’re all from the Senju clan… This is the concept of grandpa! ”

After listening to Tsunade’s last words, Yanagi widened his eyes slightly.

This time I was really surprised.

I see!

No wonder there is no reason why the Thousand Hands family disappeared in the memories of those Thousand Hands family, it turned out to be this reason.

Is this the pattern of the big column?

“By the way, I have something to give you.”

Looking at the wide-eyed Yanagi, Tsunade seemed to remember something, suddenly took a few steps back, bit his thumb, and sealed his hands: “Psychic art!” ”


As a huge white mist appeared, a slug, twice the size of Tsunade, appeared next to Tsunade.

“Tsunade-sama, you actually performed psychic arts yourself, is your fear of blood bleeding better?”

Seeing that it was Tsunade himself who summoned him, the slug’s voice seemed very happy…

“Long time no see, Lord Slug.”

In front of the split body of the slug immortal over the age of a thousand years, Tsunade scratched his head embarrassedly, just like a child, and then went straight to the subject: “My blood phobia is already well, I summoned you out this time to take out the wooden scroll stored in your split body.” ”

“Mu Dun scroll, I see.”

Since he couldn’t see the slug’s eyes, he didn’t know what the slugs were thinking now after hearing this.

However, it was very cheerful, spitting out a large scroll stained with mucus from its body.

“Trouble you, Lord Slug, I’ll visit you next time I have time.”

Tsunade clasped his hands together.

“I’m looking forward to your arrival too, Tsunade-sama.”

After saying these words, Slugs took the initiative to lift the psychic technique and returned to the Wet Bone Forest, one of the three holy places.

Picking up the wooden scroll on the ground, Tsunade did not dislike the slime on it at all, handed it to Liu Sheng, and said: “This is the wooden scroll left by my grandfather, and it is the original, the forbidden library of the Hokage Building and the wooden dun in the Book of Seals, it is just a backup. ”

“Now I give you this wooden scroll, I hope you can use it to remind the ninja world of the symbol of Konoha and recreate the glory of the Senju clan!”

“…… I see, Tsuna-san. ”

Liu Sheng solemnly took the Mu Dun scroll, and this sister shouted very smoothly.

He didn’t expect that he had just ‘recognized’ with Tsunade, and the other party gave him two big gifts in a row.

Although the Mu Dun scroll, Liu Sheng can be directly obtained from the other party’s soul through the Dirt Rebirth Thousand Hand Pillar, and does not need any cultivation and development, as long as the amount of Chakra meets the requirements, it can be cast.

But Tsunade’s original wooden scroll is very important to Yanagi

With this Mudun scroll endorsement, Liu Sheng does not need to suppress his Mudun Blood Succession Limit, and he can cast whatever Mudun ninjutsu he wants.

Even if his Mu Dun Ninjutsu was exaggerated, Tsunade, who had already given him the original Mu Dun Scroll, would only feel that Liu Sheng’s talent was amazing.

Therefore, Liu Sheng felt that this sister was very worthwhile.

It turns out that this is what it feels like to hold your thighs!

No wonder there will be an aunt in my previous life, I don’t want to work hard”, this feeling of ‘eating soft rice’ is really good.

Since then, Liu Sheng’s bright vest, the potential of the illusion type of forbearance, suddenly raised to the apex of the five shadows, even… The new Ninja God Gan…

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