Fortunately, the land required for the expansion does not require Huayin Group to spend its own money.
The committee supports Huayin Group. In terms of the land used for construction, local governments have long been instructed that any land that Huayin Group needs can be used free of charge.
Otherwise, this part of the expenses will have to add another part.
Chapter 936: Investment in scientific research experiments
“The investment in the construction of industrial parks is still too little.”
Hearing the figure of “100 million Chinese yuan”, Su Yun’s first reaction was that the construction investment of this magnitude was not enough.
Although the domestic heavy industry has already started, the heavy industry of Huayin Group itself has also formed a complete foundation, but this is only the beginning.
In China, apart from Huayin Group, no company is willing to invest in heavy industry.
This has led to the development of domestic heavy industry has always been very thin.
Although the four major heavy industrial parks are developing steadily, and the steel production is also increasing rapidly, especially after a large number of Jews joined, Huayin Group has established new steelmaking plants in the three major industrial parks of Sichuan, Wuhan and Nanyang. and ironworks.
Iron and steel production has grown explosively, and Huayin Group’s industrial manufacturing capacity has also achieved a huge breakthrough.
But compared with the industrial powers such as Britain, Germany, and the United States, the domestic heavy industry is still too backward.
Su Yun felt an invisible pressure.
The group is currently carrying out a lot of construction projects.
Various departments and subsidiaries are in a state of tension in order to be able to drive out the progress of various projects.
But even so, Su Yun still felt that he was far from his expected goal.
Just now, the development of 430 in the medical field and the industrial park is still insufficient. The pressure from these two aspects alone is enough to add a lot of burden to the already busy group.
Dong Cheng seemed to see Su Yun’s worries and suggested, “Mr. Su, I think our group has taken a big step now.
The construction of fields such as education, medical care, and heavy industry is a project that takes more than ten years or even decades to see results.
But now we have completed the tasks of others for more than ten years in three or two years.
If we forcibly speed up the steps, the group may not be able to withstand it. I think we should take it slowly, one step at a time. ”
“Well, of course I know that.”
Su Yun nodded, but did not express his opinion.
I have to admit that Dong Cheng’s opinion is reasonable.
Industry, medical care, education, etc., are things that require long-term construction to get feedback, and these things cannot be rushed.
But Su Yun couldn’t wait for those ten years.
Because in another two or three years, a huge storm will come.
At that time, even if Su Yun wanted to give himself time, the wheel of history would not give him a chance to develop slowly. (ajed)
After Su Yun and Dong Cheng finished talking, Qian Tong continued to report: “The next item is the investment in scientific research.
In terms of scientific research, the Group’s investment this year can be divided into two parts. The first is the cost of Huayin Science and Technology Research Institute.
The second is the establishment and investment of various scientific and technological laboratories.
Including the wind tunnel laboratory, as well as the power engine laboratory, as well as the laboratory of precision mechanical equipment at home, and the laboratory of metal materials.
Among these two parts, the Institute of Voice Science and Technology costs less, totaling about 50 million Chinese yuan.
The investment in various laboratories is 150 million Chinese yuan. ”
After Qian Tong finished speaking, he turned his attention to Su Yun.
Su Yun did not express any opinion on this, but made a rapid consideration.
Huayin Science and Technology Research Institute is a project established by Su Yun a long time ago, and it has been running for more than two years.
At that time, Huayin Group was not really formed, and it could only be regarded as a large private company.
At that time, Su Yun was not the business giant of today, the top elite of the society, at best a businessman with some status.
At that time, he found Zhu Jiahua, Minister of Education, and asked Zhu Jiahua to help him invite top scientists in China.
Su Yun invited these scientists together and established a scientific research institute with them as a team, allowing these scientists to conduct project research together.
In this regard, Su Yun deliberately allocated a sum of money to fund the establishment of scientific and technological research institutes and to pay salaries for these scientists.
But at that time, Huayin Group did not have such a huge reputation, and its appeal was far less powerful than it is now.
So at that time, not many scientists went to the scientific research institute.
Domestic education was at a low point at that time, and the country was at the topThere are only so many talents added up, and some of the scientists who entered it only passed by Zhu Jiahua’s face.
Therefore, at the beginning of the establishment of the Academy of Sciences, the number of scientific researchers in it was less than ten.
However, in the later period, the situation gradually improved.
With the rapid expansion of Huayin Group and the continuous spread of Su Yun’s reputation, the people in China, from the poor to the elite, are all impressed by the contribution of Huayin Group and Su Yun’s dedication to the country.
So since last year, some domestic scientists who were unwilling to come forward have appeared one after another.
They traveled thousands of miles to Jinling, joined Huayin Group voluntarily, and made their own contributions to the scientific research of Huayin Group.
For this group of people, Su Yun naturally did not treat them badly.
The scientists who came here are the top scientific and technological talents in China, and Su Yun gave them the best accommodation, salary and benefits.
Some elderly people or people who were far away from Jinling, after receiving their news, Su Yun also sent someone to pick them up at their residences.
Up to now, Huayin Institute of Science and Technology has gathered thirty or forty outstanding scientists and scholars from various industries.
These people are the current scientific research and academic elites in the whole country. When they come together, they form the top scientific research team in China.
Part of the 50 million Chinese yuan was used for the purchase of materials.
Most of them are used for scientific research consumption.
However, so far, scholars at Huayin Research Institute have not made any major scientific breakthroughs, but have made some theoretical progress.
Su Yun was not in a hurry.
Although he is not a professional scientific researcher, he also knows that a scientific research result cannot be conclusive and breakthrough in a few years.
Academic research and scientific research and development are the most sloppy things.
Each of these steps requires the research team to double-check, experiment, and confirm.
These things are not like education and medical care. Even if Su Yun gives them more money at all costs, it is impossible to push the progress forward.
The investment and construction of various laboratories can also be regarded as a research capital investment in the industrial park.
This part of the capital investment is different from the expansion and reconstruction of the industrial park.
The latter is just simple construction and expansion, while the latter requires a lot of equipment and professional support.
For example, the establishment of the wind tunnel laboratory is related to the manufacture and research and development of aircraft engines. From the very beginning, this project has been presided over by the big cow, Robert.
Chapter 937: Transportation Companies and Airlines
At the beginning, Robert told Su Yun that it would cost 15 million oceans to build a wind tunnel laboratory, and he was worried that Huayin Group at that time could not afford it.
But at that time, Su Yun did not take money matters to heart.
Later, a wind tunnel laboratory was established, in which Robert led his team to improve and manufacture a variety of new engines.
The subsequent production of Huayin Group’s B17 bomber, C54 Air Overlord transport aircraft and other aircraft all benefited from this.
If the wind tunnel laboratory had not been established, it would have been impossible for Huayin Group to manufacture engines for these aircraft in such a short period of time.
The same goes for the Power Engine Lab.
Without it, the advanced aircraft, tanks, freighters and the like produced by Huayin Group will be empty talk.
Because with the previous technology, it is impossible to meet the motivation these guys need.
Up to now, the power engine laboratory and the wind tunnel laboratory have been in operation, and Robert and others have never stopped improving and developing new engines, engines and other equipment.
Most of the funds of 150 million Chinese yuan are used for R&D and manufacturing.
On top of that is the money spent on building new labs.
Such as precision machinery laboratory, metal materials laboratory, etc.
Since the development of the heavy industrial park, Su Yun has been committed to improving the industrial production capacity of the group, which requires sufficient raw materials such as oil and steel, as well as sufficient manpower and production technology from advanced universities.
The production of more advanced weapons and equipment such as Leopard tanks, as well as some civilian equipment, has high requirements for mechanical precision.
This requires a specialized laboratory to improve the relatively backward production instruments and related technologies.
And in the production of various weapons and equipment, the update and research of metal materials are also necessary.
Many tanks, planes, firearms, etc. require higher-strength and better-quality metal materials. Currently, the Metal Materials Laboratory is responsible for these.
The investment in this aspect is not much compared to education and other aspects, but it cannot be given up.
Su Yun didn’t make any comments on this, just let Qian Tong continue.
Qian Tong turned to the next page of the report, after thinking for a while, turned the current page over, and then reported: “The following item is the capital consumption of transportation companies and airlines.
The capital consumption of these two subsidiaries is mainly in terms of labor, trainee training and fuel. ”
The two companies, the transportation company and the airline company, have been cultivating “students” as their main task this year.
The former is to cultivate a large number of waiting opportunities, and the latter is to cultivate pilots all the time.
Both companies have also been expanding their operations.
The Ministry of Communications has built a large number of new roads this year, and Huayin Construction Company has also been building roads in various villages and towns.
After these roads were built, Ding Yan, according to Su Yun’s request, has been leading the people of the transportation company to carry out passenger and freight transportation on various routes.
This requires a large number of drivers and cars of all sizes.
The investment in the driver is included in the labor cost, and the rest is the fuel consumption of countless cars, including large and small passenger cars, buses and so on.
Han Yu: My sister isignorant
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