Then you can also hit the cyclops directly.

It is to cause certain harm to the cyclops, but this harm is not great, but the added power is huge.

Because now Captain Marvel and Hela are also on the same side.

So Hela also felt that she had found a way to help Ye Bai.

That’s how he’s going to do his night shift now.

Because he thinks maybe this is a better situation.

But at the moment, he didn’t know what to do, but he felt that this kind of thing might be the way it should be.

“It’s kind of like you have to work together.”

“Captain Marvel, did you find out? It seems to have a little secret. ”

Then Hela hurried to tell Captain Marvel the news.

Because he felt that this could help Ye Bai, as long as he could eliminate this arrow.

It is able to hit the one-eyed monster’s heart, maybe it will cause him a slight shock.

After all, such a thing is still within his ability to sharpen.

So he has to do it, otherwise he may not be able to forgive himself.

“Okay, I see.”

“How is it so smart?”

“It turns out that there is still this meaning.”

Then Captain Marvel also reacted suddenly, because he saw where Hela was pointing, so he understood at once.

So he also looked at the direction where the cyclops rocket came out, and these arrows were immediately destroyed.

So the cyclops also let out a loud roar.

Because Ye Bai was also attacking the heart of the one-eyed monster, the one-eyed monster was defeated by Ye Bai.

Because Ye Bai directly used the Eternal Spear to immediately excite the one-eyed monster’s heart.

And this one is to let the one-eyed monster have nowhere to escape, but Ye Bai missed a little.

Because he also wants to keep the one-eyed monster alive, because he has to ask the one-eyed monster something.

He may have to get the key, if he doesn’t get the key, then Ye Bai’s ultimate goal is not completed.

Because if you kill the cyclops directly, it is easy.

But it’s hard to get a little secret out of the one-eyed monster.

“How is this possible?”

“Tell me who the hell are you?”

“How could I have been knocked down so easily?”

Until now, the one-eyed monster still did not believe that he was defeated by Ye Bai, but he was still curious about her.

So she immediately wanted to evacuate, because he still wanted to live, just after Bayeux white burning, maybe he couldn’t live.

So he just has to make a little change now, so he’s going to run away right away.

This is to run.

You must not let Ye Bai catch himself.

If Ye Bai is caught, he may not even have the last benefit on him.

In the end, OAA will also kill him directly.

So the best situation now is to escape, which is the best way.

It is also the one-eyed monster that sadly came up with a solution that has been beneficial to him so far.

“Want to escape? No way. ”

Then the one-eyed monster also immediately saw the one-eyed monster’s playing style.

So he also walked over immediately, because he wanted to give the cyclops the most important blow.

“You must not let him go.”

Because Ye Bai felt that if he killed the cyclops, not only did he have the key, but as long as he killed the cyclops, then the injuries on Captain Marvel’s body would heal.

So only killing the cyclops is the best way.

Just before killing the cyclops.

He just wants to do something, and this kind of thing is good for him, so he can’t help it.

“The meat in front of him can’t let him run.”

Then Ye Bai also quickly chased after the one-eyed monster, and immediately fell to the ground with one shot.

Her blood had already been shed.

If he tried to run again, he might not be able to support it.

Because Ye Bai had already broken his leg, he directly blocked him with the Eternal Spear, and he couldn’t go anywhere.

So the one-eyed monster could only kneel in front of him and look at Ye Bai.

Ye Bai looked at the one-eyed monster so condescendingly.

It’s as if you’re looking down on your prey.

So Ye Bai felt that it was no big deal, because he felt that it was this kind of thing that made him feel very happy.


And the one-eyed monster directly spewed out a mouthful of blood at this time, because he was really hit in the heart by Ye Bai.

So she just couldn’t help but throw it out.

Because she also wanted to maintain her dignity and not spit it out, but she just couldn’t help it.

And being beaten by Ye Bai is also very traumatic.

And the general way of playing is just to fight.

Where his hit point is a little off, it’s this style of play that makes him feel unparalleled damage.

Maybe this will hurt his self-esteem.

Because who wants to be hung like this?

“I can’t imagine that in the end I still lost at your hands, I really can’t imagine.”

“But I’m not going to throw in the towel.”

“Your behavior is a fluke, so I will not be convinced, although I admit that you are better than me.”

“But I’m just going to be proud to the end.”

“And you don’t dare to kill me, otherwise you wouldn’t have beaten me like this.”

“If you want to kill me, you will kill me directly, not as much as a waste of time as now, so I must have something you can use, right?”

Then the one-eyed monster also began to talk to Ye Bai about the conditions, because he discovered Ye Bai’s fatal weakness.

That is, Ye Bai seemed to want to use him, so he would not kill him so quickly.

Therefore, the one-eyed monster wanted to take this opportunity to talk to Ye Bai and talk about the conditions.

He wanted to live, he didn’t want to die so soon.

Otherwise, he will not admit defeat, anyway, he will not be as convinced as he is now.

“It’s what you think.”

“You don’t not admit it. I already know anyway. ”

“So there’s nothing particularly important about this for us, it’s just that it makes us think about the future.”

“If you really need me, then the two of us will do it, you just let me go, then it’s okay.”

Then the one-eyed monster really talked to Ye Bai about the conditions.

Because he really just wanted to understand Ye Baijiao. He just wants to live now and nothing else.

Because that’s the most important thing for him.

Only if he survives, then for him, it is the day when it is possible to overthrow Ye Bai.

So he felt that no matter what happened, as long as he was fine now.

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