Chapter 70: When the Divine Dragon Saint Girl Begins to Cultivate the Evil Sword Technique! 【Subscription requested】.

After handing over the [Divine Illumination Sutra] to Wen Bing’er.

Xu Pengju looked at Yuqi on the side and asked, “By the way, what about Ruolan and Long’er?” ”

“Master Hui Shi, the two of them are performing martial arts.”

Yuqi smiled and groaned: “In the past two days, after Sister Long’er switched to cultivating the Evil Sword Technique, she has been pulling Ruolan to spar with her, and the two of them are about to live in the martial arts arena from morning to night. ”

Well. Sword art to ward off evil.

That’s right, it’s the sword method to ward off evil.

The divine skill that Xu Pengju gave to Long Er was not a sunflower treasure book, but a sword technique to ward off evil.

No way, the complete Sunflower Treasure Book is not available even in the Duke of Wei’s mansion, some are just sword methods that were secretly obtained from Lin Zhennan’s old mansion of the Fuwei Dart Bureau.

According to Xu Pengju’s calculation.

Today, the complete Sunflower Treasure Book is probably only in the secret collection of the Shaolin Temple.

The others, even the Sunflower Treasure Book in the hands of the Eastern Undefeated, are incomplete, and they will not be stronger than the Lin family’s sword method to ward off evil.

The reason for this is simple.

The Sunflower Treasure Book of the Huashan School was secretly [?] Stolen.

The Sunflower Treasure Book in the hands of the Sun Moon God Sect Leader Dongfang Undefeated was snatched from the Huashan Sect.

However, the Lin family’s sword method to ward off evil spirits was created by Lin Yuantu after seeing the Sunflower Treasure Book of the Huashan Sect and integrating what he had learned.

Therefore, even if there is a difference between the Lin family’s sword method to ward off evil spirits and the sunflower treasure book in the undefeated hands of the East, I am afraid that there is not much difference. Shaolin Temple, Huashan Sect, Sun Moon God Sect, Fuwei Dart Bureau Lin Family!

These four forces, because of a broken sunflower treasure book, the grudge in the middle is great.

Even the vein of Huashan Yunu Peak almost broke off the inheritance directly because of this broken sunflower treasure book, and was pit to death alive. As for why Xu Pengju concluded that the Sunflower Treasure Book of the Huashan Sect was incomplete?

Because it’s simple.

According to the original book of Xiaoao, it was personally narrated by the abbot of Shaolin Temple: “The Sunflower Treasure Book is a divine skill in the rivers and lakes, but since the Sunflower Treasure Book has been in the rivers and lakes for more than three hundred years, no one has ever practiced it. ”

Later, the [Sunflower Treasure Book] was passed down to the Shaolin Temple in Putian and kept by the abbot Hongye Zen Master at that time.

“At that time, it happened that Yue Su and Cai Zifeng, the disciples of Huashan Mountain, visited and stole the treasure book, and in a hurry, the two did not read the whole book at the same time, and now the two read separately, one read half, and was discovered by the Hongye Zen Master, thinking that this harmful thing could not be left in the world, so he burned it.”

This paragraph, you savor, savor.

Why did the Sunflower Treasure Book, which had been circulated in the rivers and lakes for more than 300 years, suddenly become practiced by so many people in the Xiaoao Rivers and Lakes? Well, with just one cut, you can easily get started and become a top master.

In addition, to what extent was the Red Leaf Zen Master of Shaolin Temple careless to accidentally leave a book of Divine Skill Peerless Learning when someone visited, and suddenly left something?

Isn’t this a clear way to lure Yue Su and Cai Zifeng with the Sunflower Treasure Book?

In addition, since Na Yue Su and Cai Zifeng chose one person to read half of it, it proved that this Sunflower Treasure Book was divided into two parts, that is, two books.

Otherwise, they can’t tear two halves in the middle and one person takes half to recite it, right?

Finally, and most importantly, Yue Su and Cai Zifeng are also masters of the rivers and lakes, and they recite the book of sunflower treasures separately, and finally put together, why did they find that the donkey’s head was not right in the horse’s mouth, so that the two suspected each other and turned against each other?

After Du Yuan Zen Master didn’t know how to pretend to understand and deceived the treasure scriptures from Yue Cai and the two, he created a sword method to ward off evil spirits based on his own understanding?

Is this Yue Cai and the two are too dish, or is Du Yuan Zen Master’s martial arts qualification too good? Xu Pengju didn’t know.

He only knew that if there was no problem with the original record, it could only be that there was a problem with the Red Leaf Zen Master in Southern Shaolin. The Sunflower Treasure Book that Yue Su and Cai Zifeng saw was originally incomplete, not the entire Sunflower Treasure Book. Moreover, the Sunflower Treasure Book they saw did not have the sentence “If you want to practice this skill, you must first come from the palace” at the beginning.

Otherwise, the [Sunflower Treasure Book] would not have been passed down for three hundred years without being trained, and later in the Xiaoao Rivers and Lakes, it only needs to be cut and practiced.

Even if there were such words, with the martial arts inheritance of the Huashan Sect, Yue Su and Cai Zifeng would not have spied on this sunflower treasure book. Of course, if things just come here, then forget it.

At most, it was Shaolin Temple fishing, and Yue Su and Cai Zifeng were just willing to take the bait.

However, the strange thing is that not long after the two of the Huashan faction got the Sunflower Treasure Book, the Sun Moon God Sect got the news, and then there was the Sun Moon Divine Skill to attack the Huashan Sect in a big way, just to seize this book of divine skills that no one had practiced for three hundred years…

If there’s nothing tricky in this.

Xu Pengju felt that he could perform a handstand wash for everyone. The Shaolin Temple used the broken Sunflower Treasure Book as bait, causing the Huashan Sect’s Yunufeng to split the two sects of sword qi.

Lin Yuantu deceived the Sunflower Treasure Book scripture from the Huashan faction, created the sword method to ward off evil, and established the Fuwei Dart Bureau in the north and south of the mighty river, becoming a winner in life.

The Sun Moon God Sect snatched the Sunflower Treasure Book from the Huashan Sect, and it had long been the first person in the world to be undefeated in the East.

And the Jade Female Peak of the Huashan Sect is because of a broken sunflower treasure book, which is not only divided into two sects of sword qi, but also leads to a fire fight, almost in name only.


It can only be said that these four forces, the three parties are all making big profits or blood earnings, and only the Huashan faction is losing money.

This is also what Xu Pengju said: No matter how Yue Buqun targeted the Shaolin Temple, the Sun Moon God Sect and the Lin Family of the Fuwei Dart Bureau, they were not excessive at all. The grudges and causes and effects between them are there.

What’s right and wrong.

It’s nothing more than strength and weakness.

However, what no one can deny is… Oriental Undefeated is really a genius of heaven, and he really sat on the throne of the world with a broken sunflower treasure book.

Even if this “world’s first” title has a certain amount of moisture.

But compare the Yue Cai duo, and Lin Yuantu, who was hung and beaten by Cao Dudu. The undefeated East is simply a miracle.

For example, in 2.7 today, Xu Pengju wants to replicate this miracle in the Shenlong Saint Daughter Long’er, and use the Shenlong Saint Daughter Long’er to glimpse the true mystery of the Sunflower Treasure Book.

Of course, this was just a small attempt by him, and he didn’t really expect Long Er to be able to practice the sword technique to ward off evil. Because in the secret book he gave Long Er to ward off evil spirits, the most important eight words were missing.

“If you want to practice this skill, you must first come from the palace!”


No way.

He was afraid that Long Er would be reluctant to practice it after knowing that the Evil Warding Sword Method was a technique that only eunuchs could cultivate. Therefore, the eight words at the beginning of the Evil Warding Sword Method were removed.

Now listening to Yuqi, Long Er has successfully transferred to the Evil Sword Technique, and has been pulling Ruolan for sparring.

Xu Pengju’s face couldn’t help but show a surprised expression, and he said with some surprise: “Are you saying that Long Er really practiced the Evil Warding Sword Technique?” ”

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