Chapter 939: Two billion investment
In terms of education and medical care, the Group has invested a total of 700 million yuan this year.
Dockyard and transportation companies and airlines combined, the group consumed a total of 600 million funds.
In terms of technology and various laboratories, plus the expansion of various industrial parks and urban planning, the group has invested a total of about 600 million yuan.
In addition, it is the salaries and benefits of 600 million employees.
These add up to a total of 2.5 billion funds.
And since this year, the group has made a total of 4.6 billion yuan in revenue so far in October, which means that there is still 2.1 billion yuan of funds that have not been used?
When this thought flashed through his mind, Su Yun couldn’t help but startled.
The task the system gives itself is to spend it within a yearAll the profits of the group are now in October, and there are only two months left before the end of this year.
If there is so much money left, wouldn’t his mission just go to waste?
After all, Su Yun really can’t think of any way to spend the more than two billion yuan. Even if he wants to build communications in the future, the money will be invested in it step by step.
With the urine of the system, he will definitely backstab him again.
When the time comes, I will say to myself, “The money in the host’s hand 09 has not been directly spent, and the task has not been completed.” Isn’t it blood loss?
However, when Su Yun thought about it, his thoughts brightened.
There seem to be quite a few of these projects reported by Qian Tong just now, but there is another key point that has not been mentioned, that is, the investment in transportation construction this year.
Since the beginning of this year, Huayin Group has been working with the Ministry of Communications to help them build roads.
These roads include the southern loop project and the northern loop project, as well as large-scale road projects between provinces and cities across the country.
Some time ago, the northern loop has been initially opened, and a considerable part of the southern loop has also been opened.
And Chen Mingshu also gave himself news that now the key roads in major cities in China, such as Jinling, Shanghai, Chengdu, etc., have already completed construction.
And the length of these roads adds up to thousands of kilometers.
Among them, the Hanguang Highway on the northern ring road, including some roads in the hilly areas of the southern ring road, the terrain and terrain they pass through are extremely complex, and the manpower and material resources required are dozens of times that of ordinary roads.
And the reason why they can get through so quickly is undoubtedly because Huayin Group has invested a lot of money in them.
In other words, a large part of the reason why the construction of domestic roads can be done so quickly today is that Huayin Group paid for it.
Su Yun knew this, the investment spent on these road constructions would have to be close to 2 billion at least.
And some previous related financial reports, Su Yun has also read.
The reason why he ignored these just now was entirely because there were too many projects previously stated by Qian Tong, which caused Su Yun to fail to respond for a while.
Thinking in his heart, Su Yun asked casually.
“Qiantong, the next step should be road investment. This part should be the bulk of the group’s financial expenditure.”
“Yes, Mr. Su.”
Qian Tong nodded, then turned over the financial statement in his hand.
The page he skimmed before was about road construction investment.
As Su Yun said, investment in transportation is the largest part of Huayin Group’s investment this year, accounting for more than 40% of the group’s capital expenditure.
Therefore, Qian Tong will first report the remaining large and small projects, and put this investment to the end.
Because the returns he just made were more than simply stating the total investment in a certain project.
After talking about the total number of expenditures, Qiantong also needs to state each of these expenditures in detail based on the detailed items previously counted.
There are too many items in traffic, and it is put at the end to better focus the reporting.
At this time, Qian Tong said: “Mr. Su, from the beginning of this year to the present, our group’s investment in the field of transportation construction has totaled 2 billion Chinese yuan!”
As soon as this number came out, many people present silently glanced at each other.
As early as the end of the year, Su Yun held a high-level meeting, declaring that the key construction goals of the group this year should be placed in the field of transportation.
All departments and even subsidiaries have been following Su Yun’s instructions.
Since the beginning of this year, many departments of Huayin Group have minimized some unimportant project activities in order to save funds and fully invest in the field of transportation construction.
This kind of behavior has continued until now. During this period, Liang Hui, Dong Cheng, Wu Yi and other people have felt that the group’s investment in transportation this year must be amazing.
But they don’t have a concrete concept.
Because of the specific accounts of the group, they do not know.
And now, when everyone heard the word “two billion Chinese yuan”, they couldn’t help but take a breath.
Building roads and stacking bridges has cost money since ancient times.
But many people really did not expect that this year, the group’s funds spent on road construction alone could reach so much.
Su Yun didn’t feel much about this.
When he set this goal before, he was ready to pour billions into the repair road.
The investment amount of 2 billion is normal in his opinion.
If Su Yun didn’t want to rush the work quickly and let the road works in various places be built at the normal pace, this number may be reduced by four to 430 to five times.
But when Su Yun found Chen Mingshu, he said that time waits for no one.
If there is any difficulty in the project, use the money to smash it out!
Having said that, building the road has always been a big plan for Su Yun to lose money, and this method has been the main force for him to lose money until now.
For this, Su Yun was quite happy.
Building roads, especially in a country as big as China, cannot be completed in ten or eight years.
For a long time in the future, Su Yun can rely on this method to steadily carry out his own loss-making plan.
After that, Qian Tong stated the detailed items of transportation construction investment in detail. After finishing speaking, Qian Tong made a brief summary.
“Mr. Su, everyone, this is the current total revenue and expenditure of our group.
According to the current statistical results, the group has a total revenue of 4.6 billion and an expenditure of 4.5 billion as of October. ”
“Well, sit down.”
After Su Yun finished listening, he motioned Qian Tong to sit down.
Dong Cheng was a little worried and said, “Mr. Su, based on the current financial situation of the group, I wouldTheir profitability at each stage seems to have just been able to maintain the consumption of various projects.
I was wondering if some projects of lesser importance, such as the construction of country roads, could be temporarily stopped for a while. “.
Chapter 940: Key Mission Objectives
“The remaining funds of the group are not abundant. If we encounter any emergency in the future, the capital chain of the entire group may break.”
“Stop the construction of country roads, that’s not going to work!”
When Su Yun heard this, his expression immediately became serious.
“To completely open up domestic traffic, this is our group’s constant goal in the future.
Country roads are also an important part of the goal.
Moreover, in the past few years, the trend of people entering the cities to work has been growing, and many of the migrant workers in the cities are from the countryside.
Therefore, we must build rural roads in a timely and rapid manner, and must not delay the transportation of villagers and towns. ”
“Yes, I understand, Mr. Su.”
Dong Cheng was a little embarrassed.
He just made this opinion considering that the financial situation of the group may be a little nervous.
But these factors were inadvertently overlooked.
Seeing him like this, Su Yun waved his hand and said, “You don’t need to worry about financial matters.
Not to mention that our group is developing steadily, and we will not encounter any accidents, and our financial harvest on the island country has always been going on.
At present, the island country is our backup resource warehouse, which can bring us a steady stream of wealth.
Therefore, even if the profit of the group itself is not enough, it can be supplemented by the little devil. ”
As soon as these words came out, many people smiled.
Before, they all hated the little devils with great hatred, but now, many people want to thank the little devils.
This thank you, of course, is to thank them for continuously sending money to Huayin Group.
Before the financial harvest of the island country, the little devils were the enemies of everyone here, but now, they are simply a large bank!
You can still withdraw money at will, without interest and without repayment.
However, Dong Cheng and others actually didn’t know Su Yun’s true thoughts.
The reason why Su Yun said this was just to bring this topic to light. In fact, Su Yun had no choice but to spend all the money in his hand as soon as possible!
After the money is spent, you can earn it again, but if the mission is gone this time, it is really gone.
So Su Yun doesn’t care about the 4.5 billion Chinese dollars spent, and as for the remaining 100 million yuan, Su Yun doesn’t care either.
This 100 million fund, together with the 400 million US dollars obtained from harvesting the wealth of the island country during this period, that is, 500 million Chinese yuan, Su Yun has already made arrangements.
This money was obtained through financial harvesting in the recent period and is not included in the income and expenditure accounts of the group itself.
The remaining funds of the group, together with the financial harvest, add up to a total of 600 million yuan, which can be used to fill some underdeveloped projects.
For example, we should continue to invest in transportation, and we need to increase our efforts in education and medical care.
After a little calculation, Su Yun said in a low voice, “Everyone~々!”
When the people in the meeting saw this, they immediately corrected their expressions.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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