“Boss!” Golden Lion’s men looked at the half -dead Golden Lion and shouted.

“It’s annoying, I still have a breath … Keke, cough …” In the shouting, the Golden Lion finally woke up, but there was only a breath left.

If it is the peak of the Golden Lion, let alone a island, even if it is dozens of islands, it is easy, but now this half -dead body is enough.

Although Anbai responded to the position of the Golden Lion with a strong sense of hearing the color and domineering, and the attack intentionally avoided him, the powerful Yu Bo’s harm to him was very serious.

“Thunder … the blow just now can you kill me … why do you feel merciless!” The golden lion asked intermittently.

“Hahahahahahaha ~~~ Are you pitiful me? You bastard …”

Anbai’s mercy made the Golden Lion feel extremely shameful. Who is he?He is the hegemon of the sky -the golden lion, and he does not need anyone’s pitiful.

“Poor you? I think you think too much. I feel mercy about your subordinates because you still have usefulness, otherwise you will have killed you!” Anbai said coldly.

The Golden Lion’s ending today was all his faults. The sea treated the loser would never show mercy.

“Useful? What is the use of this broken body now? Is it to receive a bounty with the Navy?” The golden lion laughed.

“Golden Lion, let me say it clearly! I want to do an unprecedented event and require a lot of strong combat power support, and your golden lion is one of them. Although you are weak now, you are pityThose who can compete with Roger and White Beard! ”

“I have a way to help you return to your peak!”

“What !!!” Jin Lion shocked, “Do you mean you have a way to treat the injuries on me?”

“I am talking about the peak period, but how can you treat the injuries on your body?

“Restore young? !!!” The breathing of the Golden Lion began to rush, and it was obviously attracted.

The strong is never afraid of any challenges. They only worry about time. Under the destruction of time, no matter how strong they were, they would become old and weak.

“Is what you said true?”

“Whitebeard, Pluto Rayley, and Led Phil with the navy in the city thirty years ago were recovered with my help!”

“This group of old guys have not died yet? Still recovered with youth?!”

After accepting this shocking news, the Golden Lion could not be calm for a long time.

“Your condition is that I will help you complete it after you are young?” The Golden Lion asked calmly.

“How can it be that simple, the golden lion, I want you to be my men!”

“Are you dreaming? My Golden Lion never succumbed to anyone, before, now it is!” The golden lion was instantly furious.

During his peak of his golden lion, he was a man who recruited Roger. Although he was rejected by Roger, he now made him a little ghost, and he would rather die.

“Hehe, the golden lion, you lost to Roger’s defeat! Your vision is too narrow, and he lives under the shadow of Roger for a lifetime!” Anbai laughed.

Anbai learned from the saint Naruto’s stunt, and his mouth was launched again!

“What do you want to say?” The Golden Lion frowned.

No one is holding the pain, and there will be no good face.

“What is your goal?” Anbai didn’t say clearly, but asked instead.

“My goal … yes! What is my goal … I remember, my goal is to rule this world!” The golden lion replied.

“Then look at what you are doing over the years? Playing the game of pirate hegemony, hiding for decades to cultivate a group of garbage … Your behavior is just like a clown!”

“You bastard …”

“Compared to your former captain Lockez Gibel is the real practice of practicing yourself!”

“How can you know Lockes?!! Is it that the old things tell you?”

Anbai ignored the Golden Lion’s question and said, “Why did Lockes do it to the Tianlong people? Because he knew that the master of this world was never a pirate, but ruled the entire world for 800 years.The long -lasting world government! ”

“He can die on the road to realizing his ambition, even if he fails, he is still a admirable man. In contrast, what your golden lion does looks like a clown …”

“Now there is a new opportunity to place you in front of you. The big thing I just said is -overthrowing the world government!”

“I always thought I was crazy enough, but I didn’t expect that your guy was the craziest guy …” Golden Lion shocked.

But I also had to admit that the arrogance and madness of the man in front of him was far above him.

“go on!”

“I have developed a plan to overthrow the world government and subvert the entire world. It has attracted a large number of powerful combat power, including white beard, Rayley, Ryder …”

“You just use recovery youth as a condition to draw them!”

“That’s right! Soon we and the world government will outbreak an unprecedented war that determines the future of the world. This war will include everyone.?”

“Golden lion, become my left arm and right arm, completely subvert the world!”

Hearing this familiar words, the Golden Lion was in memory. He invited Roger that year, but unfortunately Roger rejected it.

“Is the war that subverts the entire world? It’s really seductive! But if you want to become your little ghost, I would rather die!” The Golden Lion still refused.

“Oh, the golden lion, in fact, you are not the first. Lyder in front of you has joined my pirates long ago, becoming my battle captain!”

“How … possibly? How can the pride of that old bat … how can it?”

“It’s very simple, I not only helped him recover the young, I am better than him! Do you think the name of the white beard is not counted by the” strongest four emperor “because you don’t care? Is it me! In one -on -one battle in one -on -one battle!In the middle, I defeated the young white beard to restore the young white beard! “Anbai said lightly.

Hearing that even the peak white beard was defeated to the little ghost in front of him, the Golden Lion could not help but widened his pupils.

“Golden Lion, do you not be convinced, don’t you think you are stronger than me during the peak? I can now help you recover your younger, and then we will play a game.If you lose, you have to join my pirate group! Dare not? ”

“The strong is respected, and the winner is king, and the pirate is solved in a pirate!

… …

To be continued!”

… …

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