Jenny was still surprised. Andrews has always been a good teacher. He will not hide the knowledge he knows and deliberately not give it to the students.
…. 0
Andrews’ wry smile was even worse.
“It’s not that I hide it, but the consortium will let us do it.
After the tutoring class starts, even if we don’t hide our secrets, the school will ask us to teach something extra in the tutoring class, and students who learn these things will definitely get better grades than those who don’t go to tutoring.
For another example, if I finished the first lesson at school on Friday and taught the second lesson in the tutoring class on Saturday, it is impossible for me to repeat the second lesson on Monday.
Therefore, those students who do not participate in the tutoring will be missing the knowledge of this second lesson. ”
“This…this is incredible.”
Jenny was obviously a little stunned.
From the bottom of her heart, she was actually reluctant to let Mike go to the school under the name of the consortium.
The first is that the tuition is too expensive, and the most important point is that if Mike goes to attend so many tutoring, he will not have time to play and relax.
But Andrews made it clear that if Mike received a general education, he would fall behind his peers.
This is unacceptable to her as a mother.
Andrews looked at his wife’s surprised look and didn’t say anything.
He had already figured out these things.
And just now, he had even more powerful conjectures that he didn’t say.
That is, in the tutoring class, the teachers may mention something about the test.
And this part of things, ordinary schools can not get! begging.
Chapter 953: The same thing
Andrews is very clear in his heart that this is the energy from the consortium, which cannot be surpassed by ordinary private schools or public schools.
There was silence between the two, Andrews was waiting for his wife’s reply, and Jenny was struggling with whether the happiness of the child was more important or the future was more important.
After a full ten minutes, Jenny let out a sigh of relief.
“Okay dear, I’ll listen to you.
I want Mike to grow up happily, but I want him to be a man with a bright future.
But… what about Mike, he may not agree with us to transfer him, there are many friends in his former school. ”
Mike is fourteen years old and already a teenager.
Boys in this grade already have their own ideas and opinions. Jenny hopes that Mike will not be left behind, but also respect the children’s own choices.
“440” Andrews rubbed his eyebrows: “I’m here to persuade Mike.
In any case, we can’t let him fall behind, speaking of which, it’s all the damn consortium! ”
Saying that, Andrews stood up and strode out.
At this time, his mood was very complicated.
This disguised exploitation by the consortium brought him better income, but forced him to reluctantly, let their children receive the so-called elite education.
And he knew that this was the means of the consortium, but he still accepted it “happily”.
And Andrews also knew a sad truth.
In fact, a teacher like him can’t suffer too much loss in this operation of the consortium.
After all, although his own child was forced to transfer schools and his family had to be oppressed by a consortium in disguised form, he at least got a more lucrative job.
But those who do not have teachers at home, or who cannot work in schools under the name of the consortium, are simply being oppressed.
The education of children is always an issue that parents cannot ignore.
Therefore, whether it is an ignorant commoner or an elite group who knows the methods of the consortium, they must accept this method.
The educational involution in the United States basically started at the same time as the island country.
While cooperating with Huayin Group to carry out a series of financial harvesting methods for the island country, the eight major consortiums have not spared the pockets of the people of their own countries.
However, the situation in the United States is much better than that of island countries.
Because the eight major consortiums took into account the situation in their own countries, they did not adopt economic harvesting methods such as real estate speculation.
Under the operation of the U.S. consortium, in the short half-year from summer to early winter, the education involution in the United States has become increasingly serious.
The achievements of elite education began to manifest, and the drawbacks of happy education finally emerged.
The situation in island countries is basically the same as in the United States.
After the time came to October, the appointment of the island country has already felt the atmosphere of winter chill.
As early as the summer, Huayin Group began to invest in education in various parts of the island country with the US consortium, which made the education of the island country crazy.
In the past six months, the situation of involution in education has become more and more vivid.
This can be clearly seen from the different students who receive elite education and happy education.
Ichiro Mishima is a government official in the capital of the island country. He works in the Ministry of Education and is particularly familiar with the development of education in the past six months.
But even the Ministry of Education personnel like him have to accept the status quo of involution in education in the island country.
He has a pair of children, and his daughter is less than four years old this year, far from school age, so Mishima Ichiro doesn’t need to worry about her academic problems.
But his son Mishima Gango is different.
Fifteen-year-old Mishima Gango is in the middle school grade. He is currently studying at Huayin Middle School in the capital. When the school season started this year, Mishima Gango was promoted to a third-year high school student.
Before that, Mishima Gango went to middle school in a public middle school in the island country, and this school was personally identified by Mishima Ichiro for his son.
Before Huayin Group did not engage in education involution, this school was one of the best schools in the entire capital, with an excellent team of teachers and complete teaching resources.
But half a year has passed, and the famous middle school of the past has long since fallen.
On this day, after get off work, Ichiro Mishima passed by the middle school where his son used to study, and found that the situation of this school can only be described as miserable.
At this time, it should also be the students’ dismissal time.
If it was half a year ago, every time Ichiro Sandao passed by here, he could see that the section of the road was blocked by the students who were leaving school.
Many parents will come to pick up their children, etc., which makes the traffic jam even worse.  …
But now, that’s no longer the case.
Because half a year ago, Huayin Group built a school not far from this school and poached all the best local teachers.
Since then, Huayin Group’s middle school is the best middle school in the area.
Several middle schools with good reputation and strength in the past quickly declined after being poached by Huayin Group with high salaries.
Mishima Ichiro couldn’t help sighing when he saw the sparse students walking out at the school gate.
“In just half a year, the Huayin Group’s schools have squeezed out countless local schools. If this continues, will all the schools in the empire close down?”
As a person from the Ministry of Education, Mishima Ichiro is paying attention to these all the time.
In the past six months, he witnessed with his own eyes that schools in many parts of the island country were attacked by Huayin School.
Huayin School has strong internal teachers, superior teaching environment, and a large number of advanced teaching equipment. In contrast, the ordinary schools in the Empire are simply not good enough.
Even in the most prosperous capital, the local middle school is several grades worse than Huayin School.
Ichiro Sandao stayed here, staring at the declining local school in a daze.
Suddenly, a fifteen- or sixteen-year-old child walked up to him.
Across the distance, the child greeted: “Uncle!”
4.3 Lang Mishima heard the sound and looked at the boy. When the boy ran closer, he realized that the boy was his nephew, Mishima Xinnan.
Ichiro Mishima’s generation has three brothers, he is the eldest, and there are two younger brothers below.
As the eldest in the family, Ichiro Mishima is also the best among the brothers in the family. The other two younger brothers, one works part-time in the capital. Although the income is not bad, it is barely enough.
The other one originally opened a shop by himself, and the days are still moist.
As a result, after the Fukuyama incident, the local light industry and market of the island country suffered a huge impact one after another, and the younger brother’s shop also closed down directly in this impact.
Until now, the younger brother’s family is still living a life of sitting idle, without even a stable job.
Mishima Xinnan is the son of this younger brother.
Chapter 954: The Fall of the Island Education
Since Mishima Ichiro works in the Ministry of Education and has better connections in education, the younger brother asked him to arrange for his nephew to study at the middle school here.
At that time, the standard of this middle school was still very high.
But now…
“Ugh! ”
Seeing his nephew running over, Mishima Ichiro felt inexplicably depressed.
At this time, the nephew has come to him.
“What a coincidence, uncle, you just got off work?”
Ichiro Mishima nodded: “Yes, how has your study been recently? Is there anything that went wrong?”
The smile on the face of nephew Mishima Shinnan disappeared a little.
“Uncle, there are still not enough teachers here, since the school started this fall, our school’s teachers have been dispatched.
But many times, there are no teachers in our classrooms.
Many of the original students have transferred to Huayin’s school. I heard that most of our teachers have been poached by them.
This year, the school seems to have reduced the number of students, but the number of teachers is still very tight. ”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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