Lin Feng left the White Palace early in the morning, and he negotiated with Abraham Lin* until the early hours of the morning, only to finally convince the other party to fully accept the agreement on the grounds that the southern slave owners had vampire support.

How to deal with the threat of vampires entering the war, the distribution of benefits after the war, the grand strategic cooperation between Miriken and Ghana, etc., have all gone through dozens of extreme pulls before they were decided.

Abraham Lin* was deeply impressed, he had never met a young man with such great insight and insight.

With the historical development memory of another world for nearly 200 years, Lin Feng revealed a unique and forward-looking view of the future of Meilijian during the negotiations.

The greatest president in the history of Meijian even offered to immigrate to Meijian instead of letting his talent be wasted in sparsely populated Ghana.

Lin Feng scoffed at this, he was more comfortable than the emperor in Ghana, and he would only go to Meijian to be a dog for others when he was crazy.

Strictly refusing Mr. President’s outrageous request, after closing the agreement signed by both parties, he left 4 Shenwu guards to protect the safety of Abraham Lin* and his wife, and left the White Palace.


“Sir, you, your guess is really accurate!”

Early that morning, the housekeeper Lin Shuhao suddenly hurriedly found Lin Feng, holding a telegram in his hand.

“What am my guess accurate? Yesterday I drank with Lin Hao and said that you like young people? ”

Lin Feng put down the milk in his hand, a little did not understand what the butler said.

After returning from the White Palace, his life became richer.

Casey is worthy of being the president’s niece, and she knows a lot of beautiful and strong high society unique postures.

Lin Shuhao looked left and right, then leaned closer and said in a low voice.

“The news from Blue Bird from Huashengton, the beautiful Jian civil war you told everyone before has broken out!”

After speaking, he slammed the door of his head, took out a slightly wrinkled telegram and put it on the table.

Lin Feng picked up the telegram and read it quickly.

“I’m really not afraid of opponents like gods, I’m afraid of teammates like pigs!”

“I spoiled the actions of the slave states in the South, and Abraham Lin* agreed with me, but his proposal was rejected by Congress.”

Lin Shuhao knew why the old man was angry, but the beautiful members of Congress were too wasteful and missed the best time to start the war, causing the southern slave owners to successfully seize the lead.

Eleven slave-holding states, including Louisiana and Virginia, seceded from the Union and established the so-called Confederate States of Beauty, raising the banner of protecting sacred private property from infringement and setting off a huge war against abolition.

“Aren’t we following the plan, now send the fox hunting legion to intervene, while training the troops while collecting the wealth of those southern slave owners, the benefits can’t all be eaten by the bearded!”

Lin Feng pondered for a moment and said with a frown.

“Don’t send troops to intervene for the time being, otherwise it will give the south an excuse, and maybe the northerners will not be willing to do so.” My original plan was for Abraham to use the two blood slaves he had captured to persuade Congress to take the initiative in the name of eliminating human traitors who colluded with vampires. ”

“In this case, we will have a reason to send troops, but those idiots screwed up!” At the beginning of the war, this method was not so effective, and the southern slave owners could say that we were slandering, could it be that they had to find out the vampires hiding in them one by one and explain them to the soldiers who were incited and deceived? ”

Lin Feng has always been cautious about intervening in the Civil War.

People from both the north and south of Meilijian will not easily agree to a third party to intervene in their country’s war, unless one of the forces is at the end of the road or the war between the two sides is deadlocked, they have the opportunity to participate.

He didn’t want to make a fuss if he didn’t eat meat, wait for the stupid people in Congress to be there, and the north still has a loss.

Sooner or later, Abraham Lin* would persuade Congress that it would be justifiable to invade the estates of Southern slave owners and scrape all the wealth they had accumulated over decades.


August 1862.

It has been 8 months since the official start of the beautiful Civil War, during which Abraham Lin*, who advocated a tougher and more active attitude towards war, was assassinated many times, from the dead soldiers of southern slave owners to vampires mixed in with it, but they were all in danger under the support of 4 Shenwu guards.

However, the combat situation of the Northern Army on the battlefield was not optimistic, and the Southern Union Army was still very strong in the state of comprehensive backward weapons and equipment.

Compared with the Taiping soldiers in the stable environment of the north, the troops of the Southern Union were a group of veterans who had just experienced the baptism of war, and their commander was General Robert, who shone in the Mexican-American War, and he formulated a targeted strategy according to the disparity in weapons and equipment between the two sides.

General Robert commanded veterans with rich combat experience, disguised the main force with the elite of the small team, engaged the southern army on the plain, feigned defeat and retreated into the jungle, so that the role of the northern army’s sophisticated weapons and equipment could not be fully played.

After many attacks and defenses to lure the enemy deeper, concentrated forces to annihilate the northern army that fell into the trap, the southern army captured a large number of new weapons and equipment, and with the efforts of engineers and scientists supported by Britain and Gaul, new guns and artillery with slightly inferior performance were produced.

After the change of clothing, the Southern army was even more unrivaled, and the balance of war was gradually tilted towards the south.

The Confederate was not only ill-prepared for war, but also under the constraints of stupid members of Congress, appointed General W. Scott, who adhered to a conservative strategy, as commander, and under his orders the Northern Army adopted the designated ‘Long Snake Plan’, the navy blockaded the southern coast to cut off the Confederate connection with Europe, and the army divided its troops along the Mississippi River all the way south to control important towns along the river.

The 150,000 troops were scattered on a long front of nearly 8,000 kilometers, and the front-line commander McLeyland did not approve of the abolition of slavery in his heart, and adopted very negative tactics, so that the northern army was repeatedly defeated and lost many important strategic points.

“If the master goes on like this, the north can’t beat the south, isn’t our previous investment lost?”

Lin Shuhao looked at Lin Feng, who was reading the newspaper, and said worriedly.

“Don’t be in a hurry, the master is not in a hurry, what are we in a hurry!”

“Let them fight, the harder they fight, the better! There are too many obsolete guns in the military factory, take the opportunity to clear the inventory and sell it to the northern army, it is not bad for us to make money lying down! ”

Lin Feng poured a cup of coffee and drank it slowly, his mentality had already changed.

The Congress of the Northern Federation dragged its feet several times and had already worn out his patience.

It was not a sale or sale that was on the pole, and this time he had to wait for Abraham Lin to make a move.

Glancing at the worried Lin Shuhao, Lin Feng pointed to the chair opposite and continued.

Abraham Lin* organized a complex federal government, and many of the senior officials he appointed were conservatives in the early days to expand his political influence. These fools are still delusional in suppressing rebellions and restoring national unity without touching slavery in the South. Fearing that they would push several slave-holding states on the border toward the Confederate, they were reluctant to agree to Abraham Lin*’s war propaganda proclaiming the emancipation of slaves. ”

Lin Shuhao listened confused, he was just an ordinary native of this world, but he did not have the ability to see the future direction through the long river of history.

Lin Feng continued while drinking coffee.

“We don’t have to wait long, that Mr. President is not an indecisive person, he is waiting for the moment.” As long as the Northern Army loses another defeat and loses enough to sweep away the waste that drags his feet. ”

“Maybe Abraham Lin*’s telegram for help will be sent soon, and you ask Shenwuwei to leave 100 people to garrison the manor, and the rest are ready to enter the south of the beautiful Jian with the fox hunting legion.”

After speaking, Lin Feng put down the coffee cup and folded the newspaper.

“Sir, I’m busy today, and the beauties in the palace are in a hurry!”

Stretched out, his muscles crackled.

He just wanted to leave the study and go to the harem to love the beauty, Lin Shuhao said hesitantly.

“Sir, you must not indulge in beauty, it is still daylight, and it will not affect it well!”

Hearing his words, Lin Feng’s face was gloomy.

“I have led you to create a great inheritance, and now most of Ghana is the domain of the Lin family, and soon I will hunt the southern slave owners with President Meijian.”

“Your lord, I have worked hard for a day, so I can’t enjoy it?”

When the words fell, Lin Shuhao was silent.

Lin Feng also ignored him, turned around and walked out of the study, walking towards Anle Palace.

Xinna’s 17 concubines are in purdah, and there is no time to argue with this rough man.

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